T« Weekly Circulating in the District o f West Vanco^ver^Amh/eside, Holly hum, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per y**r- CyprCSS Park, Caulfeild, ^^hytecliff,- Etc, Sc per copy «t newMlendeS* Vol. XII HOLLYBURN, P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9th. 1937 N o. 36 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MERCHANT"̂ Just at this time, when everybody is busy with th6ir ('lii'i.sUnas shopping, we woultl ask our residents, and particu lar) v tlio«o who have lately come here to live and, are, there- foiv, not so well posted on local business conditions, to call in iiiid examine the' goods in our loqal stores before going to ' Viuic'ouver. • W'e knovv the tendency in every suburb to shop in the Ijiv city, all the lure of the large stores and the blazing Christ mas sign.s and th a t Christmas feeling in the air, which seems to Ik* much stronger when one is aniong the rnilling crowds on tiic sidewalks there than in the quieter residential suburbs. if, however, we have the real spirit of the season, we. shall consider our own .first and buy. locally whenever we canr Willi t h e .exception of a few articles we shall find the West V ancouver stores can supply all bur needs a t the same prices or c h e a p e r than those ruling in the city. The local merchants buy from the same wholesalers as their city, brethren;™and-- they have this year a large assortment of Christmas goods aw aiting your custom. ■ ' - Throughout the .year <a^d niuch more so a t this season, ' calls are made for donations In cash Or kind.on behalf of some organizations, who are sponsoring certain .worthy objects-® which will benefit the community or some persons resident there. And it is the local merchant who does most of th e giving, because he is always the first to be approaohed gind is in a position where he can hardly refuse such requests. .But in the course of the year it is a serious drain on his pocket- book, as any one of them will tell you;, West Vancouver is Well known fbr its community spirit, but it can be and ought to be m uch stronger than i t is, if the- niunicipality is to make the progress 'we all hope and expect. With that object in view the West Vancouver Busines^M en's Association are sponsoring a series, of conoefts b y 'th e West ' Vancouver Sohool Band, the first to take place tomorrow night, . with the two-fold object of collecting enough funds to 'send the band to'lhe Torontp Exhibition for the contests there and of making our residents more West Vancouver conscious. All the money collected comes from the local, merchants and will be .used for the purpose speoified* less a few necessary expensed Admission to the public is free,, which means th a t those who go to these concerts will be their guests. .They have chosen as the ir .-slogan, the caption a t the head of this article; "Support ybur local m erchant." . , . . . * ..... It is-at-once the least-ypp-^rudoao^Jihe besi_yqu^^^^^ WEST VANCOIIVER SCHOOL BAND CONCERT Tomorrow at. 8 p.m. the W est Vancouver School Bapd under the sponsorship of the .West Vancouver Business M^n's ^nglew^bd .A i^t^iuhn^A ^m issiphT to' the~piiblic~will7^beTree," but any children coming m ust be- accompanied by their par-, ents. The program is as follows: ' 1. --0 Canada , - . . - 2. --MARCH--"The Marching Band" ........Kleffmann --a.^SELECTTQN----^iMaiddia" ^̂ ..... 