West Van. News (West Vancouver), 12 Aug 1937, p. 1

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< i v . ' '> ' r W r, % , ? '̂'If i ? n't. ' -,f ■'■' > [T V ̂ '̂• J >.f« f f s * ^ K -W t S-a%. tfr%. H «- f ' » * » •̂ <l'«fXl-k.«"---l-̂ '- - ^ - . t -h i".v Y-̂ Y""' ■"̂ ~2 '̂~VV'Ccl! l̂*y"""̂ J'C"wS"p3rpcr Circulating in the {District o f West Vancouver-rAmbleside, Holly burn, Weston, Dundarave $1,00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecli/f, Etc. ' per,copy «t now«»und«. Vol. .Ml- H O L L Y B U R N P ;0 . . W E S T V A N C q U V E R , B.C., T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T I2th , 1937 N o . 19 ALBERTA WARNING Aiiw>i*lH is again the storm centre of Canada, and the ,< nuWl iml governmental heads of the country are evidently i ,fm r iV .T e W :fr a tn c -o ^ 'i.'mm coast to coast have been heard protests and as, ■ ..,.|im Unit these things oannot be done, but that should ■ u,e un'tliinkable happen-and all things seem possible just ur ill Alberta--then the law will declare them null and void, 'rnii in the centre of the storm as well as its centre^slts Premier Al)crh'U'(lt, silent as the tomb ̂ and very biisy'-Working his î ; ns if he had taken as a maxim of conduct the cele- c,,ul, saving of the great Dr. Jowdtt of BallM Cdlege, Ox- ""fm, ■ "Novcn-"a"rgue"and~neyer-explamr" ̂ olio winders just hoW Alberta is going to pay $26 a nimitii to all her citizens, and there is still more in her Prem- for's actions and legislation which would puzzle a Philadelphia Mwvor "At' the same time, it will p̂ rdb'ably be wisest to sit miklv and await developments. For, unless Premier Aber- h-nviri ̂ unite insane, there is about his .actions the air of a m\n who holds the.trump card"up his sleeve, while a certain note of anxiety and f^ar is evident in the protests and a s- soi-tioiKs of his opponents. - ̂ ; v, ■ / Kn If (hat trump card is what we have heard it to be, the ImiL̂ dolayed re-drafting of the Canadian bonstitution will have to be undertaken, since h e ' is not the kind of man who win be bluffed or who will ever let go. And, when that occurs, there will be some drastic changes in its terms. '............................................................. THE SINO-JAPANESE CONFLICT There has been no .peace since 1918. ̂ Only an armistice.. And now the great struggle between the haves, and have-nots has flared up into open conflict in China,, although no depl^- ation of hostilities has been made out of deference to that " osti-ich-like attitude to,all things disagreeable so charaoterisUc of. this age, which attitude" will be chiefly-responsible for the , next world war, if and when it oomes. Driven by the necessity of finding a place in the sun lor a population which has quite outgrown~her islands, Japan is again on the march westward. She has prepared most thpr- Siighly for the-venturo-hy-sea and-ljand..and air^^ndvhas obyir̂ .. - nii.slv mad?! un her mind-not to .be denied. Itjaay^i^g^eem-to-be- The public are warned that any person lighting a bonfire in JWest _3!'.ancpuyer w ithout flrsl̂ ̂ obtaining a permit from The l^lice Department, is liable to ^osecution under By-law No. 187. „ BRITISH ■ ISRAEL (Dundarave Branch) - ; A. Brereton will speak on .M(!.ndBy, Aiujust I p i , in the hall at 25th and Marine Drive. All are invited to take advantage of this splendid ad­ dress. THE BURNING BUSH By Subadar COUNCIL NOITESl -rhbse inteix'Atod in swimming and diving, either beginners or and in fact it is a-piece of impertinence on her part toThus coolly set out to take China from the Chinese, but necessity has ever been the main driving force behind" conqupt, and' ever the weaker has gone to the wall. We have seen