' ' ' ' Circulating in the D istrict o f IVest Vancouver-^Ambleside^ Hollyburn^ Weston^ Dundarave $ t oo per year. CypTCSS Patk^ Cauljfeild^ W^hytCCUff ̂ Etc. 6c per copy at newsatands. Vol. X II HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2nd. 1937 N o . 35 DISUNITY SPELLS DISASTER VVlien George III against the expressed opinion of his own ih'ime Minister and the wishes o f his people tided to (Inijrooii the American Colonies and lost them^ England learnt ii lesson which she never forgOt. It was the real beginning 1)1' the British Empire»as we have it today, n v('ry simple one, namely, ihe right of freedom to all nations iiii(l<'r the protection of the flag to conduct their"affairs ac- I'oi'iliiig to their own laws, and customs, so long as those laws ami customs did not run contrary to 'the fundamentals of the while man's law. Tliat and the public school.code, which teaches the ruler jmist be ever the servant of the ruled, represent the whole ' 'scorei of Britain's success in the-maintenance of empire. ,'No other nation has ever been able.to quite learn the lesson with tlie exception of the* French, who with their natural faculty f o r distinguishing between the essential and th e ' irrelevant, have come nearest to appreciating it; The German, for instance, demands subservience to be oblnined by a brutal despotism, such as he put in operation in (iorman East Africa before 1914. And whp shall say that the German occupation of Belgium was not God's punishment foi' her treatm ent of the Congo natives? The Spaniai'ds fol lowed the rule of a'* crueb and corrupt exploitation in the Americas, which reduced Spain to a small power. Even the Americans oould never be successful colonizers, because-they. „ have a fundamental dislike for the colored races, which makes* it almost impossible for them to trea t the la tte r fairly. Indications, however, point lately toi the fact th a t the Biilish Dominions have become spoilt children, as is often the"ease"with"thDS€"who'have"be€n"givem everything: " There"- has been fa r too much talk in several of them*'of their right to j?o their own way regardless of everything elsCi They have th a t right. But they should remember, what ■'■■ other.'nations 'never 'forget',"th a t 'th e y "are a very "scattered ' ' family of individually weak members. Truly united, as they, have been in the past, they constitute a powerful force in the world. Taken alone, Mother Britain would hardly be a first, class power, while; her daughter Dominions would rank with' the Balkan States, fo r'the measuring stick is population and not unoccupied or unproduotive areas./ Nor would actual or potential, be considered in 'the count, unless there was a .c,prresP9?^dip.gly ,heayy armd4 ,ff?.rce t^ it. ... Just a t this time, when England.'is to keep^^the PRESENTATION OF AWARDS AND DIPLOMAS SANTA CLAUS FUND COMING EVENTS Plans have been completed for Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. Verschoylo Mai'tin was the re- a series of entertainments which 15th and 16th--West Vancou- cipient of the Junior M atricula-, w ill^ssist the West Vancouver ̂ ver High Sohoola' Carol Sor- tion Scholarship award for the Santa Claus Fund. It has al- vice. highest average in the June ex- ways been an earnest endeavour /Monday, Doc. 20th--Concert in aminations and was presdlited in this community to be sure with an engraved certificate at that no child will find the Christ- a general as.sembly at West Van- mas season somewhat darkened couver High School last Friday because Santa-Claus has been afternoon. Tom Robson received imilble to call, an award for the best all round HeadimaVters for the: local aid of Christmas Cheer Fund in Inglewood Auditorium. A RIG NITE" '.'A Big N ite^w ill be held at ,, , , - . ------------- may be left. To give , . . . , „ the awards and the presenta- all people in the community a - <>1 tun and "entertainment luis tions wer<r made by Mrs. W. B. share in disi>enaing happiness tiech arrangeii including dancing. Small, Regrent. , the following functions are item- «»deslu>ws, and many draw Wm. Gray, Municipal Jnspec- ized in order that calendar space prr/es, among the latter being tor of Schools, stressed the may be reserved. -A Cinderella larkeys, groceries, live stock, values of citizenship and general dance will' be held in the Holly- leathered pets, cakes; hosiery, social and "cultural attitudes in burn Pavilion on the night of There willalso be an x^ldress to the students be- Saturday, December 11th. Pro- spot prizes for the daneihg and fore presenting the diplomas, ceeds 'from the High School I'efroshments. Admission-25c. He was confident that