West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Dec 1937, p. 1

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C irculating in the D istr ic t o f West Vancouver*^Ambieside^ Hollyhurn^ Weston^ D un darave $1.00 per year. Cypress P ark , C au lfeild , W hytecliff, E tc. 6c per copy at newsstands. Voli • ^ 1 ̂ HOLLYBURN P.O ., W EST VANCOUVER. B.C., TH U RSD A Y , DECEM BER 16th. 1937 No. 37 EUROPE AND ASIA Nankiiifif has fallen and with it has KP.ne the theory th a t ('hina was only leadinir the Japanese' troops in to the in terio r ol' lier country, so th a t she could tu rn and rend them . The simple I'acil appears to be th a t hastily gathered aiul poorly • ( (piipped levies, howevei;,great th e ir fighting ab ilitv and num- are in the; long run no m atch for num erically in ferio r l,ii( fully m echanised and well organizecl'forces. n looks like E thiopia all over again ,'a lthough Japan evid­ ently considers th e w ar is far from over. A t the same tim e 11k' evident difficulty experienced by the Japanese in maHing headway does not au g u r well for th e ir success aga inst such armies as ex is t today in Europe. T heir aii;pien are very poor, and we doubt th e general m arksm anship of th e ir land forces. The Russian airm en, fo r iiKstance, would drive them out of iiie sky in sh o rt order, and Vladivostok is not so very fa r from ,Iapan,' as flying miles go. , The situation , however, is grow ing increasingly danger­ ous, for the havenots are gradually becoming -the haVes. T h at ))iirt o f China won by Japan has v as t na tu ra l resources w hich will bef-a godsend to h er and her allies. ■ ' How long is R ussia going to rem ain quiescent under th is growing th re a t to her-em pire in th e F a r E a s t? T hdt is the (Uicstion.^ Will h er arm ies suddenly pounce oh the Japanese ill, China while her airm en make a sham bles of th e la rger J a p a n ese cities, or will shoj allow* her nationals to fight un- oH icia lly under the Chinese flag in large num bers w ith -a p k iiitifu l supply of, h er m unitions, so crea ting a condition such iis th a t which has ex isted for so long in Spain? ' F or the p resen t it would appear likely th a t she will follow thed i^ tte r - cou rse, a t any ra te until the resu lt of the nego tia tions betw een the powers in E urope is m ore clearly seen. There a g re a t diplom atic s trugg le is tak in g place. ■ E ng­ land wishes to , break _.up the. Italo-G erm an alliance, which would give her a free hand in th e Mediterranean^' fo r an Ita ly without Germ an support could be frow ned ou£ of E th iop ia and Spain and h er d ream o f controlling th a t se^. T h at would • allow a large proportion of the heavier units of her M editer­ ranean Fleet to be tran sfe rred fo r service, in th e E ar E ast, where the ir presence alone would knock the k ing pin ou t of Japan's p resen t aggres.sive policy in China. I t is quite, un­ likely th a t fo rtu n e will so shipe on The efforts of the B ritish diplomats^ bu t a t least th ey m ay cause a ce rta in m easure of distrust between H itle r and. M ussp linp 'each"^f whom know s the o ther to be an unm oral onnortuni^ti and th a t m ig h t bear fruit later, Gerniany on th e o ther hand is ex trem ely nnxious to sp lit the Fr^nco-B ritish alliance. Success there would leave the road open fo r an a tta c k on Russia th rough the la t te r 's w estern b o i^ rs ,„g iv in g Jie r-access ,to-theL-rich-lands-of-the-U kraine,_ which would solve m uch , of th e food shortage - am ong her people, a t p resen t h e r m ost p ressing problem. I t is needless to .Say th a t here, too ,-no success niay be' anticipated . As Baldwin some tim e ago so ap tly p u t it, E ng land's border is now the Rhine, and^^her, governm en t have tpld G erm any in no uncertain terms^ th a t they will