the same thing happen on this continent in the case of therRcd Indians. If is too early as yet to visualize just.how the struggle will go, because, while the Japanese have made coiislder^^ progress, the Chinese plan- of campaign so far has not peen revealed. Undoubtedly she is not really ready for war like ' •Japan; as undoubtedly a common menace and hatred of the invader is uniting her people to an extent unknown for many .years. That, however, is not enough,"nor willTier traditional -policy of lhe absorptton of The-conqueror^IatexThroqgh"weight"" of numbers avail her in this, age. . For the machine gun Ĵ̂ d the general mechanisation of warfare have made' it possible for a srpallLbody of men to defeat and afterwards keep in subjection large multitudes. - " . "------The-key"toTthe"situation"withoufrdoubi7-is~held"byTlussiai Some instructor for the U*S. Pioneer Works Progress Admiiir istration Beauty Course, and he ■ must be some man to hold an '̂'̂ '^structorship in a course with all that to it, has been prophesy­ ing according to press reports. He said we were in for an age «of Venus Women," who will be stronger than men and more beautiful than ever. Did I hear somebody state thj.it would not be saying much for beauty? 'Well, we'll let that pass. This new type are going to put the skids, or so .he says, under the "('glamour girls," and the rouge and lipstick era is, to go.. No one, Tiot-evem-the.glamour girls, will . object to the latter going, Im sure. All this make-up must be ; expensive, and from what' I see of it won't stay on, or why is il; that wbmen are always daubing themselves up in street cars and places? Why, it seems to me I haven't seen a natural complex­ ion for years; not even'apbng school girls. Listen again tb the gentleman, "Women will turn their attention from wardrobe .. and makeup.,d<itaU^ .to more worldly âffaiî s." . The marTs a -------1" „ niui (living, e iu ie r uukuiuuim w* M r. M orrow , w ith three ot tne juivaneed, are asked to phone ~ local barbers, was present at K^vvards, West 208-X, *** Council meeting regarding .0| P e - . . ___-- ---------- tilion re closing hours for barber shops in West Vancouver. In presenting their case he stated the reasons why such a by-law was requested, saying that the hours of closing desired wouW be 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wed­ nesdays .and Fridays, on Thurs days 1 p.m.,, and on Saturday^ at 9 p.m. He also undertook to SOUTH AFRICAN BOWI.ERS IN WEST VANCOUVER Last Friday the South African bowlers and their wiv(is were tlu! guests of the Municipality previous to their match with the nesaays.aiiu West Vancouver Bowling Club, days 1 p.m.,, and on and "were loud in their praises of at 9 p.m. He also undertook beauties and the hospitality forward a copy of atniorded them. In the morning law in force elsewhere as a gu . • v̂ere given a trip round the The matter was referred to ^ e Hollyburn, which lerk to have a by"'i®'W pr^pa then nr(x;eeded to AmblesideClerk for the next meeting 4> ♦ * The-BAGi Motor--Transporta^ nfoblr~Evem-am^Id^ myself knows better than. that. "Any-time a- woman--can't--find time to talk about, dress I'd like to know, even if she is. attending_ /all kinds of conventions and as- TnrciatTOns'-fbr-pu-^-ing--the-world- then proceedcid to Amblpside ̂ Dock,, afterwards following thO 'f coast line cloae ̂ inshore all thê jj; " . way to-TIorseshbe Bay,-sor-thatf,; tion Co. wrote the Council r® the visitors were afforded a good' parking space'in the ferry ' view of the waterfront. From The-writers were advised that there they were taken by muni- the Council noted they wore cipal buses to Cliff Hpuse, where " agreeable to pay $30 per month they were entertained at lunch- , as from July 1st and to provide-' .