West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Dec 1937, p. 4

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|ig*iŝ)i;%f ĉs4î r̂.. vn"W *!̂' f- TOE WEST VAN NEWSafgaaii--" December SO, 1037. s«aii W i s h i n g A // a - M r p B p e r o u B N e w Y e a r ̂ u ' i . \ Ij-' u' Will' 'f.m-i i i ■̂1 »f: Ŵ I tiv i¥s k i - z>, I I!: I'","Vih : •:S1 Phone Went 46 avRED AND WHITE ?'hone-------- -̂------ --------- - W est 46 M e a ts-- P h o n e We.st 370 r^mCES a o o n for THUItSOAV and KhmAY, Dec. SOlii & Sint ■ ̂ ■' »;OM»KN ( OHN 2 I'Imm 25c I'KAS, Sii u- 1 - ... 2 Ti«M 2.1c I'KA.S. Hicvc 1, per lin „ . .•.*l5c OKKKN IJEAN.S 2 Tinn 21c ( AT.Sl I' ^ ISr I'KAHS. HhI iti While tin I5c i'KA -Aiinl .Miiry'h ~ H>. 17c ( o n KK He<| A While tin 15c N ll'iS I'aney »pialily 2 lha. -15c CKA.NIlKUItlKH. per Ih. 21c Al'I'I.KS Spilz li IhH. 25c Al'I'I.KS .Muck 5 25c OKANliK.S Kxira hir«:e do/,."-10c O U A N O K S-Sm ull I do/. Sack 59c (iKAl'KI'IUJI'i I for 15c MEATS ST. S T E P H E N S W .A. T h e m em t>er" <>f S te p h e n > W , A. he ld th e ir nninial im n d in r o r t ': 'r u e 8 d a y ; : "-the ■ -'h U h .. n i J i i |E W Thi* day oominene^'d wi it > > C om m union Service m ̂ ̂ ; c h u rc h u lwhich the mernl<er.>* adjourned t the Parish Hall v. h e re th e hUHi- neHs meeting w;e- held. At i " '*' - li halt was mad*' lor which a mo.st k ' t P dre.s.s wa.s f̂ivCii hy I ; UioccHaii Pr<;ti;d*'i>t. on hei .t to H a lifax , in .Idn," . w | ; " ».*<*. .-ht* . a tte n d e d th e Anoiial Donm uo V*" i S. HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW ^EA R JE FFE R IE S 'S u p e r io r . M e a t s Government Inspected Only Turkeys - Geese - Ducks - Cbickens h a m s LAMB BEEF PORK VEAL COLD MKA'rS OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN I'llONE WEST 3 .F --------------4̂,» HF TliKKEVS. DtJOKS, OEKSE Ho,mi"Me(!liii)'. Th..ii |■"l!"«'l"l , ,,,, •I'lldreMH hv I lie IM'e.snlent, •H ICK EN S, C O r rA G E R O LLS i \ II J'.n Kes, lo r Ph'i7. G A IN E R 'S S W IL T 'S E M -rrC H E R 'S -(-- H A ilS............. a f t e r w hich r*'M"rts wei'i- sUh- H alf o r m ille d by th e l i Mf i d iv«*. W hole T h e follow ing « nil icers wen elected fo r H)3H: IT e.side iit. Mr.<. mi-'l-'liX P O R K V E A L l i A M R F - ' H- Parkert: \' ice P i 'i 'sideiit,i .L I I O R K , VLAI> , I . A A l» ^..rndary Mrs. L. -f Ji. J u p p ; Tr<'a.'-u rer, f '. . . . . . . . _____ 11........Lu.n • rv»i.i«(*i;M()ii(tiiie See., Wibhin« all our customers, and friends A Very Prosperous New Year ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD ____ .^.KOR KKAL SATISFACTION ------- r .ri,iK i.o w i.;ii -- s l'KOliTO , llam|W<m; C oir.'.̂ iM.MitiiiK F . ' .KI.KKV l,f .rm !c ,.| .M r» .W .( ': .W ilts h ir , . ;K .lu » n .m wlrlSwt i 'EM O PH O N E (lAlVlE R E S IJI/I 'S , - ■■■ O ' . ....... Y ^ . w , , , ... . , 'I'he ilrawitiK for th e pri'/ea w hich num bered seven in all th ro u g h th e co iirtesy o f .several kind donors in' th e T elephone G am es took [ilace a t 2lR0 p.in, W ednesday, l)ee<'m her 22nd, m I he H.G. Eleciia'e s to re , th e m an- aKer kindly draw iiiK for sam e in th e iireseiiee of fou r ni.em bers of llni TowiisYMotium's G uild. 