7 ^ ; iiffMiwiliiMii THE W ' II........... .̂......................................................................................................... ̂ ! F 0 SMITH'S ■ J P h o r i f . _ W est 46 IMione W est 46. R E D A N I I W M I I L ..- M e a ts ---P h o n e W est 370 S P E H A tH FOR FRIDAY AND SATrKJ>AY, APRII. 2.i ^ 21.' M E A T S2lcKKU-0(;(i'*S K ICK K K IS I'IK82 J K<d K Whil** ]*KAS ' r Sn'V<* r», 2 lin*i 25r;; Ki«*'u- C 2 tlnn 2Hc IVrufl*!' (iiird»ii a wiiitf- I'.A srin f i .o c k -- Hark ' ).'»<•; 7.Jk Hurk 2Hc l(«d K WliiU* VVIH1K COKN I . 'r* ii(lcr'CroH»M 2.'tin>t 2Jk K.d \ WliUr* CAKKO rS ^ I'K AS So ronM't»i<'ril for n naiad, 2 tin» 23c 'Ifi'd A While CKKKN C(i I' KKANB, SlriME'lenn, Jill '* Id '̂ .KCA< K CAltKK P INKAl'P l.H , Hliri-d or CiilifH, tin ld« I KA - A mil Mary'H U>. 37c I'KAf IIKS 2 JiiiK 23c )»n KKIl W IIKA'I' ( l̂inker, iikl. Me ited A While TOMA'K) HOIJI' 2 'I'illM . , ■ ll»<' A l'K K m JAM N/ih<d> " |*ore . I Ik. Hi* . William AVa)laui-J;""'.■' ! Nr^^on Avenue. a hit-aiul-run autoi^f ônw t , around 2 *a.m. thi. n.ni mmf the .Marine Drive ju-t m i l ti i Street. H*' tiu* North VamouN-;r IIoHpital where lie da'd after admittance, lak r'li t'* (h 'n e ra l liortly : fc ■' s o ( ( 'i :h Je ffe r ie s ',Su p e r io r M e a I s- Government I n s p e ^ O n ly HAMS FAME PORK veal DEUCATESSENC O ED 1 S t o r e a t H o l l i f b u r n , n e x t Theatre i»HONE WEST 3 ' r o F S 'l E F R J tR lS K E T . Ih. 12c C O 'IT A liF R O C K S .............»>. 2 1 c R R K A S T O F V F A K , ptir Ih. 12c s n o i K i) i:R o f k a m r . i I), 2 0 c R O A S T lN t; C H IC K E N , )h. dOc I 'rcHh K illed F lu n ip n O IK IN t; F O W K , p e r Ih. 21c K IF I 'F R F I ) H E R R IN G 2 ll)H. for 2r>c ' F JN N A N H A D D IE , p e r Ih. IC c - • • I . , . ■ , - ' V All .M eats in f l i i s s to r e a r e ; 'Pop ( iu a l i ty , G o v e rm iie id i n s p e d e d ' 'i . . SIIOIM IvNIN'K- Swin'H CrcHtenl or Jewel ' 2 Tlh. J'lirtoiiH 2 Mc A ris 7 M 1 2 1 0 7 7 1 1 5 28 5 ;52 1 shoi't" S u m m e r i s c o m i n g - - P L A N T J A M E S ^ S E E D S r "W M A SS CHOIR FRACTICF ....AtrMinse intendinjr lu join Uu; ma,'..'̂ c(| ehoir beiriK formed for ihi' (■o)*()Matioh Servl'ee on the InKl"Wco(l School, grounds are asked to aUend a'reliear.sal.for llu' .sanie to he held at 8 p.nij iic.xl Momjay, April 20th,.'at tiie I iip,!e,vynod, 11igh .School. i .e a g u e S ta n d in g , . W l . D F W i's t V a n c o u v e r 7 n <> 28 V ik inK s .'I 'f ■]■} R e n f re w r 1 o W^oods J e w e le r s 2 ,2 ] -j (h f r le to n 2 •'> 1 < J^rov, K e c re 'n s 0 , (j 1 ■' T h e- Jo cu L s. p lay in g h a n d e d , d e f e a t r d C ra ld o ii.s .>-1 . T h e h o y s a ll p layed liiiely- am i w e re v a lu e f o r iiior<' goals on th e p la y . D 'K asu rn opciM'il th e .scor in g in t h e fir.sl live m in u te s . H a lf w a y th ro u g h th e .second h a lf Rnrges,.s p^t th e yoUow s l i i r l s tw o up 'ill 'a pas.s j r o ju JOwiiig., S ho rtly ; a l tc i ' / l e l s k i h a n d le d in thi? p e n a lly a re a , o n th/* i-e sn ltin g .spol-kick ( 'a r le to n sc o re d t h e i r onI.