West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Apr 1937, p. 4

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& ni8l!i#j)iiiwWWi|>̂ '«iir tn rm *' f I / W ̂' mm TH EiWIWItpiWM , r V A N N E W S '»immi<ii«i.MMmmi«<Mmim>«i»i~ili»»iifi«iiw»ii»»<»̂ ^ • >-*» « *#'Wm am sm m r t' SM ITH 'S R E D A N D W H IT EP h on e , W est 46 P h o n e W e s t 4 6 p:j t . '/'"I M e a ts ---P h on e W est 370 S I M X IA I .S P O K F R I D A V A N D S A T I 'R D A V , A p r i l K ith & H t h N O R T H S H O R E l A E ' COlJNt IK DÎ N\OMF> The* Annual will tn.- hdd in the AsNcmbly 1.7th May* at 2 f>.n)- I.VNN VAI.LF.V l'KAflllCS, fliilvANi I 2k, ,S«|UM< 2 TlnM 93f » |{.<J K Whin- K l 'A f iH m 'I I with {■|i<-i'hi'̂ 'arid TomalofN, lit! Wc | < n |{M 'l,.\KHH - KiTIoick'h j :i f'kfs, .•■ 25c riUAPKM IS ri,AKKS, pkl. lOc HONKV No. I White , 2'll>. .'(•ojr.'tin 25r MA/t'h.A o n . . I III, tin 25c ,SV inT • HoKcrs (/iddcn . 5-lh. fin 52ct ItecI K White .MAKMAl.ADH i*ih, till 1 ' uac j(4 d A While JAM -- Hlntwherry .'12-oz. Jfir , . 32c' MEATS .SAI„MON, '/.Ih, I'hit Hm JlC ited A Whie HAKINt; l*OW[)KK " " Save theM oiitioiiH 12 o/., tin 17c V<Hl E*'l l(ett^*r |{eNiiltH with i(e<l A White. - . KedvA While IDCOA-- yi-ll). tin l ie AI N r .M,\I(V K ( <»l riOK, I Ih,' hiiK ' ■ ̂ , 25c T O P S T E F R R R I S K F T . II). 12e ( 0 ' I T A ( ; E U O IJ .S * * II). 21c R R F A S T O F A^KAL. p e r Ib. 12c S H O U L D E R O F L A M R , Ib. 20c R O A S T I N t ; C H I C K E N , Ib. OOc F r e s h K illed P lu m p TOWNSWOMEN'S (HHU) * ' T h e dancA' ^p->n^or('i] by t h e Seo tti .sh C o u n i ry lUtncinK o f t h e Towii^wornen '.s ( ,u i U. w h ic h to o k piai'* 'la.-;! Satuidaj iiiK ht in t h e OrariKi.' a p ro n o u n c e t l stueeN.s. th e re ue- jEFFEf̂ iES'SuPEioeJV̂ Government Inspected Only H A M S D A M B ■■ C O L D M E A T S O F A L L K I N D S ^ - c i r ^ D B L I C A T E S S E N PO R K . 1 store at Hollyburn, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 , . hifji: a very laiT«- attymiaiKX* oi both dancers and onlookeiy.. The hall itself, u as very- bcauti- fully' decoruti'd vvith h'cottish H O H J N G FOWI>,". p e r Ib. 24c lijrure.s a n d i io u c i .̂. Mrs. Tlios. K I P P E R E D H E R R I N O ' iJJbM. f o r 25c F I N N A N H A D D I E , p e r i l ) . , . K»c P U R E P O R K S A O S A G E 2 ll)H. f o r .'15c R E E F S A U S A G E .....2 Iba. 2.5c Ked A While JIOl.I.Y I'OWIIKHS IfaKpherry, Slrawlierry,,.OraTiae,' , l,emoii„ elf. . .1 packetN 19c l l l i n M , H K A I/n i SOAP J ).;irKe ('akit*........... ... • - 19c SuHimer is coining--PLANT -JAMES' SEEDS S O C C E R ,\Vc.sl 'C'ltiicouvcr s h o w e d a ."('oniiVHe" r<?vei'snl -o r f o r m o v e r I he pn'V'iraiH .S a li ird ay w h e n they , s o u n d ly JrouM ced th e s tro i iK -Vg|<iriK e lev en 7-1. V ikiriifs open-^ trd th e HiMiriiiK on a s .ho t by E ld e r , tin* 'slipitery- ball eludiiiK- Shan tion '.s Krasj) am i d r o p p i n g J n l o th e m*l. S h o r t l y a f te i '_ . KwiiiM: l ied il up v\'ith a w rckeil d r iv e in to to p l e f t - h a n d - t o r n e r o f th e K oal; d 'lOa.surn am ) . Ilol).' F