'I'he'proe(>eds, $2 0 , have been plaeed in I be Royal lian k for r b r i s tm a s ( 'b e e r 'F u n d . '■ .The pri'/.e-w iim ers arel a s fol­ lows : , Mrs. W. H em petl, 2244 Helle- v'ue • . , M rs. F. llarriiiK U ^i, 12th and -M arin e Mrs, ,J. \v?itt, 1744 Marine Mrs. R. A. Davies, CJordon Avenue Mrs. 11 H. Christie. 2250 Ingle­ wood. Mrs. F. (i. He wilt, 2042 Marine MKs. C. ,H. Clmdhourne, 2282 IngleWood. ' ' ■ ('Po he picked up from 4he H.C, Electric). I,.().L. No. 2090 . At riie annual meeting of the iibiive lodge held on December oist, (he following brethren were elected and installed, in the I'i'speel.ive blfices: , Worshipful Master: II; Fallows . , Deinity Master: T. Litlleford Chaplain: G. Brine Kec. Sec.: J.. iiid. Jamieson l"iii. See.: J. Waller Treasurer: W. Carley Marshal: Wor. Bro. V. Fei'gu- son Eirsl Lectiin.'r: Wor. Bro, J. iM-rgusoii "Second Lecturer: ,Wor. Bro. J, Duckworth T.sl Committeeman.: J. Hutch­ inson -- '̂jiTrd~("lnm m itieeman-:--IV-Ligh t:-- id..Jjetn,..J!di:a.__!LLa ~ I)r>rca-s~--S ec ;,--" ^ l r ^ s ^ - M ^ I 7 = T ( ^ United Thunk OlVermg- Sec,, Mrs. I). Jay; E.xira Cent a Da.v S(.*c.,-Mrs. J. \V. Baiik.s; Social Service Sewing Seiv, Mrs.. M. Phillips; Flower (kuiveiier. Mrs. J. Forsyth ; Press Reiiorter, Mrs. L. J. Wrisberg: Rep. Diocesan Board, Mrs. C.' Hamp.son and TMr.s. 'L/M. Wrisberg,^ Alt. Rep. Diocesan Board, Mrs, F. Eatpek • ami Mrs. W. T. Davies; la'ving Me.ssage, Mr.s, D. Jay. 'I'ea brought a very siieeessriil meeting lo.a close. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 r C L A S S I F I E D A D S The r'lLe for Classified-iAdvwrtisenients is 2 cents per^word, miniinuitt 25 ceiilJi. Vixeept In the case of. those having regular acepunts, all classi- fiedH are puyalile-Hlrictly >b advance. . • • j* , i# " leinber ( 'luHHifieds in the W est Van News get im m ediate rcMults.Itetm SAVKiMONIiV on youf,land clearing. Iliivu experience an^, equipincHt. liusli jobs wanted. W est 2f)2-L. LEGION HALL FO R REN T -- Meet, ings, P arties, etc.; m oderate rates. Phone VAjst 184-Y. F: W. Rivers, FLOOR SURFACING -- .L S uther­ land, 214-1 Mahon Avynue, North 145H-L. ̂ ________ ' -1---- Silly (iueslions A .society mat run w'ns describing MASON'S TAXI -- Day and n igh t; healed ear; passengers fully insured West .512: ;_____________ MARCEL SHOP -- Therm ique Steam Perm anents. Only best materials < used. E xpert operators. 'Phone W est 304, Royal Bank Building. of ley Sr.' . „ ;:rd C .om m itteem an : A'. T abo r 4 th C o m m itte iim an : A. H a rro n ,5tli C o m m itteem an : J. P a rk e r ■ 'I 'y le r: Rt. W or,' Bro. A. H ar- '.rOn- ■ Sentiiu>r: W or. Bro. ,h P a rk e r A udilor.s: W or. Bro. J. D uck­ w o rth and W or. Bro. J . F'ergu.soii. a .visit she recently made to one the down-town ho.spjtals. " It. was a eharity call," slie ex- liiiren thToifgh'])lained, "and ' J was the ward. W hat sight's 1 .saw'! There was one poor chap who;>e head was covered w ith bandages. 1 -asked him if there w a s something wrong with his head -- and he made the nio.st peculiar repl.V;" WANTED -- Furniture, Brie a Brae, Stoves,. H eaters, etc., .highest prices paid. Call W est 01. Bprrurd Junk '---(^7 --"---"----- .:... -..'