West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Aug 1937, p. 4

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F h o f i c Went 46 REI>-AND WHITE- - :------ :--------------- - We«t 46 1- f; SPK C IA LS J{KAliY-TO.HKItV'K V (H )m |(,d a WhiU- HOrKKVK SALMON Tin IKc; ThIITIii 35c H,.il & Wiilu- HnuiiJ I'OHK & BKAN8 :i IH.oa. TIiih 25c l(.<i A White KPAOHKITI with u CheeKf und 'lotnBUj Sauce. 2 ir>.o/,,.TinM ...... VKAI. I.OAK -- Jiffy I«.oz. tin lOc M e a ts-- P h o n e West 370 KHIDAY AND BATlItDAV, Auff, l.Uh & 14th MEATS MARK A HAI.AI) nn .sr FOODS h a i.a d u itk ssiN O -- ST'-- ----1 fl-rirr-Jai---33c- Ked at White FAI'UIKA tilt - 8c Ued Oi While HIIUIMI' tin 22c (*|{AHMKAT"-< 'olurnl)iu, '//h, tin 22c Ited Oc White l*KAS--Sieve .3 , Ni», 2 till - 0»c Red Oi While CAItItOTS A 1*HAS . 2 Si|iial 'riiiM ......................... „26c Ited Oi White COFFHK. I III. tin 3.3c I'iirked in Vucuuni. * Jted Ot White JHI.I.V FOWDKHS Striiwherry, l.emon, OniitKe, Fine* unple, l.line, etc./...... 5 pktji, 25c I»INKAITM,K -- SliiKiiimre, Sliced or CrtiHlM̂ I . 2 No. 2 tlnH 17c FINK SALMON 2 tall tliw I5c SIIUKDD'KI) WIIHAT ......Fkl. 10c Fed Ot White CLKANSKF 2 tlna I5c SIIOULDKH H O A ST V K A L 1 2 '/2C to l()c Ih. r'HLMK JJKKF r*OT UOAS'J'S from 15c p e r lb. J j :(;S l a m b , Top SpHn«f, lb. ;i0c SBOULDKK I:AM B, T op S p ring . per lb. . '.......... ................. • B B LA ST O F VKAl.^ p e r J b . i O ^ HKINZ BUIJC FIC K L K S. (MustUrd und Sw'eet M ixed) Fer lb ...................... '................. 50c IILINZ D IL L S ........ :i fo r 10c \ LAL I.O A F (N o r th S ta r ) Fer lb. ...........'...................... , 25c F i T n c H K i r s h o n p : y & , . . . SFIC FI) B A K K D HA M , Fer lb .'..................................... 60c (DtAIN F F D B K E F, FO R K and VKAL -- F IN E S T Q U A L IT Y . ' T h e 'T ro o p met early on the 3rd KO as to enable tlieiii to clean out their h^dquaeterii, the uu- nex of Pauline .Ldm.son School.\ They would reRpift fully make an api>eal to other boy.n' orKuniza- tion.s UHiiiK the .'<aine builuinj:? to to-operuUrwith them in cariiiK and keepin«r ahipshape the piop- erty loaned to them, but feel that at the. moment they are .shouldering the whole lotul by having to clean, the huilding every time before and after theJr meeting. P.L.,)C;erar(I Jone.s again bagged most of the hadge.s earned, but there*is a leeling in the T roop that the E agles are -aboul.-„io™SpriinL 1* bntnbshell._ JEFFERIES' Government Inspected Only COLD MEATS OK ALL KINDS -J- DELICATESSEN ; 1 Store at Hollyburn, next Theatre - PHONE-WEST-^a'. IIAMB F.M'Fit. NAl'KINS pkt. 'Jc (Id l.'imcy W'hiU* to,the FiickuKc, NORTH SHORE L(J(CAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN A p a rty of th ir ty - liv e fnw n the. N ortli Shore- I./Ocal Counceil of VVotmmi v is ite d T h e F u lrb r ig e F arm School a t D uncan, V anebu-. ver Island, bn S a tu rd a y , an d uT'ie mueii im pre.ssed w ith th e location of th e .school. On a rr iv a F Miss E. .1. S tev en s , p re.sident o f tile council, in troduced th e p a r ty T7T ( 'o l r I lT~k'r L ognnrlV Ianaging- D inu'.lor.' A f te r expm in ing th e ob ject of th e jiro jec t, he conduct^ ed (he p a r ty , over, th e v a rio u s bu ild ings inc lud ing th e (late .school w ith its .spacious au d ito riu m and .sections or ■Manual' T ra in in g and D om estic ( LOSING OF KEITH ROAD BRIDGE ■ -Science.