West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Dec 1937, p. 1

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A WeeMy Newspaper Circulating in the District of West Vancouver-^*Ambteside ̂ Hollyburn^ Weston ̂ Dundarave $1,00 per year, ' Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per copy at m'W9«tand». Vol. XII HOLLYBURl)) P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBEk 23nl, 1937 No. 3 UJishttig ajl.®ur Hrahets a IMerrg Christmas CHRISTMAS till' ■iiiii Nineteen hundred and th ir ty -e ig h t years ago on the eve of 25th December u caravan had crossed the R iver Jo rdan was jtroceeding over the sandy \vastes in the direction ol' Hcthlehem. I t was led by th ree meii of w ealth, learned in .isduiionty and astrology and a ll,th e m ysteries of the E a s t, ' who followed a new and b rillian t s ta r which was bringing tlioiii to -the homo town of the House of David. We do not |<ii(Â who. th ey were or where th ey came from , nor does liist(,hy record an y th in g fu rth e r of th e ir lives a f te r they viinishi'd in th e desert on their, re tu rn journey. B ut th e ir jfifts .show ,th a t th rough m uch study as .by special revelation they realized a M essiah had come to save the world th rough a life of suffering. And, as on th a t n ig h t wisdom, undeceived by th e circum-^ stances of the m anger, journeyed m any miles to worship, so illiteracy in th e peixsons of the shepherds, s tirred by th e ap 7 pearaiice of the angels and th e ir songs, also came from nearby to I'lMider an equal hom age. ^ ' ..... ' It was so on th a t first Q hristm as Eve, and 'itj has been so, ever since. F o r the ' .very Wisest and the un lettered hiive uvci' been the m ost ready to accept th e teachings of th e Man of (Jallilee. Too m any of th e 'r e s t of the population then as now have relegated H im to th e stable, which is why th e re is ' ,>;()-little-peace-and_goodLwjlLamong_men„today:__-------------------- - Hut in sp ite of th a t i t d o es 's tan d tq^^Qur.cred it th a t a t Christmas tim e, in sp ite of all its desecration th ro u g h com­ mercialism, th e re is m uch good will am,ong men. We do try then- to make th e burden of life easie r for th e un fo rtuna te , :f^:efi~deavor~'to~see~t.hat;-bh'^one~day~'ih~the~year~at~leas)t7 pbor shall be as happy as our offerings can m ake them ; wo (' "the SANTA CLAUS FUND CONCERT The annual Sdnta ( 'laus Fund concert hast Monday evening in the Inglewood Aiuiilorium was a very .enjoyable all'air, but un­ fortunately due to the m any a t ­ trac tions already^givcn was not well attended. ■ The rnilio play fea tu rin g "T here',̂ a Home for Little Cdiil- d ren 'Vand depicting the circum ­ stances under which the hymiir was w ritten was very well acted by a cast of local a rtis ts made up of Florence Young, Coralie Gray, Jack Young, S tan L ettner and , .Jack Climie. A ssisting , them was M rs. Colin M acLeaif s Jun io r G irls' Choir of th irty -tw o chil­ dren, who under her direction .sang the hym n pea,utifully. A t th e conclusion Miss Estelle Fox, the au thoress ,apd producer of these pleasing -plays over th e Su nday-NationaL-netw ork-of-the Canadian Bfoadca.sting Coi'por- ation, was introduced to th<L. audience. .) , . The second p a r t of the pro- gram --under" the.v direction pf-Jr" H am m ett was'a^ varied one, in- (^HURCHES OF CHRIST, SC^IENTIST A HU; NITE" - ami among ourselves we do fo rget ..our anim osities and .striv ­ ings one with th e o ther. , -Would th a t we couid extend th is consideration.fo r th e 'other fellow to th e other: th ree