4. --CONCERT WALTZ--"F irs t Waltz" - a A, :Durand-- 5. --SELECTION--^"Evenmg Idylls" ........................Bamhouse 6. --BARITONE SOLO--"Eupronius" .............. H. C. Miller Tr--AGCORDION SOLO by May Mills--------- --------------------- - 8. --SELECTION-- '̂ Rimsky Korsakov Melodies" 9. --THE THREE TREES--"Miss Vera Delamont 10. --DESCRIPTIVE "My G randfather's Clock"...C. Amsden 11. --SOLO--Mrs. J. Reid 12. -^SELECTI'ON-- "H-M.S. Pinafore" ,... .....j..A. Sullivan 13. --MARCH"Field Tactics'! .... ........................... Holmes MAHON ESTATE ON RIDGE SOI.D SANTA CLAUS FUl^I) 1). V. A. The balance left of the Edward Mahon Estate on Hollyburn Ridge, ambunting to one hun dred and forty acres, has been purchased by R, D. Brewis and Miss Florence Barr of West Van couver, the popular nianager and manageress of the West Lake Ski Camp, . It will be remenibered that only a few weeks ago the muni cipality bought io u r hundred acres from this estate bordering on Brothers Creek,'* the main source from which West Van couver draws its water supply. " Through the kindnes of Miss Radio Hlides "Romance of Sacred Esttdle Fox* jjrpducer of the Songs" mnui-Lhe, National net- "CINDERELLA DANCE" -Eeraldihg the near arrival o f ""Father Christmas, . Wept Van couver's Santa Claus Fund will hold the annual party "A Cind erella Dance" a t the Hollyburn Pavilion on Saturday evening, December 11th. This affair Will give the citizens, of West Van couver an opportunity to con tribute to their own local Santa Claus Fund and a cordial invita- . tion. is_exlendedl-to_one_and - all Ho attend. Christmasy decora tions for the, annually anticipat ed highlight are being planned by. Mrs. W. C. Climie'. Extend ing their patronage are Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mrs. H.' G.'-Barker,. Mrs. Gordon Robson, Mrs.lJ. D. Donovan,-. Mrs. 'T . A. Spencer, Mrs. G. M. Gemmill, Mrs. Wil fred Munton, 'Mrs. J. E. Condon, Mrs. R. J. WrigIit,HMrs. Duncan ^McMillanyMrsf ' work of the Canadian Broadcast dug Corporation,' West Vancoti- ver re.sidents will have an op portunity of seeing one of these splendid plays re-enacted on the stage on the night of Monday, December 20th, in the Inglewood Auditorium. Thp hymn selected for dramatiza'tioli is the well- known children's hymn "There's a Friend for Little. Children." The story, portrays.,the life of .thepld author in its most poig nant moments -- going as far back as his boyhood days to al- iTiost its closing hours when the old gentleman reaches 80 years of age aiid sees the moment ap proaching when he is to be tu rn ed out of his home. The wonder- ■ ful action th a t prevented the terrible climax to his life is de lightfully told in the play! The second part of the pro gram will be -in charge o f J! Hammett who is well known for his versatility in am ateur then, atrical work in this municipality. This section of the program is full of humor and variety, em bracing all that is essential ty r W ealthy and invigorating enter tainment. 'rile next meeting on Tuesday, December 14th, will lake place at the Highlands and will take the form of a dinner starting at l> :30 i).m. Colonel Savory, Capi. Dibhern, Rev. Hobden and Rev. 11. n. Allen, padres of the North Sliore Veterans Council, will be the guests of the branch on this occasion. TELEPHONE GAMES The annual Telephone games week for the Santa Claus Fund Saturday, December 11th tO^Sat:" iirday, 18th, will this year be siMUisored hyxSthe Senior and Junior Towiwvomen'.s Guilds with'Mrs. Iloram and Mrs. Har rington 3is eo-conveners. For full particulars please phone-Mrs. F. W. Harrington, Jr., West G23-Y'; Mrs. Bee Horam ^A,Vest 23G-Y; Mrs. F. G. Hewitt, West 19G-L-3, evenings. ' yh "ONE g e n t ElyEGTRICITY!', w / -I Mrs. A. C. Bruce, Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Mrs. Jack Booth, Mrs. R. S, McCalb Mrs. L. E. Kyle, Mrs. E. Wj Marentette, Mrs. E. Wasson, Mrs. "E. W.