---V----- . CHIMNEY SW EEPIN G -- Old Coun­ try way. G uaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. P alm er, Capilano, N orth 811-R-2. ■ F.T.ECTRIC and Mechanical Toys,' WANTED -- We pay the highest prio's for bottles, rags, m etals, etc. Calf W es t t)l. Burrard Junk Co. Juvenile Autos, W agons-recondition­ ed. W est Vancouver Machine Sho]),: lfj4t) Marine. , »-- J. SINCLAIR APPOINTED SECRETARY TO MINISTER JamuH Sinclair, formerly On tlu* .siair of Hie 'West Vancouver T(THigirSch'ool, iiit.s becii appuiidtk .sL'cretaiy to Mon. VV. J. As.scl- .stine,• Mini.stefOf Mines,- Trade and Industry. 'Plu' two left Tor Victoria on Tue.sduy evening tp "'Id-iC ' D eput y-- C(>iinty- M aster, conducted the . election and in­ s ta lla tio n , .was a ssis ted hy p tlie r c o u n ty pfl'icet's. and v is itin g b re th re n . 'Pbo noyl ivlnilar tineetituf '01 ." W hat did he say ? " a.sked one of the other ladies. ' ...'" Woll.'t replied tlie' society mqtron, ..t'h.c. 1qok Of] a t. me,, very--strangely_and__ .sjiid: 0; lad j~ " MyOi-oulde~is Teally an ingrown toenail--^but the bandage TWO HANDY MEN WANT Repair Work, requiring lumber, cement, pipe tittings, clearing lots.T*'ir wood reanoiiable. Phone W est 647-L. CHIMNEY SW EEPIN G -- Sawdust burners in talled; fu rnace repairs. Phqne G. M eldrum, 1103 Lonsdale N orth 822. l.O.ST--Sunday week, Baby's shoulder .straps. Steelman," W est 547--R. INSTALLATIONS--E lectric Repairs, convenience outlets installed; J . H. P a te^» rW 8L S t 108. -slipped- up!' " orgaip 'y .o iho new d e p a rtm e n t. _M-{l;--S i ntda i t--g rn d ua ted--f roni- Iho U n iv ers ity o f B.(.', in mec- hanical e n g in ec rin g in 1028, ami -la te i--!»ujxsuitd-Jiis--studje.s- a s . a . R hodes S cho lar a t O xford Uni- th e lodge w ill.be held on Janu-- a ry - '4 th , a t w hich all-, b re th re n a r e u rg ed ,to he p resen t, as m a t­ te r s o f v ita l im portance to th e •lodge' will be d e a lt w ith . T he m e e t in g will s t a r t p rom ptly tit m oun t ofbusine.s.s on the.agem iti 'IN .MEiMORJAM' In fond remembrance of a dear hu-sbund and ; fa ther, W. Lymaii Jones, late of W eston, W e s t Van­ couver., who passed on December :toth, Ty;M. "Gfdden M emories" -J^aV-l-N4:P-WH^^i: ANN4T AND. CHILDREN Insurance & R eal E state J '. C. GIBBENS & CO.- l TDT 1473 M arine Drive W est 704- FTHfNISHEDjAND UNFURNISHED Ho.ijses tQ /^ n t-- H ouses, Lots, and acrea^S-for sale. Lawson; & Pride, 1704 Marine, Phone W est 55. RESTA W H ILE Convalescent H o m e- N urse Conquest, R.N. W est 86-1,-2, -- 136"27-th-Street:---- ^ ------ GORDON RQBSON, B arris te r , Solic­ itor, 1447 M aripe; appointm ent only. W est 403; 510 H astings,; Seymour -'4199;'\afternoons. . ___ . -±t7 INVESTM ENTS and IN S U R A N C E - -George--Nutt,-c| o-Riddell,--Keen] ey-̂ TO OU^l-RE^DERS Sjnopsis of Land Acl -sidenSrW alsh~ttd:f^&~W ^st~Ha5^ ings, Vancouver, Sey. 4491; Resi­ dence, W est 73-X; v e rs ity , in ' th u .same .subject, o.stabli.shiug a b rillian t record a.s .q .student and a th le te . W hile on th e .staff of th e Higli School h g i'e ju ' look a g rea t in ter- e.st in .sports; p a rticu la rly in ru g b y football and sk iing . T A RLE T E N N IS L E AG l IE T " .