\' goal ol th e g m n e . L a te on in th e si'cond h a ll iVcib F id d e s b a g g 'd th e c lih c h c r. (h i S a tu r d a y , W (;s t. Vanoou-, v e i' m e e t R e n f re w a l ho n ie . Hy. w in n in g th i s , g ah 'u '. th e locals w ill c in ch ' th 'e leagnte t i t le so it s h o u ld be in te re s lin g ^ Kick-oM a t .2 p .n i. . ■ L u m b e r S d s h & D o o r s i *f c a t h ; Builders' Supplies Y o u r In iild in g i.s j u s t «« lu m b e r in i t . Y ou co m b in e S A F E T Y (Uid ECONOMY when you use our ' m a te r ia ls . ' , , ^EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. " F i r s t h e re , to s e r v e yo u - - 1 5 th & M a r in e D r iv e Still serving you best." Phone West 115 W.C. T. IJ. T O W N S W O M E N 'S (JU lK l) 'may d a y COM M irrEE ■ ' A l ' Ibi*'* liV.sl' m e e t in g o f " th e lp;{"7 M ay , J)av C o m m it l e e ' l a s t 'I'h n rs d a y in th e C o u n cil ( th a m - bc.i-, th e a n d it ia l s t a t e m e n t - J o r . IP!{() .Main a d o jjte d , th e e le c t io n - - o f o f f ic e rs ',r is s u ll in g a s fo llo w s ; ( 'h a in n a i i , ' 'l / i 's l ie R ro o k s ; 'rr i. 'u s- nrer, Mrs. W.-HrSnuill; Finance, ('onncillor R. L'iddes (chair- . rnan),"Mrs. W. R. Small, Mr.s. J. R; Paller.soii: Donations, Mrs. J. ' R.' l^nlter.soM "~(c}iai)'hiaii)7' w ith' jiowm;--dv) •■(dio{)se- comniit-tee; .Sports, teacluo's to he. asked;- May' CRieeh, Mrs. VV. H. Small . a.iui I.O.D.F.j Parade, (.'a.nadian , Kegibii to be askV'd ; Decorations, f lorticnltnral Soci(;ty to be a.sked ; -Dance; " 'Town.swomen's Guild lo be' askeit; Grounds, Councillbr lOlgjir td lie askpd; "I'drst-Aiii,- Dr, A,_Cb Nash to. he . Jty_._MFs;;7.(Lepj:ge, jieid ' a'.sked:' Rlbbftns... Mr.s.'Kay.Ru.s- insiiii'ing, Mrs. (hdiy, the gue.sL -.sell, (chairman), (drf Guides-lo .^s-aker, g a v e a .splendul addre^ ____ H)e n.sjn'dT"Hirrn:l7d ĉlTool--HtrardV" subject Tli.scus.sGd. Miss MT ' •j^rmiiffii()rrt7ybyaslrtaTfm*"Sch'/Uo ^W-.CTrl rD.--in--cil-v- jaiks-- and -t.he-- ^Barrow -^reviewed - "Under the Ihind ; Hoy ^Sc(>iR^nd- €uh.s*^as- IhV a n ^ " ^ la n d (chair- ATETutyre s uuci^asing clloiTs m - N o w ? " bvTTamsFal-"" committee; behalf ol the temperance cause. l i C L A S S I F I E D A D IS I'hi- fate' for Classified AdTwrtlsementa is 2 cents per word, minimum 2r> cents. Kxcept in the com o f tlioee having regular ac^̂ ouhts. all cUbbI. h" the West Van Newa get immediate results. FOh H A L hy-- "A u l6 matic ' Westing* housi- Plec-tric Range, very cheap. Hay. 8r)S>f)*Y. , ________ ■ FOR SALE r - 'fwo gla.ss showcases, cheaf). Appl.v Smith's Smoko Shops,, (late Amhleiiide. Tea Rooms). I.ANDSCAFE, Rock Gardens, Fools,' Fencing, 'etc. Expert planning^ and maintonahee. Millan, West •121-Y. "'I'll(; We.sI Vaiusiuver \VT(:l7'l'rl:Jr '- (■ f'K-bi-'a 1 ('d ' I}u! ir <?igh tIT bi rth(Iay .wilh a I'ea^and musicule on '1'liin'sday,-April .8t,,h. Tl>e Ihip- ti.st (Jiiirch was prettil.v donU'-. alcd I'or tlic. occasion with daU ' fodils and ferns, th e president, Ml'.