West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Dec 1937, p. 4

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fi ^ * } ' )V < i!> r •V (j;: 1 i S ,r •i i r> fr; ') ~ ^ c'* r ' -" 1 UM : V S , : ^ V ^ r; ...... ........... CORKKSroM>f:N< SMITH'S M A R K E T . R E D . A N D WHITE| * h o i i e Wt»Bt 46 Phone W est 46 ̂ M e a ts-- Phofie W est 370 'fMcrrhs <;ooi) for Fr id a y & s \ n h d a v . ihr. n th ^ isih I 'U '.M l*t l)l)IN(;- -;H) o/. Tin Ific r;.)M Hr«iwJ < IIHIHTMAS WINF^H < Uvrry ■ I'orl . <i|in»{<'r l,!itu>' IjoMit* ,'iyr (II HI STM AH ! ( ANHIKS, M TK, Kir. <'ANI>V , \'iii«N Mixr<l Jl>, 17f J ill I ( ANDV -(Vt'nms,',lrlli»'H,' lb. 22c- i" •'.'4 i ^ 51^ *' fe--^ ' 1, . Li ■='/J U: ^ y y ' k ' r ?! :i-!:- 1 i?{ S i ; f it- S-fil-vl ■ iss l i y f S S L-L f ?4fe:K? - ■{ f e i . I lb, 20r lb. 2 lr lb. 2r.r lb. nir lb. 25c < biH'iiliilrH ('iilifornlii WAI.NI'TH, ' H o M K b r I I A I . A I O . N ' l J H T n r r i u ^ t i i i i i H H A Z I b . M ' r S M i d i i i i i i r i l . H K i n S I ' i i i r ( { u a i i l y l"i:< A N S XMAS ( HACHKHS AI.KO Tnlilr Haî ^̂ HM, 'I'ablc Fikh, MixriJ N ijI h; Hox ( 'borolafivi, CiKai'H* n^arrllrw, 'roliarroH, .lAAl-...Nabob, i I ' l i r r H a h | ) b r r r y , ■l•lb, t i n ^Tir ( ^ M \ I ' J ^ ' l , ( ) i i H ' - • - H « a i i s d o w n , p b l . .'I.'lc I . A H I ) -- S w i n ' w l * n r r K i l y c r l r a f M b . C a r l on , |(Jc n/fi?'A nrc A . 1 a w i c s ' r ;i?o X.MAy I'OlII/rRV TURKFVS <in<:KFN (iFFSF IM/CKS H A M S I'k'IchcFs, JIurns, (Jaincr'H, Svvifl's. y\ll binl.s will Imj specii'illy S(4<l'H<-'(1 (»radc? A ( | C 1 ( K ( ) A ' r . S - - ( l u a k r r . . p k l . 2 7 r r i i r i i r w p a r k a ^ r r o h ( a i n i h ) ; a H r a i i l i l u l i i i r r i * o f c r y i j i u l w a r e . A P P L E S - - oK*̂ com<?NG" -W ajJners, S p itz B oX $ 1 .4 9 0 R A N G E S - - S a c k o f ,4 d o z . 5 9 c TAIIFF TFNNIS FFAfitHC . . Si-Tond Division An cn<l(*av'or is hoiiiK Muuio to (•n.*al(';i Second Divi.sion in order (,o enco,ur.nK(,f n(,*w playerKSjlo Tireid( inlo leanncL play. It, is kiipwii llial I here ar<' many Inca) entlin.sia.sl.s, udio, alllioiij l̂i keen IIANDCONCFRT TJje cnnc(}rt fjiven by the Wo.st N'aiiconver i School Haiiih la.st h'riday ev<!ninjT in lh<̂ Inglewood Aiidilorinm jjnder-'tlu* spon.soi'- .-.ddp of tlfiT West. Vaiioouvei' IJu.siii(?,ss Men's. AssociatioP I'e- ■oirplayinj,rrl<'cl■ Iln*y arcrliot ex-~ eei\ed the hearty support oi' tin; pei't enotiKh to comix'te in the LeaHiM.' as it nmv stands. So at ..this lime, i( is asked that all' tho.s(! who liace had litth ̂ oi;.ho e'x|)eriimce in ,l('aKHe play, and are desirous of ^ettijuf into the s})ort, to step rî dd up and help tVirm tlieir ik;w Second Division. 