West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Aug 1937, p. 2

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j / ': ' . 2 ____________ ______________ ;____________ t h e w e s t v a n n e w s . ..... ....... .....:................ ......August 12. ; - I w m r ifA n tm m m m v B c a / BAPTIST CaUKCa WEST VANCOUVER mm A Rf V ' " 'f A W ■ '■ Wflk M mjT " ' "̂ R iflr mTm m # A ' ' ■ I ■' >'A*y'^r««#y>?^jp<ts^ f svr«, 5- ,'»MWJ,'. '̂ ' ' "■ fM«M*' ? ' . - r - ' '■ f r 'f *' f' ■ , .'■■".■;■ ,■,(! . ̂ T HtiiMUjr ScrY{e«« 11:16 7:16 p.m. SumUjr SeĴ ool Aui JBibI* CltM 10 §.111. ., ', Str*n»frg 4k VUIton Wtlcom*. la gour sum m er - perm anent beginning to grow untidy ? ■ « ' U'.' m u mukr it look lik«- ru*w li.v (oJiiuiK t» fi-w cxlm (MTiiian* <nl ru»lrt at till' m?i'k lint; or ' HidaH; ju»t to iiiiikf' il look holnd until you (in* icmlv f'»r , yoiit fall wave, l,t*f. W. L. McKay. B.A.. KB* n-ii'-ii'H'hrTrrifftTiTi.f >■* Bundgy Bcrtke# , )0;00 g.rn.--Church School In­ cluding Adult Clawi II H.m. & 7:30 p.m.--Preaching Service*. A hearty welcome to all Ly G w e n d o l y n ' s . l i e a u t y S h o p p e j 'BeutorH of ""KicIttSlve .PcrmanentH, 1540 Marine Drive x , WcHt 117 HOLLYBURN HALL n th nn«l Duchesg SI NDAV, Auk. l.'ith, at 10 u.m, Humlay School and Vouiig I'cople'a IJible ('Iomb SUN DAY KVKNINjli at 7:30I (lOSPKL SKKVICK Speaker: ....... .MlL.C.Jtl. McCl.i5A>N__ ___ TIIKSDAY at H p.in. Prayer umi lllhle Study. ( omi' and bring your frlendK. Chriitiaii Science " ^ ■ "" '" c H u ic rE p iP lC B ^ 20th aoid Ea<iuim*it# HoUyborn Thia Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Firet Church of Christ. ScienUat, in Boston, Maaaacbusetta Sunday Service: 11:30 e.io. ' S u n d ay , A UK lint 151h, .Subject: " S O I ' I / ' ' 'Sunday School at 10;00 a.m., 'I'eatlmony Meeting Wednesday -----------~«t-8:16 p.m.------------- The public is cordially In­ vited to attend our service# and meeting*. ^ ONLY Any Hat in the shop given FREg * with any dress over $5.00. GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE 1730 Marine Drive Went 5C2 D R , G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.8 .. L.D.S. dc:n t is t Ifay Biock, 14lh and Marine Dr. Olfleo lIourH y to 0 p.m. , Kvenlnga by appointment. Phono Weat 72 IJN IT K I) CH U RCH 21.st & E stiu im a lt Ave. lU v. H illis W riifh t, M in iste r S iitulay, AuRUHt 15th. 'I'lu! Rev, K. Le.slio Be.st, fir.st S T R IK E S AND H ICH H A I.LS T he IX L K iris w<ui th(*-.„Noj:th S h o re .so ftball ti l lo fo r th e second s iicb ess iv e , so aso n ... hy - w inm nK , throe* .gam ers to one in th e nniil soriesi Scoi*es*~Avt're lG-9, 11-lb, 12-5, and 9-7. .The IXL w ere by f a r th e b ea t t(*am du rin g the 'AVhat'.s th is ? " asked th e S cu tch man e.vciledly, g lanc ing a t the headlines of Uie new spa­ per at th e news s tand . biirg Expre.ss wrecked n ear D un­ dee? . . . And my w ife was on th a t tra in ," , he said as he tu rn ed "TuAvallrawny*.