West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Aug 1937, p. 3

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>TTT'rr: 3 Do Yoii tJSx.e PgQinpt D elivery? ■ ' ••Then'PKohe• - W E S T " ' 3 7 ' , / for any m erchandise and you will experience really _ .......prpfnpt delivery by A ustin,Car. ^ ....... CUNNINGHAM DRUG STO R E S ir>8(> Murhiv Drive B u r r a r d Laundry Ltd. LAUNDUY SERVICE D/WB ANDERSON, West Vancouver Represeniniive Phones West 691-L or North 1310 «. Miss. Margaret Wilson,.Apple- ton Court, returned last week­ end from Victoria, where she at­ tended the Summer School, and left on Tuesday m<n*ning for. Los Angeles to visit her brother, llugh B. Wilson, of tlie CitizeiTs National Bank. She will return by motor with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson at the end of the month. Mr. and Mrs. T. N, Lothian t>f Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs, S. Par- rick of Vancouver, and Mr. and Mrs. McCrindle... 13th..ami Duchess Avenue, has moved into a house at 25tli and Bellevue Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ha;*rlson, 1750 Bellevue Avenue, hj>! as their guests for the weoK-end, Mr. and Mrs, M. Hill of Brandon, Manitoba, also Frank Hill pf Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mrs. Hill is an aunt of Mr. Harrison. ♦, ' m., ■ ■ ■ Miss Helen (hirtis of Detroit, ,You*ll Uko dealing a t the . ANBLESIDE fHARNACY Kiw - l*ruuu»t Delivery Day tout Night »'<»uvtvous Kirivli'iiit SSeivici' Alvvayn D. .S, MimtSKiie . DiKitefikiiuK CheiuLt \Vi* will call for atui tieliver your tlliuB iVir i> ( iiiiv.sTAi. riNi.SH '•no (iliod tlovi>lo))ing luul printing I'llONK WKST a2!J d ia m o n d r e a l t y Yes, Your Listing is Im portan t! • I!,> it a shack or a mansion, a rock pile or waterfront acreage, let'.s -lu'lii vmj try unci sell it. We want you to look upon us as a medium to iinniiic you » buyer, not as commission grabbers. Full will soon bî hull' iind,' having your listing,on hand, we might bo the means of linding vou li I'c.'il buyer. Phone West 719 --• pr better come in a t 1395 Marine iiiid (ullc it ovc!!'.'" Bill Lembke is" really a swell follow and a real,West V'Diciuivcr I'an -with only ypur, interests at heart. .................. .............. ..... C."'snAllPF.' Mrs. Longmuir luid (hiughier of visiting her mnny lYiends Vancouver Island, are guests at j,, Vaneimver, spenl dte hitter the Claehan. r })arl of her two miniths' VJica- ---- * *- * ------- tToTrwitrrMi\s7"FrSrehttprnanr Mrs. W. H. Powell ot Vancon- is th and Marine Drive. Have You Had Your Furnace Looked Over ? Knill wiuits you to get the very greatest amount of heat and the irrcatcst, satisfaction out of your sawdust burning equipment. SdWdust is an ideal fuel and an economical fuel -- a clean and easily controlled fuel Knill sells the sawdust but, he wants, you to burn it to best advantage. You have ,got your sawdust supply arranged for, of course. If nol i p h o n e us at once. ; ... . • • KNILL FUlELS ' sawdust -- wood -- COAL -- HOME OIL FUELS . J Norlh 91 , ....... 513 Lonsdale Ave. ' ver, is staying for a week at t|ie Guest Cottage, Sherman. Mrs. J. Glover was a luncheon mi n * r n / i • c at her home, 24th and Ihe Rev. and Mrs. Melvin.of , King's Avenue, last week, when Vancouver, are visiting td, Cy- the giiest of honor was Miss press Park. ̂ - ........ Macdonald of . Stonehaven, .Seot- , . ' land, prior to the lidler's leaving Mr. and ^Mrs. J. W. Stewart on her return tri)). ' " ^ who have lived for the past year . ̂ ♦ in Vancouver, have returned to West Vancouver and have taken a house at 1109 Fulton Avenue.♦ ■ >K * The Misses M.'