recogni- special Christmas Carol services ,, entire,proceeds will go to tion would be ftiven to these on Wedne.sday and Thursday, I'̂ und. features of a student's a ll-roun^ December 15th and 16th, will b e ' development in graduation certi- given to the Santa Claus Fund, ficates. in the not too distant On Monday, E^cember 20th, future; - y "there "wilP be aTgigahtic" ent̂ ^̂ ^ DICKENS' BOOK CLUB The following students receiv- tainment in the Jrorm of.a splen- ed diplomas:--Norman Coleopy, did program of concert numbers. Jean Cushing, Kenneth Davison, Hugh; " Fanner, Alan Fraser, Elizabeth Hadwin, Jean Hill, - Don't forget the sketches"from" "Bleak House" to be given a t 8 p.m. tonight' by the Dickens' British Commonwealth of Nations pre^ent^a solid front to the nations. We peoples of the Empire know, th a t in a crisis of any kind the Old Country and the Dominions"w^ould"still stand" .shoulder to shoulder, th a t this talk of going it alone is in the nature of a little family spat. But other nations dp not under- Kav T PI - K-- -1,' and those adults who may think f f n w a n d ^ S ^ A^'j^ ^ rtamKay Jagger, Elaine Kissick, themselves too old for dolls or .mid Mrs. A. J. Gleam. Doris Lashbrook, Verschoyle oars m w can nut A< mission, 26 cents. Proceeds Martin, Joan Mathews, Edward former playthings to a^snlendid I^^^kiven to the Christma.s Meglaughlin Robert t e c ^ o d , " h ® h1 !y ""O IV^oDon- fQj* the milk bottle collections. ' _______________ aid, Evelyn M c(^wan, Stanley i t is hoped that a telephone rA lU F F lf T P a tte r s o n ,.!^ J^ichards,. J ^ k i^Hdge may b̂e arranged.-just Richardson, ^Tom Robson, Ian prior to the pre-Christmas rush. . G C RCLE ' iiiterested in working for the A^olpmbia- C . North Vanepyyer Ilo.spita! a n d . local needy ca.sea. " ^ lAast-wee3f4h G-y-^ Simpson, Douglas W a tt Mrs. A, M. O'Donnell, chair- rHian of. the Management _ Com mittee of the Board o f '^ h o o l Trustees, presided, .and on the donate their services if you can -arrange a district gatl^m g^.at which they m ight enliven your hearts. If you have any_ bright ideas ■father to .th e thought, deduce therefrom \a weakening of the bonds which bind u s ' and act accordingly. It is well ..known now that Geimiany .went to war in 1914, because she thought the rest n f the Empire would stand aloof and leave England to fight i t out alone. T hat is the price we paid for the same kind of loose tklk which i.s going the rounds .today.- M rs.HillboniVW m.'Grkykndthe "hich principal, J. R.' Mitchl^ll. The " sist m swelling' t te beautifully inscribed certificates nual Chri.stma.s gifts to the Col umbia Coast Mission, 5 sacks and 6 cartons containing 3 lay ettes complete (one for each of The successful are. n% er popular, and- the slightest sign of weakness en" the ir part is always an incentive for others - to strive to d rag jliem down, equally in the, national, field as ---in_the_world.-of business. ' ' " . . , It is-̂ ' when danger threatens that the herd draws together. LEGION W.A. TEA & SALE NORTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN Mrs. Gordon Grant, Marine Drive, West- Biay, convener of Laws- and -Moral Standards of- the North Shore Local Council The W.A. Canadian Legion are holding a n -a f ternoon tea, also .s.ale ..of,_.,Home Cooking, Needlework, -and W hite Elephant stMl -in the_Legion-HalLon,^at= funds_ please communicate witji were orenared bv Mrs AV Reid..members of the general coin-.. ettes comple of m sFgh Ichooi Stkffk ' Jm tte e The members 'of this g hospitals), pyjamas, sheets, 3 ___________ _ fp r co - jo r d in a ^ new. cloth. quilts. and linens for ""^"NNUATTUNl -----groupAet-iv-itie^re-M ^ use, several men's over- c' W .A. BAZAAR ___ Green a»id . coats, suits, underwear, shoes ___ J.-K. Mitchell. and socks; women's coats, dress- f ile W. ̂A. of the West Van- ---------------- es and various useful articles ' ' couver Uhiteef {Church are giving CHRISTMAS CAROL SER VICL and maiiy- children's- garments their Annual Bazaar and Sale of --------- ' with a good supply of toys, books Home Cooking at 2 :3Q p.m. next and pic- and Xmas decorations and doz- Tuesday, December 7th. Fancy yourself in the Inglewood ens of magazines, work, novelties, aprons, etc., will Auditorium on. December 15th These gifts are greatly ap- be on sale. There will also be is dark save for -preciated by the officers as they afternoon tea a t 25 cents. CHURCHES OE CHRIST, ̂ SCIENTIST to 5:30. Mrs. E, C. Sharman is convener, and the following Ĵ d̂ies in. charge: -Mrs.. E. 1C. Hovvdle, Home Cooking; Mrs. M. Philips, Needlework; Mrs. F. . Rivers, White Elephant; Mrs. El 'Cai'ley in charge o f the