West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Dec 1937, p. 2

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I ■ -.f 'i 4̂ " ■i y.s: f jv; .'V llXl' K ' 1 ̂w B trr VAN v m r m c h u r c h ' Rev. Hlllia Wright, Mlnitter Hundft/ fiervjcm 11:JG m.m„ 1'Ab p.m. SunH*V School *n<l UiW* Om*» 10 «.m, j HirHng*r» A Vi«itort Welcome. G//<s of Beauty that am Dintinctly Diffumnt (Mit ' in (tllriirliy«* i.uxiM ftfi' II nin jitiy wonjaii wiil (|•l■il,"Ul't̂ If kIk' , ih'I'iIm fi (H iniiuKM)! KiVi' licr t lie Ilf. I "A Uiiiti I I'fnn- itni'iil Wavi< l.filirK'ati'/*, liniii till* Gwctuiolyti's Heauty Shoppe CriMilors of KxrltiHive I'criiiaiMlilH, irriC MurInv Drive W«Ht 117, m • » m • *f»rJi i k t *w * • «» IIAITIKT CHURCH ............ Hrv. W. I* >kK*y, ILA^ B.D. Sunday Hc-rvicee I a,lf|.rr<̂ .'bur(.'h , School in* { \ ' '"dutlihK Adult CIi»8 Ij II.m, & 7:.'{0 p.in.--rrcBching Services, A licarty wclcoim? to all O R, G. O. II. S Iw iL K ...................D.D.S., D.D.8. DENTIST liny Hlock, 1 Itli and Marino Dr. OMlco Mourn !) to <5 p. m, ̂ EveninKM i>y ap|>ointm«nl. , IMioiio Weal 72 i!N m :i) cH iiK cii nml Ksijuiinalt Avt*. Hov. IlilliH Wri«ht, Minister At I)m' iim'4'1 iiiK of th<* Wom- Vn' o r the United (!|imvlr, licjfl in 1 he Uimirii Hall on TiMMlay, the I'ilh instant, l)ji- < lection ot oiricei's.. for the coiniii)/ ytuii* took plaoe. with tlie followiinr )•(̂ slJlts: ' * ' IlniKD'ary ^.residentst Mr.s, (/. ){. Aivhibaid, Mrs. IliHis Wriifld, Mr.-'. 'I'. ' ' ICnsliPresident, Mr- A. M, f>'l)onn<*ll: l.si Vit;e i^rcsidejit, Mr.s, Wrn. Hlair; 2nd Vice I 're.sjth-'nt,. Mrs. P. Wait; KecnnliiiK Secri'tary, Mrs.' It. M.'cA'ean: 'llia.'usurer, :Mrs. 10 WEST VANCOUVEH ~ Chriitiaii Science Society CHURCH KDIKD.'K 20th and Kaquiinalt. llollyburn This Society ia a maneb ot The Mother Church . The Flrat Chuo h of t hriHi, ScientiHt, in Ro-ston, > MaaaachuxettH .Sunday Service. a.in. S u n d a y , D ece in h er 2l»th' Subject: "'CHKrSTIAN S( IKNUI"' I' * ....... Sunday School al )0;00 a,m. 'roHtimony* Meeliior Wialnesduy at fitlf. P.rn The ppblic is cordially In­ vited to. attend our services and 'mcotingH. „ ' W ITH S IN C E U E A P P E E C IA T IO N I rtR L O C A L S U P P O R T W E W ISH Y O U A L L A M E H U Y X M A S A M ) A H A I»PY N E W Y E A R W i s f V A N S T A T I O N E R S A N O L I B R A R Y NN'Ht to Royal Hank .l*hone W est C87 * . JIour.'A; P a.in. to 8 p.m. ST. ANTHONY'S UA'mOUH' CHUID H 2 .'{rd &' Inij;le\vo()d Av<'. Kcv. W. .1. Millay. fl.'Prcm. Pa.stoj- 1̂ r- r*-' r j r* r- r- r- ̂ ^ s ^ The Seasons Gfeltings pgIPQUSON'S DAILY FREIGHT SERVICE 'i'ruel{H lefivc \\ e.st V̂ UIt. llt.H Jl.Ill. Mild d P*ai« ' l.fiivc v4iiK-oiiver OlVice at 11 u.in. and U p.m.' W ' , ^ r.iMt. Mild C.N.Ji. (kdiverieH'(iaily. iMiories^--Dmiwias 12!l; We.'̂ l 8.", No service on Sundays or lloliday.s - .v-.-v-r.' r.-.