West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Aug 1937, p. 3

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» 'Vftj i-X-ijiu.'j.ftĴ*"»•< <■, „r « H! Vi(Ŵ 1 AngUiSt 5, 19^7 t m WEST VAN NEWS* 3 WE DtXIVER • ̂ PkFSCHim O NS ICE CUEAM and SUPPLIES t o il e t a r t ic l e s MiAGAZlKES CIGARETTES . ...... .. loid inany wOtJbkejrJtem promptly aJBdJC&eeflully.,.̂ .. Credit extended to approved accounts. CUNNINGHAM DRUG STORES ,,, , .»7 ' 1586 Marine Drive\> wt 'H ' ' ■ - - ̂ I :•■ '....... . "• ..-.--...:................;....... : . ■;... :. TEA. COFFEE, SPICES cyroma . --------- 2-------;- : ... '... ..... ■ , b r a n d s -----------:------- Choicest Fresh Imported Teas and Coffees expertly blended a t moderate prices; <• Under now niniiuvctnont D. B. VirtaifiGln, Tea Specialist FREE DELIVERY 1520 Marine Drive Phone West 573 g o o d T E A IS N O T E X P E N S IV E " 'Reovo LeylandHKns b«?n ap- ......J.- H. MiichdUr'Pt'incipi^ pointed chaiVman of the Kesolu- West Vancouver Hiffh School, tions Committee of the Upion of left for/Poronto dn B. C. Municipalities convention will preside a t the session of the which is being held in Nanaimo 16th Conference of the Canaman a t the beginning of September. Teachers* Federation. Confer- * , onoe headquarters will be a t Vic- The boreal ray, which was via- toria. College a t the University ible here on Sunday between 10 of Toronto. Mr. Mitchell was p.m. and 11 p.m. was a remark- elected to the presidency of the able sight, a broad white band pominion body a t the Saskatoon stretching across the whole sky Conferencce last year, from a little north of west to a ,■ * * *, . little south of east. Sometimes Mr, and Mrs. Claire h. Doni- longtitudinal streamers of .light oney returned to No son, B. C., were seen to quiver along parts after spemhng e_»*j>day at W«st o f" its" length7"and" t)ccasionnlly-- Ba>'r^~'""" Vtuill like dealing «t the ANBLESIOE fHARNICY Kreu Prompt Delivery ............ Day and .Night Courteous Efficient Service Always 1). H. MoulitRue Disimnsing ChcMnist We will call for ami deliver your lilmH for niKYSTAL I-TNISH ceitided developing and printing PHONE >VEST 328 A > B u r r a r d X'aundry Ltd. d e p e n d a b l e , S E R DAVE ANDERSON, W est'Vancouver..Representative ' phones -- West 691-L or North 1310 " its geheraLshade turned to a very light pink.♦ Mr. Mild Mrs!' J. W.™Fox of Kast Ik'Mcdi, have, left to spend a moiitli Ml Squamish. ' W a n te d ' "" 5000'People to try „ur PAK-VAY i c e CREAM I J -- J'-'* /,! -t 4 iio l l y b u r n d a ir y 1702 Marine Drive apolis, who is spending the sum mor with her daughter, Mrs. S. Magoffin, Mrs. Frederick Bus- ccnibe was a luncheon hostess at her Caulfeild home yesterday. Covers were laid for eighiti^v. ~ . Miss Myrtle Buckley of Bran­ don, Man., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. S: G. Holt, 1397 Clyde Ave­ nue. M rs.U. S. Pearse is the guest ♦, * of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. A oollision occurred Sunday Paish, 2215 Belleyue Avenue, on the British Ihicilie Properties ' * * * ̂ ' between two autos, pne of which . Mrs. John T, box, .1026 Marine went ow r the bank. One woman Drive, is on a holiday visit, to was injured and was taken to relatives in Victoria. ' thc~'North" Vanconver-- General---------------------- --,------- Miss Margaret Taylor IS leav­ ing on Monday for Banff, where she will spend a week. She will Major and Mrs. A., S. Milld of tlien leave for Calgary to meet Capetown, South Africa, who her' sisters, Kathleen and Joan, formerly resided here*for .some who are coming from England years, are -in Vancouver on a . to make their home with their trip and have been visiting- pai'ents,iM i. and Mis, A. J. L friends in West Vancouver. Tayloiv ' ' ........ ............ - ............... . . U l C A N U I I I I V tVlIV-VMI V V l 'Honoring Mrs. Bolt 6f Minne- Hospital. B.oth autos were, from nnli.<j. whn is .Qnohdinir the sum- Hic city. ' HOME-MADE HSh* SCLi JRBk MJF KHKSIl DAILY Ten vunelieM to Huii every iuntu Meal Pies -- Apple TurfioverH lieeles ('akea -- PuHlrlea Huiih and UoIIh' „.j_ Note Address: i468 Murine Drive, , Phone West 27 SANNIE transportation CO. Limited Horsestioe Bay-Bowenjsland P a s s e n g e r 'S c h e d u l e 1 9 3 7 "" EITcctive ' J uly 1 st to Sept. 6th Fare 25 Cents " - Mrs Quick and Miss Sylvia Mr. and Mrs. E. L Lane, 2334 uu. Q u i o k 'of North Vancouver, are llaywoqd Avenue, have lelt lor . Mrs. C. Chinery, 1379 Clyde spending a holiday, at Sherman, a holiday up coast. Avenue, has as her house gue.st ' * * ' ' * . , a t t a Mrsj ̂Robt. Lowe of Whitehor.se, . ]y[̂ , and Mrs. Urquhart and S I RIKLS AND HIGHBALLS Yukon. - family of Vancouver, have moved LEGIONNOTES Leaving Bowen Island 9'.10-A.M. ♦lO.L') A.M. 2.20 'P.M. ... . P.M. ,'5.20 P.M. 6.40 P.M S.!.*) P.M DAILY Leaving Horseshoe Bay" 10.00 A.M. 12.15 P.M. 3.00 P.M. tS.Ol) P.M. 6 .2 0 P.M. 7.20 P.M. 9.30 P.M. i Z V house a t i792 Argyle . ^ The IXL girls are leadiu^^ Avenue ' ' ̂ final playoffs with Redwings, ' ■ ^ ' /: ■ '> * ♦ >i< winning^the first two games and A'general, meeting of th4 Can- The Misses a ren e and Ruth . losing-fhd third. With a chance adi-an Legion, West Vancouver Carley of Vancouver, are a t the. to cinch ®® *1"^ fom or^ow '^f^M avf i n f f o S : Guest Cottage, Sherman. ; ......\ S t | d "™ a K l o 4 on Hall.. A full attendance of ColoneL Miles Tristram ■ of several unearned runs. Final j ^ m b e r s is req^ s t ^ _ , - Gar^ow ^ a y , ta^^ e ft for a^tnp aco^e^- • FORESTRY GAMP ON RIDGE aeroplane to New York. . , S^v^winning tw ^b aU It' is announced that the P ro-' Mr. and Mrs. Croskill, who l ^ t wcek .̂84.? p'.m; -9.30 P.M.^„ - It IS announced that the Pro- 2291 With Percy Masterman pitch- Wia Hood Point fSaturdays Only vincial Government " IS starting • re tu rn ^ -ing one h it L l l hgainst Red & a Forestry^ Camp on Hollyburn Fulton >. White, the Tritons scraped put. ^^iRidger"'n%wprk-^ -- a 3 ^ wiiL A n er^^ ....... ' ............... SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS "Leaving ' Leaving Bowen Island 9.30 A.M. -,11,00 A.M. -'V 1-2.O0 Noon . 1.15 P.M. - -- '273trr>7M7-T ' 3.30; P'.M. ♦4.25- P.M. ' 5.55 P.M. -6.50 P.M.- . ' 8.15 P.M. 9.20 P.M. fVia Hood Point Horseshoe Bay 10.00 A.M. 11.30 A.M. 12.30 P.M. 2.00 p :m . --- afcOOHpTMr-- 4.00 P.M. 5.25 P.M. - ....... P.M. 7.30 P.M. 8.45 P.M. . . .... P.M. sist chiefly of firebreaks and ski trails. LIFE-SAVING COURSE A Life-Saving course for Warman who has been WilHamson's but scattered theiri bronze medallion ,is being held -Mrs, Harman, wno miffiViPntlv to allow' only two a t West Bay by ; Miss J<^n spe"dm ^ » | , S T a s r e to m Mathews - Any swimmers count for IF ru n s . A lberfM ast-fwcuan +Viiu ncrps fvf 14 nnn ral 8 Cd tO tnc City, ... j..* . _ j u --.... V.Otween the ages of 14 and p18 ed to^the city, years who would be ihteres in tifldm^uGli-a-cour^ , " i i i -.u. i. 1 - ♦ - eman continued his heavy hit-years who would be .intej,psted Hollyburn Theatre: TllUKSDAY, FRIDAY AND .SATURDAY MATINEE AuguHt nth, (5th aSUl 7Ui FRANKIE DARRO „ (4IAKLOTTE HENRY "Three Kids and. a Queen" also . - < OUR GANC "DIVOT DIGGERS" SAT. EVENING & MONDAY August 7th and Dth' - .JEAN HERSIIOLT ROCHELLE HUDSON *Reunioti' also 1W>"EGGS MARK THE S P O l TUESDAY & WEDN ESDAY ---- Aaigust-!ipt-h-aiul-l-l-t-li-- ^ DICK POWELL " A MIDSUMMER ^ I G H T !S ^ D llE A M !i (Once 0Ti1y"at 8 p.m.) also "A