--------------------------- , "Well, a re n 't you go ing to g e t a paper and read th e de ta ils / "Oh, I'll w ait fo r the la te r edition and ge t th e football new s at the sam e tim e." D U N D A R A V E PHARMACY W. L. KEIi, Preprlolor 2494 Marine Drive P h o o e W est 606 PA T E N T m e d ic in e s PRESCRIPTIO N S PH O T O SUPPLIES FREE DELIVERY I likilubliMliud oil North Shore' 2.5 Year* (I.udy AflHiHtunl) H A RRO N iJROS. LTD . Ifiiiieral Btrectora N o rth V ancouver ParlorH 122 W est S ix th S tre e t IPhone N o rth 134 V ancouver P a rlo ra . Of) T en th A venue EiiifT Phone F a ir . KM pa.slor <>i th e -W est V ancouver .season, and had little n m i-c h , wi I conducct th o playoffs. M-rvices n e x t S unday a t IJ a.m . T rito n s sp lit ' th e ir two gam es l a s t week, W alt, Zielski W illiam .son'8, and Chick Mc- and 7.30 p.m. H A PT IST CHU RCH M in is te r : Rev. W. L. M cKay, p asto r 1545 Duche.ss Ave. " Sunday , A u g u s t 15th 'Hie ■ Rev. R. N. M athe.son pa.stor o f Collingwood E a s t U nited C hurch , will conduct bo th m orn ing and even ing serv ices. . P ra y e r m ee tin g W edne.sday a t B p m.- M iss Brtxik will b r in g th.^ mes.sage. H e a r ty w'elcome to^alTT SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES On KH-COVEIDNG FURNITURE and LOOSE COVEU.S 151() Marine Drive l a r k s Phone West 710 ClieHterfieidH - Easy Chairs, - Cushions - ' Ottomans - Stools 'Draperies - Window Shades - Curtain Rods Repairing French PolishiiiK; - Needlepoint Mounted - Life Preserver Boa^ Cushions ' Hollyburn Dressmakers 1890 Marine Drivez • PhONE WEST 583 ------ H O R I E " ST. A N T H O N Y 'S CATHO LIC C H U RCH Rev. W. J . M illay, P a s to r P hone W est 540 ' S unday Serv ices : Low M usa -- 8 :1 5 .a.m. H igh M ass and Serm on. -------ai f i i- . - -- = = . In to sh w inn ing easily ag a in s t Lynnw ood 16-7. . Belqw a re Jisted_ the gam es played^, and th e b a ttin g averages o f th e T rito n p layers du rin g the la s t 15 g-ames. ......... - ------ (G.)--(B.A.)-- J . McCue .................. 4 " M B - A. M a ste rm a n . . . .. 6 .440 N. W illing ton 12 .390 ,F. T earoe ......-i. .... 11 • :370 iV M asteF m aiiir-- --.̂ 133-- .324 : .321 .308 :.270 .224 .222 .191 .133 DEATH O F R. 3, S A L T E R Picnie (Irounds,. TenhlH; Courts, Hnthing, Boating, Fishinir, Tea-roohis, Sandy lleaches, fo U a g e s for rent byMonth or ' 'Week. B. Edwards . .r .. . 11 J. Love . 12 AV; Zielski , 3 B. Davie . ..f;.. . .. 6 B. Fiddes : -i . 12 F . M a s te rm a n . .. ... 14 ' J . i T a y l o r x : : . ^ . . 14 G. M cIn tosh .......... 7 P itc h e rs ' a v e rag es show th a t : _____ Meintosh.has _won 5 games ĵ^Zialj, Rosary and Benediction -- 7:45 ski 4, Taylor 3, P. M S erm tm ^ r p.m. U. Willington 2. McIntosh has- CatechisnY^Aiid BibleXlass-^2:00 the lowest run average against R ufus Jo h n .S a lte r , 1733 '29.th S tree t, passed aw ay la s t S a tu r- (Lay in a V ancouver H osp ita l, aged 66 years. T he deceased is, "survived, by his w ife and one "d au g h te r, fo u r s is te rs ^and tw o b ro thers . F unera l serv ices w ere 'held a t 10 a.m . T uesday in S t. P a tr ic k 's C hurch in V ancouver, -th eHte v--Fai th e r^ -illa y -b e i ng^-he- ceJebrant, and in te rm e n t '-was m ade in M o u n ta in View Cem e­ tery . Mi*. T ayloh of N orth Vancou- I ver, h a s m oved in to his new hom e a.t .l071,JK eith Road.. ■ P. D. 0 . CAFE Best^.Qjm'lity Food.used; Silex Coffee'; with a reputation for goodness. You 1 will *enj6y • our 40 cent ^Lunch and Dinner. We speciai- .. ize in Home Made Chicken Pies. • 1512 Marine .:w.cst_fiija_ 10:15 M rs.