West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Dec 1937, p. 3

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/ | a <» iVi'c* rp IhT IIIPpI pEB̂ GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 502 1T30 Marine Drive ...............Evening»jaii|C,ifa.rty^i%<N;k«i„for^„ • . . .̂ the New Year Festivities • M l VKT AFTKHNOON and EVK.KlING FliOCKS nt following prices-- Kejj. $iir).00 now selling a t ...................................... $1(1.75 and $12.75 EVENING FKOCKS from ............................... $9.76 to $11.75 KKTA a f t e r n o o n f r o c k s (Dressy) a t .............. ........ . $4.75 *' (OATS AND DUKISSES AT REDUCED FRICKS TO CLEAR ,.,|.\TS Heg. a t ....... ............. "................................. $19.75 and $10.75 )|"l S.'̂ 'kK from $3.95 up; greatly reduced. WE WISH ALL OUR PATRONS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Make Your Home Attractive for the New Ifear t iisniONS - FOOT STOOLS - OITOMANS - EASY CHAIRS I.TK; iMurinc Drive jacks Plionc West 710 FURNITURE REPAIRED, RE-COVERED AND POLISHED .. Aitmctivo Remnants for covering Cushions, etc. Cushion Form.'i, all"sizo.s and shapes. „ THE WEST VAN NEWS ' F irs t WINDO'^S WASHED C. JORDAN - - WINDOW SHADES -- VENETIAN BLINDS - V . Our Prices are right. . Let us send a man to give you an estimate. „ \Vc Clean and Repair. Phone: West 719; Res. West. 74-L-2 • West Van Blind and Awning Supply • ' t I » * V 1- * t. • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ Z -- - J l ! -- "li i J '■ ( ■ t 4 r I THAT N EW YEARNS PARTY ' „I Will Not Be Complete WITHOUT A BOX OF CHOCOLATES : SOME DRY GINGER ALE -- WINE or other refrei^hfrient ' -------------^^Ordei^youi^upply--from-- ̂ -- _ ^ON'TON CONFECTIONERY 17:l4 Marine .Drive, Hollyburn (Twg'Doors from Theatre) | THE MARINE FISH MARKET -1429=i^^'̂ ihe-D riv€- Offers to West V an cou ver 'residents a complete line of Fresh, Smoked and Shell F ish -^^^^teprioes--fhart-Ga-nnAtJ3eJteatfi^ On NeW'Y'ea*"a eve-ua extra ~ Jack Batchelor of- l la rT l^ l^ ferry will leave Ambleaide Dock Lake, spent Christmas wiUi his at 30 minutes past midnight and parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. on its return will leave the Van- Batchelor, 1374 Gordoit Avenue. couver Dock at 1 a.m.. The fer- * * t V Vies will give a half-hourly ser- II. Dickson of Yakh, R-C., vice throughout New Year's spending the school holidays Dav, the first leaving Ambleside with his wife's parents, Munlci-^ at G a.m. and the last at 11;30 pal Clerk and Mr.s. W. Herrin, p.m. The first ferry out of Van-. 1387 llaywixid Avenue. ;• ̂ couver will leave there'at G;30 * * ♦ _ a.m. and the last ;it midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Padley />f Mani- Tho West Bay bus will meet toba bhve moyexi inlo the. Hall all boats, while the regular holi- hou.se at Caulfeild. (lay .service will be maintained * * ♦ . on the upper levels. . - Councillor Sidney Gisby, w hy ♦ ♦ * ' recently underwent an operation Mr. and Mrs. W. Clegg, 13th in the North Vancouver General ami Clyde Avenue, spent the Hospital, returned on Monday to Christmas holidays on their his home 2393 OttaWa Avenue, farm at Rose<lalc in the Fraser ♦ ♦ „ Valiev. Mr. and Mrs. Kber llothwell ♦ * * ' " ' of the P.D.Q. Cafe, 151'2 Marine 'Jack Stratton loft, here on Drive, motored to Seattle *Fri- Monday. to return to Alberni day night to spend Christmas