MAN BETRAYED' J U N K We buy Bottles, Rags, Metal,s, Furniture, etc. H ighest' prices paid. ____ ̂ • PHONE WEST:91_ BUIWARD JUNK CO. ■Mfs"l7edmKham'has're'turned-- ting-with-two-singies-and-homeiv-- to kindly .phone her at. W est to ghermam after a s gingfesr Both' Chick M clptoh 23-X-2. - ^-- - t ' * , * * and. Taylor broke long hitlcs.s ^ Mr and M rs.', "Stead have streaks with y ts . " - moved from 23rd and Lawson Due to the fact that no soU- A ? e h W t b ^ h o u s e ^ l ^ s t ^ a y ; r ^ a l l - t e ^ ^ K. W. Savory EMMA: I'm delighTed with | f, Joh you thought * of ^ e . .. v,,.,.*;, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes of West Cultus Lake way, no trip-will be made by the team this. year.rRaThavr moved i n t o , t h e i r new However, it is expected the team T)ur new roof, John, and Fm glad Q of rian lfp ild . ' ' W i l l p lay in th e U nion-O il picnic Houses W anted We .have buyers, wailing for A- and B roomed houses not over $180(h , List Your Property to r bale ijwith- P .C . G ib b e n s & C o . Ltd. "l473 Marine Drive West 704 hom^ a t Caulfeild,,|c ---*--5 * will play m the union-uii picn c ThHd W Henshaw invited a t ; 3 u we n - I - i ? l t o d - n n r t h e " Mt h -- „ j , A STB U R Y 'S Ambleside ------Phone West-340 Evenings, West 148 --iistingsdlf anted-- Real Eitate M r and ' Mr.s. J o h r i-H a U ^ o f - A k n o o k o u t to u rn am 'en t fo r s o f t - " " " " f j , - hom e in C auh . C a lifo rn ia , an d M iss .M ario n ba ll has^ w m " a t t e 3 "lo 'f e iid , to m e e t M rs. Dn„vhi.s a few guests in to tea Friday in Cauh Dbuglas --jpc-war^of-N ew A tork . ,, .... Guest Cottage, ShermAR-. ' i,..I can recohimencl"tcr-aTTyone-in- tending to re--i7)bf J;heir home, to see the . ' . 'rAsthufy Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 I- N®"* a "' r o Ll 07- W eit 67^- | ----- Mrs. Paula"CaibaTd"oY-Reid^-- island; who formerly resided: here, is visiting friends in West. Vancouver for a few weeks.-------- ^ ---*---*------------------- Magistrate and Mrs. McKenzie* Matheson have returned to their home a t Caulfeild after visiting with th e ir . daughter, Mrs. .Cy M ^ntrig, at Bralorne.------------- FIRST HOME FOR CAPILANO ESTATES SFFICIAL - Inside -FJr:.: .̂-..-.l:.:;$5:5Q' peY~c~Qrd~~ -Slabs-v^Tr-Bark $4.ap per cor£t«_ Slabs & Edgings $3.75--per cord -SAWDUST, X pr ita m 's f u e l PhoniB. North ,620 P. D. Q. CAFE . ...goodnes^-^- Sn'joy our 40 cent Lunch and Dinner. We speciaU- - ize in Home Made Chicken Pies. 1512 Marine West 616 Robert Keyserlink, manager of the Capilano Estates, h^s announced that the first on the estajte will be cleared this autumn and .construction of a hom e-begun ea rly -Jn sp rin g .. ===GiTeTit"Davis-of"thi S'ertydiasrpar-- chased a homesite near South- borough Lodge an d ' hopes " mov6 into- his new ■ home in the I early"bummer of 1938. ^ p N e R E T E r ^ O N T R A C T e R S ^ " Land Clearing. - E x c a v a tio n J ^ k . Sole Agents for , a r m o r c o a t WATERPROOF CEMENT PA IN l 1427 MARINE DRIVE 0 p ^ N E W E S T 8 4 EXPERT . and^ Clock repairing T. CHBISTBNSbN /fQrmerly- with • Birks Ltd. , Montreal) ..1522 Marine Drive \ 1 9 3 7 NORGE Again' leads with a new High in performance and a new .Low in cost. ' ' , Check these features: Sealed freezer unit7 -giy|nj|^ " " "odPr-proof frozeir de.ssert.s ; - and ice <iubes. Automatic Interior light,^ **^Oh,e piece pres.sure sealed top y ( 6 dor and moisture proof). "'Full-Porcelain linin^i Complete line of models from •^Hydreivoir for keeping vege- _tables - crisp_ and_. market- fresh. ♦ ♦ ♦ ' Ask abidji Oijr "TT«fi-A«-You-Pay" Plan b r o w n a. m u n t o n 1542 Marine. Drive West 366 Members Associated -Radio Technicians of B. C. -•jV