West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Dec 1937, p. 6

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Eldftor We«t Van News. D ear S ir :-- A ivc^'iit number M e a ts -- P h o n e W est 370 PRICKS COOD FOR FRIDAY & SATlOtDAY, Dee, ard and 4th n f th e American Jluirnxim- <'Xi. D ressed the view t*<,lituria)iy, Unit Kt-d ^ Whll^ PKAHS 'IVruirr HalvfM Squat tin 15r Ai White (iO U lK N COKN 2 So. 2 tJfii* ........ .... 25f Ited & White I'KAH. Sieve 5 2 Ni>, 2 tiiiH , 2Ir ; AI*l*liKH"-W«Kn»'CN. Hpitz, K|>ieM (i Dm. 2Sc r o t lUtx $1.4y New Hi*«Kim'M Navel OKANCHfl Oozf'ii . , , I5(', 25c, 33c Itcd A White CA rSUI' 12 u/. IkA. IGc JAM--N aiioh Kurt* Slrawhcii'y 4 Ih, tin ' .... 49c HIIOHl KNINt;--SwIft'A Jewel 2 I "lb, ('urtoiiH . " 25c HIIHKiiDHI) WHKAT pkt. lOc CtMtNKO liFEK tin 13c TKA-- Aunt Mary's lb. 44c Hed A While MAKMAl.AOK 4 lb. till . . :t{fc Kird A White H D A tiin-m i wUh CliwHe and Toinalo Sauce 2 tall tins ............. , 17c WKS1' m (:H0I»I0:I) SUKT..... |M?r Ib 15c YOCNO RO IIJN O FOWL, ^ Milk Fed .................per lb. 23C' of medicine. pre----- -- ----- - the church 's future win̂ uncer­ tain for the following reasons: "F irs t, as a centre of charity it has been replaced by secular civic and county dies! funds, ad­ m inistered by business nnui and .s(x:ial worke^rs. A vast lairt oi relief has been taken ovei* by the governm ent. Second, the church UH a fountain nf healing has been replawd he the science Third, tlie church JEFFERIES'Su per io r -Meats Government Inspected Only V EA t C O L D MEATS OF At.L KINDS DEUCATBSSEN 1 Store at Hollyburn, next Theatre PHONE W EST 3 I»OT ROAST'S from Prim e Beef from .. I 2 F2C per lb. SIRIA)IN Tll» ROASTS, Ib. 24c Rll.Mi^ ROASTS . V . per Ib 22c FINNAN HADDIE per Ib: 17c KIPPKRKl) nE R R IN G 2 Iba 25c FRESH FISH DAILY REEF, PORK, VEAL, I,AMB Kh I ^ W hite iWaiid TOM ATO J U I C E t l(J'>-oV,. tliiH....... 21c; .1 2 tins 5Hc Kcd A White CLEANSm i 2 tina 15c which once exorcisetl devil.s from th e mind is being replacetl by gland specialislH, dietitiams, p.sy- chiatriat.s, tmd psychologi.sts. F ourth , the church, pnci* lh<' cradle of education and foumler of m any colleges, i.s no longer the keeper of knowh'dge and the source o f' ediK'alioii. AToder/i Htdence springs from the lahoi'a, tory. F ifth , great art and niusic colleges oiic<* inspired^ by the church are now .si cidar'and Service LUMBER Q uality hash a hooks SHI NULLS PLYWOODS LATH THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY AgenlB: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIKs ROOFING WALLBOARD TILE WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER GO. LTD. , 15th & Marine Drive PKone West 115 Huffty KIrHt' ' Mi'h. Fijfif(*r,H (with new»pupt*r): "Do you kii()\v, llonry, that every'tliiti* you draw your breath.Monieone djcH?" Mr. FitfaerHi "Well, I'm Horry; but I emi'l, help it, If 1 quit drawiim: my breath I'll (lie, t('.o."