consider no deal w hich coihpmmises in T h e slig h test dî h e r alliance, w ith France. ^ -ea -n w h ile^ t^ k ~ trm y r^ m a rv e lltra s^ ' W E l.FA U E DRIVE CIN D ERELI.A DANCE COM M l'lTEE ---------- ■ , -- :------ T he C indere lla D ance la s t S a t- Tho W est Viincmiver W elfare urday n igh t in llo llybufn Pavil- Drive Com m ittoi' wi.sh to ack- ion in aid of th e W e.sl.Vancou- nowledge w ith thank.s the fol- ver Santa Claus Fund wa.s. a lowing subscrip tions: gn*eat success, m any com ing P r e v i o u s l y acknowledged fi'om the city and N orth Vancou- $1,285.00; A. II. Albin $5; B.C. ver in addition to a largo repre- Telephone Co. Staff, W est Van. sentution of local residents.^ The $ 5 ; .Brook's D ry Goods $5; Mr. ' music supplied by Sme Shep- and Miss Chappell $5; Mrs. W. herd's O rchestra appealed to the J. Clifford $2.50; Alec Ilowden t»«ikv dancers, who crowded th e $5; J. C, L. H un t $6; R. M .. floor for everv number. Special Husband $10; J . A. Irving $20; m e n t io n should also be m ade of Mrs. :E. j . Kellam $5; "Aiioiiv- "the .very beautiful decorations, mous $5; The Misses MoBain $3; t'or which Mrs.. Climie w as re- '̂A nonym ous" $5; Mr. and Mrs. sponsible, using th e C hristm as F . H. Wiley $20. Total $1,386.50. «iotif. There were six draw ings "Have I F o rg o tte n 'to do My foi' tu rkeys in the in tervals be- B it?" . tween dances, tho.se holding the __ :___ f , ' lucky num bers being T rustee ,H. «5ANTA r r AiiQ iriTiNin G- B arker, Mrs. F, Honnar, Bob h A N l A CLAUS FUND , W hite, M m E. W. M aren tette , D uring the* balance of th is ' r week and contiiiuing into nex t of I on lt week there will be fu rth e r op- Grey. Ret res hm ents were, serv- portun ities fo r you to lend your d in in g the evening. support to the , W est Vancouver , .Santa ClaUs Fund. , Personal WEST VANCOUVER L.O.L. d'pnations and contributions from ' 291)0 local organizations should be le ft ' , ' a t the B.C. E lectric Show Rooms -T h e . annual m eeting ol th e on M arine D rive. If you know-...,,.ii^ove lodge will be held in th e o f any young children in your Orange Hall on Tue.sday, Dec- a rea who should not be over- ember 21st, a t th e hour ot^ 8 looked a t C h ris tm as time, please when the election and iil- send a note to P.O. Box 11, Hoi- stallation ol officers for th e en- lyburn, B.C., should you be un- suing year will take place. A1 a b le . to com m unicate directly the b re th ren are a ^ e d to a tten d w ith any m em bers of the cen tra l * m lu ll force, as, m a tte rs of y ital • com m ittee. P lease rem eniber npportance will be discussed and that^books,'^toys, .etc., a re still re tu rn s of th e cam paign fo r .. .required, a n d will v,be picked - up ^^^^dtestant when convenient if a phone mes- m u st be iP hands of ^ a g e - i s - je ft-a-t-H ^dquarterS r-^--^ s e e m ^ ry -at th is ̂m eeting. A n y th in g 'I^ ic h m ay be given County^Offi^ and other n o t ^ to b righ ten th e h earts o f . th e b reth ren will be pre.sent a t th i s children a t th is. C hristm as sea- m eeting. R e fre s h m ^ ts will be son will be received w ith u tm ost served a t-th e close of the mcct- ----------- --------------------------- m g-------------------- ---------- -------- 1 - GAS STATION SANTA CLAUS FUND EA RLY CLOSING H ead q u arte rs :^ ^ T-,n. ii ̂ ^ ssT \-XT ^ C- E lectric Show RoomsP; E llio tt and nine W est V an- p Q̂ Hollyburn couver garage p ro ^ ie tp r s c a m e___ _________ _____ r - -b e fo re - tk e ^ d u n ci 1 - a ^ t l ^ r l l a s t : --H i^ q u a r te i 's--donations in ttvF- m eeting to reque.st th e passing ously" acknowledge____ $10,.52 of a Gas S tation E arly Closing jyj Chappell........ 5.00 By-law,, th is a p ^ y m g to gasoline j j j Redden............. 5:Q0 service only, nl5t w recker o r re- A n o ji^ ^ .N . ............... 