-:, flibherd, occiipi.ed'the chair and a .short devotional pci'iod'led f o u n d -- Wire-haired terrier, spots. West ( ilC .......... ' ' black The F .vecutive • and 'CtHi'ncil will be. a t .home, to members ..of _,.i: sUTHEKUAND-rFloor Surfacing, the Townswomen's Guild next Saturday, April 211 h, from 2„t<> f), a t the-'home of the president, Mr.s. A.' Cromai' Hruce, 2130 Ai'gyTo Avenue, a.s- a fai'ewell to the vice-president, Mrs. A .. C,- ' Baglcy, who, is moving to the city, and to wcl.C'Otne. new mem- ber.s-t. - The- Book ('!-rDLtpD.iinet_aL •*fhe home of Mrs, J, T. Fox lust aiiurSday, when •'(lei^m^y'y:^.^. Hardwood doors Noi'th..l458-L. laid and finished. ItOOM AND KOARP-^Acconiinodates two. splendid view, hear bus line. Wo.st. 2 1 8 - L - '_______. 'W EST* VAN. STA TIO N ER S^ . _ . Qual i t y Stationery, Books,--Maga-- zine's. School Supplies, Lending ., Library ra tes: 65c inonthiy, 3c daily ° FOUND .-- Brown and^ white setter - pup, fem ale. W est 196-L-3; GORDON ROBSON, Barrisicr, Solict to r, 1447 M arine, ■ by "appointment only, We%j; 403; '610 Hastings Street Seyhiour 4199 afternoons^. W ANTED -- Transportation to Vam couver, to be there 5:45 a.m. West 439-R-2.-____________________ _ FOR SA LE --- Saanen Goat, fresh.' . Cheap. - W est 585-L-2. LC)ST,-- Silver Sequin evening bag, F riday n igh t. Phone West 481-Y-l, W ANTED -- Odd jobs, any kind; windows w ashed, etc. Phone West 65. ' . HANDY A N N HARDWARE; 24(2 M arine M arshall-W ells' Paints," ..Enam els, V arnishes, etc.-See usJrst . O rders p rom ptly attended tov nurtinium----5c.-l- .1680--Mgrine--Dr-iye.-T-HIG:GINBOTHAM,_1522 M an^O p- Woef r.D * x.--i ------- ^tometrist, Optician, •W'cdnSstlays V -- --------------------------- . 10.:30 to 4. W est 458-R for appoint- -FUEE-E-XAdVlINA-H(3[N-:and-Estimate- on .your radio repairs. J. L. P e tti grew, W est 1 4 5 . - ■ , -ments-- "JUJIUH!, .itgevc man), to iippoint _____ lk' a s k e d : ^ S ta n d s r ' r o c . J I ' to- lie a s k e d ; T r a i i s p o r ta t io u , J . Bnw- d e n . N ex t C o n iip i.tle e m e e lit ig -- ' ' 8 p.m.- 'I'u e sd a y , 2 7 th A )u*il,.iu th e (T m ncil ("'h a rn b o r . ' Miss • Marjory Murray's violin sol os c n 1 k'( I f or._cnco rt;s.' Spl.cm d id_ reedtation.s. by Miss Richard.son aiul Mrs. Skirton pdso t.wo beau tiful solo.s- by Mrs. Howieson weme nlueh appi'ecitited. Tlie io-vciv birthday cake lighted by the .gardens. We. have a fine asso rt udn'lT M 'rc rp -iri-m m en t of Mowers and other garden I -----■- too 1 s.