West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Dec 1937, p. 3

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Tr::a tg ?"53 r t 98Tr "THB" WBST'" V Alf' WgWS" LAST CALL ! iiht tlu're will-lxs' till the lnAi't«oment.- ̂ ' 'j ia N T hK'r IT W Oim V YOU Just UIIONE W m X 323 Local and Personal iiixl will Ht't' that whatever you wisjh \vill be delivered to your doorimmediately, tiKinaers of (lift . . .JUuxtKl Chuculatea . * < . . .X ardi« ' (linKer Ale . . . Etc. It < \i()N TA (!U E (Ambleside IMiarmnry) 1103 Marine Drive *'•* ______ PHONE WEST 323 ____________ ^ '» ̂ * «► \̂ -mx 'if*** • I «•* a \ 'fc iT'***- » V i! ;i ;•. 1! i! l! 1! i'! l a s t m in u t e s h o p p in g .s e l e c t YOUU (HETS in COMKOUT--and a t Your Leisure BON-TON CONFECTIONERY Pilot Ollicor Krie P arker of Mrs. Wliipple, who has been 12HH Paywbod Avdinie. la te of -'iti^^Kaatern t'am uhi for somo the Tenth. Heavy Homhiuir tim e, has returned to her home S«jiuidron of th e Royal A ir Force, at 1075 l)uchess Avenue, has heeji transferred to tlu* 88th ♦ ♦ ♦ H S(iua<lron a t Boscomb Down. t . L. Thompson of iJkoly. A m esbury, W ilts, lie is spend- B ,t\, is the jruvst of Mr. and ♦|- iiiK th is .Xmas in Brussels, Bel- Mi's. W. T. W atson, M77 Fulton-^ AS •...............?i1. . ......1 i ..A., ̂ 1♦l! ijium, with friends-and conlem- f) idates a 'visit to his parents this VISIT Tilt , I7:U Murine Drive, Jlollyburn (Two Doors from Theaitre) U (• have a Inrae ranjfe lliKh (Irtide (3iofolates in attraclive lM)xes |{on*UoiiH -- Ncvelires -- 'Ci«ars -- Ciaarettes and Tohatcbs |(, -----.,,̂ 1..AC(H5I»TAHLE (ilh T S THAT A K E iiU llE TO IM.EASE i'.' I! p. your I»A1A,I -ICE CItEAM Now for (diri.shnas Day. S|>ociul ♦ h'lavors in Novelty Moulds. DeliveriHl Eree, .lust when you ) want it. Compliments of the Season .i,....... ............... ...... 0̂ . l a s t m i n u t e g if t s Avenue. .. ♦ . eoming sum m er. Miss Pe^Ry H ardm an, \yho is * '* ' * ' „ atlendinK OivKun, U niversity, is ArraiiKement.s hnvi' been made spendinyr the ("iiriatmas holiday.s for a municipal bus to leave jp honu* at 21st and M arine 22nd & Marine ju s t a fte r 1 a.m. Drive,' ' . % Xi ini'- \ '•**■ \ % **N" * S ^ T***. Stratton's BAKERY CHRISTMAS : -CAKES----- ' ■ ■ * Plain »tr leoil , retail eh Bun Jtiid Short Bread XMAS PUDD1N(JS MINUIC PIKS .Made al I H«S Murine ITrive PHONE WE.HT 27 • '«•* -m * 'm * ,•«* A A. "f* • • . J » % « » * i ■ « » ' * f •< * '. I Chri.stmiis morniiiK, lioiuK west, and also for a bus U'av.iuK West Bay at ():*15 a.nV.' Christmas Day. The street li^rhts will he on until 2 a.m. i)( )it >)< Mr.s. L. Rankin, 2222 InRle- v̂o()d Aven'ue, left last Frid-Jiy evening to'visit her son, Dr. U. C. llankip in . Cleveland, Ohio. , She Gxpeots to be away for two oi*, three inonilis*; „ >. ............ There is goml skating on the lalu's on llollyhiirn Ridge, whieh will eontimie over the Christmas holidays, nnle.ss a heavy fidl of snow sliould come to si)oil it. UNITFD CHURCH yOUNG PEOPLE'S ASS'N. December 23, 1937. TH E W EST VAN NEW S / W. C. T. U.THE BURNING BUSH Bv Subadar ----- --̂ ' ' ____ The We.st Vancouver W.C.T. Tl„. editor and mvself have U. held their regular monthly i ̂ ̂ -tr^_ TTu^ntintr in I ... of tho • W - - V X j w - ^ ^ ~ ^ -------- 1 fViLin-Clio- cupied th e chair. M rs. Vernon cuscmI ol ® _ j j a f tiv