West Van. News (West Vancouver), 11 Feb 1937, p. 1

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A JÂ eekl̂ Newspap Circulating in the D istrict of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Holly burn, Westpn\, Dundarave. $1.00 per year. CyprCSS Park, Caulfeild'ifWhytecliff, Etc. - so l»er copy at ncwsalanda. ̂w. V, V̂ ol. XI HOLLYHURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY llth . 1937. No. 45 TOO MANY CBOOICS SPOIL THE BROTH ■ The old adage anenL, th^ mills of God is* again being exemplified in Russia' where certain persona intimately oon- nectod with the murder of the late Czar and his family jippear to be, likely to suffer a similar fate, unless they are more lucky'than they'deserve. Not so long ago "a purge" of some years was concluded, which reduced the number of Bolsheviks from something over 3,000,00 to 1,400,000, and now another ojie is ,in progress. Hundreds of infiuential citizens have been ai'i'ested, aiid, as one reads of what is going on, one wonders whether those who want^ to establish a Soviet Government , in'Canada are still as enthusiastic about its l^enefits. Stalin has probably'discovered at last that in government^ ; as in everything else too many cooks, or.shall we say crooks, .spoil the broth. I t is worthy of note how seldom a bandit who plays a lone hand is caught compared with those cases where " several are involved' and whose quarrels over the division • ol the spoils usually result in the arrest, and punishment of (he. whole gang. That'is what is happening in Russia today, 'and we are pot .saying-that the grand-^ukes,'who were th e ir ... ... predecessors in' power,, were one wit- better. " , Men in the aggregate are essentially selfish, and, although we tom'mit lese majeste in saying so,, therein lies one reason wl\*y no form of democracy can ever hope to be successful;, . A man here and there may be unselfish, but the great majority -ai e hot. A Lincoln may talk of government*by the people for ; the people and*'individually intend to follow that policy,, but •'by lime.his followers in office haVe had their say it has beebme- lii^ jno re than an exnejlent slogan to catch votes. ' ■ . , ...J There are two essential rules for successful government, the first,' of course, that a government must be obeyed, and- the second that it is the bounden^duty of that government - toact as parents to the governed^with all'that'impliesf 'Natur--- ally, the second is by far the mostjimportant, b'ecauseTqr one -thing-it guarantees the,, first, but unfortunately except in a. REEVE'S STATUTORY ADDRESS O.E.S. ANNUAL DANCE IMPERIAL VETERANS The Annual Dance off the Naomi Chapter, No. 26, Order of 'rile next meeting of the Imp­ erial Veterans' ,AM'̂oeintioii of 3{)() Dbminon Hank lluilding will be held on Tuesday, February .Gentlemen; . It is a pleasure to me that ibis , the Eastern Star, wijl be held year's Council is the same in 'Friday week, February .19th,. hi personnel as that of 1936, and it the Orange Hall, when the music Kh),. at (he Metropolitan Hall, is a special pleasure to welcome will be supplied by Garden's Or- ir>3 Hastings' Street, West, at the return of those Councillors chestra. Dancing will take place 7:30i).m. who were re-elected, believing it from 9 to 1 a.m., and refresh- Members are. asked'to bring to be an expression of confidence ments will be seiwed. Admis- any men who are Ex-rmperial on the.part of the general public sion; single, 75 cents; couplb, Veterans., in policies', of economy and pro- $1.25. - Admission is by invita- ,.