'Anyone udshinK I'urthei- in- rormation please p̂ et in touch witli .Jimmy Ha.vt<>r at West 15C;-V. I.st ritOOF HOY St'OllTS __'D ie I 'ep rn la r, in o n th lv nund in)r of"t h e i s t West Vancouver llov puDlic, the_ anditorium heinjr filled I'orihe occasion. The boy.s" -bad prepared a .splendid propfram and iimier tlfe baton of thhir con- dmdor, A. VV. Delainont, they POiN'e a masUirly renderinĵ ' of the, various niimbers to the delipfld, of till* lar^e audience. 'I'ho as- sislinjr artists, 'Mrs. .1. Iti.'id, , vocalist, with Mrs. A. P. Hannan as .accompanist'; and May'Mills oniiie accordian woi'e very well rec('ived, and <;.'ich had to jrivt* .eticore numbers. Dnrinp; ,the eveniuK • Manapcer ,T. K. ,.Ck)n'(lon explained.;.th[it it was. hoped as "a resijIf iiT the .sei'i('s of cone.ci• t s ~ T o t h e K d ito r " W e.st V a n N e w Dear Siri--ASV wi-li to thank * t h e m a n y KeH^oiai....coiiti'ib*di*r.s ,to the We.st V'am"»uN er Ueilare Trust. The.va* e-a-Uributinn,'̂ are rnakinpi: a ver\ net r.'.-.'iry work possible of acntmjili.iiinenl. Ihir obj(?ctiv(« is almo t .'itlained and that furtlim* bit <-f c'ooperatimi and etfort necd< d will bf lortli- eominpr from tie- wls> >o lar bav(* not y<4 .sob • nbi'ij. 'Hie workei*.*' in tin' UT'-_t \ aii. couvei' Welfare ,\ ,-ocianon iuv piih'ly voliintai N. ihrii oiily pay­ ment beliipf- till erateful lliaiik.s .of tb(,* needy (iii/i'n- i'ecei\'inK lu'lp. iTiis'inay seein ;i r.'itliei* nebu­ lous paynumt, but ii'i' very i'e;il. Fould you expi'i'ieiife the .'splen­ did apprecinti'-n b,\' tb<-' ni'i'dy ■individu.'ds that i h<>'--iiu.)rker.s liave e x p e r i e u i w e have no doubt the obj'M'ti\'e \voiild lie reiiched in on<' wi ek. 'Id e col(l<.*r w eal her exp en -_ e n c e d r e c e n t ly pre.^enls an iii- creas(,'d p ro b lem lo th e n eed y an d to th e A sso c ia t io j i a.^siimin}*: t i l l s \Vi)rk a s il is Lo Iho.'^e o f ii.s. w h o h a v e th e blessinp; ol' a m ore a d e ip ia te in co m e . " R e s t a s su r e d vNuir e o n tr iln i- tio h s'W ill b e c .'ir i-im k 'sp (*n t p i'o- vidinp: h e lp to r<'ally^ d e s e r v in g p eo p le , - , \Ve wish also lo lhank all those who have contributed llieir talents to the fiirllierance o f tips c.'impaipni, T'liere art'many Imtwe wish especiidlydo thank Rev. inilis W)'ipdit,ii<'V. W'ilfrcd McKay and RciK'e"l.eylaiid and -Ihe-editoi' of this paper foi'-th.eir- - e.xcelleid- assistance. We ask.yoirlo do llire<.i lliinp̂ s; Make youj; (Rmatiini as.j^enei'oiis as .possible; make it as soon as possible; make it io' the Royal Hank of Canada. West Vanoon-' ■ ver.,; L All cojiti'ilmtiofi.s; will bi,' ack-'". novvledi êd in the eolunins of this paper. G i-a te fu lly y o u rs , I. T'. -.Me.idauprlilin, ■ C h a irm a n , > C a m p a ig n _ C o m n iH lee_ JEFFERIES'Superior Meats Government Inspected Only COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS DELICATESSEN 1 store at Hollyburn, next Theatre I'HONE WEST 3 • ; Service L U M B E R Quality HA.SJI HOOKS .SllINCi-KS I'l.VWOOH.S HATH P A IN TTHERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY AgeiilH: > , CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. B U ILD ER S' SU PPU Fs ROOFING W ALLBOARD TILE \^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 1.5th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 C L A SSIFIE D A D S rho rate for ClaBBlfuMl Advertisements is 2 cents per word, niiaimum y". fiMils Except in tfife'case of those having regular accounts, all classi- n X arc payable strictly jn advance ' Kcmeinber OlaHsineds in the West Van Nows get an mediate results. .SAVE IMONEY on your land clearing. Have oxpei'ianct* and eciuipment. KiJ.sli jobs wanted.- We.s't 252-L.__ LEGION HALL FO R RENT - Meet-' ings, P a r tie s , 'e tc .; moderate rates. Phone W est 184-Y. F. W. Rivers. FLOOR SUKFACINi; -- L Suthelr- I'liiid. 2rIT Mahon Avenue, North Mr>H-L. _ S ______^ . MASON'S TAXI -- Day and nigKt; heated car; iiaHsengers full.v insured West 512. ■ • .. MARCEL SHOP -r- Thermique Steam Perm anentek <Only best" materials , used. E x p ert , operators«f£=:t*hone W est Royal Bank Building, WAN'J'ED -- Furniture, Brie scyBrac, Stoves, Heaters, etc., highest Wices iwiid. Call W cst'91. Burrard Jtonk Co.. •' CHIMNEY SW EE PIN G -- Old Oam- ■ t ry w a y ,' 'G uaranteed. Brick and - s to n e - re p a ir s . P a lm er. Canilano. N orth 811-R-2. ------ WANTED We pay Ahe highest ■pi'ice.s for bottles, rags„' metals, etc. Call West 01. B urrard 'Junk Co. ELECTRIC and Mechanical Toys, TJuv^nile.A utos, W agons recondition­ ed. W est' V ancouver Machine Shop, 1449 M arine. - ' . r TWO-HANDY MEN WANT Repair -Work, requiring lumber, cement, pipe fittings, clearing lots. Fir wood reasonable. Phone W est 647-L. • CHIMNEY SW EE PIN G - r Sawdust burners in talled ; fu rnace repairs. Phone G. M eldrum, 1103 Lonsdale N o rth '822, CINDEIRELLA" WARDROBE, 734 ..Davie St., buy-and ,sell high cla.ss used clothing.. Seymour 6264. . INSTALLATIONS-^Ellectric Repairs, convenience ou tle ts installed. J. H; Paterson, W est 108, 'Sirfjut gro iij) com m ittee* -will hr h(}I(l on 'r.uo.sduy, D ew m ln*!-iM .sl., Jit I ho honu* o f D r . G? K. Hay - propo.scjfl to ho g ivnn .that .sul'; -Oknrirm an;- El/ECiTRICIAN.--New Installatioifs, TtlffilIfu"S7;-'"^l)lJ] ia affyfhin^' (iehi, liOO-l Inj^wootl AWemuy at - 8 p.m.. Thi.̂ i.s the socond nirpty iriTnif Tho now, commi' licieht fund.s would ho e.olloirtvd to enahiv lli(* hand to cumpoie next year at the Toronto Fxhi- bitioii, while R. Blackwell, speak. 4nj3:-:d'()r-- tiu*--We:st'4 Vn'ntouvc'r We.st V an eo u .v er W ^elfare As.sii. ont. West 723-L. -crlwtTitjair^rea^onarbie-rpiscesT-La^n--- FU RN ISH ED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent-- Houses, Lots, p d , - zaerm gg~for-gate^4barwson•-'&~faide...