hundred and six ty -four days - in the year, because then that->peace and good wilLwould reign upon the earth, w hich we in our h ea rts so m uch desire. The regular m onthly m eeting of the W.M.S. of the U nited *'Church was held Tuesday; Dec­ ember 21st. Word chosen fo r roll- -call Jw. ^fConseerate'/^' Mrs. Secretary-:--,Mrs. O^Donitelh T reasu re r: M rs. Had win. eluding some well executed num ­ bers by Miss M argaret Mcjln- ty re 's orchastra;i and o thers by such well know n-artists as W ally Davis,' th e V ^ c 'o u v er comedian, Gladys W ard, popular Vancou­ ver vocalist, Annable Ma^ •-'CH RlS'riA N SCIEN CE" wilh be the of the liCS.Mon- Sermon in all (Ju irchea of (J iris t, Sc'iontisf, on Sunday. The Goldim T e x t' is: 'TIo, every one that thir.steth, come ye l o t he watm's, and he th a t hath no n io iu 'y ; coine ye buy, . and ea t j.yea, come, biiy, wine and «-mil|^ w ithout money and w ith ­ ou t'p rice ." (Isaiah 55: 1). Among the citations which comiirise the Lesson - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "F o r 'w hatsoever th ings vycre w ritten aforetim e were w ritten for our learning, th a t we th rough ' ' patience and com fort of the scrip tures niighx have hope." (Romans 15.: 4). ^ The Lesson - Sermon also in­ cludes th e following passage ~from -theChri,stian-Science-text-'-- book, "Science and H ealth w ith -Key to th e S crip tu res" by M ary Baker E ddy: "C hristian Science, understood, coiiicides w ith th e Scfipfiifes,' ahd^sustaih.s logical-'^ ly -a n d dem onstratively every p o in t'i t p resen ts ." •. The "Big Nile" given by the ;\Ves( Vancouver Liberal As.siH'i- aiion undi'i* flit' direction of 1*. T. - -Maslerman on .„Wwlubs(lay evening of last ̂ week in the .Oi*ang<' Hall was'an nniiualiCuMl siieei'ss, llu'-total receijits, all of which wi're tui'ned. oyer ■ to the .West . Vancouver Santa ('laus h'liiul, amounting tô llHd0.4(). There was a very large crowd hi altendance who enjpyvd to the full the arrangenienjs made for their entiudainment. thmls were played at the beginning of' the evening, and in the lower ball a number of games of chance including fortune telling by Mrs. K. (i,, Cooke, attracted nuiny. Till! other poinilar- features were, tlu! dravving.s for turkeys, groc­ eries, live stock, feathered pets, cakes, hosiery, etc. Mrs, Frank Walker presented the prizes d̂ o' "tlTfr'\v>1 rnTeTsVWvh'(T"were as fol- Y U LETIDE CAROLLING The Yuletide Carolling p re­ s e n t ^ , by the W est Vancouver lows: Mr. Isaacs, R, (hupps,'Sid (ho.ss, Mr. Dyble, Mrs. Dyblo, George < Guinan, Mrs. Parker, _M rs . _Ra ii k i 11, _.Mr. „M cLeod, ..Mr,. Haiii, and Mr. Hullah." Mes.srs. Roy Lowes and George Childs provided the musio for the danc­ ing, which took phme throughout I he evening in the upper hall, the Moor being crowded for every num ber.' .R efreshm ents were served during 'th 'e interval. • singer ancTH: C. U old M edallisfr i-Wednesdayx-aiLd_ V ' Reid, the president, being b e tte r , took the m eeting. A fte r the- .opening exercises th e se c re ta ry 's, and treasurer's repo rts .were read and M rs .'W rig h t took th e --eh^d-e-i^f- t-he -S t ud-ynrBoole^ _JajnLiig_TThe-JVIinis_tiiyi_o£JHeal-_Philip ing.'.' In te restin g details from lone settlem ent work^iOO riiiles ovon from railw ays were" inst- aneecl and she finished w ith, an interesting and succe.ssful ep i­ sode in her. own experience. The following officers fo r 1938 w ere appointed : Honorary P resid en t; M rs. Wright ' PresMeht: Mrs. -Reid____ i ___ 1st Vice P re s id e n t: M rs; "Rush . . . all of whom w ere compelled to Supply S ec re ta ry : Mrs. H errin give encore num bers, and a v.ery ..Tem perance: Mrs. M errick clever and.'hurnorous sketch by Home Helpers S ecre ta ry : M rs - Ted Sewell and^Frank Crowson. St^_€s_ ^ th lv S I '■ .M iss* 'M argaret M cIntyre and Miss E. Beveridge , . pm iists . ~ . P ress C orrespondent: M rs. ' - _:___ !