ifv devotional period, giving Kcsls a ,kn " , . , ^ ^ the Xm as story and reading sov- winch is an ^ ■ . , eral sc rip tu re passages. Mrs. both ot h®', . fVilTifya hpfore Lougheed of Vancouver, the allowed to discuss . t C guest speaker, gave an account the coin'is, so ^ ^s - -"~of--h€^^ wdrk'^among th e"wdmeri may find «P , of Oakalla. This addi '€ss was beak. In my ^ n " very in teresting , as she gave an landed there seveia l t s • account of some o f th e , personal got the w orst of t , . . ^ ^conversations s6^-had w ith some live on bread and w ate r foi s - able to help them . F ive dollars. Usually resulted, in my.. eral days a f te r ?vip wasi donated to th e W ^ s t, Van the fine,-that being a^OUt nnnw r Saiita C1an.«? Fund , anfi 1 1 " Gouve r S an ta Claus Fund , and althToeket book would s^ . dollars to the X m as Cheer i'PU.j"Hr7nvc!f rvf i f w a s Thar, on a ll . ^ , , ■■!3.1-%'-9^11?Jri |̂:7iL; -̂®\fi,^ -̂T,^? :̂: î-~at:,OakailaT::Mrs7^^ Ipse o cca sip p s 1 COUl̂ ̂ - iv/rrs P a n lk n o r snrvod d a in tv I'n-those FUEL SUPPLIES , West .582 WcHt 582 1441 Ilcllevue A'jvu;. WOOD Inside Mill Fir .......... ..$5.50 cord Inside Bush Fir .........$5.50 cord Furnace and Heater , Blocks , .............. .1...$4 .'25 cord ' Fireplace Fir ................$4,25 cord Edgings, Mill-run ......$3.50 cord -- Slabsr'barky .................$4,00 cord Alder, Bone Dry (Limited sup))ly) ..$..(>.00 cord KINDLING WOOD .. • - , ------ SAWDUST - - No. 1 Fir'Sawdust $4.50 per unit. ' COAL Selected gi'ades, well screened.. ' Quality arid quantity guaran­ teed. ' • . Special Tulameen Stove, Egg, . and Nut . .................$8.50 ton Kindling with coal orders; five sacks or more 10c sack _____ :CHARLIE_THOMESO_N____ .The Young Pi'0))lp of M̂ vst - ̂ftfl'Vt ~IN>1 f r%rJ C 1 ll n ' liold' ' if the year on ircli Hull. Miss' iivemu* of the CMS'in cliarge ■ ' - -Alis.s Dora tei'esting talk Jieir Relutioii-, ?he devotional ng was takmi' )we and Miss full .business with Charles (iair owing to ;he president, "(s. (Collections • ' for the Xmas ̂ VMS read from louvcr Young ion ;of fheir " . New Year's ' ;A..';'\y;,V y , ; ' .. ifurthcr meet- till after the ••• Hollyburn Theatre TllUKSPAV and FRIDAY 1 >ei'rmlu'i'„2!5rii and 2ltU .lOE E. BROWN ^ "RIDING ON AIR" also , "'PHEnfH.......br:™':' ( HRISTMAS PARTY" SATURDAY EVE ONLY . Dircmlior 251 h .lOHNNY WEISMUl.LER ' MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN " Tarzan Escapes" also-....--<"y y "'THE CHRISTMAS PARTY': M()Nl)AY,i PKC,. *27111 MATINEE EVENING PATSV'K ELLY " Nobody's Baby'" also "'rARZAN ESC A PES" TUI']S1)AY , WEDNESDAY -- D'c'i'oialioi'" 2Stli aad 2!lth ; .lOE E. BROWN " POLO JOE " also ; "MR. C IN D ER ELLA " (Dace ^ INE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE yO Sevniour SlT , ., . , , Mrs. F au lkner served dain ty re ­ member an y th in g about. freshm ents. happened, socouldn t defebd my- self. I t saved m e from the tem pr tatiop ,pf com m itting , p erju ry , --but-w^frra-pmd;--f4?om--tb m os.t ... Ljnsatisfactory.; The police, Tuesday, December 2 8 th ,'a t -l65." Granville S I ." v Scy. 5711 KeriT d OTI- LEGION NOTES ifV'spsml'iTreetrT^^ though,.iiiyariaby said ̂ . 