-F . J i M oore and Jack ie , 22nd and Jefferson A venue, h av e le f t fo r .a th re e w eeks' v is it to M rs. M oore's m o th e r in E dm on­ ton. - , ' p.m ; . W eek-day Services ■dVlE55r=="tT66-tiTr him o f .467 a gam e, w hile T aylor . is n e x t w ith ,^530. ,̂ T ay lo r has "-g«%i4Hrhe--iitois4r-wa4k^^ -Fridays--Rosing, Benediction 'average of 8 strikeouts a gauie _^7 :45. ' is the best. Bob Fiddes at second aturdays Gonfessions; 7: to 8 :30 p.m, TRY OUR Ice Cream Phone West 617 HOLLYBURN DAIRY 1702 Marine Drive ■ VERNON FEED STORE A. C. iSEARLB Phone West S ^FertilizCTiB^of--AUzKindsz Wood, Coal, Builders' Supplies S T .-S T E IiH K N 'S CHURCH Ferguson's TRUCK LINE Lv. West 'V'an. . H a.ni. & 3 p.ni, l,v. Vancouver i 1 u.m. & 3 j),n\. Lv. Van;, SuturdayH-, 1 p.m. only West 85 - ■ Duiik. 42!) ~ :-H{ev.-F;~A. R a m s e y ------ A u g u s t 1 5 th -- T rin ity 12. and IS fielding .938. Fred Mas- lerman has made the-^nriost put- liuLs, fielding .956. , Disabled Veterans' BRIDE-ELECT FETED " In honor of Miss Marjorie Crickmay who is "leaving tor ■i: - -- -_A!»:N7rrUi~92"l)------- ---- Meets on Second Tuesday each , month SEE ANNOUNCEMENT - --- , Whitejior.se,; V.T.,on Augtist 21st to be married, ,a tea was given 'in the honie"of Mr.s. Ted SpwpH -- _ AH Ex-Service.; men eligible, • either full or_assnr.iate' FU E L Milt 'F-i'r.'JY ry...... r« i= Hush-Fir, Dry........... $5.50 coni Furnace ^ Heater fUocLs uiui Fireplace Fir..,. $1,00 cy|'d Barky Slain . . ^1.00 cortT" -44lab.s A; I'.MKings,, 3 (,'o n l s 1 .'Slder . .............. . $_5.00 coni Topsoil" Hock - Manure . ........_.Dun»p_ .Truck Work...' '.___ CIIAKI.IK TIIOMI'SON \Ve.st_582 ̂ >Ve.st 5S2 rnon. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, last Friday afterr^wn. Caulfeild I Mrs. E. J, Crickmay and Mrs. 3;00 p.m.--Eyen.song and Ser- W. E. Sewell, mothers of -the >Don. bride and gropni-to-bg, poured :: : ----- tea,-and-were afily-assisted iri- CHURCHES OF CHRIST, .serving the guests bydittle Mis.s - SClENTlSOLag;^ ^ ^ -- _ G w end.v^Se^L,gga ^ zMastei--jH ersey S e^d . vvtlHjXttie subjecr5f-- ; pieseirt - were :"Mrs." Er THE W e s t -V & n N e w s - Published Every Thursday -------- i - -- ------- Publi.sher F. F. LOVEGROVE " Phone West 363 Busines.s and .Editorial Oirice; 1704 M.arine"Drive ' ̂ Phone West 363 r.i ;; - i ] ? - '. 1 ;'l £•, z ̂J r U/ ̂ ; ^ a z i ^. North Vancouver Office: _____ 123 Lonsdale Ave. $1,00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year Lowe home,. 24th and Bellevue by mail ./ ̂ . Avenue. . -- l U . the Les.son - Sermon in aJl L Urickm_a>v Mrs. W. E. Sew'ell, " Churohes of Christ, Scientist, oh Mrs; Pt"H., Johnson, Ui^V E. H. Sunday. ' Mrs. T. Lightly, Mrs. ' ' The Golden .Text is : "My soul Mohafee, Mrs. W. TJ. Bullen of - thirsteth for God, for the living Vancouver, Mrs. D. A. Brown, G(k1: when shall 1 come and ap- Mrs. T. Crickmay, Miss Pratt| poitr before God?" (Psalms 42: -Miss_l\*ggy Cornish, MissCBettv ,2); „. . GoiH'Iay. Among the .citations which -̂---- ----------- r--------- - " comprise the Lesson" Sermon is Mrs,' E. J . Alton,._.l4th and the