^ Keenleyside, Mrs. H. Stokes, and " Your support p_f this concept will mean great comfort and con.; siderable pleasure to many who will otherwise be "left in the . cold!' as well as providing your- _ _of_reaLde^i iiight: ..... "One- cent' electriei ty " - wilt T)C'---- made available to residents of i_North and West Vancouver, ' Burnaby, and the; Fraser Valley .\ January 1, the B. ,C....Electric Railway Company announces, in vniaking public details of an im- portan t rate reduction .for the.se . areiis. The change involves tlie addition of a third step to the , . company's rate schedules to ■vide customers with a portion of>!^ their electric current at a ohai*ge ,,-pf 1 cent per kilowatt hour. The presentrsehedu le. of^rales::----- in. these dmtricis ha.s oiily Cwb~ A- graduations. 3%e first rate is 5 NOTICE Mrs. S: A. G. Curry. Golincillor G. A. Elgar wilt be in ohargepf admissions, Jas. K. Chapman the "Turkey Rafflei?," and Mrs.. W. H. Green and Mrs. W. Mf- Small are.actingas.co-coiiveners. G. W. H. Jackson and a.s.soci- ate.s h a v e ta k e n o v e r th e Jmsh cents per kilowatt hour, charged on the fir.st 30 kilowatt hours of curre.nt consumed in a house of 1,000 square feet or les.s Jri fioor __ K eep_t^ date Saturday Even ing, December rlTth. -RemembeiL the- place, Hollyburn* Pavilion ; _Orchestra "Sine Shepherd's." Time,"9 12 o'clock. Master of Ceremonies, J. R. M itchell; Re freshments. Adihission 50c. ness of Speck and Jacksoif, - urea. If the fioor area is iii ex- Laurie Speck having sold out. the .number The new firm will be known as"' j is.gradu- .British Paeific Heating Co; Lid. slightly higher. At present They are prepared to design and current over the first step is .instal steam and hot-water heat- ^ cents, per kilowatt ing, ventilating, tin and copper ^ -------- -- -- pjnithing_andsheet_m.etal_work.i They make a specialty of air conditioning. Any interested are'askedHo^kindly phone theih^ a t West 41. NOTICE UNITED CHURCH Y.P.A. -erateff" ' Make up a p arty arid come to 'W est Vancouver Santa Claus Fund Dance and so> coirimence th is festive season of , good will by a good deed and a good time. The B.-C. Transportation Co. is*̂ providing the usual Saturday YULETIDE CAROLLING Under the new schedule, only 200- kilowatt--hours will - be charged at 2 cents, and all ad- -ditiojnal-energy a t-1 cent -peV kilowatt hour. The new- rates will provide an opportunity for greater use of electricity in operatiori of both homes and fa;rms in th e (areas mentioned. Fraser Vallty farmThe..members of the staff and the students of 'West Vancouver High Schools' extend a sincere • ih CanarlM will S ^ Jnv itation .t« a ll who a re ,in t« - ested to attend thej h n a t m a ^ 4 3rd Street, West, North yancou- ver will in future be used for the 'manufacture ■ of Glass Houses, Ofnamental Fencing, etc., under the name of Neata Fence & Glass Hou^e Co., remaining under the same ownership. Mr. Hookham, the manager,_has be_en_ -connec-ted-with-the-woodTWork- ing business on the North Shore -for the'past twenty-four years, nnd is w611 and favorably knowri n̂ the trader ' j r CHRISTMAS CAROLS Mrs. Colin MacLean and her ,Gadies'; Glee Club will have charge of this final fu tu re .fo r ^^J^^Glaus-FundthisTear.- The-. , „ i unu LUIS xuc oefinite night on which these ladies, will be heard will be an- ounced in next week's . issue of _tnis-paper. Pa-rticularly desirous of Church hall on Monday evening Miss Irene Shirlaw gave a very interestinjg description of - ; her visit to the Old Country-in which she told of her trips to the many places of historical importance. TTie devotional section of the meeting was lead by Miss Gert rude Thompson, assisted by Miss Irene Shirlaw, Mr?