8 p.m. F inal .arrangem ents will refused to fight, w hich alw ays be made fo r the N ew -Year's .Eve convinced me th^tve^^ were g rea t lia rs or else that^ I -mu.st have been' in a very bad party . - Harold A. Eager & Son Auil<krsJLClantrajptQrs . Homes of. Distinction. -Alterations - ' Repairs Re-rpofing 825 - 22nd Street -ury Dr., (one block east of Cominerci;!!) Modci'ate fees. ' , , ' -------- -- ___r-i-i-T__ I___^____________ ,CJiaries E. B urbridge has re- , way. I should-likeTo. s ta te here, tm-^ed from Ucluelet; B.C., to m conclusion, , as . th e .ep ay is ts , spend th e school holidays a t his S f O A R A V E L I B R A R Y '• 2470 'Mai'iiic Didve . ̂ ' Wish Their Patrons and Friends - ;MAS a n d a PRQ SPEU pilS NEW YEAR ■say, th a t I s till th ink i t was a ome,_2_3M_Manne_ Driye._ foul im putation, w hich^even 1 ___ ________ . _ did not deserve: .The main objection to th e democratization of th e B ritish . Army ^ ill come from ..Tommy, ' . a.s it has always done. He p re ­ fers his officers to be men who -----wear "the^old school tie ," because with all th e ir fau lts the.v look Ê ^-aiyer-r.̂ hiTn.--=Fhat"ŝ g-why--S^rmzz:L} titles ^him to. You know, broth- er, i t 's "the little th in g s which count, as th e burg lar rem arked when he lifted ^he duchess' jewels. ' A lappa Xmas T o all otir patrons P. P.Q . C A F E 1512 Marine W est 616 m: \ R D W A R E M A N S M S ! I West Vanomiver have the Happiest ('-hristmas. ever, ( jperoiis New V< ar. Now don't forget your failings | I down.to ,voilr UhristinaH Dinner; 'Cheerio! tpiAWLEY A: BARKER j w iling to bet th e new schem e vyill K ^ e i f '^ e ^ ^ i l r n g . They m h'ave had com m issions from th e .ranks ih;Tndi^,i-and iU h ^ been a bad flop. These fellows w ith _ ________________ the best of in ten tions have done the th ings they iought n o t . to have done and le ft undone th e T' a w w ' ~ things they should have done. \i[ A M i E R R Y X w l A S ; X O A L L i Re.sult, ra jah s and o th e r Ind ian l(l 1 ,____ ____ pi n i r>MF<; ill gentlemen w ith pedigree's .stretching- b a c k - beyond th e Flood were highly.rin8ulted,^and, not being able-to^:ake i t out on the offenders, s tran g led th e ir -AYiyes and th rew th e ir innocent retinu^ to tige rs-- all th e kind of things an E a s te rn p o ten ta te does when he gets^hot u n d e r th e collar. They didn't actually ac t so, because the B ritish Raj .ob- m m w W e wish you to enjoy, the FULL O N ES W e will enjoy the EMPTIES - s' L: A Very Merry Christmas nd a Prosperous New Year RpWN 8c MUNTON 1542 Marine Drive West 366 Members ■An,{7 T. of B. C. H A R B O T T L E 'S J E R S E Y P R O D U C T S 1515 Lonsdale Ave.4^-s-to-7nflnces^etting^cRrgayt *̂1__oot they ' 1 it was, the harem s seethed w ith terror.-ahd th e 'm ale s ta ff of th e palaces took to th e cellars and stayed th p e . You have g o t to ' , : | know India to realize ju s t how ' hiad an Indian p rince can g e t ,J); when he is placed s ix inches farther back th a n h is ran k en- ------------------ ' ■ phone Narth-4-1-8- t E xten d to th eir m any p atron s and friends in : W est V ancouver------------- - * A M ERRY CH RISTM A S and A BRIGHT and-PROSPEROUS NEW J E A R A t fbis time w e would likelo wish our , manyTriends and patrons. I t f 5! I i jCmigrrH dlyrtstmas anft A ^ a p p n N e w H e a r . 'ffl T i rik you for your support during the year 1937. ;ST VAN m o t o r s ive (BILL D R O U T ) " THE SHELL STATION | % T W est 268 I I