^ |̂ 1704 M arine, Phone W est 55. T -d.. R e s t A W H ILE Convalescent Home- More Fori unate e e , rnem -. ,,, . n , . . - her.s o f w hicdi a r e a.s fo llo w s : L usine.s.s ,M en '.s A .s.sorm tion, IVGmtIent, H. C;. BarkmG Serre- vstate(l,. that his orgaifi/ation , tarv,..i. S; Martin: Mr.s. G. K. hoped by .sponsoring the hand to Bavtield; Mr.s. W. Diekin.son-; tho.se residing here more Mrs. J. W. .Breniner; Mr. and "vVe.sl Vantauiver con.seious," so d\lTyT-7jT-̂ HTornpson ; -K .S.--Rnr-k<̂ s7̂ -̂--Ĵ ^̂ AHl.ld. _deni'.m,oL'.e-wilJi.,.„ _Friond: " \y h y i_s.it t h a t son ride.s in a e a r , a n d y o u a lw a y s go FOR RENT.-- A co.sy bungalow, at 2319 ]|3ellevue Avenue; furnished or unfurnished; .fireplace, - . .^Nurse Conquest; R .N. W est 86-L-2, 136 27th S treet. GORDCTN RQBSONy B arrister, golicr , . , ito r,-1447 M arine;'appointm ent only. Ftrr--Qtiick-'-Sale;' W es t -403 F' SlCr on the .street car?' 'F a t lie r : " WTdl, h e h a s a fa th e r ajid I h a v e n 't ." ricli 2 lots'50'. X 122': each.Fgood. view; .on bus line. Very light clearing; 4199;' afternoons. both • fo'r $550; West 225. ■ C. J. Archer Ltd. ' F, Sewi'ltand (.lapt. II. Skeel. 'riu* oh.i(jel of llii.s gn'mp is to form a eomieeling link l)etwe<*n =<4fLHHi|̂ a-of--Die--bi'Oop -,a iul' -padvr- nnd tile Seout mid Gub piireiits. • Also to . as.sist tileOtfieers in t lieir dnlii'.s. A very .sueeessful camp-tire wa.s lu'ld on Monday, Deci'inber (Itli.'at tin? close .of the ri'gular meetifig. Aft(*r.a gooii sing-smig. -A I f--l-I <nn4ia \v-w4ns-i H-v<jsiui-|.^jTui_ t h e InuTrl--mTnT^lT.Tnlsv A pleasing feature of the even­ ing was a piTsenlalion made by Manager Condon on behalf of the Band. to. a late niomlaSr of that orgmni/.at ion, 'Wilbur Phil­ lips*; who as a result of heading the province in the exahis for wireless telegraphers, left to lake up a position with life Mar­ coni Company in Fngland. Jn.side Fir..... ........$.5>i0 per cord ...Sbibs with Bark ^4.00 per cord . Slalts & . lodgings $3.75 per cord ____1 _ ____SAWHTI.qT PR IT A M'S FUEL Phone N orth 020 FiASY TERMS arranged at the re- -- dntied-priG^of-$27'00-f-oi^-quic-k--sale- "Vof "wedT'built'-'buhe-alovv ~ with all INVESTM ENTS and IN SU RA N CE- 4 George N utt, efo Riddell,- Keenley- side ^ W alsh Ltd'., 808'W est Hast- ings, Vancouver, Sey. 4491; Resi- --■jimice, AVestrT3=X;-- --------------- --- modoi'n fe"atui'es; -garage; large double lot; select , and convenient location: As-.this property must be .sold y,ou should investigate a t once. -I t--1 '--IR 0 wet̂ -»SHi70T7AVestr-21-;---i.----- ^FGR'"SA"t E "= ^ In d ia ir"Sweaterr'suit- ■ lady, or boy, size 36/38. Chiming w alnut m antel clock,' $7.50. .West . 