West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Dec 1937, p. 6

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WteLaĝ i" p p w i p i i i U P j i i j p i i w i i M U 'm i w i i ^ ^ _- . . . . ,» y « r * ^ ^ ^ ^ m g 4 < | r . » #»»■ .ify Tm"̂'m !̂ m"'fim '»*** • • * w 6 *= *5̂ * *. > w- *-w, * e»» * *. * \ VW*.̂ tf̂ >**̂ *«̂ **"**̂ * V > i i : r* .1* C o m p lim en ts o f th& S e a so n « ■ . ■ '.. iS c ^ ir r 3 » ■ ■ ... a. SMITH'S MARKET RED AND WHITEP h o n e W e n t 4 6 Phone W est 46 M e a C 8 - - - l 'h o r u * W est 370 , I 'K irK S (iO()»> for 'n n iF tS D A Y an.l I H ID A V . D or. 2:{nl & 2 1 th • m THE HIGHLANDS iay;j Matim Drive Xmas Day Dinner ----------- • / " X. ' ' ^ A H A P P Y X M A S a n d P R O S P E R O U S N E W Y E A H 1 ? . «• ( ioI iDDmul ( I I K I S T M A H W I N K S Oinnef ; I'orl. < lieiry , ,i l.iirj^e IJ-'i ' i ir . Mot ile ' »1*m* | \ , D, I ' M .M I ' l D D I N I i , :{0 o / till irir Met) K W h i l e CA'I S n * . l2*o/ . Iiol. ITic MINI K.MKAT Miilu- n r e a l I I n in e . tiiiiile Die. willi lliis apiey, f r i i i l y " MilHeliieal Hi* Î '*' HK'I, M AI/ I OMN MMI-KIS Im, Till ■ I'l*' lli-d A While i;Ol,DKN I'OMN :i No, H l iiiM We MI,\KD (A N D V , I hrlslmiiH Mril- liiiiiln •.- I|*/ 1*1*' I ill I ,MI,\KD RANDV , Ih. 22e ( hoeoliilew, ( reaiiiH, .lellieK iiiul Oni i iKe SlieeH. Iteil A While ( Oh l-'KK ■ Ih. .He Save Ihê eoiipoiis lor viiluahle " liieioliimH. .............................* ............ I(e<i A W hile TKA Ih. 17e Ke<l A While I'KAS Sievi* I 2 No. 2 'I'Iiin 21c ■ Sieve .1 No, 2 I in I Tie II A.M.S ■ ,> *}'.IU)" p.W. to t ■ . ■ $1,50 ■ |ier 'pel'^yu , . . ' rr'-'.'.. Krfjit (.'oektiill ; 'A ....... I'l'lery Hearlh' . . . . . (iiu.-. . .̂ '. (JreOM Turiie Soilp - ■ lluMst YcnH.|.; 'i'urkey !' with 1 ̂ ^ ('eanheiTy .Sute •, (jihlel (it avy lluhbani ip SifH'i KriH'liKli..loinrr PiititiiitKr ........ .Mrmalv .'•Piia P ) , Hat MTm- I'ie ■ ; ■ ■ ' . "' .' Je'p" !V'!'(';uii" .:'.;_'■' ̂ (IniiTjera * M IjtireiT;' • iiee; e Kiiti4 aihl IJ.'iiHiii" J (n ., * '>Ye will he rl.* <1 Siiiai.'iy ;iim1 H r lr h r r '.s H u m s, Ope.,. M oa.h,, la.-, ;.i7,h New Aiairn VnioMmeeioeiit (lovornment Inspected Only Turkey. - Geese - Ducks MEATS •, WKST ;{70 XMAS POUI/mV TIKKKVS t'MU'KHN HWi .. ^ ' i i a 'm s l a m b b e e f p o r k v e a l C O I I ) M E A T S O F A L L K I N D S D E L I C A T E S S E N I'HONE WEST 3 • . • '1 ' ' '■'/y *** '**'*"*'* ■ *■ - • * • • • A - *6 W ishing all our custom ers and friends A Very Hirppy Christmas (D o csi-: D U C K S , <;,'iim *r'.s,'Swift's . All hircis w ill hr sp r r ia lly S r irc trd C railr, A, I.MI A wi,iteJ!A.iA:i*:iLl'i:'A'T'.'i!:i, (iM liaiil Mi|)e 2 Sqaal I iiihA-'<' ill NeM Ihhuc T'n o u r l"renil aiitl Patron.-! we wi.-Ti ■ 1 . .. *-A \'(*i'y .M' l r y Xi'iia:-- M. L. Ihi iici in A. A. M i l n e -̂-------------- r~~̂ ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. _____ f o r liKAL SATISFACTION ----------- 15th & M urine D rive. Phone West 115 U..1 A While TOMATO ,,PIHCK 1 K,i i o/., Tin^ , ̂ f '*■ l.arue '25-0/,. Till I*!