> for the most part luive nothing n to do wi'th orgaiu/.od rcligion." ,, s I The w orthy 'ed ijors have been Lim. Do you think it r ig h t umiece.ssarily alanm'd. The to buy an autom obile on the 111- ministry of th e idiiirch along all stalmeiit p lan . lines suggested wa.s its iiici- d lam : "Sure, 16,000,000 people dental ra th e r than it.s primary can't.he w rong.". m inistry. P rim arily , the work - of the C L A S S IF IE D A D S I'he rate for ClaHsiliod Advwrtisenientfl is 2 conta per word, mlniiuuni 25 (earn; Except In the case of thooe Having regular accounts, ull dassi. fiedH arc payable strictly in advance. , Itcmomber Classifieds m the West Van News get immediate results, _____ ' • ' - -- --- ------- ----- ---.... ... ..... ......... A lready I J t HA V E M O N E Y on yo lr lund clcacing. Have eX|)erienee and eciuipment. Kush jobs wanted. We.st 252-L^ A pci'Hon advertising goods for sale stated: "Moh<<y returned if not. Mut- isfaetory." Someone applied for the return of his money, and Uie reply he received was: "Your money is <|uito satisfactory, we'll kpej) it." ' Mrs. .]ones: " Look, dear, how healing, or rncntal rcadjusl- f)i( rur<;s(|ue; the Brown's are . ment, or education, or (he pro- jringing in a yiile log," motion of the arts. 'That it has M.. I.......... 1.:..... ............. led the wav in nil of llU'se thiricw ,church i]s not charity, or Iih.V«l- n ij.uone COKSKTS, Surgical belts, ..... ' ....................................... ....... . alterations. Mrs. MacAuluy, 1018 FOR SALE -- Girls' 14 inch Kicyde, splendid condition, $12; male grey Persian kitten, $3, 1370 Clvcie West 1G9-X. ' ' K.s(|uimalt, \Ve.st •108-K. __._Ajioted health authmdty stilt­ ed the other day thjtit-during hot weather babies should wear as- fevv'I clothes as possible. And j| ci -- -- ....... W--V Mr, .Jones; "Yule log my eye;... the.se things ili'if iy HrnwM " ' ' " IS to the everlasting credit oi th e - . church. I t still helps the world 'ri. . 0^:1 . tilong all of the.se lines but its - 11 e Value o f a Smile prim ary work is to reveal (.Sod TTIk! Uring-tbnt-gocis^thG-farthest" to men, and to lead them to toward m aking life worthwhile Jesus C hrist. In tl.iese things it That' costs the least, and does has no rival. EI.OOK SLIKEACINU -- J. Sutl. jarid, 2 Ml Mahon Avenue, North , M.58-L. ____ _ LEGION HALL FOR RENT - Meet- ings. Parties, etc.; moderate rute.s. Phone W est 184-Y. F. W. Rivers.. MASON'S TAXI -- Day and night; heated car; passengers fully'in.sured We.st 512. MARCEL SHOP -r- Thermique Steam Permanents. Only best materials , used. Expert .operators. Phone W est 304, Royal Bank Building. tluireTibesn't .seem to be any age lim it oil babies. 'L j . J^upa: "And they lived happily ever a f te r-- " Kid: "A fte r w hat, papa?" -i. /■ nil- Even the M eter Is Red JVofessor:. "What colors are --mos(: -generally- found arooTid. electrical m achinery ?" , S tu d en t: "Voltage rose finish ed in fuse blue." the most, is ju s t a plea.sant • smile. 'J'lie .smile th a t buhles from the liear.t th a t loves its.fellowmen, Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again. I l's full of w orth and goodness, too, w ith human bent-- . It_'s__w_orth a_milJion_dol]ar.s,_aiid in lo e s ii't cost a ceutT"- So muinicipaliti(*s foi- which they are to be commended, ai'e ' more and more assuming their responsibility in i-egai-d to char- .itable objects. We have a strik ­ ing exam ple of lhal,-in the great sums th a t .are raised in our WANTED Furniture, Brie a Brae, Stoves, .Heaters, etc., highest prices paid.LCall West 91. Burrard Junk Co. , ' ■ , CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun­ try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. WANTED -- We pay the highest prices for bottles, 'rags, metals, etc. Call-West 91. Burrard Junk Co. ELECTRIC and Mechanical Toys, Juvenile Autos, W agons recondition­ ed. W est Vancouver-Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. kindmpm;-<i larger cities for welfare chests. Wc in W est Vancouver have BOARD & ROOM--^With nursing care available; -delightful surroundings on; Nvaterfront. Registered nurse.