\rT 7 lT 7 "T rrn r » s : s B g a a i 5 a r . j i i m i . w * \V. V. Si/.y.lur.s 1 R u les 5 I 1 11 A n y househorder n o t receiv ing a copy o f th is p a p e r on an y and tu ich T h u rsd a y even ing , is r e ­ q u e s te d to k ind ly phone us a t W e s t 363, ill o rd e r th a t th e om is­ s io n m tiy be co rrec ted . W e sha ll e s te e m any such phone as a fa v ­ o r, a s i t is o u r only w ay of check- in g up on o u r de liveries. O ur ~'b~o:V3 h ave s t r iu tH n s tru c tions to ■ ir. M aple L eafs H 4 3 (.-anadiens - .--- 7 -2 '; 3 2 'h ree F s 6 0 - 6 T he Big Six -------------- T " place a paper on the verjuiclah T ~Si4- 0 9 -(>- 0 -E d ito r. Idayors IV II II f 1' ;■ h\ Mn.^tornmn (3Ks ) "3i; 31 8 6 , j : Lid.stor (W V S). .36 27 75 H. Sn 'iitli-(W V S) ■ :U) 26 72 H, A ld m l (D ) 48 ;I2 67^ G, M aoVean (C) 42 23 55 -IT - 3 6 - -1 9 ' 53 TO A L L C L IE N 'Ps; ."RIP:.\D." HAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1642 MARINE ORIVE WEST 3$Q Mf-mLor̂ A«D.T, of . : '■ m i A V e r g H a p p g a n d - P r o s p e r o u s 1 9 3 8 is th e sincere w ish of C. J . ARCH lSlv L TD ., an d S ta ll T O A p p re c ia tin g i 'a s t Busine.ss re la tio n s , an d in v itin g y o u r esteem ed p a tro n a g e for the inco m in g y e a r . FKB-KMPTIONS turesorve*}, «urveyed' Crown'X T A O A irr; V inii£ji may b«: pre-empted by British LET your New Year Resolution lie that you w ill ^ o u rbuy __ <WT».WRi',----; subjccta over 18 years ot age, and b.v aliens on --declaring Intention to ' becomr British- subjects, conditional upon re.si- dence, occupation and Improvement. Full intormatloD concerning Pre-ernp- tlons is given In Bulletin No. I, Land Scrlciii "How to Pre-empt Land,'* copies ol which can be obtained tree of - charge'-'hy addressing the Department of Lands, Vic­ toria. D.C.;, Bureau of Provincial Informa­ tion: Victoria; i or any Oovernment Agent; . Records will be granted covering only GrRl7~\YSn TED -- Mother'̂ l i ^ good home; sm all rem uneration; references. Phone W est 364-L-l. FOR RENT also house 655-R. . -- Steam heated s'uite, on W aterfron t. West LOST -- Brown purse a t West- Bay Bus stop, Xm as Eve. W est 439-L-2. aawAM If KI f - I U I - F O IL S A L E - ^ B ell p ian o , alm ostine'V , w* --:--:--and -marketing faculties and-whlcttySiibih!--------.Jiavgam;___1516-Marine',- W eat., iUL. D U l J I U & r S ̂ over 5,000 board' : ....nn-..u^- ' . - Supplies from the S. 000 feet per Astbury Lumber Cip, Ltd. for Service and Satisfaction. PH O N ES: Wo.s( 199 . N orth 2.S5 • Applications for pre-emptions are to be arddressed to. the Land Commissioner of the, Und 'Rccordlng. Dlvlslon ln-;..whtch_tlic_ land applied for Is situated, on printed form! obtained from ttM Commissioner. : Pre-emptions must be occupied for five yc.ir9 and Improvements made to value of $10 per acre. Including clearing and culti­ vating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. " Pre-emptions carrying pert time condi­ tion! of' occupation are also granted. PURCHA8B < » LsaSB Applications axe received for purchase ' of vacant- and unreserved Crown--lands;; not being tlmberland. for agricultural 6,17. STR-A-YED -- From vicinity of Pul-- ton Ave.,-on 20th, w hite Spitz'pup, male, eream m arks on back, slight ' limp left hind leg. "Teddy,"'n o col­ lar. Reward. W est 326-X. W AN'IE D -- B aby's collapsible play pen. W est 290^X. Night Galls-- A .