. ami J; Woods, late of Vancouver, are now oc Mrs. F. M. Masson and .son, Jack, of Fdmonton, after a visit of two weeks with Major and Mrs. F. Bayliss, 2436 Bellevue Avenue, have returned' home. U K W U V HOME-MADE D llL liiim lJ r FitESU DAILY 'I'en varieticM to hu1( every tiiKte .Mea<' DieN -- Apple TiinmverH Eccles (hikcH -r- IbiHlricH ' , Biuik and Itolla Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, l*hone West 27 la te 01 v a n p u v e r , a re novv pc- Mr.s. B ay liss m o to red w ith th em cu p y m g th e i r new hmiie w hich , ̂ g n ,oy .spent five th e y h a v e h ad b u ilt a t 1538 -Mas.shn and h e r son h niton Avejme,^ ̂ r Then loaviiiK for Couiee Oain for* - ..... avmg , a time before returning to Ed- Mr. aiKt' Mrs. (hirth Ta.ssie , or Yell<jwston<' formeidy of Toronto, have,moved J U N K We buy Bottles, Rags, Metals, Kurnituro, etc. Highest prices piiid, ̂ PHONE WEST 91 bu rhaud j u n k CO. Mrs. . Woodburn and family, who .have .been spending, the summer at 2285 Gordon Avenue, have returned to the city. .into the home they bought rec-' ently at 1126 Esquiinalt Avenue. Miss Barbara Allŵ Ork, agent -/•" . , . V--* '... , here for the B.C, Telephone Mrs. Annie E. .Kissick, who Company, ha.s. returned from hei' has been visiting her sod and,,-r-^j.|j.jy.J daughter-in-law, Mr.^ and---Mrs. G. W. Kissick,- 1326 Haywood Mrs: Eleanor Butterworth _of-Avenue, left on-Saturday-to re-., oror l lm r h r h n i '- h o m e - h r iJ e l r a , "T F♦ * . hx Friday. vOn .the steamship la- All kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL , ,.j(< ■ sfc . mi JL JL ISACAfJf kVyji Mr. .and. Mrs. ' Harry Thomp- nv! WEST VANCOUVER BUILDERS' SUPPLY. West 560 2153 M arine Dr. -■'Go,od Morning, John, I notice you re-roofed your house." ' "Yes, and I'm '■quite proud of ■it;" . , . .,rd'Who,did .the job?" V " . T H E ASTBURY orrri familv 91 dU «niH'Arfrvlp Southpoi't and Manchester, Eng- r land. Prio? to " leaving, Mrs. WEST VAN ' ■ '-'1 ■ Avenue, are' on a holiday motor trip in the south. < g ■ . ̂' Mrs. W. T. Watson, 15th and Fulton Avenue,-returnediOn. Sat­ urday from a visit to her son in Seattle. - - Butterworth was- entertained at tea by several friends including Mrs. Glements of Caiilfeild, Mrs, H. "B. Stevens, Mrs. R. Dawson . and Mrs. Diok, and Miss Lawson. She also was the recipient of sov- Sheet Metal W orks "They'll give you a price on any kind of a roof-- ~'V'-Phone=rWest--39T Cedar Shingle.s ei-al==rmsê uh--'gi'ffes'7--ia'nd---f4'0w#i^ .Mrs. J. XoWdon and family, that graopd-her^statero'oni. , 1'506 Esquimalt Aynue, have left - ^ f a r Scotland, where they expect. Those who want to see a.iL'c Furnace and Range, .Repairs, Sawdust Burners -Aspterit- tn vp.ĉ idp in'future. Mr, Lowdon' '.show af;thril]s-j)ut on . by Asbest'os, See Astbury Lumber Save after P h o n e W e s t J 99 seven on long-distance calls Night Calls-- --------- -At -ROLLO--West-(?7-2-R--I will be joining them later over there. ' - , Miss Winnie Brealey of the Municipal Hall staff, is on her' annual vacation.♦ :X * to Brighouse Race track, ;il 3. p.m. next Monday, August IGih, or at 6 p..m. Tuesday,- August 17th. There will be jumping olf .a ramp, .steeple-chasing, barrel rolling',. _ete: ' Only, Dodge aii.d j . K in layson, la te o f th e D un- d a ra v e D ru g S to re , le ft ' on S a t­ u rd a y fo r Scp tland , g o in g by w ay _of-4.he-Panam aJC anal----- ---______V !f! ■■ * "itf ■; "I"'. : -f^ynm »iHd^"te^cear.s- vviti-be- ii sed- Hollyburn Theatre TIIUK.SDAY, FRIDAY AND 5 SATURDAY MATINEE . August. I2lh, I3Ui and Nt.li .IA(Jv BENNY GEORGE BURNS "College Holiday" __lirn 'd.tiii:,-niE BLONDiaiOMBER" SAT. E V E N IN G & M O N D A Y A u g u s t H th and l(5th M A