West Van. News (West Vancouver), 4 Feb 1937, p. 1

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. .-H '- ̂ . it j y - * Circulutti^g in the District of \Vest Vancouver'̂ Am blesidê Holly burn ̂ Westoht Dundaruve $1.00 per year. Cyprcss Park ̂ Cdulfeild ̂Whytecliff ̂ Etc. £c per copy at newsstands. HOLLYBURN P.O.. VgEST VANCOUVER. B.C.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th,. 1937 ■'No. 44- A BOARD OF TRADE With the immediate construction of the F irst Narrows JJridge now assured the time would seem' to be ripe for the rcHiirrecting of the W est Vancouver Board of Trade. This latter body came into being a number of years ago when the • first controversy over, a F irs t Narrows Bridge 'arose, and fol­ lowing the' defeat of the proposals then put forth gradually languished and died. ̂During the few years of its existence it did some useful work particularly in the m atter of the i , bridge, it being the organization primarily responsible for the campaign ' in favor of access to the bridge being allowed through Stanley Farl^ j^hen a plebiscite Was taken on that,. ■ (uiestiph in.A^anCouver. A t the 'sam e 'tim e it has- to*be. adr nfitted, if "b u r«memory serves us rightly, .that the board never received th a t wholehearted support which one would .• have expected. ■' ' There will doubtless be some who wJU wonder ju st what use there is fo ra board of trade in a'place like.West Vancouver, which is and will always' be. a purely residential cen tre .. The - ans'wer is, of course, th a t only, heavy-industries are forbidden. ' T-here-are-air-eady. quite a number of merchants dqing business in various, lines in' the municipality, and w ith 'th e ' years and the rapid growth in population, which, may be juhti- ' fiably expected, others, are bound to come in. ' ' An active board of . trade backed by .the business men of any town or d istrioH s of great benefit to the community. It has certain powers of its own .under the law, and in addition . „ to helping the council with a body of solid, opinion in m atters of public welfare," can -be very useful in -many^ ways, particu­ larly in community efforts. ■ Now th a t spring is ^af>proachihg and thfe stage, seems set for a busy summer in. W est Vancouver, we should like tO see' a public m eeting called to discuSs^the q u e s t i o n . • " TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD CELEBRATES FIRST BIRTHDAY Me r c h a n t s ' CONCERT WELL ATTENDED COMING EVENT'S A unique and lovely arrange­ ment of French blue and pink ing in Hollyburn Theatre' a t the There was a large and enthusi­ astic audience last Sunday even- ^ FebruaryTOth--Danoo by Naomi Chapter, No. 26, .Order of the Eastern'Star, in Orange Hall. candles with flowers in pastel shades graced the tables for the first birthday party of the Townswomen's Guild at the Clachan, last-Thursday evening, when well over a hundred mem- concert given by the West Van­ couver School Band under the sponsorship of the West Vancou­ ver merchants. Conductor A, , W. Delamont again demonstrated his genius CONSERVATIVE DANCE FOSTFONEl) The St. Valentine^s dance to j begjiven by the West Vah6ouV6î . , . , , . . . r i Conservative Association oil Fri- bers and guests sat down to a as a trainer and leader of bands. ,i«v Fobrniirv, 12tli in Hollvburn baMquet arranged by Mrs;. A. E. While many of the m em V rs ot rl?v ilim rha^boen'S to . ■ committee. The ■ the band were obviously younger Aoril 2nd »"thoroabouts owing . m-mcipal tables formed a "T" for ..and therefore less .experienced^ -to sickiiCBs iiii(i the'continued Townswomen, other tables being th a n . the .Kitsilano Band, their cold spell. ' added to accommodate the large rendition of. the various num^ . Any of the large number who number. An, iced birthday cake bers,' some of them quite diffi- have secured tiekets'and who so ' made by Mrs. Young, with one cult, was excellent.' One