-RO LLO , W est 672-R purpo.scs. . Minimum price of first-class'^ (arable) land Is IS per acre, and second- class (grazing) land. $3.M per acre. Fyrthcr information to given In. .Bulletin No. 10. Land 8ertea, "F«i]^'ase and Lease ■■■cf',Crown Lands." LOST -- Sunday .w eek ; Faw n pi»" . striped su it .coat, ta n silk lined, wi ̂ -2-Ot-h--or-bet-ween--20th--and--15th^ M athers. W est 122-L. A llrnsprroua Nrui Irar To all our patrons T T IY Q C C A E E 1512 M arine W est 616 As a partial relief . measure, - reverled lands may be acquired by purebase In ten eqbal Instalments, with the flrgt payment suspended for two years, provided taxes are paid when doe and Improvements are made , during the first two years of not less than lOS of the appraised value. .Mill, factory or Industrial, sites on .Uinber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or' leased, .the eooditlons Including payment of stumpage. -r * .Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 30 -acres; may bej ljeased as hoioiesltes, condl- f lonnl upon a 4 dwelling being erected in LOST -- Rimless glasses, December 24th, between H andy Ann Shopiie and M athers. W est 295-L. ;__" -WELL BUILT 4-ROOM BUNGALOW T'--All modern features; close' in. $2,000; term s. A lso choice building, « Tots a t snap prices. Gash or terms-' R.'T-i'Blower & Co., W est 21. ■ ■ > I i i 9-M 'fl'"f i l l LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ■■ !■ fi' SPECIAL Formal and Informal, Gardens planned and stocked to specifications Estimates and designs given. Experts in Alpine and W ater Gardens. Inside F ir ......:........$5.50 p er cord Slabs witli B ark $4.00 per cord 1 Slabs & Edgings $3.75' per cord BURGESS & WALKER ̂ . SAW DUST . PRITAM 'S F U E L ̂ Phone NorUi 620 • -: Phone West-560- - ^ f t e r - 6 p .m - » V ^ e s t 9 8 L 1 -iht_41rat...year,- tttle-::.beUjg^obtalned--aUer- - residence and improvement eondltlons fviiniled and land has been surveyed. eondltlons are TO RENT -- C om fortable m odern Bungalow on Inglewood; rem o d ellec i■ throughout, $20,00. H. Ef. Whiffin ----Agency^----- ------------ - - - ' ■ ■ For grazing and Industrial purposes area! not exceeding . 640 aeitoi may be leased by one fienon or a company. Under the Oraslng Act the Province to ' divided into -gracing districts and--'the rajig! administered under grazing regula- ..tions amended from time tic time to meet varying conditions. Annual grazing per­ mits are Issued based on urtaln monthly rates per head of stock. Priority In graz- , ing privileges to given to resident stock owners. I Stock-owners may form associa­ tions ror. range management. Free or partlslly free permta avallabto for settlers PARTY W illing to pay sm all ren t for house durfng ow ner's absence, niuin- cipal bus a re a ; feferenefes. Apply Box 17, W est Van News. ELECTRICIAN, New Installation.S Repairs, Appliances -r-. electrical; reasonable prices. ' ont/ West 723-L. Lani-' -i'r , PRINTING -- For all printing phone West van News, West 363. iP& r