West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Apr 1937, p. 3

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X iiiie i n o n C o r o n a t ic n i ! Whv r >-' lip o p p o r t ^ o f hearing r . m.uw mtercsiing broadcMls, lhat - erigauie. at .'.¥5. ®y5n' °f.5 pLrve your seal now by secdring o n ^ K Coaramced Used Radws, - Jiuv now as prices aro ^oin| up soon. 'mumv models to choose frotrf at , vory reasonable prices, brow n & MUNTON » Marine Drive ^ 860. 4ai- •, iMcnibors Associated Radio Technicians of B. C. / C o n c e r t . by /;W EST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOLS Inj-lcwood Auditoi:ium Friday, April 23rd at 8 p.m. Doors open at 7.80 » -,J .... . ' , Admission at door, ■ 25c. . (One price only) . A chimney fire took place Tuesday afternoon at 1962 Belle­ vue. Avenue, which did some dama^re to the house before it was extinguished by the fire brigade. ■ .* * . >■ I I I ' .#'» Mr. Green, who has been visit-' ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green,: 1280 Fulton Avenue, has left to return to Winnipeg.■ , . 4i . . * A. B. R. McNally has moved from Vancouver into a house on .Radcliffe Avenue. Mrs. T. A. Miller, 2670 Belle­ vue Avenue, Has as her guest her sister-in-law, Mrs. G'.'"Tl. ...J o rnark the. occasion.of. the . Royal Coronation .among llower lovers C. J. Archer Limited la donating a silver cup to the West Vancouver Horticultural Society for the best bedding design emblematic of the Coronation, or a tloral combination of Coroii- ation colors, Kntries are to be made to A rthur Capon' of the Ilortipulturnl ScKuety' a t West 647-L, as early "as possible and not later than IlOlh April. Judg­ ing wil Ituke place in Juno. It is understood tlia t a lloral design in the I'orm of a Royal Crown is to be made on the huyii ad­ jacent to the Municipal'Hull as a contribution to the elYorts of HOT WATER BOTTLES ̂ !«»%» still rV()u>tx*<! ̂ W«* hiivt* n -selcrtion from 6.1e U» $8.00 mi* i»uarmiU'i*d Ambleside Phannacf' W. h. KEU. Prop. J401 Marine Phone; Drive Weat 828 KUEE DELIVERY Grieve.of Island Lake, Manitoba, Horticultural Society, but ! her for a competi- short time previous to going on . " * -to-Los Angeles. m , / - * COURT OF REVISIO N c o N s a n v A T iv ts N oace! A General Meeting of W est Vancouver Conservatives ,will be held in the LEGION HALL ON MONDAY, April 19th, at 8 All.Coniseryatives are urged to attend. . " WEST-VANCOUVER CONSERVATIVE ASSN. , y Evans Wasson, President , . . John T, Fox, Sec.-Treas. Ill Ik Ik The many friends, of Mrs. Read of Horseshoe Buy will bo a. i. " glad to hear she is making sa tis-, . Revision ot the factory progress in her conval- iwVr •} -H* escence at the Seaview Nursing ̂ .Art'll, nt Home, 18th and Mai'ine l3rive. t ̂ a ^; , , * i * Voters,^,. 28 Lonsdale Avenue. ■ m i Cl n" irnn j Hours for Registration will be - ■ Ted' - Sewell,-- -159G Gordon --fronrlO :00 a.m." to 1 :00 phn.'^aiid Avenue, IS very seriousjy ill in, from 2:30 p .m ao 6:45 p m. Per- the North Vancouver General ^ons desiring to regi.^ter must Hospital. ̂ ̂ attend in i person. Naturalized \\T 0100 * British subjects should bring 2123 Kings Ave- their certificates with them nue, has deft for Lake Louise, Persons who have made applica- where he ex p a ts to remain .for tion to register, oravhoserapli- Stralton^A K E R Y I'ruit and Meat "All j^nda of CuokieH " Apple Turnovera DiniKliiuitH * PkoloM Cukca Wodtruiif Cakoa a Specially Wo make everythinir right on Ihp pi'oniisfK, Froah Daily, from nr.