- in;,<.'OMMectioirwith th e closing of Keith 'K oad 'B ridge over th e Capiijiiio R iver , R eeve L eyland reporled to th e Council th a t a r ­ rangem ents had "been m ade joiully " between^^ h im se lf - and. C om m issioner V ance o f N o rth VancKiiiver-to- h a v c - th e -b r id g e - examiiied by a b rid g e en g in eer. O f the th re e nam es su ggested II. H. M uckleston, consu lting enginctir, had been ap p o in ted ,, from whom a y epo rt could be ex- -.-IiecLecKshOrtly, .the co st o T sam e to he .p a id , jo in tly by th e tw o ̂ nnniii'ipalitie.s. ' , .. . - How a b o u t th e \Volv<,*.s? H ave you st.-en the Troop^ T o tem ? Thi.s will la; held by the honor p a tro l for each m onth, and w o n 't th e re be som e w ork­ ing to have th e hon(»r? ' Diie to tra n s iio rta tio n p rob ­ lems, d e p a r tu re for caipi) had to be postponed for som e tifteeii hours. Boys from th e easte rn end o f T h e m un ic ipality will de­ p a r t from A m bleside a t 9 a.m ., F r id a v : and boys-from th e w est­ e r n d i s t r i c t from (^aulfeild dtx;k a t 9 :30 , b o th via th e Tym ac.' B oys.registere 'il for cam p include S.M. E. L ynas-G rey , iiro h a rg e of th e cam p, A.S.M . (ac tin g Cubr_ m a s te r) B . ' Savory, T .L .'s N. Peacock, J . W ard, P .L i's E. Kea- c'oek, R. V aughn,' (i. Jones, J. M ichaluck, ' R. GM-dempster, Scouts S la te r , Brooks, Markle-, Black,. Minionsy Layton, H artley , L itt le fo rd ,. R ossitti, M artins, W olf, S ix e r 's Lucey, L ynas-G rey, Jld ,bs,_L y nasrG wLy-^Van -Od on el, -- F inley, H endrickson , R am sbo th - em and Gamptfclh N on-Scout D. F ittm a n . ' Service L U M B E R Quality ,SASR & LOOKS SIIINGLKS FLYW()onS -LATH-- ---- - - THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR QUALITY PAINT BUILDERS' SUPFLIKS RO(iPING, WALLBOARD -TILK-- --̂ -------- -------- . ■ Aifeiits; CANADA FAINT COMPANY,LTD. WEST VANpUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. iStii & Marine ■Drive ...............Phono West 115 It, C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rate for Claasified Advertlaementa ia 2 cenU per word; nYthiniuni 26 c e itta . E x c e p t In t h e caae.of thoae having reguUr accouhta. alLclassi. *^*^*RelSeKr**ClaBVifieii in the West V'ari News get immediate reBults. TT CHIMNEY SWEEJFING - Sawdust burners intallcd; furnace repairs. " Phone G. MeIJrum, 1103 .Lonsdale 'North.822. ------ " ... ' ' ' JUNK---We buy everything of value, Phonfe West 91, Burrard Junk Co. , IN STALL ATIONS-^ERctric KepaiM, convenience outlets installed. J. R. FAINTING, PAPERHANGING, DEC- PRATING -- For ' economy and , satisfaction, phone P. C. DulgleLsh. West 574-R. < ■ „ ' Paterson, West 108. