I Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Amhleside, HollyburUy Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. CyprCSS Park, ,Caul/eild,W hytecH ff, Etc. 6c per copy »t newsstands. Vol Xl J HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. JJ.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30th. 1937 No. 39 ; A SfappH anil prosper b u s Ncuilear In All THjE PASSING OF THE .OLD YEAR Tlu) ypar 1937 ia drawing to a close, and like all its prede- tus.'̂ ur.s since 1914, its passing will cause little regret; The business world generally is still largely marking time due to tlu' lack qf international trade and the increasing tension iiniong the nations, aqd millions still remain out of work. Kiiiayeiers continue to have such faith in the old system.of ~ rpon<nnics-that-they will--not even consider.anything .new,.nor:., , will tlio people allow for one moment any suggestion of the (Icsli-iiction or government control of the more modern labor saving machines, which is the only alternative giving-any iiope of a return to normalcy. ■ " I'he year 1937 will probably go down in history as the last of-the era, known as "the- post-war years," that period when certain democracies tried to outlaw war from the world, r̂iving an .opportunity to others with a greater faith in sin aiul knowledge of human nature to prepare for it, thus making th(.'\niore certain that fhing which they most-desired to avoid. Now they have been forced themselves to enter the armament race, aiui only the everit will show whether their altruism will not mst them their liberties. , . . . The most outstanding event of 1937 was undoubtedly, the ̂ acTivo union formed between Japan.and the dictators, of which the first fruits have been the present war in China. It has iTficlcred possible a huge jockeying movement between them oxtunding over half a world, which the democracies are find ing it hard to combat. The latter hesitate to bring sufficient ' force to bear on Japan to make her give up'her designs on .Gliina lest they bring on-that-deluge in-Europe.which.,they.,: have for so long been trying to put off. Meanwhile the Fascist po.wer.s make progress everywhere, so acquiring access to those natural resources, which are.-their only n^d . The United- Si aie.s by virtue of her. position on the .Pacific would, appear to hold the key to the situation, but her government hesitate,, I knowing the reluctance of her people to join in international disputes, the village politics always played by the representa- tive.s from the central states, and the certain hostility of the CeymaTi eTefnents and their descendants, who be- tween them control the finances of the country. Ilere in Canada the year has brought some improvement in business conditions,although nothing"to write home about. This, however, can hardly be expected untilvwe- have ̂put our ' constitutional house in order, because-with t]^e'positron as it Jia.S:' developed-.neither business nor finance khdw just what is ^^^[|^.g.-^.Q_}^^pp^r±jyy:]beh-that4iae-be€-n-aQ&ompIishedy^^ year 1938- should see the question definitely settled as ho the. exact powers of the Provincial and Federal Governments, a rnueh -harder joiB^awaits us, that of putting our' financial house m - order. But it will have to .be done,'and like all painful opera- tions, the~longer we put it off the worse it will be. So far as we in West Vancouver are coiiDerned^he-y€ has been very kind-to us. ,Many new residents have (mme- to live amongst us„ a large number of new homes have built, new stores erected, and construction of the Lions Gate Bridge is koing oh apace. ' ' 'We have li'ved~t1h;ough"tjie^lean--years7-and--for^orpe-of- us they have been very lean indeed- The fat years he ahead of us, of which the first should be 1938. And with that as surance before us we wish all our advertisers and readers a very happy and prosperous New Year. THE BURNING BUSH 1 By Subadar . ' '* ! .. ............... ^ .................... ■ I hope everybody, had a good time on Christmas Day. We had sausages"for breakfast in the boarding house, which was quite a concession. What the dinner vyas like I donT k n o w , a fnend asked hie to* Kia home for the" day. He spent moat of the night after 11 trying to drive me back and we finally had' to return to his home. His car had Coo much power, I , thinki : It aeempd to gather up in its twistings all the-srtow lying about on the road and then it kind of crouched on its tail and buzzed. Just-like a bumble bee trying to get through a window. Once we both of us jumped out to push it and naturally it chose that time to throw the snow aside and beat it with us running behind yell ing blue-hiurder .