- ' G. Conquest,Jlestawhile Home, 136 ' '27fh St. West 86-L-2. CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Sawdust burners intailed; furnace repairs. Phone G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale North 822._______ _̂_____________ _ INSTlLLATIONS-^Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. Hi f a -fu n d , -and th e-- -p(-)u^vi3-= ^ --eh iId 'K^C:e]VTr^ricvcle7---- ^PatersonT^W^^t-loli -We-lt-ai-G-A-SSeeIa¥o^ Phone West 635-R. ..... Tombstone Dealer (a fte r sev- ______ _ oral fu tile su g g estio n s); "How ' A n-Iron C onstitution - wouM a simpje 'Gone Home' do HtHt--̂ ^ u ii-is aii-op(.iiiii.sL ?"--r4^M^^-nrinsepi-pbieî ?^L--,----- ^ i : . B^*ll: "An optim ist is a ' ma n -th a t d rinks 'Beef, - Iron and W ine,' and then drink's 'rust re­ mover' for a chaser." ing its annual appeal to all the citizens of th is much favored m unicipality to assist in raising $3,000. It is a worthy oTiect for your liberality. It spelts ^ 'W ^ a r e " to many a family liv- KEN'i'ALS 4 Rooms $20; 5 r(>oms'. ..$25; 5' rooms (new) $35; 7 rooms $35. ' R. P.-Blower & Go., W est 21. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent-- Houses, Lots, and acreage for sale. Lawson & Pride, 1704 Marine, Phone W est 55. The Widow: " I guess th a t will . ing below the linV of a decent be a ll;r ig h t, It was always the standard. The Royal Bank will last "place-; he ever thought of be glad to receive your contribu- UNFURNISHED Waterfront Home, S -A L ^ 3 Meccano sets, $2.00; ■ 5 rooms and . garage,'"- modern ; an--' ' .................................. mediate possession,, $32, -West 225 or W est 63-Y-2. ' .cohdition. West'157,-R-3.' going. tiori. \ - J , C '{ • ■li" I N • Yours truly, WILFRID-LfdVfel^Yr^ WEST BAY WATERFRONT -- Fur. , nished,^^4 bed rooms; fully modern, $45, immediate possession. C. J. Archer Ltd., W est 225 LOST--Tuesday, black cocker spaniel, male, "Snooks." W est 256-L, : (p I ST .cgifci-.'i'.l i %i' «■ '4 5 . i f i p M3M t i ' TESTING 100 METERS EVERY DAY It VVa.s Ever Thus! FOR SALE - bicycle in ' C99-R-1. . ̂ Girls' eX .M . Monarch good condition. West REST A W HILE Convalescent Home- N urse Conquest, R.N. W est 86-L-2, -- 136 27thi^treet. - - ------------- "Is your brother about__again_aftei his accident?" "No, and won't be for some time." "Why?- 1 tholight he; had only minor injuries." "Ay, he did have, but compensa­ tions have set in." -EXPERIENCED---- WOMAN- housework, 25c an hour. West 017, continue I'inging. "wants Phone, UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM - bath, kitchen j separate entrance or share three room cottage with busi- ness-ladyr-G lose to ferry--Box 25, • W est'Yan N ew s. FOR KENT'r-r- 4-Room Cottage Bung- - alow,. bath, toilet; newly decorated. ■ 2119 Marine, West-CSO-Y. \ Day after day tjiroughout the year a Domin­ ion Government