West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Apr 1937, p. 2

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...... . I ^ . < ' - » s . . - 1, t S. fi .ij-'*"- * # > " ' ̂ ■ ' . ' »-^^T "̂ v| 4, r -? t W ^ VAN l/mTEWCHUttCH '"'■ "K iriritirr wrtfbt; Ufoiftn* ■ Kundar Sarvic** ' 1I:1& •.!».. 7:16 p.m. Sunday Seboof and ftibla Claaa ' lO't.m. Strapf«r§ A Vliitora Wakomt W94-I ' 1 ' r. j ' # ' S How does gqur _ hair look under f your new hat " * Her. W. L* JsIcKay, li.A., IU>- Sunday 'Servicea » • " " "•>■■■- a g ^ x ' s ^ i f c * n «m. & 7:«u p,m.~-PreuchiHK > Hcrykca, A hraiiy welcome to all \nui l(/iu Will Mi;.ik«' your Imt if (ln'ŝ Ki<l (II t'lii' of our li*'W ' . Gwendolyti's Beauty Shoppe <'r»'«ti>rn of KxcluHlvt* ronnnncntM, ir>i« Murine Drive West 117 , D R . Q : l ) . U . R E A L E l).l).B., UD.H. DENTIST ll»y llloi'k; Mtli'upil Marlnu Ur... Ofllce Mourw l> to (! p.ni> I'JvniiirufH by U|)pointmeiit. .Phone VVe»f72 HOLLYBURN HALL Mth ami Ducheuu TI KHDAY KVKNIND, April 20 «t H oVIcwk irKt/lMiJU-;, , ^ Jllii.!inU'<i l>y lanli-rn views, ■ ••'flic .Miracle of (he Scripturc-H 'rio-u 'I'luservation, 'I'raiislatipii .ami Dihsc-mination „ 1 . . --------- ■ ' /"rjurw HI NilA'V. April IM(h,'at 1o a.tn. ."ijinlay School nmh-f ■ Vouciu Pc'0|)lc'*s Hihlo .Class SCNDAV KVKNINt; at 7:.10 * , .. (iOSPKL SKIIVICK ,S,Spoil".ored by our Voumk / ' • ■,S|»faki'r: .MK, .1. I{. 10. .McLAKHN,, ..........WJEST.VAH.Coy .... Christian Science ~-Society , ̂<..1 vri.- ' V , CHDHCU EDIKICK 20tb and Eaquiniali, llollyhuro Thiu Society is a Jlraoch of The Mother < hurch The Firat Church of Christ. Sdentlat. in i:o,Aon. Maasachusetta - • Sunday Service: 11 :■'}() am. ' Sunday, April Subject: "DOCTKIM v OJ- a t o n e m k n t *' Testimony McetinK Wednesday at 8:16;ip.m» ' . Thd- public ia cordially in­ vited to attend our services and mcotlnifB. 4 , if , V 5 i , c ■ ISytO. : V . - T MllTTS'Kin' luui .SPRING SUITS. We have a smart line 7 '.'T nlrV i o vr.'i jû t tl.e thing to slip over your suit.- UJi Li i 3 f i i f o f ttftoi'Uouu*riind liV^ninjE-wciir*".»ri. ^ ' v by "Van Uaalte, just in from the East .in ' ' ^ ' I n o r ^ s o S?.: jii.IT. .".1 M-Uli. ' llv ,Ik n..w rirui i.il.' »H v'T ■ ■ GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE > 1730 Marine, Drive . 4 West 662 a x.ltx.lt :«■!.' a'X.lO! H,s< JSJ. is H m m im 'll THE PLAYERS' CLUB . . of the UNIVERSITY OP BRITISH COLUMBIA Presents )t *.-̂ r U N n 'KI) CHURCH ;il.st, & K.squimulL.^v(3. Rev. HIIHh W rljjht, MiniHtcr Suml.'i.v ,s('r\M'(.'