West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Dec 1937, p. 2

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16' I'-: i ' 1 ■Hilt "V"r i (ifF Jk-<'- t 1 , t ' i f :I. ■m&v Hj ' ! S|s "A ' 'v#3;A;/.>rc ¥4 ■"' & l '•pi' '• . I f v ̂^ lils p i I p l l ti # - 'v ' ■ .-t I,. _|r|E$TJ.AH..VN1TEI1 CHIJ Ji»v. llUHs Wright. MinUUr HuauUr ServicM li l l0 • »»„ 7!l6 p .». ., „ Sunduy Bcbool tbd lUbU Cliais [0. a.m.. I , . Strangart & Vitltora Waleoma. Lacquered^ We/w« Lo tfju re s E v e , IIA m S T CHUUCII MiDlwlcr Krr. W. L. McKay, B.A., B.D. Huaday B«rvir«a 10:00 a .m .-^hurch School In­ cluding Adult Claaa II a.iu. & 7:»0 p.m ^Preaching Servicea. A hearty wclcon^c to all 'J hin iii'w 1) a'nMpari'lit lm'i|U«'i' hcaiJtifill c•oil̂ Ut'̂ .'H, in pliMc. 'nicn* in no danKiT of roiU falJiiiK or a wave coining (itil when you have your hair Imnuertal. Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe (rail I ora of KxduNive IVmiumiiitK, 1546 Marino Drive Wrat 117 D R . G . D : l i . S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.8 . ...I DENTBlT Hay Hlock, 14th and Marino Dr. Offloo liourH y to ti p.tn. -- ElvenluKH by appointment,...... ̂ I'horio Waat 7U ST. ANTHONV'H CATHOLIC ̂ CHURCH 2.'}r<l & Inglewood Ave. Ucv. W. J. Millay, O.Prem. PaHtor :> .Sunday ScrvIccH Low M ass -- K.'15 a.ni-. H igh Mush and S erm on -- 10:15 a.rn.' ■.■■■ jfoMary am i Hen edict ion 7 :4 5 p.rn. ( 'aU't'iii^ia and Hibic* CIuhh-- 2 : 0 0 |u n . Week-day Services „ Mass -- 7 :00 a .m . l"riday.s---R osary , IRm ediclion 7:45. S n lu rd ay s -- Conl'es.sion.s; 7:iy) to ,H:2 0 |),m . W EST VANCOUVER Christian Science _________ Socicty„,..ll4,. CUUKCll KUIKICK 20th «iid Eaciuhnalt, HoUyburn This Society is a llrancb of The Mothi'r Church The First Church of Christ, V Scientist, in Boston, Massnehunotts Sund&y Service: lliHO a.m. Sunday, .lanuary 2ntl, Subject: fiH;', ■'■' ■' ■■ • ■•■■ ■■.:■■■-'_ ■ ■ ■" ■„ ■■■'■ "JfS \ i m w II I , laeiAJiikMlAliMMa Mt «ldlh,4ih iath.̂ «yk ̂ ,Hollyburn Dressmakers and Cleaners |. i„ i___ glic %aHOu'H (Sreettnga........ !l. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ . . . ... i& •;;i M I S S 0 . n . H O R i E , 1890 H iiiie P h o n e . W e s t 58J i | Hi • *■ '-"I. •r»*.« . • 'i " c O I) " Sunday Schoiil at',,10:00 !«.»)• Teatimoriy Mei-iinw VVednosday at 8,16 p.m* The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetinga. /e' A H a p p g N e w Y e a r to A l l SMITH UNITED CIIUKCH 21st and K.siniimait Ave. Rev. Hlllis Wright, Minister S u n d ay Services at 11:15 a.in. and 7 :15 p.hi, . , - - S unday School and ..Bible-(Ja.S-S... a t 1 0 a.rn. _ ^ C om m union of th e Lord .s SMOKE SHOPS TOBACCOS AND CONFECTIONERY West Vancouver Close to Ferry Wharf NORTH VANCOUVER, Phone North 420 .KHlahliHiii'd oil North' Shore 25 VearM • (Lady AHHiH.OiuJL) HARRON HROS. LTD, Ifuiteral Siircctora ilollylHiirii Ftmeriil. Home IHUi^jind Marino WoHt. i;m Norths Vancouver Parlora 122 W eal ,S ix th «Stroot . Phono ' North l.'M Vancouver ParlorM fif) Tenth Avenue ' lOuHt Phono Fair. l.'M .........RAPTIST CHURCH : Rev. Wilfrid. L. McKay 1545 Uuche.sH Ave. Ah ('Very member