()n the samb evening at the gressiveness and in the iiitegrity tipii only, and the card^must be ^ibove place the Ladies' Auxili- and high standard of civic gov- presented"at"the door. Any who' *" ' . . . . . . ornment which has been main- have not received their invita- tained in this Municipality ' tions are asked to kindly phone ary will also hold t,h,oir meeting. next m through the years past;, Under these happy, circum-; stances it is not necessary to make. any formal, addyess ..but,- with your permission, may j make a few suggestions which we might aim at during the year 1937, as follows; • „1. Our first.desire should be to endeavor to wipe out the re-' mainder of the" Bark, overdraft, the' secix3tary, Mrs. Reid at West'267-L. Winifred_ IIOIM'ICULTURAL SOCIETY "'c, i ^ meeting of the above sod-,JJNDER.NEW MANAGEMEN.l--|_;(,y,^y;.jjji-}.n,jjl l̂ ĵ (..rp̂ ĵ ,ĵ ĵ ŷ jjj ' Thomas Scott, formerly valet Municipal Hall when preliminary of the.Hotel Georgia, Vancouver, arrangements -were made lor the will' take over the West Van. ^ ............• Cleaners, 1439 Marine'Drive, on holding of the anmial exhibitions during the'coming year: Vari-.:. bus comihiltees'! have been ; ap­ pointed and the dates set . for the. Summer and Fall shows. Moriday, February Scott is a practical tailor and al- ------ -- r iu - - j v i. d?VAAn' terations, etc., will receive his , . , , , .amounting at.this date careful attention. He solicits the The^ dates selected were June .2,. While.iLis true that-the Vancouver - *l2th., ahd September 1 UK. - o.st of sop.ial services to the - 1(, .confiddntl.Y anticipated ative, to this' .appears ' in this Issue.'.-':'.;, ... ■ ............................. ■■ cost of social services to . the municipalities is to be eliminated as at the end of. March we .oan- -.:not depend, toomuch-on-the act- MEAT MARKET AT WESTON Griffiths' MeaF Market, situ- activlties.in our municipality and hiany new developments ihaug- 'uraiodt It is ..hoped, therefore, -thaL-lhe residehts-will/make a,- ual advantages that seem to ac­ crue from this action as there U wMch would offsot these advant- ated for the past year m. West, showts record ones for West Vaii- passed on from generaUons of foiebears who ^ Bay Store,, is now located in the • oouvVr as it is extiocloH fhorc- ^ p ^ l^ o v e rn i-n g ^ e a rn t^ th e ^ -----' ^ W h U ^ a n ' understandmiTstbre ^ it then. The Russian grand duks,..the_ ench a istoc acy, and .' already exisits* ̂with the-Rroy- posite the Marine Motors. PVee j.^gj^g^ts as* well as numerous the Irish landords w e^copsp instan ts , of this, as the ■ incfal. Government .that construe-' Delivery. Phone West 71-Y. wisitorshere during the sumrner J ^ ghsh:: aristogracy^ w ^ _ th e rtUmUh e ,̂jQ̂ :l5f::::ĝJ::̂ ^̂ ŷŷ]3| ^^}ge^atTSandy-- .. ---- nd-autumn-of--l-937r____________ ______________________ _ -It .is -true thelatter were shorn of their.~^wer and estates, but it ,\ya'F!by iownsmen.yvho! knew nothing of them and their ways. i -The clock'can never be set back,<and, eonsequentiy-,. the ; :above is no plea for aristocracy,' because that has gone for ever. It' is rather an explanation, of another .basic reason ^}iy d'embcracyTnros^t^aIways;ber^ . " ' , Jf hot democracy, whaF then ? Most certainly not "more Cove may begin npxt April -we GET ^OUR N i^ E ON .. . directors are working at should endeavor to get this.pp- - - -IHE VUln-Kfe .'plans, for the je c t"underway eai^Iier in; order - . activities of the coming season. that" much of the work-may be . On<> of firsf pvent q is completed before the heavy rush vincial voters list for North ' of. summer traffic. -V teoW er-lMs-appriixImai^ly--4000 fewer hames.than the fecli-.. February . 