-Another snow bank soon stopped it, though, and after that we sat inside and let it do all the work. I don't like cars or blizzards, so I was too 'hof' under the Collar to /get cold. My friend was worried about the cary not me, by mid night. Thought his engine would get strained or something, and said, his car. was his most valu able possession. I said, "what about your,wife?" He said, "She thinks more .of - i t 'tJ-ian l̂^e, and J-m-not^arguing^!!_Wdjreafihed, Home again at 3 nexta.m. and time I take the streetcar. Let's hope New Year's Day will -b e better,,when I;wish everyppe a good, time, because no person knows What's going,to happen to ~him.~or~her--m--̂yhe-̂ othe-i?---thrfee- Hundred and sixty-fopt. : Unless you are fond of boomerangs,' don't make any New Year reso lutions of you'll be so'disgusted with yourself before the year is out that ~you~ w tH--be--growing humpbacked. ANNUAL; I. O. D. E. YOUNGER SET DANCE A NEW YEAirS MESSAGE The New Year always brings with, it messages of hope for better days and better times, with resolutions to build in the future just a Ji.ttle:,bett<;r ̂ im The result of our experiences in the inlst," and to go forward with even greater courage and greater determination. ' Notwithstanding the very troublous times through which the world has passed in the last few years, we in West Vancouver have been singularly , fortunate. The visions and aspirations of the pioneers arc about to materi alize, a measure of prosper ity has already come to our merchants and businessmen, - and the spirit of cheerfulness and "good will is apparent in our community as-, never before. . y , No^doubt our citizens will continue with the same ideals, and enthusiasm for their Municipality as they have done in the past, giving reason to feel gratified. in̂ present accomplishm.enis and in definite assurance of the splendid future which -lies ahead, ;QLvWestiyan<?ouV^r:as the mosf beautiful residenti- COMING EVENTS .Inn. 15th -- Danco of Wi\si Van- cuiivor Scott isli tkmntry Dance Society .in the Orange Hall. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANOE A New* Yoar'.R lOve ,Dance will 1)0 lield in Lyiininmir Tlall at 9 p.m. 'Phere will bo noveliie.s anil rolToshmenta. .AdmisMion _ 500. An ailvertisoment, relative to this appears in this issm*. SANTA. CLAUS FUND , IleadquarierH: B.C. Electric Show Rooitih ' l*.(). Box 11, Holly burn J'reviously acknowledged .V19'̂ .$l KeysXlub ......: ..... . Mrs, F. S. M. 'Howden ̂ ' (for.little children) .. "A Friend'-' -....... ...... - 16.04 LOO 1.00 J.:: I aKarea on -the Pacific-Coast. 'May I express to every family sincere personal , wishes that the year of H)38 will bring to them' a full sl^are of good health, good --business-and_i:fialJhLap.nine^ J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. "A Friend" .................. "M. ...... ............ .LOO 'Pelephone Bridge and Games........................ 32.00 Cai'ol .Singers - /..----------- ; - - (Joi'dom Children) .... ,5'.G5 ' Concert; -Dec. 20th'........ 28.50 Carol Singers (Mrs. Colin MacLean) 11.50 "Two Band Boys" ........ 3.85 B.(T Electric '2'()rders" JO,00 l..sl West Vancouver Brownie - Pack, Hamper, Canned Fruit ' and Vegotables and if2.00 Don a ti on f oi* • Toy Shop. CHECK HEADLIGHTS FOR SAFE DRIVING CORRESPONDENCE In reports of autorhobile ac- -c r id e n iT i^ n -f l '^ h ig lr^ '.some, drivers lament the' fact that they did not;' see the viotim until they were on top of him. Others freci.ucWitfV"' claim they were temporarily^ blinded by the NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD All members "anjJ^jx-memb'ers' tbe Legion, Pos t 60, -Aeii-wives arid^ members of the _ are cordially invited to attend The Duncan Lawson. Chapter, I.O.D.E., are holding their Younger Set Dance on Saturday night, January 8th, at the Or ange Hall, undei' the joint epn- verieKship of Mrs. K. B,̂ Eorster and'-Mrs: Jame.s McIntyre. --The committee is busy making plans for a -gay and cqiqrful Editor West Van News. Sir-^On Christmas Eve aboul 9 p.m. thei fire"alarm at Arn ble- ►side began to rip the welkin. -- In^-less-than-one-eloeked-miu-- ute the fire, truck was mamix'd and had turned-the corner "ol 14th and Marine Drive; I think it is well" to, commend such excellent work.' Yours truly, ' CIVIS. New Year's Eve Party at 9 p.m. Friday, December 31st, in the Legion Hall. There will be Tiiisic, dancing and refresh ments. The^ annual meeting of the f e ^ 'o w n S W ijm B tfs-G u iljfav ilL ^ ta jsg ^ ^ Legion W.A.] place at 2 :30 pHn. F riday,-Jaw ary 7th, in the Clachan.