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special machine; repairs, parts. West Vancouver ..Machine Shop, ,1449 Marine. - . MARCEL SHOP -- 'Therinique Steam Permanents. Only best materiuls ' used. Expert operators. Phone West. 304, Royal Bank Building., FURNISHED AND UNFUUNIbHE^^ :Houses to Rent--' HousesrLotSi and acreage for sale. Lawson & Pride, 1704 Marine, .Phone West 56. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try. .way. Guaranteed. -Brick and- stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. . Mr.s. - A. E. Y oung,' K in g 's A venue, g a v e a donation of cand ies to U) d is tr ib u te d a- m ongst th e ch ild ren . A m an w ouiuled in _ the-_.head 'Tirslu 'd ~ u7^t}i(T~lK)5])rt«I, ' vvherir"~lhe' d o c to r H.skt'd him how it hajipeneil. "My wife threw a stone and hit .me,"murmured the Wnunded fellow. ■ " W d l .d h a t 's the Mr.st-4.ime 1 ever T})o--I,)epartrwervt of L ands w rote th e Council re M rs. V era V aux'.s apyjlication fo r d iver- sioti of w a te r from an uiiham d creek for dohie.stie use on the ~henrd'̂ nj • n--wamaTr'rhit'tiTTjg'-an.v she aimed at," said the doctor. The Council replied th a t on. general princiiiles th ey w ere op­ posed to th e g ra n tin g of any w a te r liee tices-anyw here in the BUY YOUR RANGE OIL BURNER a t WORST'S Complete C Q Q CA Installed ; L ead ing m ak e s .-- Easy- te'rm s "d^hone"and mir--agentvwill call. ' W: N. MORRIS, Agent 1476 Marine Dr.̂ ^̂ also at 66. Lonsdale Avenue" -- .North Vancouver North 625 CARl'ENTERS -- Uemodelihgj . f e - • pairs, alterations. Western Carpen- . ters,"VVest,"65. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solid- tor, 1447; Marine, ;by appointment' ■ only, V{eat 403;-510 Hastings Street Seymour 4199 afternoons. ---- -------------------- -------- ^ 'HIGGINBOTHAM 1522 Mariner Op- ^ ■ UNFURNISHED HOUSES W-AN TED tometrist,' Optician, ' Wednesdays tb Rent --- C lie n ts waiting for im- in:.30 to 4. West 458-R for amioint-to Rent -T-- Clients waiting mediate and September occupancy C. J. Archer Ltd.. West 225. ' 10:30 to 4. West i458-R for appoint-, ments. ° , W a n t e d -- Home with 3 bedrrbdms or untinished upstairs; close in. Will pay caesh for:a good buy. Box __14 _W_est Van_News._ ' . . MASON'S TAXI" -- Day and night Passengers fully insured; West 512 W. H. VASS, Chiropractor, Suite 4, - . . H o l l y b u r n . B l o c k . " - -- F()R RENT -- i^^INT SPECAL--Porch Paint, per' ished houses gaiage. West 290_-L. . quArt'95cJ$1.25 value). House.Paint WANTED -- Price on 6 Rhode Island Per gallon $3.25 ($4 value). Canada "lung"thing-- rrrtrmcip a li ty ; ' b a l" t h a t , •'~so .___ , a s a. (lom c.stio-service "was not available, th ey had no objection to" the app lican t u sin g w a te r from th e creek . ' Red Pullets, delivered. Phone We.st ■ ' .596-R. - ̂ • Paint-Go Products. AgentSi West Vancouver JiUmber Co. Ltd:/-1.6th -andiAIarine.-Weat-115., --."Oh," sa id th e p a t i e n t , 'w ea rily r" .sb e x^isn't M iiniiig^it me. S h e w as th ro w ­ ing a t '.a dug , an d 1 w as-b eh in d h e r ." WlLLUhe Lady, who took 620 Camera , . by rriifetifke from .Duhdarave Pier 'on Sunday, August 7th, please phone -West 438-X. -Reward. : WATER PRESSURE RESTORED - No _cureV.no pay. Local'testimonials; West 188-X. - $422,000 FOR %nopsiiRifLand-Acf FOR SALE -- Fine'Wilton Rug, 10 x 12; good condition, $25.00, West __414,-:L.3___________ ' ......