communicjli ' , Slipper will be ob.served in VVe.st .service will be held Sunday Vancouver United Church next morning and it, in hoped that .Sabbath morning. All member.s sit'kne.sH alone will prevent any. will note this and arrange to l)e |i member from being pre.sent. pre.sent. « *" 'rhe pa.stor will bring a Hhort There will ht' no .service on N»'W Year's message. TIkj.choir Friday night owing to its Ixiing will repeat their Chri.stma.s New!Year'.s Eve. music, both' morning and even- Explorers meet Monday at 7 itig. 'rhe evening subject will be p.m.' "I"aeing the Ne\y Year." C.G.I.TJ meet on Wednesday The church .school will meet at at 8 p.m. -- 10 o'clock. The S.S. Entertain- The United Prayer Service on W e wish all our fr ie n d s a n d p a tr o n s A Verv P r d s^ fd u s ■ i ■ ■ • ,p , ■ .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ■ Handy Ann Shoppe, 2442 Marine Dr. WRST VAN Messenger Service FKKKJHT, liAdCAHK, Ktc. IMCKHD UP jindJlKLIVKItKI) Dally Ferry Service Phone West 5, ,' or IleHldence WeHt 215-L ment will be" held tonight ('riuir.s(lpy) and not January (UliT̂ a.s announced last week. - Beginning Monday evening" the cinii'ch will unite with the United (biurch and the Anglican ( 'luirbir iir {f sSiu'jps of prayer .•'Services. Meeting.s will, be held in I he Bapti.st-€hurch;.,Monday iiigliti, .Wednesday night in the United! Church and Thursday night in the Anglican Ghuroh. All the .services will begin at 8 Wednesday night in the; United, Church at 8 i).m. will be ad-, dressed by the Kev; MeKay,«., THE HIGHLANDS Miirlnc Drive NEW YEAR'S DAY We will open from ' to S p.m., Jan. Pst, to SERVE A SPECIAT. DINNER IPw ami .$,1.00 iier person TEAROE & S0NS Phone We.1 t 8-1 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Tlev--bT-A--Ramsey- CHURCHES OF CHRIST, - -«Gob" will be' the .subjberbr the Lesson - Sermon in all Churches of Clirist, Scientist, oh- Sunday. The Golden 'fext i.s,: "Thy way, 0 God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?" (Psalms 77: 13). ■ ^ Among the citations which ocnnprfeeThe Lesson - Sermon is ' W est Vancouver Townswoman's Guild • V. Annual Meeting THE CLACHAN FRIDAY, JANUARY 7th 2 ::i0 P.M. VNom inations for office rniist ^ e received prior to the openinj^^of" the m eeting. - - j ■ All members are urged to Sit-, tend. o 11 oaH iig--f-rom~t-he--Bible-:- FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 ' We.st 582 1441 Bellevue Ave. WOOD "inside Mill F ir ....:.......$5.G0 cord Inside Bush F ir ......... $5.50 cord Furnace and Heater . • Blocks ............. ...... $4.2.5 coil'd Fireplace F ir ....... l.$4.25 cord Edgings, Mill-run ..... $3.50 cord Slabs, barky-..-.;..;;:.......$4.00 cord .A.ldci* ^ (Limited supply) ..$..6.00 cord KINDLING WOOD ' - SAWDUST ■ "No, TEir'Sawdust-$4;50-perunit-- CbAL Selected grades, -well screened. . , Quality and quantity guaran­ teed. Spiecial Tulameen Stove, Egg, and" Nut .................... $8.50 ton Kindling with coal orders; five sacks or more ......... 