teas. Afternoon tea-15 cents. the soft lights playing on the - beautiful murals that adorn the walls. The stillness is broken by the melodious strains of a string --o n e-A iA n dreiL are in good condition and fill a fi^reat need as welfare work is non-existent. j y e s x x a n c i i i i v e r . HOLLYBURN HALL ' A Lantern Service for boys and girls will be conducted by Jack Anderson a t 7:15 p.m. to- ____morrow^(-Kriday), in Hollyburn Wall. Sunday School and Young' People's Bible Glass next Sun day, December 5th. There will at ^ next Sunday . ̂ when the speaker wiI-1 be Eric Hunt. ing at her home last Friday aftm-noon, whmi im portant m at ters relating to her committee were discussed7" T h^P resident, Miss^E,: J. Stevens, read com- munioa,tions from the National Laws convener, Mrs. Milton Gregg of Ottawa. Afternoon tea was served by th^h o stess , ■ as sisted by Mrs. ̂ J. Sheasgreen. The-committeeJncluded. Miss. E. J.\St€vens, Mrs. Geo. Lindsay, Mrs. R. Fiddes, Mrs.. James Chapman, Mrs. , Wm. Herrin, Mrs. J. Sheasgreen, Mrs. D. Chapman and Mr§. F. Nightin gale. In this connection "Her Honor Judge ' Helen Gregory MacGill is conducting a series of talks, the. second to take place on Wednesday, 78th " December,r in the-W omen's Building, VancOu- "GOD THE ONLY .CAUSE AND CREATOR" will be the subject of the Lesson - Sermon" mony, singing the lovely, old A general meeting of the carols that everyone know so Tennis Club, will, be held jn_St, well. .. As they fade away, the Stephen's Parish H allorfThurs- tist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is: heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. There is no speech nor language, where their ness will be discussed. BAND CONCERT t*. ............ ■................. The West Vancouver Schools "CINDERELLA'DANCE" P|ie Santa Claus Fund Com- T?o; ,, announce. a ._"C.inderella p held on Saturday December 11th, at the ' Sine Shep- provide the 9 . l o ' D a n c in g ■of w r w e e k 'sxi sspe West Van News. ver,; a t 10:30 a.m .; subject "Laws Concerning Women and Child- . Pen:" As this is an open meeting members of women's organiza tions and residents of the North Shbre who are -interested, are, cordially invited to attend. The ladder of life is full of = splin ters,'but they always hurt worst when we are sliding down. m all Churches ofU hristrScien- curtain slowly rises and there ~ day ,. December 9th, at 8 p. m. , is Bethlehem where the story oT sharp.' All members are asked Iflc Christmas unfolds itself,; It is to be present as important inded an awe inspiring s ig h t!' That is the Carol Service the^' public are going to enjoy orr voick'iV nkt'hea^r" 'fpkalmk'i9 December 15th and 16th. It is voice is.noi neara. ( l - ^ m s iy_, tributeiof tbe We.st Vancou- -',Araong-„the citatiems whioh ver High School student., to the - Band under the sponsorship of comDriso the Lesson - Sermon is .Christmas season. Be sure ® the. West Vancouver Business the following from t ^ Bible: ^ Association are giving the m ayenjoy it too:̂ T^ first of a series of concerts in the Inglewood Auditorium on Friday evening, December 10th. Admission to the public will be free but any children coming must be accompanied by their^; parents. ■ ^ , Ther<>bject--ofrrthis rand" other "Let Israel rejoice in Him th a t made him: let the childr'en of Zion be joyful in their King." (Psalms 149: 2). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes - the following , passage ■from the Christian Science text- ""bookyt^Scrence anTlTHMIfh w itir Key to the Scriptures" by- Mary. Baker Eddy: "Mind . is >the grand creator, and there can be no power except that, which . is derived from Mind. If Mind was ■first chronologically, is first pb- teptially; and. -must be first eternally, then give to? Mind the glory, honor, dominion, and ppw- of the collection will go to Christmas Cheer. Remember, 'the Inglewood Auditorium on December 15th and 16th at 8:15 p.m: _ _ ^ R I T I B H --I S R A E T x Regular meeting of the Brit ish - Israel World Federation branch at Dundarave held aL. Marine Drive at 25th, a t 8 o'clockr^Speaker,~Mrs. Wt Hamilton. The' subject: "The Third Exodus," a continuation concerts in the series will be two fold--to assist, the band financi- ' ally to take part" in the contest .year-at the -Toronto- Exhi--- bition and to make our residents . "More West Vancouver Consci- " ous" in dealing with the loĉ il merchants. ■; Teams have been appointed to............of her la s t talkion the Pyramid. pr -■p'vprlastine' due its holv Everyone is cordially invited to call on local merchants for funds name." , " hear this address* *■** in connei^iem with the concert. 'LJ:'-