meter tester is at work in the B.C. Electric meter shop. He will test 17,000 meters in 1937. " A meTer.is like the scales of your butcher; and the Dominion government weights arid measures department sees that It's accurate. Meters must be government-tested every six years but records show that only four out of every 1,000 are found even a small per­ centage in error. How would you like a watch that would keep- perfect time for six years? That Is how. -fccurate-your-meter-ISTT^----- ^ ^ BRITISH C O L U M B I A ELEaRIC -- .^IL .W A y-G © M PA N >^=- CtiW>*37 V E R N O N A. C. SEA -Wc.«̂ t-4L FertiJizer.s of All Kinds, _ _ ADCO ; . Wood, Coal, i L( . - ■ Builders' Supplies M um s H aving a t a t home, wed- T ÎTone VT est^9" or 438-X T or M inus 7 fo r th e ^ c a s io n . Many varieties from .50c to $3;00 per dozen, delivered. GREENHOUSE .2361 Jefferson FOR R E N T -- ̂Comfortably furnished . camp, near ferry. W est 350-X. WANTED -- By responsible couple, small house or suite partly furn- ished, for 1 s t January. West 749-R. GORDON ROBSON,fBarrister, Solic- __ 1447_ M arineappointm ent only._ West ,403; 610: Hastings, Seymour J 4199;^afternoons. =G«DE^N^Pi%pni-«1 Terr j j ie SpIngT' winter rates. Millan, 'V^est 763-L G(J0D ALL ROUND PIANIST open for engagem ents evenings. Phone West 58-X. GENERAL Builders* Supplies Coal, W ood and Saw dust WEST VAN, BUILDERS' SUPPLY '<̂ (53 Marine Drive West 560 ;1- Have yqirseen our Latest M odel ^^Utchen Ranges ? Saturday -- rull-Enamel Basting Pan with each new range purchased. VeryTeasy^terms.- FdRSTS LTD. w . N, iyiORRIS, Agent ■* 1476 Marine Dr. W est 711 also a t 66 Lonsdale Avenue North Vancouver " MnrtVi kok FUEL SUPPLIES West 582 '.'W est 582 1441 Bellevue Ave. . • ̂JVOOD Inside MU!\ Pir ........$5.50 cord mside Bush Fir $5.50 cord rurnace and Heater' -- Blocks .................$4.25 cord fireplace Fir ..............$4.26 cord .Mill-run .?...,$3.50 cord Slabs, barky .............,..$4,00 cord Alder, Bone Dry supply) -.,$..6.00 cord KINDLING WOOD « . . S a w d u s t Np. 1 Fir Sawdust $4.50 per unit c , COAL Selected'-grades, well screened. ^rriyualLty_a'nd quantity guaran-" ■teed, ■ . .,'N Special ^lame"eh-Stbve, Egg, and. N u t ......... ..,......,$8 .50 to n Kindling, with coal orders; five V or more I -......... iOc sack CHARLIE Th o m p s o n : i n v e s t m e n t s and INSURANCE- George N u tt,. c|o/Riddell, Keenley- side & Walsh Ltd., 808 West Hast-, mgs, Vancouver,- Sey. 4491; Resi- dence. W est 73-X. --? Black Cocker Spaniel "Roxy" Anyone "found" harboring same will _be~ prosecuted. Plione West 443-R. r e l i a b l e t e n a n t - would pay small rent for taking care of house ourm g owner's absence; references. _ Apply Box 26. W est Van News. WELL-ROTTED MANURE for sale; 437°Y^l'^ inside fir. Phone West h o u s e s WANTED vVe have a client waiting for a .̂ iBndern_i3The<iroom̂ homeT-roIose-jn,-fiiL reasonable term s. Another wants a modern 4 or' ,5 room Jiungalow. Must pe conveniently located and a real bargain for cash. Quick action if you have the right place. . A E. AUSTIN &^CO., LTD. JYest H astings - St., Sey. DlSl or M r-H ill; W est 597-Lr~ 31~Y'ears'7 Vaneouver; Real Esta"te experience at your :service. FRUITING -- For all kinds of printing phone West Van News, W est 363. - K -- i i i : s iiitoSiSiii