after spending Christmas with with IV̂ rs. ll()lh\v(;ir.s m()ther and; his parents, f e and Mrs. J. M. sister," reluniing here oii Mon ̂ Stratton, 1468 Marine Drive. . day. ^ ' ■ • Robert Elliott" of Arlington, Word has boon received that Washington, is the guest of his Miss Beatrice (Buddy) Hodgson son and daughter-in-law, Mr. has finished her musical college and Mrs. T. J. Elliott, 11'25 Ingle- training and has now . recieived wood Avenue. her ciegrecof ; A.R.C.M. She ♦ , ♦ * ' formerly resided with her par- Through an omission which is ents in West' Vanoouver, but is regretted, Stratton's Bakery was. now living with, them in London, not included in the list of those England, who gave donations to the con- ♦ cert ' of the West Vancouver Harry,'Thompson, 2096 Argylp. School Band, which was spon- Avenue,, who was badly cut about sored by the West Vancouver the face as a result of an auto Business Men's Associatiqh. , accideht last Thursday at 11th __ L.. . IK and Marine Drive, has returned A very interesting ceremony to his hom̂ e from the North was performed Sunday after- Vancouver Gcncral:Hoapital. His noon, at the residence of Mr. and car skidded and turned over, but - M r S T ^ W -- Hcrrin-Haywood-Ave---£Dftimatdy_Jr^a.th.mtjjn4_a^ nue, when the. names "Judith other occupants, were uninjured. ■Lynne . were given the. infant '■ i"niviiiiiTMn'v i.nAVii'U daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. ■ Dickson, Yahk, B.C., by the Rev. ° Hillis Wright. Tea was served A-^ertes, of community prayqr following the ceremony. The in- services will be held-in West vited guests including Mr. and Vancouver, beginning Monday,- Mrs Geo. Brealey, Mrs. Geo. January 3rd. It is hoped that Baldwin, Mr. and' Mrs! J. E. ..they will be well supported by. London--Mr-^and-JVErs_J. A. the citizens. Surely the state of Stratton's BAKERY HOME-MADE n n c A fl FRESH DAILY Ton VHriotlo« to suit ovory luato Moat Plow ■-- CooKlca EccIom ('ttkoH -- PawtrloH Runs and Rolls Note Ad(hv.«is; M(?8 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 >'•it ? it k Hollyburn theatre THUILSDXY uml FRIDAY inuF.SAT. MATlNFiF, Doo. noth. 31 s t uml .Ian. 1st LAUREL & HARDY 'Way Out West' (Oiu'0 only a t 8 '.20) also "'fllE YODELLING KH)" ' '• • * f - - ' - ' SA'l'lIUDAY FiVFi. &. ^ioNDAY .lammry 1st ami 3nl ( 'EDRIC IIARDWICKE PAUL ROBESON 'King Solomon's N ines' 'GIFTS FRjJm t h e AIR" ^lY S 'rE llO t^^tEY LO N " TUESDAY & W EDNESDAY .lammry 'Ith and 5th ELIZABETH BEKGNER Dreaming Lips (Oht'O only a t 8:20) V ■ also "OH DOCTOR" Satisfaction guarant^d- We Deliver. Phone West 722, to All A llappi} Ncw llear VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Dicks^,- Vancouver^" Mrs:~M. ="the-woTld-is-ennugh-tD-driwi:h Dickson, Harrison, B.C., Mr- and Church of Christ to its 'knees. Mrs. T. J. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs.* The services shall be held in the W. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs.: P- Baptist Chhreh Monday, United Wait, The Rev. and Mrs. Hillis Chtiroh Wednesday, and Anglj- 4z^rj-gW^-r-n-an(LJV[rs.J^-J^ ^ h ... .C.hujrcJi_ThjLirsdjiy.. -Tlnty J^ e rtflize rs -o f-A lR tin d S jr ADCO ̂Wowi, Coal, Builders' Supplies 1- STERLING MARKETS West 190 1578 Marine Drive W est 190 W ishing A l l A H a p p g a n d P r o s p e r o u s N e w Y e a r . FRIDAY'S SPECIALS Donald, VancoCiver,. Mrs. W. D. 