idde 's Ukmi--fo l l o w e d - w i th Ko.'tls bo tli o f w ltich w e r e - o h pa.s.s(*s f ro m W illitiK ton , . A f l e r ' t h a t it w a s a. ru ii t . - D 'E a s u m l)aKk""d hi.s s eeo m h Hurg-e.ss Kur-^ u ieria l a p a i r .'tml .John F id d e s lini.sfu'd llu* scorinj^.' On S t i tu rd a y th e loca ls .meiH _Cadettiti__Jdx>LeJ-^al__ ^^timpJaidi i_ [*ark ( N o r t h ) . K ick -d ir a t '? .M U N IC IP A L IT Y W IN S G R A N G E i r C A S E .fust ict' Uobert.soti .o f-th e Sup- i'('ine ('ourt ye.st(;rday tli.sinis.sed '..action,, brouidit aj^raimst-4,he - HinjfJham, w h o arranK<'d th e d a n c e , brouifh* "*'<'■ ■'* ^ r o u p o f m e m b e r s I rum u h* \ aii- c o u v e r S c o t t i s h t 'oiiid ry D an c in g S o c ie ty , The.s<' l a t t e r 'g ay e .^ i i . v e ry in te re sL in y d e n io n s t ia t iu n o f t h e S trath .spi '.v ('oUfltVy D ance b e s id e s k in d ly Jielp.ing those wlio (lid h o t k n o w smucf .of the old t im e ( lanoes to yo th ro i iy h w ith Uiem. T l ie m u s ic furiiislufd l)y th e l l a r m o n y Kings,' O rc h e s t ra w as all t h a t could bo d(,'sjred, Diey I je in g -a s s is te d in Uie S c o t­ t i sh d a n c e s J)y Mr.s. 'Al(*xander, .who.se proliciVncy in t in s is ,so w e ll . -k n o w n .- - ................... In a n d n t e r v a l be.l ween, d an ces M rs. A . C. D a g le y pre.senied iS i i l iW D o o r s , L a th , B u ild e rs* S upp lies Y6ur building is just as sound as the lumber in it.. You combine SAFETY and ECONOMY, when you use our ^ materials. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER C®: LTD. "Firsb here to serve you - - - Still serving you best." ' " lUth & Marine Drive. ... Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED AD$ I'Ke rate for Classifled Advertisement* Ib 2 centa per word, minimum 25 centa, Except In the eime of thoee horlnf regular accounts, all cUsBl. fSi.aH are navable strictly m sdvauce. " Kcmember Classified* in the West Van New* get immediate results. FOR SALK -- .KngliHh S«d I>ram in e()()(kcoii(liUon- Phono Wc.st. . in ii i i ic ipa li ty ' by Mr.n. ( J r a n g e r M rs. I l i n g h a m and M rs, A lex an - nu iL D lN t; E li! ' book nt our build- nnd .lie'r h u s b a n d fo r . siK;c ja L d e r w i th b o iu iu e is o f h e a th e r .in ors' hurdwarc, 'nails, d a m a g e s o f ah o ii i $ 0 0 0 lo r o u t r e c o g n i t io n o f t h e i r se rv ices , and WANTED Odd jobsr -any kind;" . windows, washed, etc. Phone West- 65. o i p o c k e t e x p e n s e s and" fo r ,un- .Uated g e n e r a l d a m a g e s , th e ."ainc in' c o n n e c t io n w i th an al- Ifgt^d a cc id im t. T h e t r i a l had 'wa.^, h e r s e l f th e reciipienl o f a ' bou(|uet ' in a p p re c ia t io n of h e r ' i n t e r e s t f ro m Mr.s, K ankine, la s te d ; tw o .d ay s a n d .Uie ̂ ju d g e - h a n d e d -dow n' h is (li.'cisionx a s a b 0 e a H e ly ry s (> r.\d n g j u d g m ou t. S e n io r , oh b e h a l f o f t h e D aiicing nV.es f o r c a rd s wa.s clearing' your lot to painting house., wo, liuv(j what is ro(iuired. ...Crawley & Darkor, Hardware. WES1' VAN. STATTOjNEKS aud • LENDING LIHKAIIY -- Stationery YOUNG COUPLE'wish clean room with' evening meal. State priee and particular Box 41,.West Van News A U C T I O N S A L E a ttr a c t iv e IIOUSKHObl) GOOD.'