*<t class ingrcditmla. Note Address: 1468 Marine D rive, Phone W est'27 B urred L aundry Ltd. ■ l a u n d r y SERVICE' : DAVE ANDiSBSON, West .Vancouver . Representative - Phones -- West 691-L o r'N orth 1310 the spring and summer ■ ■ ' ' -,r> k • ' . ,*•.*« JMrs. Solly and family, have re- - turned to (^aulfeild-after-spend- ■"-ing the winter in California.! •Mr. and Mrs. T. Crickmay have moved into a house at'10th and Duchess Avenue., „ - cations, have . been 'received, by the Registrar since 19th March,, also apply in person at the Court .' of Revision. ------ r--- r L. 0 . li. The next j:eg.ujar meefihg^of the West Vancouver L.O.L-..2990 eeN G RETE e O N M A e T G R S ■ Land'Clearing - Excavation Work First Growth-Fir Stove'Wood . - - • •• - Dry Maple'and Alder Fireplace TVood . - , - . TEAROE & SON, . Goaf Briquettes 1427 MARINE DRIVE PH ON E-- W E S T - 8 4 t ^ A 1 be held ih ih e Orange Hall -Mrsrrsr̂ Graham,..r:=3M2.0--..A^gy-lO:,r.-_-,-Qn---4Euesdayy-^*nid^6th "-instant; Holiyburn Theatre TIHIKSDAY nnd FRIDAY .luul .SATURDAY MATlNkllO . . April jrah , loth nnd 17th FRANCIS 1A5DERI5R ' IDA LIIPINO . " ONE RAINY . AFTERNOON" , (OiKH* .only a t H:20) ' . nl.sy. • ...... ..ilA^LJ'iY.ENINCLluid.MOm Ai)i il ,17th and l!)th - DICK POWKLI'. ' ^ .10AN RLONDELL " Jhe Gold Diggerjr of 1937" Avenue, "has left for a visit to commencjHg- a t 8 p.m. sharp. JoxonLOyi:-Q.n tan p .. . - ;■ . The County Master and his of- fleers- will'-be'4n;."attendaiice"^-at-' Mrs. Parker, who has'been the this meeting. .It is urged that ■^u^t~#f'~MTr7ind~MTsrrirrriHT-'^he-minnTbnrs^riiurn"" (mf-ifTT'uir Paish, 2215, Bellevue AVenue, forefe, ^as matt'er.g of vitaLiTn^ Avenue, has left for the Eastern portance- wilI.be discussed. -- ̂ also :. , > ♦ TWO LA;i5Y CROWS" TLJESDAY Si WEi)NE ____ April 2(lth,jma AIADELKIN-E-C A RROLL : moved from 1367 Cl.vde. Avenue, Avenue. , " -. ■ CH O IR K.W. Savory ..... 1443 Marine Drive Am bleside Phone W est 34o Evenings,7-West-^143 - Listings Wanted Real Estate ^iiiancer Insurance sk'>:.;:;':5k t ______ - ^ i s s A 25th and- Mar- ^ H e r e > i l l bo J.practicej a t 8 p.mv- on Monday week, • April Inland, where she expects to re -26th," ̂ for the rhassed , choir, im b LEGION Cl ES main for a year. whicTi i.s be'ing organized to,take ' „ n 'pa;rt in the civic service on Sun-. H--L WORLD FEDERATION day, 9th^ on the Inglewood School grounds. This service in- „ , _ a m+i, , monnection~w-ith"Th~e^COT73nat1on--'Bi"3,ne-ĥ --M^nday-j---Aqiril--^L9tn,j--Celebrat-ionsv A general meeTinjrwill be '11 eltl on Friday, -April 16th, a t *8 p.m. ihri:heri::«groiTTJall;:„All ni'embe^ are requested- to attend, a.s Mrs. Ames" (Oncc_oiily.'- a t 8 :Z0) ' also ■ 4I.UNKER-BE-AN^ hmqng the m atters to come'up ̂ the arrangements in con- '• B. - I. meeting, Dundaraye nection with "the Cororiation oelehrUtions will be strictly un- -25th and Marine Drive. Speake^ ̂ , LegjQj.j members and W.A. "tleiipminaLionalr^nd the choir invited lo-aUond; ■ will be made up of those froni' ■ - th,e.._social evening to. be given .' MARINA CAFE & z-- ^BAKE-SHOP-- -SA:illUtI)A-Y AI J:h"e£v_arious-churches as_well-as_ ^^^=^y?mther^in gerg^^ho=^^hH:^- ~ r^ t" 8--prm--nex-f--Sa^rdayT--April tak^ part, conductor. A, J. Addy is the WEST VAN Sheet Metal Workr^ "Phone We5t~39~ Furnace, and Range R.epairs, Sawdust Burnejs JUNJOp CHOIR, ' The West Vancouver Girls' Junior Choir members are asked ?l#thriTrrthe~Legi on^H ali^Thcrr ' will be bingo, dancing' and re­ freshments. Corni.sh Pa.stics..