*' tA* D .V .A . NOTKS '■H M I X E D N U T S , ,1 'u iic y Q i i u l i i y ........... .. p e r l b . 2 5 c OKANIiE.S,' suck of 4 (lo'/.tii , . . . . . , ...... ....................5 'lc S l ' I T / , A F l ' I . E S ................. . . . . . p e r b o x $ 1 .4 '> C R A N B E R R Y S A U C E .............................. , 2 1 b . t i n 2 V c T'he lu.sl, iTKM'i iiuT o f tile .vear ] D.'jY'look jilaop T iirsilay , D ecem - Iho- M ill, a t th e Iliylilam l.s, wlu-n ai (5:;')() p .m . uii'(|<T- I he U'adei'- shi)) o f t ile pre.^iilt'nf and eli.'iir- m aii, Tom lUKhtl.v, .some tw e n ty - C L A S S IF IE D A D S I'hc rate for ClaNsificcl AdvcrtlsenicntH is 2 centa per word, niinimu,,, 2.5 cental. Except in the c.iHe of thiaoe having regular accounts, uli dimM- I'ukIh are uayahle strictly in advanci;,. ■ • . ' Reiiu^mher ClaHHifieilB in the West Van News get immediate reHults. , , ^ VVK MONK'\' on your land clearing. LEGION HALL FOR RENT -- Miipl. II).Jt. .exiHRieiiee 'ami eiiuiimiont.' ings, Parties 'etc.; modenRe rules, !J":^ a'7mU,.,r-Wout 2n2-l, Phuue Wc-ut liiu-Y. i \ W, lllveru. • Scot,•lim an wa.s m a k in g plans for h is new h om e w lie n .a fak< Irieiid a.sked him w h y ...h e hail, wlnaTs. lel't room s fou r m em h ers and j',nes.t,s w ere sea ted around the festive , la h le 1 (Iiniiat-dike it Sand.v---,va . w h ia 'C a lin e tiii'key d in n er wa.s' e\'ery, eornT-'f" ' on TWo . f̂ (.i'v<>d to each , d'his w a s a s |ilen d id heirinninjr for th e line f l o o r SURFACING -- L Outlier- MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam land, 2111 Mahon Avenue, North ' Peymanents. Only beat materials M.5S-L. ___________" u.sed. Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. ■|. ----- WANl'Kl) -.I fu n iitu ru , Uric u ir tlH . ' , i V W Y / h . ' • y ' , ' " ' , . i ■ S U .v u s , n o i i i m p / , f U - . , h iK h u ! i t "Oh t l i a l 's the s h o w e r . y e a r l y ITre h ill ah(i.ut l ia ll . N o rth S h o re V eterans (-(nlned, (jairWesT 01. Burrard ̂ . ' ____ * I.,,.. lu x-x I'L 1 /»*■» 4 tr'/VnlA ̂ . !, y MASON'S TAXI -- l,)ay and night; ---------------------------- ----------------- _ _ _ heated ear; jiassenger.s lully insured (j ih ^ n e y SWEEPING -- Old Coun- West .5 1 2 , ------------- ---------------- tj.y -way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-Rr2. . • , Brae, jirices Junk ft-'; _̂ L̂ A N J )S(: A P.E CO N I K ACTO R S Formal and Informal G ardens planned and stocked to specifications ■ Estimates and designs ijiven. Experts in Alpi.ne and W a te r Gardens, BURGESS e* WALKER P h o n e W est 560 " A fte r 6 p.m ., W est 98L1 .spoke on the good .work oi the Co. (.aiiincil, und thi'N'ldiK! o l tlu; c(>- \Vj\NTED We pay the highest o p era tio n recew -d -fro m th e v a n - . for bottles, rags, metals, etc. OILS nnit.