------------- Thnrsda"y~evenings"bfla"st~weelr -before audiences which filled the -Inglewood A uditorium was the finest offering ever made by the students. Indeed, i t would not. be going too fa r to .say it xwas Ileadifuarters H arrison. C hristian S tew ard sh ip : M rs. M aePherson DR. G. S. MACDONALD V PASSES Dr. George Sanford Macdonald Ml.^^_-_l5iy,.DucJie^.jA.venue,_ collapsed" the" 'm ost' beau tifu l' th ing even presented in W est Vancouv<,'r,' The A uditorium itself had been made to resem ble a church at. (ih ristm as tim e by means ol\ ideenrfli.i on nd j}i e H eadquailers donations prevL ously . acknowledged ,$172.22; Princi-pal, Staff and-S tudents of West Vancouver High ~ Schools, proceeds ol fbirF performanceiT of, "Yule Tide Caro]ing"iContrib- -ev-Pxgreen.. uted.by the E lem entary Schools, High Schools ̂ aiid General Public $126,92; Table/. Tennis ^$-12.80; West Van. Liberal Assn. $1-30.4(L , Ti/r • - v/r------ T-n--------------- _________ in-a_cafeIoiiJWlestJPM£deiLStreet: P M usic: Miss F ram e, -A nna F riday , dyhig soqn a f te r he ila riisq n . t.A St TTn.s- N EW FISITM ARKET was "adm itted to 'S t. Pau^ p ta l fo r trea tm ent. - The deceas­ ed, who was in h is th irty -e ig h th rnu -nr ■ ' "t.' i i- . -1 Veai', had not been, in ■ good The M arine 'F ish ' M arket has- health fo r sonie tim e. H e leaves been opened ■ a t 1429 M arine ,t6 m ourn his passing, besides h is D riv e .in the sto re form erly oc-. wife,' one daughter, D orothy cupied by the W est Van. Clean- Claire, a t borne, and th ree brothers.D r. Eric Wo A ustin and Wallace in-Sydney,^ Funeral bei#iees-:w\'€r^ ers. They ca rry a full line of fresh-and 'sn ioked fish and main-* --Rherson. =^a=dMfve-i-y ̂ A V est^22. I^he- coverihg of th e walls by murals of-a-relig ious-characteiv-and-of- th e w indows.by paintings repre­ sen ting stained glaf^s windows, al 1 ex trem ely "'welI "exebu ted iln d" en tire ly th e work of the stud-' en ts "iiT 'the a r t classes from, posed figures. The cast in the C hristm as play "Good King W enceslas" and th a t in the Na­ tiv ity p lay . "L ittle Town of Bethlehem '"- played their p a r ts ' very well, b ring ing to th<^ first Q f^ h ris tm a s jo,v....cij.n.' W.C.'JMJ. $5T00'; Diokens Sketch Club $5.00: T hree Carol Singers $1.65;.-P e te r Hall .$3.06; Anon, ..Christinas Cheer $1.00; United - Church W-.A.'$5;00 ;-StrSteph"-eTis- W.A'. $5.00;. Beryl S co tt $1.00; Mi*. H, Thorpe $2.00; Mrs. Ar­ th u r Ridley $1.0.0; Municipality .W est Vancouver $25.00. W est Van News ♦ , W est Van. United Church Sunday School Sl'afi' & ' Scholars in memory of Mrs. B, E, B ennett...;.... $10.00 lG o fp o ra t ia r ro f~ th e ■ b urn~FulTe 5--Jg^^Si^Ltd .,-the ,Jieya., sey officiating, and was m ade i n ;uft"Harron E^ A. Raror. .-approaching the. th a t reverence which the sui>- District of West Vancouver X m as D ay Ferry & Bus Schedule pl e a se JtEEP THIS FOR REFERENCE Ferrie^3*»JJourlv Service West Vancouver 6:00 a.m. and every hour tijl 12:00 "Midnight" .......... " ""6:30 a.m. and evecy hour ^̂01 12:30 "Midnight" lea\'o Loavf Vancouver .. . WEST BAY. BUS ueavt' Wha"rf ..T.:;::.... ■-5:40'ion~+ 6:30 a.m. .7:00 a.m; and every hour till 1:00 a.m. * To and Prom 29th St. only ______ ^WEST B ^ BUS _ Leave Weist Bay;..'