following from the Bible: Inglewood Avenue, accompanied "He that folfoVveth after right- ner sister-in-law, Mrs,. C. J.' cousness and mercy findeth life, Alton, and Mrs. K, Skeene of righteousness, and honour." Pro- jyancouver, has just returned _Verbs21:21); - a six weeks' trip to Shang- -T h e Lesson - Sermon alsd in- ; _ . -- dudes' the following ' passage ' ----- ------------ ̂ " " from the Christian Science text- ̂ Mi\ and Mi's. R.'W. Frouh and " book, "Science and Health with fnnrily,. 1877_-Belleviie Avenue Key-to the Sa'iptures"-by-Mary away on a motor trin in thp Baker Eddy: "Soul has infiinite south. 1'esouroes with .^hifch to bless Queried immigration mankind, and happiness Avould ^n^cial. be more readily attained and "Sneeze," the Chinese replied would be more , secure in our PL^J l̂y. , ' keeping, iLsbughTTn SoiiU" ■ 7TThe" officlal looked hard at . ------------------- Hiat yoiir Chinesp ■*^^rr^cLMrs. tThas. McKay of naniê ?"-he asked. Vanebuver and Miss McKay of . English name." th#̂ *Ori ' JEdmonton, are .s|>pnding the__§llMjceplis<L-------- -- month of August in the Frank "Then, let's have your native CARD OF THANKS Mrs. F. Knight-IIodge, 1332 Duches.s Avenue, wishes.to thank ail, her many friends for their sincere enquiries and best wishes speedy --rpc(vv<>ryi>'--!iv== health; also for tt ■ Ildwe rX fece i ★ the> ho ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The 2nd West-Vancouver Boy ^ q u t Group Gommfttee wish to ̂ thank the following donors for contributions toward Scout Camp expenses at Camp Bing; " > Mrs. M. Phillips, Mrs. ■ W. Green, Mrs. A. Gibson, Mrs. T Littleford Mrs. J. N. Gillies, Mrs. W. Wilson, Mrs. V. Blanch- flower, Mrs. ,E. Black, Mrs. J. Thomson Mrs. E:' Grisedale, Mrs. D. W, Graham, Mrs. -,E. Airs._ L .- H Minions,- Mrs. C.. n/ ' f>^ckworth, R>vers, Mrs. C. E. Shar- n̂ ân Mrs D B. Brooks, Mrs. J. VJ. Barnett. Miss M. McFadyen, acknowledgements have been mailed to others. . name, "Ah. Chob," .4aid the Chinese. EXPERT ^ A O I O r R E P A K S ' - r e a s o n a b l e 4VMLY CRAÎ ___ G elelirating Coronation Year, greatest show in Exhi^itionliistory w ill b e o p e n e d by Lieut.-Goveriior E . W. H av ab er fo llow ing a nmnsler p a rad e 'o f hundreds o f f lo a t^ b a n d s and' inililary unit®' L ivestock , horticu ltural, an">eu'- tural, d o m e s tic and m am ilactiir- in g cxhibH s exceed all i>re.>imi.«' __ years. Special events, such a® horse racing'(every day), historical tab leaux and a greater curinval area p rom ise seven - days ami nights o f glorious en terta inm en t fo r y o u n g a n d o ld . DonH fad W see every part o f th is Great Shov. ★ O V E R :? 5 ,0 0 0 in F R E E P R IZ E S ADVANCE SALE O fo r • S|M»cial Privilege Tickets ̂, 'T ick ets-en title 'you \o pariieipaU - in free aw ards. Each nickel -i a d m it o n e a d u l t (or tw o childrepy, to th e E xhibition Grounds. I **" ̂tick ets are good for one to G randstand for Horse ̂ G et your Special Privilege from loca l d e a l e r s , s t r e e t sa le sn iw -- or from Advance Sale quarters, ■402JSgest_P ehder __ or from E xhib ition H e a d q u a r te r . ~ E x h ib itio n G ro u n d s , Vancou -̂-----Ti^Jcf> t^oiA^at-ft^es do , give these privileges. AUG 3 0 SEPT6