-r r-' J. I , --I, ■ . iTj lit ? X in I I • »V" V*• - «• . r *IH I HJ* Kicli.'inlson, Mrs. Pdssel.l; Social ,S4 iAi<'(̂ .Mr.s. CeorKe Haldwin, Mr;-.. Kicliardson i.VisiliiiK. M'fk. Will. Il('rrin; 'J'ca, Mi\s. Ilarris;, .J'ioiii.sl, .Miss Frame. ' . -y-- KHliililiNlied on North Shore 2.'! Venra (J.mly AHHiatant) H A im O N HKOS. UTl). jfuiieral pirectors llollyhurn Funeral Home ISlh mid • Weal ,1;M -- North Vancouver Farlors " " 122 West, Si.xUi Street I'lione iNorLIi l.'i-l ̂ Vancouver Farlors -- -- f, r> • 'i'tM11 i 1 - A-V i' n u I--- K a H t--i---- I'hone l"air. I'.'M JIAPTIST CHURCH ,Kcv. Wiirpid U. McKay . IfidT) Uticiiess Ave. Sunday Services 11 :15- a.m. and 7; I r> p.m, . Sunday .School and IJihle C'lass al 10 a,ill. Fx])lorcrs meet on Monday at 7 p.iii. - Ses.sioii and Hoard of Stewards nieet WediK'sday al. H ]).m. th e coniri'OKRt P salm '12, ','.]u(Ik<' Me, O C o d ," by P r ie s t alid Peojile. , "M ass o f th e A n g e ls ," Plain sontr I7y t l i e C h ild re ii'.s C hoir.*, - p fl'erto ry , " A d e s le Fidele.s," by 'th(3 eohj^n'eKal ion. ■1i<i.^)onses, c h a n t , hy th e cont^re- ^ . iration . Itecess io n a l, I "T<- l.)euni," th e ̂ ' congreiJfaiion, V is ito i's a rc a lw a y s w elcom e. A bu s Roini" w<'sl, w ill leave 2 ;}r (r S tr e e t a t 1 a .m , TH E W EST VAN C LEA N ER S V VVish their many friends and customers A MERRY gHRlSTM AS and A PROSPEROUS NEW, YEAR ' ST. STEPH EN 'S CHURCH Kev. F. A. Jiam.sey S a y i t w ith F L O W E R S M open Evenings ' Bonded Members of the T . D. S. THE W EST VAN FLO RIST - 18th and Marine Drive* W est 305 ' ■ p.m CHRISTMAS E V F --1 1 fllO p.m. •et wediK.'sda.y, at ]).m. C'arols and IJolv'( 'ommunion ?j ----- L-,..-.------------- .̂.... ...... L------,--- ------- .. -------- n . - r. .xo. ' III ,, id f in i -■ -Tl t . . . i ' ^ WEST VAN .M essenger Service FRUKHIT. HAtJUAUK. Ktc. I'K'IvlOl) IIF and DFI.IVFRKI) Daily Ferry ,Service Fhoiie West .'i, r ' ■II- ' ̂ . m,T"l0:30 a-m,--Holy Com- \ - " 1' was KlacI wlien they said • . munion. ■ " it iinlo ̂ me "L<'t ns ko unto' the SUNDAY--St. Stephen's Day-:-, .k Hou.se of the Lord." " . g a .m .^ id 11:15 a.m, 'rh,<' choir will lead iii special Huly Comnmnioii, (thristmas niusic. They' will ' 7:15 p.m.--(-arol Service. f~7^/r vO /? ' rmidm- in the . niorning the MONDAY-- St. .John's Day -- r , / ^ a t m anthem, "O Zion that P>riuiJ:s • 10:15 a.m.--Hg.|?ŷ .Coinmun- ̂ k ejad /I'idinKS." (Stainer), Mj.'̂ A. ion. " " i 'Ji 1562 M arine, Drive Wish dll their pahons and frtetids ■i t»rHtehidriia>.. West 2jj>-L--^ _==,s 1 v(>I• l,..=.