i i i i i i i i ^ ^ ^ ^ S A weekly Ne^^ Circulating in the District of West Vancouver--Ambleside, Holly burn ̂ Westohy Dundarave $1 .0 0 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild,,Whytecliff, £ tc. . 6c per copy at newaaiands. Vol. XII H O L I^ Y B U R N P .O .. W E S T V A N C O U V E R , B.C., T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T 26th. 1937 N o . 21 t h e INTERNATIONAL SITUATION rpi international situation is the only thing th a t really H.MN iii the world today. The quarrel between Mr. Aber- -S T rin rO ttaw a-as-to -the ir-fam ily^righ ts^ in^ the-C anad ian^ on e are i" «P>'® o l their p rom inen t m th6 press of little • .m iinu'c when the whole street is ablaze opposite and there ■" n 'vl to lio fire anoaratus to quell the flames, should they 'n, ](*>nlvMifter the manner of flames jump across to us. - . Ten ible things have been,.happening recently in Shanghai. " AnviiiK* however, whjĈ thinks^'the-trouble will be settled there hr!tween' China and Japan would.be making a big mistake. 'Thr! (^hinese are like , us Britishers in this respect, th a t they ilnfslow to take up arms, but they are equally slow In laying hpm down. The w ar in China will be fought to a hnish and will rnge over many parts of tha t country before the end is reucluid.̂ ^̂ most significant items in the press recently u-<nr* lirstly, the movement by Russia of large masses of troops i her Eastern^ Siberian border, arid secondly the priority n̂ riPi-ed bv Hitler to beVgiven to Japanese reports m the Nazi Reading between the lines, this .can only mean that the ugly situation in Europe and'that in the F ar East are quite liable to become one. ̂ r> „• As we pointed out in an editorial two weeks ago, Russia ouinot .ilfoi-d to allow Japan to acquire any more territory ill Chinn, unless as a result of the purge ol many of her higher nffk 'ih she feels herself unequal to th e task ot interfering. Sis movement of troops would indicate her government is d ll satisfied with its strength, and it should be remembered that Hillor fears the Russian armies more than anything else ^Tamm"must win~or~gb^bv^n iri"^blazF'ofllefeat~in" C h to incl rewolution a t home. F o r her these are the only two^pos- sible alternatives. Moreover, she must win quickly, since -iier oeople have neither the natural-resources nor the^tenacity of the Chinese. Incidentally also she. has now .murdered all chances of securing any outside financial assistance. Victory v̂ould m a k e her the dominant power: in the Far E a s U i ^ need we delude ourselves with,, the idea th a t she wouW ^est BASKET PICNIC l b KEATS ISLAND DR. C L IP DAVIES NOTICE Of iniei*est to many people in Jaim\s U. Mitchell, principal of West Vancouver, is the an- West Vancouver High Schools, will leave Ambleside Pier at 10 a.m., and dishes, lea, sugar and cream will be provided on the island. Tickets,,J5Q.cents; *■*"" THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar I have a coupe which is some thing like me, a bit ancient but" still in good running order. It was bequeathed ,to me by a friend on condition I paid his funeral expenses. You' know, brother, there 's not a noticeable, amount o f, respect now . for the 8 0 iva 1 i t y, will give a series of weekly lectures in the Canadian L e g i o n Hall, .West Vancouver each Friday eve ning, commenc ing Jji'iday, Sep- tem l^r 3, at 8 :15 P*m* , , i. Full particulars of his subject on that occasion will be contain ed in these columns next week. Dr. Davies is conducting big meetings in Vancouver on Sun- REGATTA AND DANCE old and getting old, and that ap- ---------«=>". --- . .. A.^nfAVinm plite to cars,"Nobody in front ^ay .evenings bothers about my honk, and ÎSn nttrart^those behind don't .see me at all. hem- him, and is also a ttiac ti g A person who's always had re spect on his feet because he bounced on the jaw amf"wIio got in his way is just na|uraUy, not "talcing' any'"less"on-v^eels" -So- I'm having a skirt of quarter- inch steel plates placed all round large crowds of people to his weekly lectures in the Hotel Van couver on Tuesday evenings,' which are presided over by Mr, Qnrfifild White, who will also be his Chairman at the West Van couver meetings. Dr, Davies has great sense of humor and On Saturday, September 4th, niembers of the West Vancouver „ Swimming Club with the co operation of Molly Edwards and her group of swimmer.s will hold a Gala and