10c sack, OH ARLIE THOMPSON Wish their PaiimiiH and Friends "THE COMPLIMEN'I'S OF I'HE-SEASON" New Year'.s Evo Service--11:30 "Look unto Me, and be ye save(3, P-ni. all the eiid.s of the earth: for I New Year's Day, 10:15 a.m. -- am God, and there is none^else."! Holy Communion. (Isaiah 45: 22). Sunday, 8:00 a.m.--Holy Com- ̂ The Lesson - Sermon also in- :-------- -̂1---- --elttdtes-- titt^~-f-oHeW4ng-^-pa$sage- 11:15 a.m.--Holy GbmmuniO'n from Che Christian Science text- Ferguson*s TRUCK LINE Lv. West Van. 8 a.m,-(fe-3-i)an7 Lv. Vancouver 11 a.m. & :i p.m. Lv. Van,, Saturdays, I p.m. only We.sf.H5 - Doug. 429 7:15 p.m.- -- Evensong and book, "Science and Health with Carols. , / ' Kev to the Scriptures'" by Mary Tuesday: Church (..'ommittoe 8 Baker < Eddy: "God. The; great • ' r Am; the all-knowing, all-see- Thursday, _J^an.. 6th, Epiphany:,-- Ing,--alJUâc4ij4g,-^lI--wJ^e,--alLlaV=- -G O M P L IM E -N T -S - 10:15 a.m.--HobWCommuhioiv ing,. aiid eternal; "Principle; 8:00 p.m,r--Service. • Mind ; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth ; SI. Fn.incis-in.the-W(K)d, Ltwe; all substance; „i'ntelli- -Gaulfelld "■'■■■ gence." ' '■"■' ■'■■■.■■ ■■■■'t'-■--■ ■'"' ■.-Sunday,-3 :0Q-pan. ■ E-vensoiig -- , ------ -- ------and-Semum. " Miss Connie Page, 2450 Belle- THE t o i L L ORGANIZATION W ISH ES ALL NORTH SHORE F R IE N D S- A N D - NEIGHBORS ■ ' - A H APPY A N D PRO SPERO US NEW ^Y'EAR KNILL'S FUELS WOOD -i- COAL WEST 3 9 - SAWDUST -- 'North 94 ■ NORTH 9 4 HOME OIL FUELS 513 Lonsdale Ave. . OF THE SEASON WEST VAN •vue Avenue, was successful in The lucky tiokets in the West passing .with honors the home Vancouver Merchants Football nursing exams of the St. John's Sheet Metal. Works ?mnd Phono W est-39 Furnace .and Kahge Repairs, . .«4i>wHtnit RitmerH I I ------- ------------- . . H aro ld A . E a g e r & S o n ;y- v Builders & Contractors Hometi of Diatinction. - .Alterations___ . Repairs Re-roofing 825 - 22nd Street ...ftnt--ŷ iiUr put lence--loading--wood-"'W-y""f&ii4='̂ itto~ŵ otrF̂ t̂ ?Tg~*Ti"L.v Kt cam get an Oil Burning Heater from u.s on easy term.s, -- do away NL chopping and have a nice even heat night and day. f "-'̂1VO SEE IS TO BUY.' St EXRER'l^ RADIO REPAIRS --------l(E A S O («n L E " WALLY CRAIG (Over 14 Yoar^' Experience) 2n r Argylo Avenue N e w Y ear's D ay CL O S E n GRANVLEY & BARKER (jj -W i^Bt-Yancouvei--Im perial-Service-Station- W est TaifcTMbtors Motor Service S tation Am bleside Service S tation THE W e s t A 4 ^ m t ^ e w ^ -J^uhlished--Kvcr-y--l-hurs4ayi4'^ Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 . ■Business and Editorial Office 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 e s L 0 0 U 0 Burrard -DEPENDABLE ^ i A U N B R Y ^ S E R V i r i : _DAYE__ ANDER30N,.;West.Vancouver^ Representative Phones -- West'691-L or North 1310 North Vancouver Officie: 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1.00 a year by carrier: $2,00 a year by mail i BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING CO. LTD. 1483 Marine Drive HEATm^r AND VENTILATING' E N G IN ^ R S & CONTRACTORS Tiitsmithing, Copper-Smithing, Sheet Metal Work. Specialising in Air Conditioning' . West 41 BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC RAILWAyvCOMPANY LIMITED : ^