- .... ... - FOR RENT-^Nicely furnished house- keeping rooms. Lawson & Pride, -- 1.704 Marine.-"Phone- W est-55,-̂ ------- : V I NEW iO SES -SlncrJanu«ry-l7-î 3A7tmrB-.Cv̂ Electrjlc-hir$ptnt̂ $4SS,000 on n«w motor bum for Yancouvor and New WtotmlnsUr, maMns 51 buitt on tht 'mainland,: ' 9ft.':-' l i l i t-L h 1 r ' h' 'Although tlreet can are itiil bait for the congetted otreets of-Vancouver, B.G Electric It adopting the motor bus whereyer conditloM make It btti for the public needs. Vlfejf - 10m. BRITISH COLUMBIA ELECTRIC jlAlLWAyjCOMRANr ihuE-uarrioNs '^AOANT, «Dre««nred. curveyed Crown lands ma> b« pr**empt«d by Britisli aubjccta over la ycArs of jbge. and by _aUen»^oa__decUrlnf__lntentlon_to_Jb£Cojiie_ Urittsta (ubJecU. conditional upon resT- dcnce. ocoupatloo and tBprovement. ; ,'PuU Informattoo eoneernlni Pre-emp- - tlont U given la BuUetln No. 1, Laud "Svrics. "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of which can be obtained free of charge by addressing the Department of Lands. ..Vic­ toria. B.C.; Bureau of Provincial Inform a­ tion Victoria, or a a f Oovelmment Agent - Rccorde wUl be-granretT covering on ly 'land cultable lor - agrleultural purposes within reasonable diatanee of road, school and marketing faelUtlea aqd which Is not ilmbcrtand, l.e., carrying over 6,000 board e=Coast : Raage=and= GIRL-- ̂ 3 Days weekly ; adults, $10 ̂ monthly. Box 12,̂ West V an'Ne^^^. WEST VAN. - STATIONERS & LIB- - - ' RARY; Prop. K. I. Hobson, next to ---the-Royal--Bankir--West-687--B.OGk-Sj- Special prices; Films and Expert Finishing; Greeting Cards for all occasions; British and Domestic Periodicals; .Goggles, Stationery and D'Oyleys; /Shelf Paper,-. etc. City Prices. ' ' "WEST VAN. BLIND & AWNING . SUPPLY -- Blinds.and Aw.nings, made to order. Have your,old blindŝ cleaned and repaired;- Free estimates- , PhVne,,West 74-L-2. ' ______ FIRST - CLASS COOK - HOUSE­ KEEPER open for engagement by week or -month; also- maternit.r ■ cages. Terms reasonable. Fir.st- class references. West 289-R. .. . 6 eocUteeL-per- mere-wet wf that Range, WR HAVE handles for all tools. See our window. Don't work "with a broken handle; Crawley & Barker, Hardwarg. FOR SALE -- DeForest Croslcy Man­ tel Radio, perfect condition; also ' miscellaneous and clothing,: Any of­ fer accepted. Must sell. Ask Uun- .jiamveA.Grocer-y.,i/25th and^ BeJlcYM;, ""X^iUcatlbne for pre-emptlona are to be~ -addxaaaed.,-fa».,-ll>e-.r.»««* -Commliu.ionep the Land Recording Division In which the land applied for It situated, on printed . fq|m i . obtained from ttw Commissioner. Pre-emptions muM' b e 'occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of 110 pcr..-aere. Includlat clearing and eultl-, vating at least five acres, before a Crown Q ran t-ean -be-i^ lved . 5 ItOOMS Unfinished on Bus fine; WANTED ance arranged. G. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Marine. West 225. A ugust 23rdrrf6r=^two^ weeics, iu rnisli^^~ciDt'tage7~Hoj Bay, adplts. Box 10, West Van TO RENT -- ̂From Sept. 1st, 5 room furnishedHhouse; all electric. West 689-L. Pre-eraptloiiia e a n rln c p a r t'"tlme condi­ tions of occupation a n also granted. RELIABLE GIRL wants job as house­ keeper. Can give references. Flmne West: 445-Y.