-^-Cra\vley--&--Barker-,--Hard- p e n ^ ^ t t e r euD 'kto 'd-^I"A trtra-se-------_ the Hiflrm' Regime'-'- D'orn Tho.s."" CHIM NEY SW EEPIN G -- Sawdust . Burners_ insta lled ; furnace, repairs. TNoi^h y^ncouver. ware. ITHE-TEA-GARDENS and-FIRESIDE =^e,as a re ifeady a t . Sherman. - C U R R E N T E V E N T S ------- _____ ______ l-D O R U M I 'L U B , eight pink candles-\Va's""ent: :b>; , Mr.s. Beamer. Dainty lefresh-'j --Mail -;Mr.s---The rri.mfTgave--.the •resume,'(if a talk %ive.n by the inmate of a (..'oncelitration Clamp a.ud Mrs..'- -Fox T.cported pn F<#u(:ht.wangei:'s "Oppermamis." --A-n-;:^HihmTer-^f?se-u-ssibn-f(5lowed-- after which dea-wa-^ served'r"' ■Immumiiili e:_;LLy-ar-\;:L_i n tene-sU ng,.^ WE HAVE ,a .Client, who will pay___ ■ tash for homes: For Re-^sale to re^ liable, purchasers on term s: a t 6 %>. - ■ Limited number only. « ■ ■, , .;<o- • We ' have ̂ several cash buyers for -! , good homes , a t . West Bay, Cypress Park and'Gleneagles. , W EST VANCOUVER BLIND & AW NING su p p ly ".free estimates. Phone W est 74r-L-2. ' MASON'S TA X I ^ , Day and night : P assengers fu lly insured. West 512 A imsd-iug to organize iFf'urT rent Events I'oruiiDCTulTWilPbF ihg beiiig Mrs, Brown, Mrs. Skir- d d i t r 1 VlTsT~T}TOm]^^ after.jio.Qii..„IL.. >vas decided to hold no, find her meeting.s"of~t1te-- », A. E, AUSTIN & CO., LTD. MR-;-HI LLr W est -9 8 ^ - 2 . Sey~9T3T W ANTED -- Rag8,DBo«|ltes71VIefals7 F u rn itu re , Stoves,j,TboIs, etc. Phone - J W e s t " ' ■ we wiir pay for empty beex'Wles, 2-dozen"-for-46c:---Burrard-JunkCo. ,.___:..]ield,-at ..8--pnh,:duixt--l-htii4sday. andJ^i^JGhhantsoi-F^MT^.-Bald- • T A'priU2')lh, in Dundarnv(> .School.' -win-graciously proposed the vote ■ '^rhT^ul7TtTr"t() be (11.seiTi^TdDTP'^f~tha:nk.sDo Mrs--Gfay-and-tliv-- tlui hmeting will bo 'nio.dlth In- visiting artists which was hdart. suranco.T ■' " - . > ily-responded tcf by all present. -Bonk_ C lub, u n ti l '^ v h (^ '\Spjnii" .will be - discus.sed,' Pwing to people, wishing to be out'in their garclens laid out; contract or otherwise. 2442 . ' $5.do cord; W e sT l8 9 -L7-eyenings. Marine. 1 C o rp o ra tio n o f th e " -- \ 7 __ ^ p is r r ic T Y ) f^ e y t V a n c c n i^ ' ^ _ Z 1 ----» 7 J ( ' ■ ", " tr ■ ?- •'f ■ . , ' .AII,pcrso«̂ s liable for above arc notified to obtain same at once. Failure to comply will render owners liable for prosecution. Hollyburn BCJ. ' . CHIEF CONSTABlfE Sewing Circle will meet at the . home of Mrs. L. Rankine, 22nd and Mathers, April 30th, at 2 , - P p n . - . , T ... . . - FOR R EN D 'Orange n a ■; W est 85. Twa room : s tiite 'd n suitable fo r -offices. LEGION HALL PGR RENT-- Parties, meetings, phoniF West (347-L, A rthur Capon, manager. ' ~ ' -W--Hr-VA§Sr-Ghiropractor,--Suite-4r Hollyburit^ B lock. - •DRJESSMAKING -- Ladies' Suits, (Children's Clothes, Boys' Pants. M rs. Bobbins, 2791 Marine. West - 619-R .' On DR. B .- R . N O T E S the evening of Friday : FU RNISH EEL AND UNFURNISH ED -- Houses .to Rent. Houses,t lots,- and^ acreage' for .sale-.- -John ' T.a.w.tionl W A N T E D '.Bedding,"cIothing, b()yB' and Men's shoesT Welfare Assdei- ation.^ W est ~690.