- Nomin- ations for office must ■be r̂eceived West Vancouver Welfare Drive Marie Abrams Orchestra has been engaged and~dancing will headlights ol an oncoming car. "The frequency of such inci dents on our highways -would be modified," remarked N., H. Dan iel, general service manager, ■G'eneraFMot6i\snPrDdTJctSTjf'.CaTi-- ada Limited, "If motorists would exercise :;itHe "same precaution with their headlights as they do towards other parts of their automobiles." . "Snuffing-out" Gradual Process There are' 50,000 candles of light at the disposal of the mot orist In the average car of recent prior to the opening of the meet ing;- All members are urged to attend. - commenoe at 9 p.m. Refreshments, will, be served during the evening. Admission 35c. ' ■ West yancouver-Municipal--Een^^ NEW YEAR'S EVE SCHEDULE Extra boat leaves West Vancouver 30 minutes past mid night.' Leaves Vancouver Dock at 1 a.m. NEW--YEARNS DAY-SGILEIIULE^ , -- _ Ha lf-h o u r l y s e r v ic e l j Leave West Vanoouver--:^^Tm7-an^\^ry-half'heqr-ufrU^^^ 11:30 p.m. - Leave Vancouver -- 6:30 a.m. and every half-hour until . - - - midnight. . ' , ^ , West Bay Bus meets all boats. JANUARY 1st ■-- UPPER LEVEL BUS SCHEDULE Regular Holiday Service route -- .From W harf^via 14th and Upper levels and return via- 25th Street and Marine Drive- B. - 1. FEDERATION (Dundarave Branch) The first meeting for 1938 will be held as usual on Monday, "JanuarySrdratrS^thantj'Marine- Drive. Speaker, (jXE. Smither- ingale, who has recently return ed from a visit of several months to' England, and who wishes to tell us some of his. impressions of the Coronation; the import- = a n ee = o f= T h e = S to n e p = ^ d = ^ ^ tonbury. All are cordially invit- .- May I trespass upon_y^ouj '̂ valuable space~Ph7ljehalf of the " Drive Committee to ask the many old friends and .sub.scriti ers "to this very needed fund, who have not yet returned their donations or pledges, to please do so as quickly' as possible. Owing to the many calls at thi.s season^ the" returns have beeiTp- "lessJrharrone-hal-f-ef--t-h e-r-eq u i r--- ed fund'. If inoonvenieriLto spare _immediate_cash, your pledge lor future payments to suit your convenience sent to the Royal Bank would help the Trustees of the- Fund to carry out it's budgetary work with theWeltare Association for the coming If you hdve misFaid or not ire- €aive(j-a--HaixLU .s H a f iZ E ^ a d l tg ,! . ment is kept m good condtlion. it js pointed out, l)ut very few drivers are consciousTof theJ'aciL when fifteen, ;_tcm or nye_th()UH- and of these candles are snulfed- out. The reason for thi.s, it is suggested, is that the "snuffing- out" is a gradual process. But the 50,000 candle power in a new pair of -headlights is; whal is "needed: by the motori.st at" all timefrf or-ŝ afie,=̂ drJying-un d e r t ht; variety of co.nditlons of current motor-car operation__________ . Whether they be two-filament or three-filamerit type of bulbs, they wiir not ..only burn-out but will diminish in power ouipuT and they require, regidar atten tion. Periodic checking of bulb Elb-reiigth, instead of the usual -Tedv MUSIC, EURYTHMICS Miss Muriel Warnicker, 725 Jervis Street, , Vancouver, is opening a West Vancouver studio,, where she will teach music appreciatipn, eurythmics, and singing for children. Any interested are asked to kindly phone her at West 261-R or Sey. 8996^R. -JteJCH.arcLjn.iLone2u p ^ ^ '"TYours-respectfully, PHILIP C. CHAPMAN, Secretary,: i • .West Vancouver Welfare Trust Fund. West 42-Y-3. -praetie€-of-w^ai4ihg-L has--̂ burned-ouL -completely, is what is needed, Mr.. Daniel de clared. ■̂How few think, truly; of-the thinking few, How many never think, who think they do. - Shoemaker: "This is the first complaint we have ever had about this make of shoes. Didn't they fit you ?" , ^^MtecIritQsh: "Aye, .they fit^me an right, but they're a wee bit >tlght for my brother on the night shift."