* ̂ o f tlu rT anad ian L;t?p:i()n, call West ill. Burrard Junk Co. ELECTRIC and. Mechanical Toys, Juvenile Autos, Wagons recondition­ e d ,, West Vancouver Machine ,Slioii, ■1449 Marine. Di.sahled V etcraii.s, Im perial V et- c ra m s and A rm y and N a v y Vtd- e r a n s ' ^As.socdations on tile N o rth S h o re '-- 'e ii^ h t in all. , ' Col. K. W, Savory, IT-esidcnt TWO IIANliY MEN WANT Repair ■ Work, requiring lumber,, cement, pipe littings, clearing lots. Fir wood .- reasonable. JMione West G47-L,. •' CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust 'burners intalled; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lon.sdale North 822. r \ u vV \ Vn ELliCTRlCiAN, New' In.stallations, ol the* V a iico in on Im p eiia l V i.t- -Kepairs, Applian.ce.s -- anything eram s, gave^...very in te i'e .stn ig • (.lectrical;, reasonable prices. Lam- INSTALLATIGNS-- Electric Repairs, convenience-outlets installed. J. H. Patersonr, W est 108.. m B^tor Sef^vicc Statioiir fa i'ts and ti;.?iu'e.son th e w ork o f V ont, West 723-L. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHEDTIouses-to-Rent=nouseSrtotS7and'^| I r i (R. ,.l. Seeds) 15th and Marine Drive -lO'xterfd to Ihoir cu.stom or.s and friond.s-- THK .SIOASON'hS (iKCKTlNCS th e Jm jien al \ eleram s in v a n - g.yiTFO R'RENT --- Unfurnished ,'5- acreage for sale. Lawson «& Pride, .c o n v e r and ot tlie co -o p era tio n rbom modern cottage, Dundarave, 1704 Marine, Phone W e s t55. received from the A rm y & N a v y - i block from Marine, $18 a'month. - - ^ --------=----------- Veteram s ' A.s.sociation and th e Apjily-Box 15, Wc.st Van News. R E ^A W H IL E Convalescent H Di.sahled \,eteram s A .s.sociation a -LOVELY XMAS GIFT -- J have 130 27th Street. . ' Jh iro ilgh o ilt-C an ad a . ' »• a'-splemlid Singer very reasonable.--- ' ̂ ? ' R ev . fTolidoib- John' H ow ard' PboneW est 19-TC ■ , 7 • -' ' J\9U®DN, Barrister, Solic- r ■ ____--------------- .sl()ry_of the Work this Societyv - v - - - - - * . , , doing as regards the angle. Qm.l/i'fw .1 . itor™M47^'aTlne; appointment only.S o c ie ty , g a v e a vcq>intine.stin^^^^ W A N TED .-- Mother's-h e lp . West 403; .510 H astin gs,,Seymour M - pertaining to the. ex-service man' good home, small remuneration, ref- enenccs. . Box N*'" t 'h _Wiist Van New.s. . ___ 4199; afternoons. INVESTMENTS and INSURANCE- r~\ .'-'.V ̂ p,.ol.)iem so m e o f "t h e ' w a n t e d --Ilmisework. Floor Polish- \v S sh Ltd.fsos^weft^^^^^^^ lads; .h ave lu'tm wh(ls(>, fa th e r s ing. Window Cleaning. Gardening.____ higiSi--Vanebirverr^eyr-44tTr"Ri?5t- THE DIAMOND REALTY WLM'e"'; 'killeTr"" o v ersea s , te llin g odd jobs, 2,5c hour. West 585-L-l. deuce, West 73-X.' I h o se -p resm it h()W our ^ W ANTEU-G irl for'Friday and" Sun- . FOR RENT-M oderri' Bungalow with V e ta .a n s A ssooiatiO iis had fa l- „ also X m as,D ay after ,5 p.nl. . . garage,ipimediate possession. Phone ten dow n on th ese p ro o lem s. ̂ West 74-L-2.______ ' • - . W est 124-L. If ; r Kxleiul their sincere thanks to all their palron.s : ~ and w ish them all A MKRRY CUUISTiMAS AM) A DROSIMIUOHS NHW YEAR -S-T- If'i: ■■■03 sh ip aiid -com iradeship w a s con- r~ rJ r~ r~r~ e ern o fl' 'T hroughout th e . m any- places he liad been to in his - , _____ _ - • - - ̂ tTavcls about thiTw orld. - - - - jifV ^. - . - . - . - . - ; ' - T J ite v .W . 