23rd, at . Inglewooi nt-oi n-of in 1 9 .̂ 4 : th ir ty "̂ School, when. Dr. G. E. Bayfielddemocracy, m uch.lesFdi^tbrihip with .thVburning exam^es f ^ ^ f v p n u A einariisTcon^^^^ ̂ 193^ .thirty;C§^|jool, «nH h«for. onrw es. - ' s S i d re"?e1ocSL^and enumerators starte<l o A house-' wrH pr . , . torhouse canvass in North yap- of Hitter and Mussolini, before our"eyes. The answer would'^appear to be-less democracy with chaos' as the alternative.'-, ̂ .. . . . !c «> -. lir WEST VANCOUVER BRANCH- RHO DELTA RHO ^ FRATERNITY ~ GIRLS? CHOIR ' properly; graded in order to re ̂ . , ' lieVe the congestion of. trafffo ■ - that oecurs~every~summer; ~~r ^Monqayr West Vancouver present.an informative talk on,' ."'LegiLmes,__their value to. ydu!"' Dr, Bayfield's skill as-a physician and also as- an Cx'pori- ..... . ̂ . Tti £iccoi*dHiiC€--WTCii i/iiw • . . . A Last year a new*concr-ete side. fions_A.ct'of British Columbia : praiSes from coast to coast. The West Vancouver -Girls'--^ walk was constructed-from . -- On-thc--same--platform--with--- fioir under the direction of Mrs., to 15th, Street; There 4s an in-' Lo^nchisp^at an election arede- tke Doctor will-be another web..,, Uolin MacLean. will not practice creasing demand for the opening . f . , . . case ^ome figure to amdteur gatdefi- ' ■ as" usu;al on Saturday-morning up of business properties-on-both . ;Nor£h~Vaff^u:veY ProvineiaT " - of-vWes^Vancouyet\ -in~the- - in the-United Church.hall owing sides of Marine Drive, and as the whFdid 'not bf RobL Battonsby* of whd'winv^peaFph "Sp ̂ ing." . .! . . y "A iimited':amount of tim . ~ ~ This newly "organized branch of- the long established Ne'w Westminster fraternity, has as its members some fifteen young high school and varsity studeriis^ The object of the club is foster' a true fraternal spirit a- mong the members; "This in it­ self should mjake the organiza­ tion worthwhile, for all realize the- great need-, of fraternal • brotherhood in the .world today. The - members believe' that- the training they will receive, both to so much sickness - amongst :sub;grade is~practic'^ly prepared- votFlFFFd ^y-elQction of 1934 the members but they are asked we should endeavor if finances are-ndt'tiow on the Hist, unless ' to report as usual on Saturday, jerm it, to continue this sidewalk rcrregistered in the the 27th instant. , ' during ■the;-current year, as far THE BURNING BUSH By Subad'ar . -as the "new Post, Officer. It is hoped that work can con^ tinue on th< ̂eastern ̂ section of. that the enumerators Amblesid^ Park with a -View-to - ̂ nh a>iri <r f.b ip .a nvass. When The Registrar of Voters de- ^ allowecUfter each speaker s ire s todriw 'ppblicatten.tionto' questions.and.answers, and. -------- AmDiesiae*i^i=K 'wiim ^ WllI>«ome pompletmg it^as a.smtame Rugby; ..election time cbnies around t rise.,up* onHiis hmd legs and ex-- . fi hefofe the end of the ^re always people who insist plain the reason for all this 4. The number of i^ssengers ;|.ĵ ^̂ .|.ĵ ĵj, j^ ĵ^^g gj^euld ;b publicity about the ass who--being carried on our buses __will,__.̂ ĵ g„ .̂ ^̂ gj,g .jjg|-. ĝ chained himself to' a radiator? probably increase very consider- . taken-off without, their know- J ^ y ^ -.;shouJd.:^it- j 3e--taken for.. _^y__durm gU ie_jmnin ^ ye .o.r. consent. -̂ 1_;-- „ „ ■ - i-- and conducting-business-meet-' granted- that the idiocies o f-a ;. Aiarangemem..sho4 d^^ ̂ time to n^ake sure' 'ings, vaH taP d them good 'man .with obviously ' a solid ' -formulated Tor the obtaming ô ̂ your name is listed. The Kcretal^ of Ih ^ ^stea'd'TmTuture life. The frater- marble skull are of the slightest ana^her bus.which is now an ab- .