'shall all begin at 8 o'clock. Plan Watson, and the Misses Ida' 'M-fattehd all the .services, not Brealey, Doris- Breajey, Muriel mierely the one held in your ow)i Bodwell' and Betty Watson. church. ■ "• ■' * ■ ■*'.'■■ ■' . . . ' Mrs. C. Waite, 2120 M arii^ Drive, gave a birthday party- RESULTS OF THE ---- -GANADFAN-J^EGION Monday afternoon for her young­ est daughter, Jeannine, who was , Ticket -nine^earsold-on -December-25th XMAS DRAWING The F ren ch ,/ B eau ty Salon"^ ,v_For; Work of Quality We specialize in fine, grey and white hair. 1562 Marlpe Drive Phone W. 212 iHue yeaia ufu Name m z e Those invited were Misses Fay, 544, Ted Sewell, 2 pr. silk stock- Riohardson, Sorene._;Townsend, ' :gatsy,' Leggat, Virginia Ward, . 410. H. Parker, 5 bags. C(ial Masters Dave and Jimmy Smith, 050 t . Bachelor, Turkey Herby Johnstone, Wilfred Ray. 9 5 9 . Mrs. Milner, IIluminaUBd Invintations, place cards, masks Xmas Tree > and favors also games., were ob- 924. Harvey Smith, $2.00 Bn/ad tained from "Kellog's Singling ' Tickets -- Lady Birthday P a r t /Kit." Jean- ig2. Mr. Albin. -Roast of Beef. rece ived --spm ejB :W PT?^ ^ j® fEW 3 ^f^M ?irWfrrym thosp attendine. One or nWo t p 7̂ <t.q Worvl. Prize . LynnmouiriHall NEW YEAR*S ■ EVE' -' " DANCE B ^ e a s y i 1 II). CARTONS Limit 2 lbs. 2 Ills. FLETCHER'S No. 1 Hams,_ lb. G rain Fed P o rk SHOULDER -I Ol ROASTS, lb. MEATY^ BU'TTS, lb. U /tc - 1 5 c LOIN ROASTS, lb. 22c EGGS GRADE l a r g e : _ 30c d o z . BACON FLETCHERS No. 1 yi lb. Packets 2rfor 25c CHOICE G rain-F ed TURKEYS Y ron*-2.Sc-4ti^nd-np.- Shoulders of Lamb ..: 16c lb Blade Roast and Round Bone 10c lb. Stewing Lamb....... :..........2 lbs. '25c Beef I........ ....... .2' lbs. 25c from . those attending. One or 773. T. C. C.. $2 Order Wood- two iivmg ourwsst t X T "" 9 p m. |:=3No^ejlLes,^^ ~5t) cents; 'to attend on-account of the con­ dition ^ the roads.: LEGION W.A. - The first meeting of- the yean:: will be held on Monday, January 3rd, at 2:^6 p.m. in the Legion; Hall. It is hoped every member will be ^ s e n t to start the New; -Yearwith-a-record-membership^: _Result. of drawing for blanket; and c()t cover same day. FIRST SCOUT TROOP (St'. Stephen's) The regular monthly meeting of the Mothers' Auxiliary will be ■ helck at the home of Mrs. D.. A. Jay, 2530' Mathers Avenue, on --Thursday^January-6th7-at-2-^30 p.m. All mothers interested are cordially invited. * • w afdsH S ra^ 132. Mr. Parnell, Box Apples: 765. G, Conway, Turkey 839. Magnus Ross, 100 Cigifr- ettes ' 917. P. Hawtin, Electric Iron., -237--A-.--Law, $2 Order-H.B. Co. 158. A. Lawrence, 3-l)r. Box Chocolates, 399. E. Peacock, Box Cigars...... EURYTHMICS, sTn GING, for CHILDREN M ISS M, W ARNJCKEIt 725 Jervis. S treet. N e w Y ear-8 -G reetin g8-from - C an adian L e g io n -B o a t-6 0 -- All Mcpibers, Ex^members, their wives and Friends. ~__ and the VV. A. ace^cordially invited to attend - A NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY ; I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31st, at 9 p.m . ^ MUSIC In the Legion Hiall REFRESHMENTS DANCING EXPERT Watch and Clock REPAIRING^ T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Diire DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I. 0. D. E. y o u i^ e r s e t d a n c e at 9 p.m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8th, in the Orange Hall. Marie Abrams Drehestra Refreshments . Admission 35 cents