~ ~~~ ~ m o t o r s M51 M M in t^ l)r ii i„ , ^ ---------- West 268--l)a\--<>r Nisht (\>mpledo Automotive Serviee Wrecker and Road Service -1----- KuRrkaUoh;_-^:.-_Jk;dve.s .Ignition. Tune Dp. Motor Overhaul Clutch Swvice ■ (R)01)VE,VR-'riRKS------- -- MONARCHIjB^'P'ERIES^^ ■ " " ^\Ve^p(Tialixw in '|dea^(ing^thcTdisfomer-r . -iu?ene-(->t-tdHi-Rh oDelTa-Rho =Fi*atx -- ernity-^laneo, which proved a 'su^ves.s. The gay dance hlukiA. of dhe'Mare Abram's Or chestra, was equally., appreciated by bqtlTthc young and old.. A .pleasing, iiovelty was introduced in'the interval for refre'shments T;^y.hen. Ross-..Sangater'. of" New ( '\\'estmih-stem-gave"'an excellent . Hupersonation of thp»-PrrjvinTe T^ews-Repbrtm- as well as 's( I^ STA L ^ riONS-^T-Elect'ric 'Rtgpairs, . 14th- at Ferry. en a l and workmah^itL con.venience outlets installed, 7 j. H. Paterson, .West 108. ._____ ■ m arcel SHOP --- Thermique t̂eainii • P ^fhJan^ts. Only b e s t . materials; J l f d . ^ E x p ert onerators. Phone^ u e s t 304, Royal Bank Building^,,^,,,„„,,, iphlM N EY ^W EE pjj^^j _ try t\'ay. Guaranteed.. BrickJ-.a-nd'r'" n S sT kI Z ^ " ^ . l a w n M OW ERS SHARPENED - ̂ ■ Special m achine; repairs, parts, j W e s t ' Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 M arine. Tu ivuponê î as well as some NU-BONE CORSETS n^iT _ot|ier .veiy clever imitations. At . ,fnd fitLtfons. ...the lequest of the guest.s Dip ' ^̂ ^̂ Aulay, West-408-R.. ' dance, continued'an extra half-' .' "kTT ------------ -----------hour." Tii« -r,-o4-- u-......-.i. , - _ - iA.\ TILING ^ $ i n k s •* F i r e p l 3 C ^ F l o o r s - .W E S T VANCQUVER , B U ILD ER S' SUPPLY • West 560 i 2 1 5 3 Alarine D r^ ir.- Die fraternity wish in pvC Cnmpi>xre • ss tjhmr aoureciation Ia. i-h.. • jS. J . 'a'rchei? i ; ': "̂ e s t J225 -& 392-R. pi'CSS Sororityj and all otliers 'whb _ ^ h e lp e ( H - o m ia k ^ h e 7 i r n c ^ s lk * h Tsuccess. LEGION W. A. monthly meeting of . : t h e , -M. -A -.-w ilD b e rh e ld injJt^^ Legioir Hall on 'Mdn'rlflv_ e , j The First Narrows liridge Gomphxiy aiinounce'-th'crrTy a lai|^e quantity (>f-alder and maple wood, -etc., lyidg -on 4110, north„ appi'oaeR which is available to any'~ wishing t<> cart.it away.^Rbad .all the way down from the Capilaho ho shore. • . tix_XtL4-s-i^q u es tecLei'eiT menY-- _l.he. B Grppp will give-a-. tea c a r d o f t h a n k s ' -2515--Mnrine-. Mrs.- Ed Black, UvRe;, .^wishes, to express her sm-cere thanks .to all those>-^Wio- f her during her. hcr re tu rn . t 6 -.her .hpme; ■ -- r̂ A Had H'eL Suspicions n u r sd a y v A p r im th , h - o m ■>' to S " tS a 't b a l - i> o d o c k . " ' ■ . ^fuRy f coming at us aw- - a t the wheel): don't 1 ' BADIO SNAPS ^,,TABLE;SETS-com plete... $6-95 ' W ESTIN G H O U SE Personal - '"R adio .......... : snap $27.59 NORTHERN-EfcEeT-RIG Donsole, 8 tubes.... now $34-50 1937 ELEC TR IC WASHERS - ' ;-^reg_: ?89;5U .Tl 1937 .JaT C H E N RANGES ; J . from..;.-....:.................... Very.easy terms._____ ^ FOBSTS LTD. - W."N. MORRIS, Agent 1476 Marine Dr, est 7