noticed desire can get their money back ... candle,graced the top table and , 'th e same snap and .release, and by.communicating with the sec- was cut by the president, Mrs., the same light and shade which rotary. ' A; Cromar Bruce. "Happy. Birth- charactei'izes the world famous day" table napkins and Jpu-jou organization in Vancouver made place 'favors a t each plate to- ' by M^. Delamont. He has set his gether ' with clever h;^dih;^de -mark upon them ialready,and hats, made an attractive picture, they, will be a difficult orgahiza- Mrs. A. C. Bagley, vice-presi- tion to beat in the competition at dent, was toastmistress and ten Toronto, Exhibitibn this year., if toasts were given,,.interspersed the funds are availabje to 'send Please watch this newspaper for further announcements. ■ THE BURNING BUSH ̂ By Subadar According to press reports no - . . . - ,, , Canadians re s id en tin th eco u h - . with . community.- singing and , them there. 01 thfe various 150I0- try of their birth appear in ihe ■A HITLER'S DECLARATION Nobody who has'w atched H itler's methods^for the past year or two.obuld have bebn- surprised a t his declaration on . his inauguration to another four years of power. I t was the same Hitler speaking,, b latant,-unrepentant and .inipertinent, ; and the mere fact th a t his Nazi rule suits Germany is proof ' that in. as.suming. thi's attitudje he. was merely reflecting Germany's moo4. " "■ ....,. .... 4 There lyere the usual contradictions. While teanflg jip3the".7 ■ last of the V ersaill^:'T reaty he asserted .with a ^andiloquent 'Ur^that ^ specially written numbers by the ists, Russell Escott had to, give King's recent honors list, on'ac- Guild Choir under Mrs' J. H. an encore for his . xylophone count of the objection to that : ^ m i th . ' number, whten Miss M argaret form of recognition on. the\parl, ' . G uests--taking, part in the .M cIntyre accompanied him on ,.of the powers tha t be. Were I . toasts^were Mrs. F. G. Lewis, the piano, while Mias,Mary Ford, an M.P. in the House a t Ottawa, . president'of the Women's Gan- a talented Vancouver elocution-: for. which praisea'^be, 1 should be ,.,^adian.,.Cltib:;.MrSwDonald,Saunr__i,stlwAs,.called.up0n.f.br_.an,j.naor.e_-,-gerting-4ip~on~my~hihdJegs.To_:...„ _ iders, municipal regent, H.O.D.E., on the-tw o occasions she ap- 'suggest we wash out all. "the Burnaby; Miss E. J .. Stevens, .peared oh the platform. • honorables" tagged on-to the - "•president NorthVancou-vei^Lwal Miss Anjje Ritchie,' the guest names of our more outstanding Council.of Women; Mrs. E. H: artist, w ho„is. spending a ,fe w politicians. If "honorable" -be- Tomer, agricultural conyen^Bj for_ . .^?9?fbs here a fte r studying for .fore one's name »is not_a title ;the Local Council; l^ s . . J , B. some y ^ r s in Cl'icagb, was heard .x*-d like some'o t Leyland_ .and' lVi[is^,^"DV.paw^nt- to advantage in three vocal solos,- to explain-jiist what they call it. * president of the Ybungrer T o w -which,pleased theia'fge hudiehbe "And there ' haye' been some of ^ T Y l l l f t l l r- o V i x j V i Q V T i v i n . .....J . I . ______ _ 1 . 1 - _ J . ..... ................ J to co-operate with, the o ther nati<® .for, peace and economic progress. 'T ha t is tO' say, he concludes the- tearing up of one \ treaty and then,; tak ing .his s-poken words ►at their face .yajue,.., [ expects other nations, meaning England and France, to enter into other treaties,w ith him. Of course, he eypecta nothing of the kihdi indeed, th a t is the last th ing he desires. Further, : to -make assurance doubly sure that there would be nQ__CQ̂ womenVGuild.