2t)0 pair service. . A fte r discu.ssion Anon. "I" .25 it was agreed to pass the d ra f t Cinderella Dance'.'.'I. 128^45 by-law w ith no a ltera tions, it r ^ 5.00 being clearly upderstood by Radies St. A nthony'.s thosG pi*6S6nt pGrniits~ lOF 5.00 tw enty-four hour service would Chapter, 6 ;e ;s !"1--UL00l;; be issued to those ask ing fo r ]y[rs._o. A. Boult .___ L̂.00__ same. Five of .thoke p resen t ex- P lease send donations to B.C. f - ^ - f e s ^ p r iy -^ e ; ~Gartfeornc,"~i*whappelb------ .................................-- S W HISTLING YENTRILO-prietor. oj the Maple Reat ija s OTimT TD PT A'V HERE Station. Those p resen t were in- M U lbl ID 1.EAY form ed th a t the by-law would - - voni.-ilo- a n S s e 4 ' ' c U n c n * - 'w ith "CaribooTjoe" anda t the presen t council. Musical M ystic with magic, A T T.-̂T music and m ystery, will be heard MUNICIPAL LLECTIONS Orange Hall tomorrow ■ ■ i.- ^ T\/r ; (Friddy) ; They will put on three . Nom ination Day fo r th e Mun - a t 4 :30 for ohil- cipal Elections, if any, has b e ^ &.Joe only) set fo r the 17th Jan u ary , 1938, from 12 n w n to 2 p .m ^ w ith W. evening a t 7 and 9, when the H errin as R eturn ing Officer.- - general adm ission will be 25c, A poll, If required will be ^Yiildren 10c. Thirty-five per opened from 8 a.m . to 8 p.m. on ^ent of th e proceeds will gp to .th e 22pd J ^ u a r y in new the S an ta Claus F u n d .. '- A in^eside ■*■" € D eputy These en terta iners played in R eturning; Officer will be W. Edison TheAtre, New West- Gentleman. ^ ^ in s t e r . last Thur.sday, F riday ' ! 1 and Saturday. TFQR SANTA CLAUS FUND----------^ ^ ....... -- -̂------- An e n t e r t a i ; ; ; ^ t will b eh e ld " - CHRISTMAS CAROLS in the old D undarave School on colin MacLean and her 27th S tree t on__Tiiesday, 21st XadiesJ Glee Club Will be round December, a t-8 p.m., th e entjocB ' singing=Christm as carols on the proceeds to go to the, W est Van- evening' o f . 'W ednesday, Decem- couver Santa Claus Fund. This ber '22nd.- They will call a t the enferta inm enf is got up by M rs. usuaFplaces," an d -if anyone el.se ^H owd#rrwith th e assistance of is de.sir<yus of hearing them , tpey Mirs. M arentette a t th e piano. are-a.sked to kindly_phone_Mrs, The perform ance is _acted and MacLean. ' Proceeds go to- the announce;^entirely by children. S an ta Claus Fund. ^ * ̂ ■ <>wyw*iir , ( " COMING EV UNI'S Sat unlay, J jUi, 8th.-- 1. 0 . 1). E. Younger, Set Dance in O range ilall. SANTA CLAUS FUND Next Momlay night all citizen.M are urged to attmul the big coii- cert in the Inglewood A uditori­ um to . rais(» monies for the ('hrudm as Clux.*)* Fund. A new , feat lire of th is^year'.s cuteidainniont will he a stage play, reproduced from the railio script " Romanoe (if Sacred Songs" wliich was kindly eon- tributed by Mis.s EstelU^ Fox, the pi'oducer of tlusse pleasing ])lays over Ihe Sunday National not- (vork of the Canadian Broadcast­ ing Corporation. Tliis play, .showing the high lights in the autlu /r's life of the well-known liymii*,/"There's a Friend fo r la'ttle Children" i.s ably p in tray - imI by a lino cast o f We.st Van- ('onver am ateur players ii.s.sls.ted by Mrs. Colin Macluenn's clu>ru.s_̂ of th ir ty - tw o ,I children, whose' young voicK's add a note of real pathos to a st(>ry th a t will touch the hearts of all present. ■ .In. .striking con trast to the play, the. .second half of the p ro ­ gram, under the leadersh ip -o f "T. llanunett, will comprise many huniorouH and en terta in ing fiiat- ui'ps, several oT these ..^artist,s , making a special trip from Van- coiivei;' to amuse th e audience .and' help, in i-aising fiintis for a Ve'i-y vvorthy cause. Remember the date-^-Monday, . December 20th ;-- a t the Ingle- ' woo'd'High SehobT A uditorium a t 8:15 p.m. ------ CORRESPONDENCE "Friends and I DO Mean YOU" T 'M ay ' T"once "again ap"pdaT 'tb you to 'd o your best to .support t .h a To'vvi i s W( mtail^.GTrUdTtvffiOhl is sponsoring the.