-w-iJ1 --sillr_oL\;:HTeholdy; Darkness, 'I'he lk.'opl6 that VV'alk \ri~,:'r4:>r4:'rJ: rJ-TJ-TJ'rJ-rJt r j rJ r. ed jin Darkness," (Me.s'siah). Christmas Day■- ■-..... •:u--.. '■ ■ • ■ ...... ■ ...w . S L:;Rraiicis=iri?the-iWo6 d; Caulfeild «ii All iKIir (Umitplimntts lit' :------- k.SiUimUL---- WALLY CRAId (Over M Yoar.s*' KxpViYTenctv) - .2117 Ar^yld Avenue '* ** 'fc '% "•r "i* ̂ \ The chureh-fsc 1 ipo 1--\\411--mevt- TEAROE & SONS ___:____ J_!iu>.iie _VVe.s( _S I ______ 'i ; .1 ■ ■I'H i Wish their Patrons, and Friends at --10. . o'clock... -Visitors., and strancors ar<* cordially, welcome, i Th(' church--si'hool (ihristnuis ■ T^ îitelTiri'iTme!Tt~\vi I l~I)0^1TeTd~ou~ Thur.sday. January (Uh, at 7:15 Y>.m. / X . -(LVIt.D-(JJ.?:_1..HAN.]vS- 'riuf pastor witCprc.'icli - on .the Holy Communion, subject" On to llethlehem'." . Sunday, 0:'15 a.m. In the, •'oveninĵ the, following :., -, 11 n,t-h ('m .s. ...w. i 11 hold , a Virg.in Shall ('onoeixV," (S m ith ) ; " Ye'^Cal es; IA ft Ui). - Youj' Ilea-ds on Higli." The evening .sul)j<H:t. will lie 'i f Clhi.srrhairCkiines." 9:15 a.m. Till* WAistS^anoouver Libera j. A s-' sociation wishes to tliank the public of W e st Vancouver and the many workers for their help in makin^y the "'Open Nile" held in the Orange Hall, such . a succe.ss. W'̂ e .are pleased to he ihe ineMMs' of .raising the sum uf Û.tO.-K) -which---was handed over to the W e st Vancouvt^ 'Xmas Cheer; Fund for their di'strrK bution .______' ______ Yours Re.spectfully, - 1'FIU-'̂ ' iMASTKRMAN,; A OrganizerV At D undarave Pharm acy r-¥7MH)lTE¥- -P€H-r-Elt-.&--Me(yR-E-^ -eHdBIfcWFY- HOUBIGANT -- EVENING IN PA IilS SETS. MOIll'S -- FIG'ARDY -- NEILSQN'S CHOCOLATES V lilO N E \VlEST. (>()6 -- Free Delivery THE SEASON" X • » " - ' V ■ \ ----- - - - - - ......." ' ' QL" . : S K I S S K A T E S ■ ■ .■ I f .- f.;. -------- liaTilwood Ski.*? and Hariibss complete"- ........ :.............. .$'1.0,') A good'out lit -for the younger ■ ■ , : S k i e r s . , ■ Matched .S>ot.s ofler be.'it value in skatini;: outfits. Standard . ' " 4 \L.V) L---7-- ---- :-- :----r-- r-- to I'Vfryoiu' - - FRED JONES * , " I4:i9 Marine Drive . fft ff,': 5-',: h ̂ m ] ■ in West V!aiu-ouver _JMcNEIL'S KFXALL r)K|:I(; STOKE ~ 1102 Marine Drive, West \'ane.)u\er IMIONK, WEST r.2S ' '• ■ .■■■• ■ . . .C . . BuTTard Laundry Ltd LAUNDRY SERVICEFORDEPENDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones -- West 691-L or North 1310 I f ®I?!"'-"; II y HoIlyburiL Dressmakers _ 0"ivta ri hc"D rl vc PhONE WEST 583 M iss o r K H o m e ", ̂ ' THE W est Van N ew s --̂-----Published-dEIn'r-y--iWui r-«d ay--- ---- m : --=------ ^ 'i'xibtishcr'~~: ■ T - P . LpVEG RO VE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial OfYico: 17()4 Marine Drive Phone West 55 , / CLOSED SUNDAY............ 10 A.M. -- 1 P.M. MONDAY.;... : .10 A.M. -1 1 P.M.' W est V ancouver Im perial.Service Station W est Van. Motors ----- Motor -Survice-Station-- rA nrljleside Service. S ta tio n ' ' - :Ntiv\*-YTntr'TriSchcdiTlo~will-bw^ui)irs}i^r]a^ North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Avo; $1.00 a year by c,nrner; $2.00 a year by mail. BRITISH PACIFIC HEATING eo. LTD. ) HEATING AND VENTILATING * ENGINEERS v̂t CONTRACTORS I'insmilhing, Copper-Smithing, 'Sheet Metal vVork. Speciatizing in .Air Conditioning 1483 Marine Drive 1. ' * ̂ W est 41