- Bob - Clme~and Mr. Charles -Baldwm.- Bob Cline was appointed con vener of the . Citizenship com mittee. ' To the next regular meetmg . the boys .are requested to bring - food, and tl^q gMs, clothing and toys as contributions , toward, the Xmas hamper. The next meeting will be taken by Miss Muriel Austin, newly, appointed "H^terary^corivenerT--------- • on Wednesday and Thursday _ evenings, December^: 15th and iip-hHn<r T ■16th, 1937.- The I r t , Music----- 't?__J_________________ ̂ cooKing, heating and maioiueloc-- "A BIG NITE' .Lots of fun and excitement await those who attend ,"A Big Nite" to be held next Wednes day, December 15th, in the Orange Hall under the auspices of the West Vancouver Liberal Association: There will be .danc- and English-(dramai-ic)-depa-rt- triWal a -- ' T ments have correlated their c n - . „„ ing w ith spot prizes, sideshows, and many draw prizes including turkeys, groceries, live stock, - feathered pets, cakes, hosie^, clothing, etc., also refreshments. Admission 25' cents. .The entire proceeds will go to the Christmas Cheer Fund. deavoiir.1 to nrodiicc a rem ark- S" *! th ird , steps. S o S s t t o i ; OTOsentaUomt^^ particularlyscMol situation. ci,gap performanoe of The program is as follows.; the m.any tasks -that m ay be (a) Candle^ighting"--"Adests doneton the farm By electricity. ~Fidelis7'; (b) Tableaux: (IJ The ."Current for lighting barns, yards HOLLYBURN HALL BRITISH ISRAEL telephone Mrs^: who asks th a t as eptiiA P^^sible will gather to- thp of certain address-and. -notified̂ ®̂ '® it-specially ~T he regular Monday evening ■ meeting as usual a t 25th and HMarine-Drive a f 8 o'clock.- Local ' speakers in short interesting ad dresses including Miss Harrop who speaks on "The Romance of our ' Language." Xmas , im ll be sung.^ Retyeshments. All are cordially myited.^ •The usual Lantern Service for boys and girls, will be held at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall. It will be con-! ducted "by Jack Anderson.' Sun-\ day School and Young People's Bible Class at 10 a.m. next Sun-" day, December 12th. There will be a Gospel Service a t 7:30 p.m. next Sunday, when the speaker will be Andy Hogg. Come and bring your-friends. Shepherds, (II) The Wise Mon, poultry houses, and other farm (III) The Adoration, (IV) The buildings; electric m otors. for Flight into Egypt.; (c) Carols,, .grain grinding, root pulpinir (I) "The F irst Noel." (IIJ "Nq\ ̂ wood cutting , s i l o filling and Once Again." ; (d) "Go6d.:Kjng .similar jobs; and such major Wenceslas" . .a play in three appliances ks electric water scenes by Violet Methley. (e) . ^pumping "equipment, refrigera- String Group, (I) "Christmas tor.s,-milking-machines, incuba- Angels," (II) "Sleep, Holy Babe" tors and brooders thus fails on (f) Carols (I) "See, Amid the the 2 and 1 cent steps of the ""W inter's~Snow, "" (IJ")--' ' W irence^rafer-----;--^ ^ ^ ^ Is .That G o^ly Fragrance ?" (g) ------------------ L- ."Little Town of Bethlehem" a . ' .HAVE A LAUGH play in three scenes b y Anthony ' ' Physics Ghwsary Wayne, (h) Carols, (I) . VOh, Tangentr-A Ne^ro. Little Town of Bethlehem" (II) Convection-- Candy. * :!!Silent-Night;" -(HI) "Oh,-Come- Jnduction.=~Meth'od---o ̂ -getting r̂-a6 ̂" All Ye Faithful.' P apa:. "And thriy lived happily ever after--" Kid: "A fter what,, papa?" quamted. Prism--A good place to k̂eep out of., 'Volt---To-cast a b a llo t.__ ____ Refrigerator--A good girl. P o ten tia [ E nergy-- H am bu rgers,