̂ ,(>iy ̂ r any signs that might be neces- Reeve Leyland made a short't' sary . A s the'Municipal Engineer address of welcome, in which he . y was hot satisfied that he ppuld ■ referred to the fact that South do the necessary work satisfac- Africans and ourselves were, torily for $25 the Council bound together by ̂the same thought it would be best in the bonds \of loyalty, and that such circumstances if the company.:.,.tO'Urs aŝ those..beipg taken, by. -would-under_take..the work therriĵ _.the__gues.ts-of~bonor mfiterially. ^Ives^---- T":---------;------- b~elpe~d~lir ' strenphcifiTig^the- n. up on end. And worldly affairs --heavens! the women are tak=- ing more interest in them than men by a large margin. She's beating men tb it all along the tmrf-oi^^o) D. H. D. Beach wrote the bonds of good fellowship between Councirre access to Lot 105, D.L.- South Africa and Canada.-He ^66. ' ' also thanked Councillor Gisby,. The applicant was informeiHi-president of the B. G. Lawn that the Council co.uW not under- Rowling Club, who with the,as- A vi-ir VaVi* Î Vl I 1'HI: vl ' T-i VVf "I It fs quite certain, providing .-she feels herself able after . such a drastic purging of highly placed officials;-that Russia^ will iK)t allow Japan to absorb any more Chinese .territory. Japan evidently thinks,, she is not,-hence her sudden pounce westward. , : ■ - _ The crux of the whole situation, therefore, rests upon Russia'.s ability o r 'lack inf-ability To interfere. Indeed upon that rests at this time the-peaco of the whole world, not only._ in the. FarJEastJmt-also in Europe.^---- ~ just"that" which makes a tabby caT a better mouser than a tom, being one phase of the mother instinct, although nowadays --there-are-often-no-chiIdl:en-to-be, fed. I often tease my married friends about the time that is coming when their wives,will go out to work and they^ will stay at home and look . after the house. It makes me laugh when I think .of the p leas^t mornings- I am going to have watching Jack and Tom and Joe burn their drainage in this vicinity C. H. Pitt wrote the Council re ŵHl Drive. ■ ----- . , The applicant wa.s advised that in rfegard to domestic ser- H; V. A. NOTES The regular monthly^ ipeeting of the D.V.A. was held 'Itiesday, August 10th, in very pleasant Jiu^artervthose-present-meeting__at the homjs at "The Highlands".shorJbly after _.̂ :P;.̂ i'-Wbere a delightful chick- 6H dinner was served to some fifteen members and the speaker of the evening, Alex. Gleam". .. After the regular meeting had Iw.n held Mr. Gleam spoke on the meaning of "Signals, as per­ taining to ships," of some terms. ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY' machine and mow away the old pipe in the pie by accident. take any wbrlrwThis noad until ĵĵ ĵ ance of othei's had been re^ Apeh time as they fouijd .means sponsible for the arrangements. of taking care of the neoesŝ û y-----r^ajor Thoma.s,. magistrate of Germiston, near Johannesburg, vioe-captain^Txf - "The. Spri boks," expressed' the gratitude feffe-lî y-him and htsTearn-^ r -the- wondefful - ho.spitality shown . them in West VancoUyeiv and Ill iv.6i.iv, . ...____ ___ throughout Ganada< 'J,ohannes-̂ ^ vices any..shQrtage._whi_ch__mJght burg and Vancouver had som"e- "have occurr^""wonid~b^lme"To'^tiring" i'n"~̂ ̂ in thaPthey-- excessive sprinkling,about which had Celebrated their golden the Council recently had made a jubilees at the same time. Proud general appeaf-asking that mod-_ as they were of their country, eration be exercised; As regards ,they had nothingin South'Africa- fire proteotion he was informed , to compare with the scenery of that this was supplied from a British Columbia. ' It was hard different main from that of the - to visualize just what the future domestic supply and there was had for Vancouver and B.C., dur- mareThan,ample_pre.ssure at alL Tng the next one hundred yearŝ ,,;̂ app}ĵ (.