-Regrets were re- very .much, she having-to twice them in the^^ast so designated ~ "ceivedv frorti Mrs^ F. J. .Roisfon, respond with an jencore number. who„ could and did kidnap more.: = îJs====Helen=GFego îy===4VIacGiIl7=====^^s==Marga-ret^ ̂ l̂oosb funds"that lysre knockiiTg -Mrs. E, H. Brooks and Mrs. A. as accompanist. -. around than the modern gentle-^ M. O'Donnell., " r ' .. Pi"incipal Condon, manager of men who follow; thai! particular- ̂ operation,-he plainly-excepted Russia from such proposals'. ganized by .the president, Mrs. -- All-€f-it -just-a-roundabout-way*of-thumbing h is ho.se at-Eden-----Gromar'Brucer^T^^^ Special greetings and a "toast tbe band, made a brief address,.. form of graft. Let us^at least were-extended from W est'Van- " m whmh he stated th a t the one be consistent, as the bandit re- couver Guild, the first'in Canada, request'o f the local merchants marked when he tapped his part- X- cvx 1------- sponsoring the concert.was that ner bn the head'and grabbed h is i-those-liying.-here.and-notrdealing---share-; ofdyierproceedS-of--a--goOd- with them would call at_their nighf. in the hold-up game,. . stores7;when:theynvou|d^isoover I; S ' ^ to Stonehaven Guild, the first in So0t4andT--bot-h--h%y-ing--been-or and Blum. ̂ . responded 'To' by Mrs. G. A. in prices, quality and ser- The doctors have certainly .."In our closely settled country our demands for;oolomes - , Grant, who leaves to, spend a vice they could-equaj any of-the -put the fear into, the populus this ^ M A J 4 m ^ __ ____ ' _ _ x : ^ ^ 1 * -----------------3 ^ -- -- ^ ---------f' < --------j -- ^ ^ ^ i f ^ -- - T x . --w-ill̂ gain-and-again-be-voiced-is-some4hing-̂ elf-ev-identA^H^--""vacatiorrii spoke tru th there, for it .was the crux of his whole ̂ declaration. , February and will convey the A Germany innocent as a helpless :damb of starting the last greetings. ~ . war, during-which she never-did anyone any harrin was un- ^ •̂ M embers-taking part in the justly-robbed o f-h e r beautiful colonies, which belonged* to .̂ Toasts were,Dr., B. Vass, Mrs. B.v- ANNUAJp-lBiRTHDAY TEA POSTPONED ► nobody and which nobody 'w an ted ' when she acquired them, and, consequently, they m ust be given back to her with pro*: found apologies for such a destardly crime." That was the burden of his song, 'boiled down to" a few words. And, if any- jone thinks H itler would be r satisfied with their return, he" would be quite wrong. As. Wodehouse would say, the world is indicated, likewise the moon, if i t can be reached and is worth while cadging. ' "With the known, facts before us of what Germany did i.rom_19_14_tO'_1918,_they.readllike_theJvap_ourings_oLa_madman___Ke M. Grady, Mrs.' E. Therrien, MrSv L; Rankine, Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, Mrs. D. W. Graham, Mrs. John-Fox, Mrs. J.. Sentance, Mrs. F. Harrop, Mrs. A. T. Cushing. Two vocal num bers. by* Mrs. R. W .^ o u d ,; with Mrs. T. Turnel* a t the piano and a rendition, of "Lilac Time at winter dve.r the ^flu epidemic. The moment a ̂ person ^ets a sniffle he proW tly -dives into cover and holes:^ up like am bid badger. You qan't even smoke him out. Of course, Jt.'s a wise .XM&AViViViknlMIuWKvn but, unfortunately, they also represent .the consjdgred_.belieT: " '̂""'oftohe ofThe'cleverest and most heavily arnied-nations iri-the- ^ -world,;. ' " x' . / ' , , *. And, to quote Shakespeare, "There's the rub." ' rjory -Clark, On account of the frosty wfeatJmr and_sno_w the Third An- precaution and nobody wants to nual Birthday Tea and Sale of be seen out this--weather if i t . Home Cooking of St. .Stephen's- can be reasonably avoided. Some Inglewood *W.A., scheduled- to 'say.the i ^ cap shifted. If . take plaoe-Tomorrow (^riday) it has; it certainly does" n o t'f it ', in the Inglewood Sunday School, anybody on, this coast. These are has' been postponed until some the days when all 'hands wish - later date. , they had wings and could follow The^new date and full particu- ̂ the ..birds south'. Possibly, when - ""price^^aeroplanes h as : beeTT TOWNSWOMEN'̂ G U ILD _ --With words of ' appreciation. Miss M. Barrow^ presented the president with a set oT silver te"̂ spoons on behalf of the Guild, M rs-J. -W. Bisset also making a - for, will appear_Jn d later issue of this newspaper.