- __ rOBCBASS "M UBASB "Appircsnona are iscuved lor., purchase of vacant and unreserved Grown lands, not being tlmberlaod. for agricultural purposes. Ulnlraum pried «< tlrit-class (arable) land lt"$S par acre, and second- class"' (grailng) l a i ^ $S.M per acre Further Information li glrSB In Bulletin No. 10, Land Serlea, *TorchnM and Lease"*v/«isrn •- T ..... W .\N1.ED -- Room arid board for one week^ -no animals, JPhone--West: 4Sl-Yrl:; ' ̂ ^ F_OR SALE -- Elko Outboard $2,5 and ilr 16_f.tl_Star sailboat, ̂ $75.__ 439-R-2. of Crown- Lands.* RELIABLE BUSINESS MAN wants to, buy 5 or 6 room home; must have some «view. Substantial cash- pay- ment. Box 15, Wes,t .Van 'News. As a paHlai redafvBaeasare, reyertec lands may be. nesnlmd by pnrehaM In ten equal Instalmenta, wtlli tb s first payment suspended for . twe ynnrs; provided taxes are paid when due sa d Im j^vem ents are made during the first t#n" years of not -le ss-th an -1 0 « -s(-tb s nppntM ^ value. Mill, factory er tndostrtal sites on timber land, not exeaedlBt dp ncres, may be purchased er tensed, the eoodltlons ■incUidii^r pbyment sC Btompatn. Unsurveyed areas, tsM sseeadtng 3e acres,; may be leased ss boinesttss. condi­ tional upoii a dwdUac beinc erected- In the first year, tttts bslnc obtained after -cesidence-and~tmprovnmcBt=saBdlttoi»3:sre= fulflired .and land hns been :sn rveyed. . For. erasing land tednstrlal porposes areas _ not .axcaedtac. .IMP., aere i ~ _ttay>" be" LOST---Black Cocker Spaniel, 'Mickey. ̂ tag No. 52. Please phone West 114~ FOR RENT -- Three and four room cottages on waterfront, close to ferr-ys~Sept;'i^t. Very conifortable for winter. \V"st 463-R.______ -- -of glasses in brown leather case. Phone West 631-L. FOR SALE -- Grey wicker baby cat- riage. 2596 Mathers. ________ _ W ANTED, by- Reliable Young Couple * house for winter, • around $25. Box 14, West Van News W'ANTED -- Girl 16 or. 17. Good worker. West' 616. _̂______- WA^NTED BY 20th AUGUST^d^o^*"? and room for two men, near ferr>. Box 11, West Van News. leased by one petwoa s r a esMspany. Under the O rasfnt Act. tb s Province hr d ly ld ^ into _ grttftgp ■ dlatrlets^- snd the range admTnUtered atkdar graxlng' regula- tlons arhended from t lms t d tim e to meet varying condltlona.; Aimtial graxlng per- rnlts are Issued baisd s a ecrta la monthly- -rates-per-head-of-stoi^--̂ -Priority ■ In gra i- tng prtvllegea. is gtvwn la resident stock owners. Stock-ownon may 'fo rm associa­ tions tor range ma&acesasBt. Free or ^psu^tlally free peimitts avaBafels for.settlera :.eam p«n:aad"' DIAMOMP REAI.t Notice! Home Seekers ^ h y not thke advantage of the Government's offer to assist .voû ^ honest to. goodness home of your 6wn ?_It is simp̂ :̂ ..rittaclied. : Don't listen to cheap gossip. Gome in would like to-build for you• m'al-p rmc ----- , y e wouia iiKe. W). Duua lor , DHvl Wp rSnn busiixess is at. 1395 Mamie ticnhiiitv j • kelp finance homes of character,.^and prac- esides modern'-design at reasonable" prices. P h o n e "West j ° C, SHARPE.