1.4. McKay , padre of -- ( 4apt.-.D.i.b.l)(M'n sp o ke of. th e___.- -.... 'n e c ess ity for a w orld b ro th er - iS tl-o w in lT b o a t, complete, $19,75! ' hood ol s e m c o b efore th e w orld , • Also' new tube skates- and boots, - ----------- model ladio, $10. West <19 .can iv a lly have p ea ce; o f h ow .JYest .'■)7(3. SNAP -- k e y d e , excellent condition, be had lound th e w orld to be a l o s t - - Purse containing English W est 539. - -- good p lace a.s t ar a.s good telhnv: 'S Money Order Monday night at' Ambleside ferry. West 535-X. :li'D "j V ; . l ib ' ' SPECIAL V * A II.V'RV X.MAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR GK EENWOOD'S GROGERY 1112 .Marine Drive tbo feelingsTif all those present when jip tendi'red a hearty vote of Ihabiks to-tliew arious .speak- ei's and to the. m anagem ent of the Highlands. D.V..A. members please 'n o te ' , Sjfibs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edging^i $3.75 per cord ■ ^STWDTTST" ^ PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 C. J. ARCHER LTD. Extend Cordial Season's Greetings to All..Clietits--<ihd--Friond6- A VERY , MERRY CHRISTMAS ,an4-A-H APPYb&-PROSPERO U S NEW YEAR Chas. J. Archer E. H. Minions V ft.- Fallows U ia t t ic k e ts to th e H ollyb u rn -------- ------------------ , fv s - ______ _____ ..................... " .........th e a tr e wil'l h e g iv en th e ir c liil- ^ ; M i isy- h*'] hh life: K i V t > i ! ,.b' Jack Knill and his bops take this A Merry Christrtias. WEST '3 9 ' SAWDUST KNILL'S FUELS ^ WOOD -- ('OAL North 94 NORTH 9 4 IIOAHC OIL FUEI.S ST.'t liOrtsdale Ave. (Iron to attend certain perform- Uiices after Christmas if.they cajl forhamo- at the otfioe of Mr. Rlowcr. ^ 1 0 will give tlyeiTi further information. J. Richardson, 21st and Gor­ don Aveiine, i.s having a new •home built at 21st and Haywood . Avenue.-'^* C / p Once again the Christmas Sea.son is iiore and to our many friends who have so whole- hearlodly co-operatetT^with us ' ^hc nast year \vp pypro^g------ -K- iMlsgy l! I - ■ 1̂ I- i i i ^ ' Wishing Our Customers and li'riends -- Old and New A ISIERRY ( HRISTMAS . I AND A PROSPEROUS NE>V YEAR on this our 2lst .Vnniver.'<ary in West Vancoiiyer._ R. L . W e ,vvish-oor-Tmany--clients-- and friends. ' fj' !■ • - ■ ' ̂ ■)' f A Merrg ' Christmas . mnî smccro-aftpreciation." - AVishing All Our ■ Friend.s ythe Cbmplimehts of the Season FORSTS LTD. - W. N . MORRIS, Agent 1476 Marine Dr. W est 711 ^lS(r^t'^6T:;oH§'dale"A^veiv^^ North Vancbiiver • North 525 X.! ^ t b v ; 1:5 Astbury Lumber Co*, Ltd. for S.ervice and Satisfaction. ■! •vr- * ,1 ft R. P. B l o w e r & Co. | Phone 'West 199 Night Calls-- in i T T ^ 1^ G R O C E R Y A N D H A R D W A R E w'it ■ ■ .A._ROLLOr--West--67-2-dT-b To all our patrons and friends t h e : c o m p l im e n t s o f THE SEASON Lew*s Barker Shop ^ 14th and Marine it-: S&i ' i :bhi