- y^' presentation of a___corsage_J>-Ou= -day-,- ^February-- 16th7-;-^ub3ect:'-:^r^^y-r--^^;-^= -,.̂ --------- --- -- ' . Several 'o f the members of The ^Folk. Dancing group will Younger Townswomen's Jnog-t a t tAe-hQme__of_Mr^ ^ '.-̂ ^GniMTHndly-assistedJm-^errtng.- BRITISH-ISRAEL WORLD . FEDERATION (Dundarave Branch) reduced; to $25 and .they-can-be 'purchased on the instalment plap, ther^ will'be a great exodus every whiter to the forests of B ra z i l /^ e r e nuts and monkeys are plentiful and can be'had free The a n n u a P te the Townswomen's Guild wiU be held p ^ ^ en _ ,rep orts._2.Bagiey _ on , Thursday afternoon be ■ given'and election^of -ofr ̂ a t 2:80 o'clock; __ fleers will take p la ce .: M ajor ------------- :------ ^ -^arold-.-Brbwn-will--be-the^uestH^:-- ATFewishrbusinessmian7=hav=if^ speaker ' ing-had a successful year, spent le Book Chih m pt nf th e ' ' - --»r--- • , • t. i? -- hbme of MPs. ___r_, -- ^of-chargeT- It-s-a greatocountry,.. .r -M eeting-at 25th and Marine they say, if it - wasn't for the Drive, Monday,. February 8th, alligators a t 8 o'clock; speaker, H.^Robin- -- ■ -- son,- .subject---"The. M e s s ia n ic --"Women YOUNGER TO\YNSWOMEN'S GUILD jTSreme of the Bible." welcome._______ AIl are knew one: BARBARIANS DANUE , "Well,, why didn't, you niarty her?" Book Club m et a t the '̂ i^Fg^sOhiln lavi TV, *■"J T®* Fagley o n : ajid"antiques, and informed hisinursday, January 21st, when ̂ i..-. x.. The next regular meeting of "/ Everyone is-Iooking forward reviews w ere given on the fol- J<^g.books: "Rise and S p read | M Buddhism" from "Outlines,of H i ^ r y " by H. G. Wells, by M rs .! R. Piddesi "Kim,"^Rudyard.Kip-1 hng,. b y -Mrs. J. F. .Ja"cks6n; ^^66n Goddess," Wm. Arohesr,'. wife of' his intention to increase his fire insurance policy. SheJb-urst into tears. i'Oh, Abe,' with - eagerness to tomorrow evening when the. Girls' Auxili­ ary to the Barbarians will close th e ir ,, social season-with their third" annual Valentine Dance. "I asked her, but she,wouldn't have me." "" ; ^ ---------'--'------ Little Spokane G. Washington, who had brought "h is school books home with him to do-some the Y.T.G. will be held a t 8:15 p.m. Thursdayf February 11th, a t -2130 Argyle Avenue. An int­ eresting program has been plan- , . , . 1 ned>- including an address by _ ^̂ ^̂̂ , , sheened, IS it real-- the speaker of the evening; Miss The Hollyburn Pavilion will be .-studying, was stuck; , ^ ly ipecessaryT -^ l^as beginumg ,; take ^ her en fetei^for'the:.occasion and a. '̂ Say mammy," he inquired of to love the old home.so m uch!" subject "Wardtobe^ PIafining." . vetry popular orchestra will be in his mother^ "whu-t's a' millennir ̂ "-------------- ------- Miss G .'S p k r will, also demon-^ attendance. \ ' iiTnr>- by Mr"s' w'* M?T.arpn'* S'The piimist wap playing The strate glovemaking-.-There will Lending their patronage for Day,'LFd. J.' Thomnson bv M rtP • ^ of Wedding March.^ ..be a short^ musical program, and ̂ the affair are Mrs. J. B. ^ ^ n d , iW h a t's th a t '" asked ;Mfs: those wishing to join are asked M rs.LestockReid,M rs..E .Ther- M. PorstfH^ hv Tn«oa + 'n iJfnP tP h^ wearwhusi--to kindly-note fees m u^tbe'paid" rien and-Mrs. VOrnon Lester. , T. B arrow ; ,^fones, tu im n g ,t^ e r_ ^ e a ry ^ , meeting-iiefore ■ -Tickets iway J t e obtained from, head of.the fam ily ,-"I t 's jes de fhP'hpdnninff-of the 'closing~of the chartered any member of the Girls'. Aux-* "sam e'ez a centennial, only- ito m em bersh ip ;: V ~ . iliaiy or the Rugby to m . -- ------------------ ' bP Foems oh India, "Lawd,- hab -mercy,- honey I" exclaimed his, fond mothejr. Ask yo' poppy, maybe he knows.";* "Sho ah does," braggOdU-the t f -Kir Tl/r----^ A WX11J5 .UX1 XUUia,-- y Mrs. E. Them en. The next meeting will be^held a t the-home got more laigs.' a ;