| tp shipping, lights- on J'fiiPs and" the meaning of tlie" agnts and balls that can be seen the meaning of the ais and balls PoinT̂ ^̂ ^̂ times at Prbspect- to Mr. Gleam's - having -the-ftoDrTBhed"'^~^-- -- St. Stephen's-jlnglewood W7"A. Peculiarly, they ̂ 1-are united on will hold their annual G arden/one thing, there is to be no Papt-fcon Saturday, August 21sv spring or fall cleaning. May be ahthh home of Mr*! and Mrs. Geo. so, but they will surely get d^an- Ne^man7T036 Jefferson A:venue. edTf they-don trand their-officeT Hdine-cooking and candy stalls wives won't have t^ b e ̂ Venus will be imoharge-of- members of---Women -to_ do_j_ti:;"Thw the W A. while an attractive tor says that women will rule miisicar entertainment is also" the world. Now where on earth being arranged. Free transpor- has he-been keeping himself not ^tion.from the ferry wharf will tohnow they've never done any- - be arranged. ,Those who wish to thmg. e lse . ITiR-a!- *..^«p-Te«,p«, will appear in next-week's issue , tongue and conduct. . ■ of this paper., ........... _____ . Three thtog;,to culhya^Couragc^ ------ ■. _____affection and gentleness : av ,v.vx L/eggett.«g;^' a - ew very interesting fa<jts about ge working of the. Minimum the Apprentice- fnys Act as it applied to him. ? ;.7̂ T̂ t£-o:Lthanka4o-M^Gleam- ^®̂ t̂ily approved and also «rî . management' of he .Highlands;" Meetin^g then Adjourned. , ■ Next meeting at Ferry' Build- ĥg, beptember 14th, 1937. FXCOTSION-TO------ - ^ KEATS' ISLAND 'The anhud basket picnic and excursion to Keats' Island with thfe West Vancouver School Band^ -will-!-take_place_oa_Saturday, A ugust-21, DisliesTVtear-stt^^ and cream will be provided by, the boys. - Tickets, which limited, may be Secured from Mr. Cemdon and &11 members of the bah(l,. . ' . - . (>uncn Rhodes, :who .would do. for them S B o y S c o u ts 'i^Gib.sOififi.and. ^ j r.h-n'r Following the luncheon the "i visltot. were Ukei, by munleiwi be chart $ ^ ̂ British Pacific Properties before [hit M y ""! " - South Africans D efea ted - ♦ * -*, - * The--'combined North, Shore The Engineer reported to the team,! made up of rinks from Council as follows: - ̂ West, North and South Vancou- 1. TSteps a t 22nd--and/W^ator- ver, and helpedhy the rain soak- front. Filed. ed greens, def^ted tlie"visitors 2. Culvert over Hay's Creek at by the small margin, of, nine Flume points. The two West Vancouver -- Through D.L, 237,- Block-5, rinks skipped by W; Partridge -Lot-4.--------------- ,-- !-- l^_^nd--Coun'c^iIlor^Gisby,--put-up_iL ihdustry and promptness. Three things to despise--Cruelty, arrogance and ingratitude. ̂ Three things .to wish for--Health,, -Tmntent-ment-afld--friendSr Three things, to admire--Dignity," intellectual power and gracefulness. Three things to give--^Alms to the needy^ co^^Jrt to the sad and ap­ preciation to the; Worthy." Referrd to the Council as a great fightTrfdrcing th^Soutlr whole _ to, .examine on the Africans to use all their ability ground. and experience, but were finally 3. Pavement flush, coating, defeated. Tea was served by the 1937, 7th Street, estimate ladies of the olub to the players _ _ $ 646.--Th-work-Jvas-orcMred__andLtJie many-visltorBJijdm-came- -----doner---------- --̂^to^watehTheTnatcIn------------------------------------- In arguing with yoiir wife, be Never judge^a man's reputa- sure you are right--then keep tion for truthfulriess by what he still., - says when in love.