255-X. ' - FOR SAI/FT^Clarioael,.good condition :?4r).0(). West 596-R-. WANTED-r--H ousework, Floor Polish, ing, Windoŵ ^̂ ^̂ ,̂.Ĉ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ Gardening and odd jobs, 25c hour. W est 585-L-l llaiulyman'.s badge was pri'st'id- , C'd. " (.'dtt'tMrC, ' "{d': thre* I*nTt(*tfauit*r a i n F ^ u s i c i a n s ' T i r r ^ o o u T T T a v T W (*ral ," L o a p in g "W o lf" badge's w ere . .a lso liu v a r d o d ..doJiiit ijig . con .lim i_ u u s (hd> UiUd 8i-oul. s e r v ic e . . S G O 'IT IS H (T )U N 'r R V D A N t F ,1 'luv W e.st N 'm ico n v er B ra n eh . o f th o " 8 t:ot t i.slr F o u n t ry , 1 )aiice S o c ie ty lie ld i ts usu.'il f o r tn ig h t ­ ly d a n c e id th e (d ach an ., on S a t ­ u r d a y even ing :, th e l l t h o f IV c- (*m ber. Id n u s fo r th e A u n u a l D a n c e w e re d is c u s s e d a n d it w as d t 'c id e d th a t th i s .should be heki on S a tu rd a y ^ J a n u a r y ITilh, lOeS. In ' Mie O ra n g e H a ll fro m S (ill P2 . . 1 ' i c k e ls w ill l)e_^ii\:a ilab le fro m a n y rm u n b o r a f t e r D e c e m b e r 2 7 th , w liio h w ill,b e t h e l a s t danc.e p f t lu T l i r s t t e r m . " F I I F I C i m P I l E S L J W est .682 AVe.st 582 M'H lieiu?vue Ave, . WOOD •^Inside Mill F ir ......... $5.50 cord In.sidc Bu.sh F ir ........ $5.50 cord I'^urnnce and H eater Blocks ....... ............. $1.25 cord F'ireplace F ir .......... .$•1.25 cord Edgings, Mill-run ..... $t'!.50 cortl - Slabs, -barky ............... $.1.00i;ord Alder, Bone Dry " (Limited suj)^plyU;.$::6;06Tord ̂ - KINDLING WOOD '. SAW DUST No. 1 F ir Saw dust $4.50 per unit COAL Selected grades, well .screened: Quality and quantity guarun- teed. • <_■ .. Special Tulam een Stove, Egg, and K u t ..................... K indling w ith coal orders;.five sacks or m ore ...... . 10c sack CHA'RLIE THOMPSON LOS'r. -- Norwood platinuni .< ladie.s' wrist watch between 2'2nd and Belle. and 19th and Marine. West 179-R. r . ■ WJ--LO.S-'R ---^̂ -Blaclr"-|)crcL-cov<>red=witli-- ?fj .. .Scout badges, on. Ridge..lWest 6.3O-Y SA LE GIRL, 19--W ants position as motlrer's -help, sleep in. Phone :W est 8t7AM. , ■' ----------- -̂------- ?--------------------- f o r SA LE --- H aw aiian Guitar, or . •trade fo r skiis. : ,2341 Marine, jihone Wes"t 666-R ._. -^ B e ll 'piano, alnrost riewT ingdiun'i size, term s, cad W illiam s Piano, good a 'nd^snMd:bbat-*AVesG4 Tmr.gain'. ~ 1.516* 'West 71(). A N e w H o m e ..A n Addition, or Repairs to the o ld 'ohe 'I'O itEN'I' { , 0(1 617 - - -- .. Unfarni.shod roonuhlieat^- q a t-t? ed. On bus lino near -ferry. West o-ATE |-fm fcE 1^ W eE T T T r$ T T G E riiT M d condition, $25. W est 107-L, . -- Excellent ̂ RsngcT^od- fittings, cheap. 1296 Duch^.s Ave. W.VNTEl) -- Someone? to help cook ami sei've dinner Xmas night. Wost^ W est 593. 