R L E N E D IE T R IC H C H A R L E S B O Y ER " THLGARDEN OF ALLAH" ■ *' : . a lso • "THE ALL-AMERICAN HALF-BACK'; 'THE COUNTRY COUSIN' TJJESI) AX:^LAyj£l)NES110L_ '7Tu|?tikL' 17tlrnrrH'4'Kth.. R IC H A R D ARISEN " S i l e n t Barriers ('J'ho .s trugg le a g a ii is t N a ttire ftu' i('an,'i(la,' One of the niost p o b u la r 'p ie tu r e s o f th e year,") ..T w ice :' a t, 7:00 and 9:15 to illustrate the strength of tlmir all-.steel bodies. HOLLYBURN HALL Look at the c lo c k ' f ir s t i f you 're planning to tclepheuej-to someone ,̂ at_ a- diaUint-pdillt^-T-h=4ow--'n igh t rates .on ...lonff.4ist{iji,ci«»-£aUs-.go into.,,..ef£finJL at -7 p.m. and continue'until 4.30 a.m.' Sunday rates, which ard« the sapie as 'the night rates, are in effect from ' P-m., Saturday, to 4.30 a.m. Monday.' Long-distance telephone calls are .thoapest cvci^"'lfigHt and" all day Sundays. ' LW. Savory 1443 Marine Drive -- Amfalesida- Phone West 34?r Evenings,, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and Insurance Mr.- and Mrs. Grant and family, who have-been spending a month' at • Sherman, have re­ turned to the city. W.-;Davison has moved from- 1731 Inglewood Avenue, into a house at 1353 Clyde Avenue. The usual Sunday School .'ind Young People's Bible Class vvill be held at 10 a.m. next Siulday, August 15th, in Hollyburn Hall. At,-the -7:30 p.mr Gospel Service- next-Sli nday--evening C. G. Mc- Clean will be the speaker, i'ljcs- dav at 8 p.m. pra'ver ancp Bible RENTALS W e hav e c lie n ts w a itin g who wi.sh to r e n t house.s. P .C . G ib b en s & Co. Ltd. 1473 Muriiic Drive West 70'! .Mrs. F: Knight-Hodge, 1332 Duch(?ss Aveiiue, is a patient in study! All. will be welcome at th e^ancou ver-GeneraLHospitaL 'where on Saturday she under­ went an operation. ' . * Ni ♦ __. _ , _ Mr.; and Mrs. Warner, 2423 King's-Avenue, have left for up coast. ■ Sc h o o l b a n d TO AGAIN CAMP AT KEATS' ISLAND ^ h e ^ E r e n c I i Jieaiityi.Salim. -For AA/ ork'-oF;"Quality- *1562 Marine Drive Phone W." 212 L.O.L. No. 2990 SPECIAL B t telephone CO. I Inside Fir----.------$5.b0 pen .cord Sra"brwitIT'Bark>$4-:00-per-cord- Slabs' & Edgings $3.75 per cord SAWDUST - PRITAM'S- FUEL . Phone North 620 i The regular meeting of the above lodge will be held in the , Orange hall on Tuesday, Aug- ■ust 17th, and the meipbers are heipeby reminded that matters peritaining to changes in the, by­ laws will be discus.sed and dealt - ,witH. At the close of the meet- - ing a pleasant Surprise -vyill be In sfor!^TbrThose m'T̂ t The brethren are requested to bring along refreshments. The -meeting will commence at 8 p.m." -sharp______ For -the .sixth .successive year the--W-est4^ncotrver'SchmiPBan^d will .spend twelve days at Keats' Island. The .boys will leave on Saturday, August 21.st, return­ ing Wednesday, September 1st. • This year Mr. Delamont will be able to go with the band -and with- two practice.s a day-much should be accomplished.- Mr.-and Mr.s. Condon-will, as usual, be in charge of the general welfare of the boys. ' , ANY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1542 M JItIN e ORfVE / WEST 360• iLf', .Recent visitors at the Guest Cottage at'Sherman were: Mrs. H21 izabeth~Dnier ahd~Mis.s M- Sutherland'!)/ Edmonton; David B.'TVIcHardy-of Winnipeg, and R. Diamond of Vancouver, Land Clearing Excavation Work Sole Agents for'. UL/IX? . XVX arm or COAT WATERPROOF.CEMENT PAINT T E A R O E & SON/pb^o^E^wEsTa^ EXPERT r a t c B r a f f l lT C t o b lr -REPAIRING' T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive ANNUAL Picnic and E xcursion tn Kcat's Island ^ATURDA¥,~AUOUST-2Xst Leaving Ambleside Pier at-'. 10 a.m, ' T I C K E T S 5 0 C : \ . .