-..... M for 25c -- Sausage Roll.s ...... for 10c- . 1415 Marine Dr., (opp. Safeway) , Teresa & Iona Kerrison The smoker la.st Friday to to "make a special effort .to" at- ■ tend the practice at 10:30 in the • Region Hall was well ItTfendcd, United Church Hall on Saturday a very „ ^ o y a b le evening; murni-ng7---as--Lhe--4ii-g-ht---df^-4he by _the many present eWeert is so near. - ■ . - -- - - -Di-„going-oy€r-_old times-and ox- _______ _̂____ periences in France, more par-, iinTtaiT A WfNT€5 ̂ ticularly the battle of Vimy b y .HOUSE 4~W-lNb.- - --------------- those who took part"' ̂ 7 ~ T '! r SIEGWARTH & JOHNSEN Clearing ' Cement Work , ----Bx-ca vat-î iHi ---AJ t-er -- 14,:i4 Jefrerson Ave. FUEL SUPPLIES - In§ide Mill Fir ... ......$5.00 Cord Inside Bush Fir, ' "L ' Bark on .... Heater and Furnace Blocks.. ..--.$4.00 cord --Fireplace-F-ir------- ..... $4;00cord .Blabs & E-dgings '..... $3.75 cord - i'rfcn'Alder-and Maple. SAWDUST ̂D i Sawdust Bulk or Sacked..:..,.$4.00_;unitf.7 Manure - Topsoil - Rock - Sand ;̂ CHARLIE THOMPSON .: 582 " ^ S T 582' "7rHTnrar~Cotflced-TdV4ea]s--served- all day. We specialize in . Chicken Pies P. DrQ. CAFE 15.12 Marine- West 616 TiynOORTTRACI^MEE ^ ^ VERNON 'F E E D STORE C. SBARLE Phone West 9 i:_FertiIizers-:ofLAll_Kinds__ Wood, Coal, : ̂ Builders* Supplies Over onq hundred boya en­ thusiastically participated in the Annual Interhouse Indoor Track Meet at We.st Vancouver-High y SchOiOl ' on Friday, April 9th. Eighteen. novelty • team relay events were run off and the final result was in doubt tilP the last pvent.^wa.s completed. House 4 YOUNGER-TOWNSVVOMEN'S .GUILD ' B klD G E ^and SOCIAL EVENING Cards in the Glachan SA TU FID A Y , April 17th, at 8 p.m. Entertainment Refreshments ADMISSION 25c. 7-finally "emerged victorious; b y the narrow margin of 3 points. House 1 ,placed second. House.'3 - third ^ d ""House 2 fourth." A • basketball game between the West Vancouver Bantams and the Vancouver" Y.M.C.-̂ A., . won" " --rather-handily-byithe^latter^team-- completed â successful evening. A similar eVent for girls wilL take place.jthis . Friday,- April 16tb, ■ to which any interested *7 W E ST V A N G O U V ER tit^ IL T ieU L T U R A lT ^ O C T E T Y T t r r ^ n P T T D 1? ' " ROCKERIES. How to A U Plant with Succevss." By John Abercrombie. ' ; In the INGLEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL at 8 p7m. . T U E S D A Y , A p r i l 2 p t h . parents are ̂ cordially invited. .-Notiiing-foo'- \. .SmallVr V, • -̂----Nothing'too--I- LargeWevpay for Em pty Beer Bottles 4 5 c FOR^ TVyO D O Z E N Sacks,; Metals, ̂Furniture, Cali West 91 Highest, Prices Paid/for Everything. Bnrrard Junk Co.and we will call > ' at your door - EXPERT ■(_ W atch andlC lpck -REPAIRING -- 1 _ ' ____ T.CHSLSTENSON (formerly, with Birks Ltd̂ , Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive-- ----- B. C. TELEPHONE CO.," WEST OPERATORS* A N N tiA tr -D -A N e ^ -(in-aici-of--Employees'-Woluntary-Benefit-Fund)-'-- FR ID A Y , APRIL 16ih , in H O L L Y B U R N -P A V IL IO N;'®,;............ LenJihamberlain-s Orchestra _ Refreshments ---- ~^.:r^^Ticket-s 50-cents. Dancing--̂9' 1 Novelties ■t