.X.. ^:o0 a.m.* 6:45 a.m. ---•and- e veryJkourit i 11 12:4.5_a. m----- Leave Wharf 11:00 a.m. 12:00, a.m. 1:0Q p.m. -----^-:00-p^; U PPER LEVEL BUS Leave 25th & Mathers : :45;: a.rn.:;;;:v;.'-;, •12:45.4L.im_ .'J' 6:00 p.m, - 10:00 p.m. i 11:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. " 1:00 a.m. ' , ' - All trips via Upper Levels route both ways. "=nl):45 p.nT, 11:45 p.m. .12:15 a.m. DECEMBER 27th, 4937 ' Ferries -- Regular Holiday Vt. Hourly Service,__ Prom West Vancouver......... ........ ;......1....... 6:00 a^*, to 11:30 jp.m. rrom C ity ................ ............................. ,.....-..6:30 a.m. to 42:00 midnight West Bay and Upper Level ^uses, Regular Holiday Service.. in te rm en t Capilano View Cemetery,__ HARRADINE C()MMERCIAL _ COLLEGE HAVE N EW ' GRA NDYIE BRANCH The H arradine Commercial and Academic College, 740 Sey­ m our S treet, announce in th is is­ sue th e opening of a new branch of__tiie_.college. .at 1445' Salsbury The presir.Thrive in Grandview, dent, Miss H arrad ine, will ^ m_ charge, and it is- hoped th a t it ~TiVelri^mHiTdM7~'Tb'G~Tscem i-.v i 11 . the tab leaux which made iq.) t he N ativ ity -p lay , th e -w o rk -o f -the .• s tuden ts and staff-,' is deserving of special m ention. The grey­ ness of a desert country, such as surrounds Bethlehem, was- in '.some way captured, which vvith o ther correctly portrayed details,, such as th e eastern" or 'Ronian ' dresses of the cast, produced' an, ensem ble,In each tableau which' --wi I l-n ot-be-easi ly ;fo i-gotUm- St. - S tephen's , Junior '̂G-h'Orr"'" '̂ ea-nH - si-n g i ™4t05- Mrs. Harold 'Brown '5.00 .' -------$19:05- Please send-donations to -B.C, FJectric Show Rooms or to the W est Van -News. ' WELFARE DRIVE will prove as successful as th a t recently opened in K errisdale. The College is very well knew n in G reater Vancouver, teach ing secretarial Work, bookkeeping, com ptom eter; stenography, typ- ingra^id-i^peed-writlng--The-fees-^ The carol singing by th e choir of-students-andTho-slring-sclec-- tions by th e school orchestra added g rea tly to the, enjoy-ment of the program . . y • T he appreciation, of the and s tu d en ts is dberto thu H-Ĉ F jeclric, Brown & Munton, Mrs. , Cord on--Gxay-,-J::--T1;JD-U.rbln-ijjjgL- • The W est Vancouver Welfare Drive Com m ittee wish to ack­ nowledge with thanks the fol- IdwThgTsUlIscriptionH": ' , Previously acknow- - lodged ....tT. $1,386.50 "A.B.C." ........................ ; 5.00 F. A, B eddard................. 5;00. C. S. D owning................. 15.00 Mrs. G- H. F aulknor...... 10.00 Gordon^Gray .. 5.00 Miss M .iC rFram e. :.:: : - ------ 1.t00= •/ 1 v"- are M oderate-and n igh t classes are also held. Tom Tprner_Jjor th e ir generous assistance .Grifl'- ith -^ M ea ts .......... ............-im M other /(after re la ting p a th ­ etic s to r y ) : "Now Reggie would­ n 't you like to give your-bunny to th a t poor little boy who h asn 't any fa th e r ?" Reggie (clutching x a b b i t ) : "Couldn't we ju s t gi^ve him fa th e r instead?" , TOWNSWDMEN'S GUILD Decem ber 28th is the closing date fo r signed nominations for office in the Townswomen's Guild fo r 1938. Lasts should ,be sent to M rs. F. Bayliss, Mrs. L. Kyle or Miss E. Nelson. S. C. H o s s ie ........... ....... Mr. and Mrs. J . R. L, McDaniel, Ireland .... J . A, M a cR a e ............ .... Mr, and Mrs. J . H. Pat; erson...:...^,..... -Terminal W holesale D rugs L td ................... Capt, H. I. Vince____ l.fiO 20.00 5.00 5.00 b.OO 10.00 . T o ta l.............. I : .....$l;474.'50