^numerators is to ' -a - nity is sponsqnnglaM dancej ;:t̂ ^̂ date, of:which will be announced in.the next Issue, iof the' West the ^public '̂ are -Welcome' to ask questions of-the speakers "on the ; subjects of-thg evening. Should there -be 'more ques-, tions and answers than can" be disposed of during the_cycning,v or in event of illness or -other ..,. chuse-for absence, the inquirer has only to 'wi'ite' a"i^i;ter fuil-p^ in te r^ tlo W 'body? Ahd^what solute .necessity. ^ . see "that afi .Merlons efigible to ^ S o n 'S ^ h e kind of a girl can .she. beAwho_ 5. As --vote are included--in-Lhe_-W.ote.rs_.̂ T̂ ĵ̂ .̂ _̂̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^ .would surrender to such crazi- First Narrows. Bridge ha^ recent- ̂ __̂;,̂ s p e a k ^ -Van News,--and-pians are under--ness? JWJateshe_-oughteto-^ve--l^b^^ of"̂ ihan^ weigh to make this the outstand-. done was to have made him j ust- ,fify .his citizenship from Excelsior. • new • subdivisions during tne promptly after the lecture. No this ing social event of the year.-- cT-- •"V * -i; ■ cin'wTicrQ hv throwing- a large coming.year requiring such ser- as gravelled roads and'. AQcia'l.- Guests will include Westminster_frater WORLD DAY OF PRAYER "e r v k t F ^ mad<r. for " This year the World Day of . .. The directors will be glad to Prayer will be held at 3 p.m. to- arrange' to answer any question moCTow;:̂ (EiddayX- Tm;the .yWest ,„,ThrQugff an. aefigisary boarcTto he aim uDii- - ,.j xv,-Vi,rc pKnin and anv new suDciivisions * are ap- Members_J5|_the--fraternity 'many'Ku^^ ̂ ot-munrciparand tended'^toailwomenr -burn7-B.^G7 : xucmy^s_.o^ine--iratermTy fiipt^g^rfew weeks many nunareas oi municipal ana spent a very enjoyable week-end fW A urbp^an 'eDidemic-of fools -privately owned'lots can be ob- whioh*=has existed m the past we- - ." "'" ■"" ' ""4-mster; where they th e m S Iv lf to twined withoutany cost to the may-hope to justify , the conAd- _ s t s _ o f - h a v i n g - a l l ' fhe-neees-- -ence which the-public-has-placcd- in New Westminster, where they ^ l ) f 6t|ier/in that city., - et'o^ etc sary services, and the opening in u s . ----- * . OffireU%f.the frajemity, are_ Am I « ^ y ^ ' Ye^ with a big Yi up of other.districts which would Fin^ce^Committee Hon. Bres.,. James R. Mitchell-;. a i S i are you,-brotherj-unless.-reguire.services at further ^ lP ^ 3 .-fa rk € r;..Y ic e B re s .,,P ;- . y ^ l ? e weafc^^ i^which fo the.Saxpayer-shouId be die- Board pfWw^^^ ^g g er; Secretary, Y. Johnson; tfv . .f®. tUo of 'courag • ' . ,;Conncillor R. Fiddes.- -^-. :■■■,- •li'easurer, W. Parker, -y-- THE BRITISH TSRAEL WORLD FEDERATION __ - (Dahdarave- Branch)-Jl-- 25th aiLd<Marinp Drive Coun- ' - Again? W e ve been- waiting here a long inie%f"thpt mother of mine." - say/| , - r ; ' Ok, Jack, this' is so sudden." case you will think the^tory of this self-chained willy boy inter, esting. ^*^In^conclusion. may' I ask the -F . T^ansporta^^ , Meeting Monday, February 15, 4937; speaker Major MathcsoH; and. subject:- "The Faith." All are .welcome. . . ' ' The .difference-betsveen a little girl 'and .8̂9*! w4nts an alMay sucker, and a big . /g ifl just .wants one'for the-eyenir^. Chairmen of last year's commit-. - Councillor G. p . .Elgar. v t m T*r .4. 4. - tees ;to continue in charge of. ' Water and Fire--- t,.Coun.cilto . wrote their respective departments as S., Gisby. - , re Lot .12, Block B-W. D. outlined below,' and ' I am. sure Itespectfully-submittedr--i ^ th lu lW o n t in u e te work with ■ . Ji B. LEYLANB > , Referred- to the Council for -. thrsam e haiKnony-amd. go^^ . _ - . examination on^the ground. *«g vlt--