29.S-1 ^ [ '.'.'*8 .yp.er problem s, to Astbury Lumber Co., Ltd. • for Service an d Satisfaction. h o m e -m a d e XMAS CAK E'to order - an.v sr/e: West. 2G0-R. ' BARGAIN -- W omen's dark l)row'n cldth coat, K olinsky squirrel collar,. trip le lined, in good condition, size _ 18; original cost $140; for cjuick s a le '$19.50. No. 3, 2594 Bellevue.; EXPEiilENCED \VOMAN wants SALE, C H EA P-- Small 5-Tube ._^jmu.sework by day. W est 260-R. Rogers M antel Radio. Phone West bOR SALE ^ Eidej-down Sleeping ~ ̂ ^ ^ Sirv cosr$"4o;7'wirr Box 11, W est Van News Phone W est 199 N ight Calks-- 'T------- -- f o r SA LE -- B eautifu l O ld 'Country Music Cabinet, besteads, dressing tables, electric heater;---West7-14tL-- j A. ROLLO, W est 672-R SSSSfw-C' OUR TRUCKS-ztREk BUSY • It.you are likely t-o bo in need of saw dust within the ne.xt few day.s, plea.se-plione at. oiuv not only is the question of .sawdust supply a v ita l o.nc but it i.s very nece.ss.ury for us to program our dc?li'very in order that no one will be dissinquunted. So plea.se phonc^TH, once and. .say what you .need, how nuu-h you have g o t,.a n d 'h o w soon you will ivoed more. We will <lo the be.st to serve all o f our C ustom ers to .the lim it of our delivery service. Do vour p a r t -- phone a t once. KNILL'S ru ix .s TI" SATOUST, -- WOOD -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS North 91________ _ 513 Lonadale Ave, t le a ta F en ce and G lass H o u ^ Co. ' F.or VERANDA SASH --0 0 x T O " Cold F'rameis Good Value, .$2.75 • 10 X 12 6,-light Sashes....... $1.06 p h o n e N ^ ,1 4 7 2 ' g r e a t e s t SACe - OF R adios - P ia n o s Special Xmas trade-in allowance I .̂?.!lY2HT__9.1^_L^LQ,.__phonograph. _Piarm,_atc, .on ALL-WAVE AUTOM ATIC- F O R S tS LTD. ^V. N.^ MORRIS, A gent 1476 Marine Dr. W est 711 ^r' Lonsdale Avenue N orth 626T! l^bTfh. Vancouver BULBS of- English Blue Bells, French renunculii, dainty anemones, fine mixed daffodils, just right for nat­ ural gardens, ;low priced for quick sale. Also cut flowers, and all class- es of .floral work in .a r tis tic color 'W endmg to suit all occasions. Phone -Mrs.-^Rhodesr West-45Q^Lr H O U SES W ANTED Qr S w im m in g A Scientist says that bojv-Iegc are a, sign of epurage. This is especially true if they ar ̂ in k n i c k ^ s . 'We have a client w aiting for a modern 3 bedroom home, w alking distance fe rry , on reasonable terms, price to $4 ,006. . . A nother w ants a m odern 4* or bungalow. gSiust be ' convenien'mV . located and^a* real bargain for^nsn,' "a b o u t '$3,000. Quick action if have the r ig h t place. A. E. A U STIN & CO., LTD. 833 W est H astings St. Seymour 91ol _ or M r. H ill, W est'.597-L. 31 'yea« Vancouver Real E s ta te experience at your service. ' ■ - hi - ' J L . Mr