Water Carnival at Dundarave Pier-lloats at 2:30 ,p.m. The eveiiiH will comprise swimming races,'re lay races, diving, fancy swimming and tads and novelty events. ..A Grand Gala Dance will be held in the evening at the Holly- burn Pavilion. The proceeds from the Gala'jiind Dance will go to further thjS'interests ofjw im - ming duriiw the fall and |winter months. ' - -S e t" th i s-/d ay-as ide,-iij/-a n v-alL-- West Vancouver Day a i^ an all- West Vancouver Regat4ra. ' ■ ' ■ isL. f e e ̂ A~br€atiriTig^spa<!fe-t)f-a-few-y^ with much of-Ghaua^V-- i-ruck-wheels with solid^ti^s to mere, /v ___ & v v«ov a r M h i f i n n a would -- stand the ex tra ' weiffht. but I horn'to*^deiuX'̂ t h r f m ^ 'r u S ^ > ^ ^ ^ mav M cGlM JVRAt in -front. If.s .going to cost me happy jram e rf mmd,^ He may ,1 ^ ™ TEACHING CKWX IjOlO kilocyol€s,..daily ex- .- • the. close of ,the holidays, cept Sunday, 8 to,8:15 a.m, ̂ MisH McGillivray is now resum- the best mining stock J ever owned, and I may have to put on vast natural resources to build upon, and her ambitions would include Australia, India,-and th is . Pacific slope, if not more. The significance of the priority toJDe-given. Japanese new,s 'W -the Nazi press is^ th a t H itler is Evidently preparing-his people to go to Japan 's aid, should it be needed. Both races --fliinlrthey-are-supernien7-and-bo.th'»oonsiderd;heyJiay-e-a-licejise stand the, ex tra ' weight, but I don't care. The old bus with her steel skirt is going^o give 'em 'shocks,. especial3yi^'<as>she will have a whaleboat end fore and aft, arid even cement trucks will SAVE ON OIL FUEL ' , N.' H. Reidy .agent of th^j.Sheh Oil Co. of B. C., announces Jh another part j of - this ing the teaching o f piano and theory.- Her; experience as^ a* teacher in the schools of Victoria and Vancouver. has7 given her an irisiglitJnto the requirements df- children entering school.^ She is to run the" world. . n , *i The situation in Sjpain is best illustrated by the rem ^ k of ail aviator just returned from that country, who ^ id that in a battle in which he had taken part thousands of Russians who in,.his opinion was a fool for not minding his own busi- The League scarcely lived, and international honor is dead, which is w h y Mussolini, who did more-to kill bpth than any living man, is not finding his offers of friendship very seriously regarded by anybody. -Doubtless he is not feeling any too coiiifurtable-these-days,-iwhe_n h e thinks-ofran^oritraged^ r i t t sh aiP. ana even cemenc trucKs will * watch their step. Naturally, no mraney:^backrguaTantee-m-een--- pTeparerinTrtakuThiidTen-ol-fou ir.^,r «m1i Mrr, Q rivix7/3 wifii 'nectioH w lth reduced oil con- and five .years of age and develp]) - - can be made on oil; D At the royal palace in GwalioP7"fi Turthai* parfi'ciriai:sr'1nTidly refer idia, the M aharajah's dining "-to the advertisement in this is- public and his long coastline so susceptible to the willing a t tentions of the British'Na'yy; . - : Yet with all th is dynamite loose in Europe and a t our very back door, there are still found those amongst us who say we should not s'pend money on armaments, because things can_be settled without war.. -- ■ . ^ • Possibly they can be, but ju s t now it seems to be a method much out of fashion. , - - India, table is equipped with a mini- sue. ature train of'silver operated by ------ electricity which -"goes slowly vj ; HOMES OF DISTINCTION round loaded with foqd,_wines7- ------ ^ etc. T^ of Harold A, Eager & Son, BiTild- . . „. . ̂ ̂ . a-dish'-automatically'^sfops and""^'efs"arid~Co'ntractors, who httve-x----Oive-y0 ur-ehddH.^he-;beH^--el:-- starts the train,' I t 's a great - .been operating for-several year.s this experiencce and, training, idea, although the reverse of one . in the Okanagan, have re-e.sUb- For appointment please, phone which, has been in my head for. lished themsdves here and are West 585-Rr.I - or call years. The train of my dreams prepared to build the very latest studio, 2667, Haywood Avenue. . Special attention to actual'piiano work , including Rhythm Band will be a marked feature, of the work, and the children will'thus be introduced in a most interest ing manner to later more formal study. MESSENGER SERVICE CANADA PACIFIC would only move on the pressure type of houses. Free plans are of buttons placed on the edge of also furnished. Repairs and alt- a table in front , of every, guest, eratjons. For furthef particulars As long as you pressed the train kindly phone West 442-L. went "ori-till--it came to-youi ̂ Think of all thd fun among the EXHIBITION guestSj When a particularly deli cate morsel was on board. Every- M - bo d y ^ re ssing Jbirttfi^ FRANK W. LLOYD -----TO RESUME TEACHING Miss McGillivray is also carry ing on regular piano work for all ages in her studio a t 2667 Hay wood Avenue, West Vancouver, also at Room 16, 817 Granville Street, city, and Kerrisdale. %rain"=gomg--t-o=̂ d--fro-acEW i-^ form erlyest--Van eo u ver-,_enx_: ___ _ -'l , ;■■■ ti _: ' « •' ■' 3 *n--n. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETYJ. Turner, 2690 M athers Ave-. nue,_has -taken ;py.er"rthe--West "Vahr^esse'ng^T^ iorn dfehtliom r:igntiyy*jr;, w^^^ irgmia i.^are; w ju v̂ ; ingiyv T te'~igTmst5™Tmrid--play==--wm"iW m F :tiT E "t^ ^ p.m;,.IngIewpocTSclto(3l ter has operated for the past two ing performances when she rides beggar my neighbor all night piano- and theory following the -- **September in_t-hj^(lai;deri:!! years7 FreighrTi^~tTie"larges Her"ma"chine""around^tIie-perp€ri---^with""the"foad~msteHd=^oTcalling ^umrner recess. Pupils are to the smallest, baggage,i et'cT, diculaf sides of a . cylinder a t the one another narnes„oyer bridge. - ' .r , , C a n a d a Pacific Exhibition, A u g '. Besides, it would save having -u s t 30th to September ,6th. In waiters tipping the soup down a w i d e variety o f attractions the the back of a person's neck. octopus ride and dual loopa -- :------- ;--------- "plane will"̂ "e7iricluded in iatest-77- FIRSTTN B. C. are picked up and delivered. lEhone-West--5-or-evenings-and before 8 o'clock in the morning, West 245-L. _____ ' taught, in their own homes, further information can be ob tained- by kindly ^telephoning Dpuglas 811-R, or by writing to Mr. Lloyd a t 541 Burrard Street. by a member of the Advisory , Committee.- A short paper on . tirpely topicTs what to do and how to'dorit; , ^ TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD There will be a meeting of the executive and - council, of the Townswomen's Guild on Monday, August-aoth, a t 8 p.m. ■ HARRADINE c o m m e r ic a l ; COLLEGE , devices of this nature. . A carnival troupe of 200 will display many unique features and exhibits airiong. which will be :-the world's smallest horse, -trained f l e a s - and--many_ other features. . Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe has purchased the firsf New ° Duart Permanent Wave machinq. with .thermostatically controlled heat-' ers,'in,British Columbia.. After MRS. MARGARET P. - BULKLEY PASSES The H^fradine Commercial situated in the Publicity uilding at 710 Seymour Street, ? i^ ^ ^ ^^ -^ft-^n-viable-^eputa-- Oirto^-he"exc€llent instruction cemmercial subjects. fi-smblished in 1920,-i t . i s well The school Known to West Vancouver girls, " 7 th, 9:30 - 12 of whom have g ..... ................. coIlege.LGoursea are WENDY HOUSE " ----- _ . . NURSERY SCHOOL ed it fo^ their West Vancouver ■ ' The Wendy House' Nursery SchoGl7-2397-B^vue, wil l,car.ry_ on the w A started by Mrs. Claxton, on Otta'Ŵ Avenue.. , Mrs. Margaret P. Bulkley, a well known,Dundarave resident, wSing^om^ passed away last Sunday at her' ine only, "one arrived and the ■ home, "Dreamy Nook," 26th and Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe claim_'- Bellevue Avenue, in her 77th ' year. She is survived by mer. husband, two "'daughters, Mrs; Oct, 5th -- "Soil Chemistry in Modern Gardening," by Mr, -^^-Gr-BTiCrabtree, B.Sc., N.DrAv" A highly instructive lecture for every garden lover. Nov. <9th -- "Bulbs--Dependable Varieties and Disea.se Control" by Professor F. E. Buck, of the ' Agricultural Department; U." B.C. Another valuable topic for our friend.sTv-/ A cordial invitation is extend ed to new residents .of the dist rict, and members are reminded MARY MURRAY --------- -- m rT E A C irV T O E IN Ora E. Clement, Por^and, Ore., to be sure and brjng a friend PenciIs7aTid^ote-d)ooki3--will--be The school will 'Start on Sept, noon >̂f whom have gone Visitors, are _m vit^ on. the and Mrs. Doris Baer, Bellevue, 111.; /two sons, Clarence of Port- ̂ handy to have as a limited a- land, Ore., and Cecil ,in Illinois, 'm ount of time Will be devoted to Funeral' services w ere--held--at .questions and answers. 9 :30 a.m. yesterday in St. Steph- • Membership cards available at iLiEhur<^y-the-Rev-. F-.-A.-Ramr__th e , doo r.