- Telephone -Games in aid of the Sant-a Claus C hristm as-G heei- th is year. I am convening the; Telephone Games and so fai- the response is by no means, gi'eat enough. -A11 -you-have to do is g a th e r in- "liepple of th is Pacifici:.C<)ast rem aim considering th e ir com par­ atively defenceless position and th e ir adm itted suspicion o f Japan's 'in tentions tb "̂ take th e ir p a r t of Canada." No com -' mendation is 'h e a rd ' of O ttaw a's efforts to provide defences for th em , in fa c t th e re a re those who are openly hostile to the governm ent's spending any m oney a t all fo r th is purpose. We can only hope th a t fu tu re generations will not have to .say of us th a t "those whom th e gods wish to destroy they first make m ad." ' ' TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD NOTES ih g 't^anuary" 14tK, a t 8 p.m. a t ■the. h ome_iif_Jd:rs^B.._Jl._(d^-^ your respective homes, play any­ th in g you like and then .send th e mame.s plus 25 cents per head to me a t yl766 E.s(iuimalt (Mrs. H oram ), Wc.si 236-Y. Every name sent in stands an equal cffance 'to win one of ihe fou r gorgeous prizes. Got yoiir 'money and name.s into me on or 'before Monday, December 26th , so a.s" to in.sure, th a t no home"i 'n" "OUT ~m idst" i.s~ wi th()iTt" happiiTessp and C hristm as Cheei*. _____ .2 = T F r a n 1 ^ eel a meeting of th e V ancouver Council-and were g iven an of- welcome by_±he may_or. w as held a t th e hospitable h()me The third guild was form ed in Boint Grey. This now m akes V Yfincouver 'Senior, W est Vancou'yer Junior, ,and P oin t Grey, The m eeting took place H ^ i'ker.^ *̂lrs. Pender-Moss w as m ade President7"' Social "m em bers a re invited to attend- the n ex t m eet- of M rsrATE. Yomig. The, prizes were won by M rs, and Miss^ Lomas. Will any nfem ber not, having received a lis t of m em bers, please get one from Mrs. Crom ar Bruce or Mrs^ Bayliss. ' A lis t of those who donated "to th e Band Concert will appear in our next issue. f ' Saiit^ O au s F u n d C o n c e r t V- W h e r T Inglewood. Auditorium W hen: Monday. Dec. 20th W J i y T o help Christmas Cheer Fund: - The first Time a been ' reproduced r R a d n n P l^ Y ^ l I. O. D. E. The presenfation-of the prizes to the w inners of the Ccjronation Album (iontest took place a t the reguJar m onthly m eeting of th e Duncan Lawson C hapter, 1.0.D. E., which was held on Iho even- irtg of December 6th, the p aren ts and friends being the .special guests. The Shaughnes.sy Hos­ p ita l Com m ittee reported a cout. c e rt is being arranged to take place during the X m as season. A donation of $10 was voted to the S an ta Claus P"'und. The C hap ter will again hold a young­ e r se t dance in the Orange Hall on Saturday , January 8th. • The next-m eeting will be held at-tbe'Lhom e-of M iss-Dauph inee, 28.78 .Bellevue. _______ ^ ^ __ 1JIC1.0 --t-_______ on the_ s tag e lb y *W*eS Vancouver play­ ers. The well-known hymm "T here's a F riend for .L itt le Children" from Romance of Sacred:S.02ig i)y E stelle Fox/. will t be dram atized by local players. This will be followed by a vari-. e ty program jLinder guidance oi M r.-J7-T lam n rett7r~~---- --̂ - - ------------------ -- iVir.-d'.-XiaxmLLCbL.-------- i ------- Admission 25c. Children years and under l5c. - t BRITISH - ISRA EL . The la s t m eeting of the Dun­ darave Branch of the ' B ritish- Israel W orld 'Federation will be held Monday, December 20th, a t the hall, 25th and M arine Drive, Speaker :^Mrs. Brereton of N orth A^anceuver. H er .sub.]eGt~i.s--The- S ta r of. Bethlehem ." She will an sw er th e que.stion -- TWho w ere th e Wise Men ?" All are cordially invited. l i i i ̂ ' I