-i uiidi'i. iiiHlriirtion from owper ■ , 111 1 l7 r 2 0 lh Sired. (.hi.st aliovo Inglewood-'A ve.) A\ ediu-Hday, April 2lMt, at f:30 p.m. G ro u p . T h e pi d r a w n f o r a n d won liy 'M r s . _.P, . IL , .C h r is t ie , th is b e in g g iven h e r b ;V "iV Irsr4)agley w hen th e o t h e r -p resep ta tlL m s^ \vere._ma(l(i.„_ .. .D uring t h e . ' i n t e r v a l ; delicious I'e f r e .s h n ie n ts w e re .served im th e Mower h a ll . -School. Office and Household Sup- ))lies;..complete stock of Greeting and Mother's Day Cards; Magazines -- We shall-be glad to send in y<)ur , subseriptionss for you. I,)rive; West- 68-7r- GIRL WANTED for general house- worlt; Sleep out preferably. Apply Box 42, West Van News, , IGSOJVIarine HANDY ANN .HARDWARE, 2442 - Marine --=- Marshall-Wells'. Paints, Enamels, Varnishes, etc. See us firsf Orders promptly attended' to. Moffat Eiedra Ttiihge7SALE Electric theater for tank, good Con- *> dition. West .367-R. g--- HIGGINBOTHAM, 1522 MarinerOF >. tometrist, Optician, Wednesdays . 10:30 to 4. 'West 458-.R for appoint­ ments. , . I).m. Oak I lining itoom . .Suite*' compleLe with. HuliVt; 0 extra Oak. Dinipg fell on f.i:esJi_siioAv_ H o lly b i in i K idgc la s t WAN-'I-ED-- GirUfor genera] house­ work alTernoonsX'Apply 1853 Belle- - . vue~. - ."■T,',, 'X XX"" HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS or Room and--Board- available.- Home-priv-' ( -hairft;' Revolving IJooF. (Jase;^_Oak im r r is H - Is r a e l JOirkm ; Morri.s t Jiair; Wjili'iut 'IVibTe;' Hall Stand with Mirror; "HvlTihoguny (JmrclT;=HrtiTS: w eek; a n d , .a l ll ioug lii .somtHvdiat "soft,- it'Vodh.si(l(}ral)].y' im proved sk i in g , c o n d i t io n s xui l i ie _ p la tc au . FOR SALE -- Sawdust Burn«f praCr, .tically new $30. Phone West 63-L-l,; ileges. 'OMS Reasonable! 1244 Inglewood.- AVANTF.n -- F urnished or unfurnis^jL, fituiuIh, Pictiires, M Lh '>and 'M .arine ner.s. Raking Jtkibinet, 2t0 lb. Kitchrm S u n d a y , 'A jil'iJ. I8 ti l , 'in An-lble-* - .Senle.s, 0?ik K"itchen Table, TvjdilJRcda ed, house near ferry; reasonable. _ Good permanent tenants. Box 44, West Van News. --y F-OR SALE -- New Child's English Bicycle,- $12.00; cost $18.50. West jX356L:'- ' ■ 'v' ■.. '•■■X -We_.a I e_ p u tLuig_iu_n_Lti'til |ilet< new 'afoek nl Rmigo.s, -Washers, Radio,s, Oil Rtnioer'K, Itefrrgiares.^ lilfc. of-- ~:-_r: -------- F i O B S T ^ S .Sell* ,Agen for \\'(i.st \'am;ouver 11,7(» Marine Dr. Pining Weal 711 ,Si) p pu rp-v on lykietrlX iieT'e h 11 n (- Ahk tor Mr. W. .N. Morris (ktl) in and.insp.ect. No ohligalkm (;liair, FTai .Stands, Chest Drawers; Singer- l)i-o|K IIe.nd Machine like new; Gu r-t at n.s;--(Xi ril'-v'l-tibl(y,-^.inn-XJh Itugs, .Wj-itjgei,. ,:l'.)res.s(y;ifp4Viiw .̂ubt^^ WANTED -- By man, by 20th oT month, room and bo îfd; must be* near ferry; no other' boarders or' children--Plenty^fchotXw'atei^Bbx== 40..West.Van News. G arba Ga n .s, W h e e 1 b'^Trm7"T60"HT?^ 'Ilo.'se, . Lawn MowerTV Step-lltfideV.s,. Gardefi Toohs. Rakes, Shovels; Pickti," , - Pipes, (?unned Preserves, Targeviiuan- tu rn iY ersary A MBLE~SlDE-TBA J t 0 6 i» f r ^ Tob- „ „ „ -Confectionery; dependable. ' '•'-'R pALilj, tity kitclnyjr utensils. Redding iJinens,̂ " ~ 4 tn(li()T-'Ed is() n __(i ra ma p.hpiier_:-200xRecV by accos,,. -f-rV*sh--st-oek-X-prices--to--suit--evei-y- purse,- 4. room bungalow on jarg_e lc(t..all in garden, garagk view TAX SALE LOTS of English Bayi ne^r bus and stores, qgick sale $L'700 casli. West 340 or 143. i i 'ortis,,,.Iams and Jellies. A ho.sl of goods too nunuM'ou.s lo jnenLion^-;___ ^ --r^Re-rsu re--I o--trUend --th is--im i)orti?n L- V sale. X o n ^ le te L is t; - -Municip^ .-̂ grî ^̂ -CHIMNEY "SWEEPING"-- "̂SawdusT J Burners iristalled; furnace repairs. ̂ W est 225 & 392-R. . Phone G. Meldrum, 14th St. East, d^Ti>r̂ piCfTxf/̂ ""X=̂ --i------- i-- V-- orth-Vancouver^--v-=---GARDENING-- Rock-workT--lawns -- . --___ ____ HOl.l.YRtlRN Al!CTIONb>Ettfr Vi76 Marine ■RXTTHA'NGE Phone West 71J versafy is by paying a " vriiop v/icit laid out;/contract or otherwise. 2442;. XHE TEA GARDENS' and FIRESIDE ^ n n n e , -̂---- --"̂ =====Teas==^e==ready°ai^ -- Jb^deflg^Il^tancejeie-phQneV . „ vT,, c .VANCOUVER - BLIND &_ Rolscreens iFly-Scre^s) m st^- HudsoiTs TlompUeteTy New _yVb-at_ever tKe_date:to-be..n>'mpm.- -PhoTre-W€f^74^LX2. De L uxe an d .S iip er . Terraplanes A ^ 3 1 G - S T E I t : A I I E A & bergd-.--Wedding,; anniversary, birth­ day, Mother's Day-let the telephone carry your greetings .to_d[ŝ t̂ QLd_ear ones. • ■ ' • - - -- -FOR=RENT Two--room--suitseXiii Orange Hall, suitable for offices. West 85s Remember that--AnmvprQfn-y w ith FOR RENT -- Five room- modern - bungalow, partly', furnished,_.newly 'd.e.c.exat.ed, garage. West 541-R! ' FOR SALE -f- Moffat Electric Range coal and wood attachment; 750 watt water tank heater, quick sale $30. - English pram $10. West 357-R eveniwgs. In Driving a long-<iistiS.neer€ali.- ItA'DiO ItEPAl'RS :--̂ ^ubes and Sup- plies, aerials, etc. J.-L.-Pettigrew, EXPERT GARDEN PLANNING and -- earfrHFoek--gardens^Jawns--fencingr etc. Millan. West 121-Y. . : West--145.- Havv ̂ ymT ever seen irya r (hat almost d m 'os~Trsolf ? With the-new -tlSeleet ive ..Aunafrrft ie- .8)ii.fi (.hero is na..need to worry ivhgut clutch pr gear sluft.XiV mer<'_ I" I ie h r c>r-a-"Cntr LEGION HALL FOR RENT--Partie meetings, phone West 647-L, Art MArSGNiS-T-AXT--=--Day-^and-night^ Passengers_fully-insured. - West-512_ £afianf=K3a9raggiv ^^ANTE&?r-- --BoftlespTtt etsls; To (i IK • In Riding fmm See how the 117-in. wheiHbase, the .Now Rmlial .Front'Suspension _ un<i Aero 'Kype Shook .-Uisorlierajill co-ordinate for a really Rhythmic Ride that can't be'eifunllcil tiy~any car. ' " X In istyle and Room GORDON ROBSON. Barrister; Solic- itor. 1347 Marine, ..mornings; 510 Hastings St„ Seymour 4199.'after-f noons. ■ , - -Euiuiiture,- StbveSj--Tods,- etci'-Phone West 91. Starting^ Friday, March 5 we will pay for, empty beer bQt|les, 2 dozen for 45c. Burrard Junk Co. .Now you can have advanced style without sacrilicp to room. The front seal 4s Iho-widest on (he m arket --̂ a full 55-in,. .Head and J,eg.. room are inen'aseT, Level,..clear |looV_ space,-bolTrirront and fear. -^CGTELEPHONE CO. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED __ Houses to Rent. Houses, Jots, and for sale.. John Lawson, 17tF and Marine. Phone West 55: FRENCH BEAU'TY SALON for work of quality. Phone West 212, 1662 Marine. liE wind.shield gives the be.st vision of any car toda-y%-- In Perform ance 'iyrrapliuies hdd the records and why not? ftd-HtP ^̂ "̂̂ ■̂ -LLATIONS---FJectric - Repairs,- -convenience outlets installed.' JXH,' Paterson, West 108. - STOVE WOOD -- Bush Fir or Alder, $5.00, cord. :-West l89-L, evenings. W. H. VASS, 'Chiropractor.-Saite-A Hollybum Block. No idle bhiiTs is fill- above cimiju-tition ,\ci at no extra cost, for those motors,. 'Smooth Jit all speeds, show a saving of an easy lOX̂ , getting 22 miU's.aiui better to the galUuv. ^ ^ [n ^ S a fe ty : AU-Ŝ Uh4 True-lme-Steering -- Radial Safoty-_Xontrol, i I'Ll'ri KESEKVF Hydraulic Braking, Sway Stabilizer's, all combine " U> make'Hudsons and Ten'aplancs the safest cars on the road.' I In Ruggedness . ■"Lhe gruelling 1.000 mi.lc testa of the on .t-ho salt beds.of W'o Supply and Install SINK TILING BA'FHROOM^TILING f ir e p l a c e t il in g MARCEL SHOP --: Thermiqae Steam -Permanents. - Only- best--materials- ^-,„used^ Hxpert operators. - Phone J^est^.304, I^^aLBankXBuilding; DRESSMAKING. ^ Ladies'̂ Suits, ChildreriV' "Clothes, "Boys' ,"Pants.- Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Marine. West 619-R. -Get -ouiXprices eST-YANGO IFF ER- BUILDERS' SUPPLY ^\est .560 .21,53 3Iarine Dr. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- ti7 way.. -Guarahteed.; Brick~ahd ' repairs, palm er, .jCapilano;€stone North 811FR':2V WANTED*^ Bedding, clothing, boyf -'-^ n d ^ en 'g--stobeSTxWelfare^Associ- - ation. West fi90. , __L-. s h o e r e p a ir s Get the6est mat- L-tah at sustainetl speeds oyer 85.m,p.h. pî 've"that ..these tho No, I Cars of thc'Unv ana metlTum jn'iced fields, sure have what it takes. If NU-BONE CORSETS, Surgical Belts workmanship at Fox's, . "J^ssniaking and alterations;' Mrs' - Ferry. : MacAulay, West 408-R. ' 1 1 X--,-K-Tbu jyie_ m,te_restod_in_ secing-or-driving. these__amazing_cars,._we- inyito you to <lrop -in or phono us at West 614 and a demonstration i.s-VO--- -.... -1 • . < ■ .......................................... ........... . .yours lor the n.^king. demonstrator car, equipjK>d -with the Selective .'lUilomatic Shift i.s always- available. W EST VAN CLEANERS SPE ^IA L ..M oadays til) thiorsdajs IHdtoi ^ -Hudsi m £R .J. SEEDS a n d , T a ; r a p l a n e D e ^ e r _____ Cash, aitd_Carry 5 0 c l^die^s S u its, Coats and Plain Dresses , ^ Gents* S u its and Overcoat^' CALL W E S T 161 LAW Î--MOWJERS;̂ BhYRPENED-==̂ Special machine; repairs, parts. West Vancouver' Machine ShoF 1449 MarinA Biati REAL ESTATE For S e ^ c e in buying or selling' - ; ' -- ' see -- A. EL AUSTIN & CO. LTD-.,. 8^'H astings St. West '(Ask for-Mr. Hill) , Telephone: Evenings,. - . Seymour 9131 West 98'A:2 il