<'M at 11 :15'a'.m.' and 7:15 p.ni. • Siiiidiiy .Sch(^)l a t 10 a.m. ST. ANTHONrS CATHOLIC CHURCH . Rev. VV.'J. M illay,.J'aHtor Phone Wc.si 5d0 ' m yK-in ' ' T H E B R O N T E S " . Hy Alfred Sangster .i||̂ i;,it,L..ii.Bîw«|îAuJiiorim.. Jbursday, April 29th r * V •« Kh I a Id lulled on North Shore 25' Yearn ,.. ' (Lady AHsistaiil) HARROW RROS. LTD. funeral directors North Vancouver I*arlors 122 Went SixU C Streot Phono North L'M ■ Vancouver. I'arlory r»5 'rcMith Avenue Ka.st ... Phono I"air. KM PROGRAM ̂ lE ...Tli.'KETS ' Reserved 50 cents Unreserved 85 cents -Sunday Mitsses sohoni ni lu am Lo\V Mass -- 8:15 a.m. Kxjd'Vvr.s n u r |.M o n (h a \i t 7 , H igh Mass and Scm m on-10:15 ^ " Trail Itanger.s m('ot Tiio.sd'ay RosaPy and Benediction -- 7:15 ><'■>(leiGn^ieio^iViMiMiLCT p.m ■5 ED.BLACK WEST 6 8 G O ^ t r ~ ^ ^ O O D O U M P W O R K SLABS $4.00 cord 2 cords $7!50. ^ ■' " T'.U.i.'i'; nicut on Wt'diinsiluy .Cdtechiam ^and Bible History 1 7 ,) ni ' . every Saturday-- 9.30 a.m. ami Bible s'tud.v Wed- .. W eek-day Services' , K t) m Mas.s, daily--.7:15 a.m. Tin' mini.Hlor will preach at F r id a y s-- Rosary, Jienediction, boll) n ioniing and evening, .'i.er- ■^■:00 p.m. ,, ̂ / „ victLs „.e.xt Sunday. • , . Saturdays Gonlessions m m 'I'll,. T-ogular m onthly (Peeth)g' ' 7 :30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. of. 1 lie \V.M .S..at ,2:15 p.m .;next-- t- ■ -- 7------ 'jVjc.alay will lake -IhtyJ'or.m: of ...._.ST,„STJi:PHEN;Sj;nURCH ' ail I'ia.ster Thank OfFering Tea.^ . , p , a . Ramsey The Ivev'.' Mr; NeRVe, returned ̂ . - mi.ssioiiary'I'rom I'lonan, China, A p rilC 8 th-- fea.ster III. ' "̂ vvill I he ' speaker and 'Mr.s. '8 : 0 0 a .m .-^H oly ( 'ommuiiion: New. Low Summer JSawdust Rates Effective Now R, p h o n e f o r d e t a i l s iCNILL'S FUELSWEST 3 9 NORTH 9 4 VVIJJ e.i.v. "̂ " 7, » :uu a .m .-^ riu iy c nnum uuuu. 'I liin l. ijie. .'a)l()i.-<t. All women, m 'i_i_:15a.m.-- Matin.s and Sermon, the ('(-ngregaliori are cordially. 7 .1 5 p-^_-- Even.songjmcl Ser- mon7~' 'invited: ■'I'he n 'gujar m eeting ;ot the ' g .3 0 p.m. Uniled .Cliuroh Young .;Peopl«^- .. g^. Francis-in-lhe-Wo'ods,- ■ will he hi'ld at Uie homo of Stella ■ " Caulfeild -Brnf r- a t ■ -21 ;mY- A rgyV:A^^H40v-----3-̂ BARGAINS 1516 Marine Driv.e .Phone "West 710 Cliesterfield "Suites from r$45;--c-O dd-G h€sterfieIds^-from ::|29- Easy Chairs, small, from $6.50 y large from $9.50. WINDO.W SH AD ES........-- •.. CU R TA IN ' RODS •Eurniture Repaired and Re-Covered; B a b y ,C a rs Renovated. ■t SPECIAL .Slitlijv will) ISarlt $1.00 'p'*r cord '.Sliili.'i & Etiu'imfs $3.75 ncr cord SAWDU.ST . ^PIHTAM'.S FUEI. - - IMioiie North (52<î zr -Tilt? gue.st speakej' will be Harry Morro\v. A -gooil turnout of young peojih* i.-̂" req u ested - BAI*TIST CHURCH raiBiBirairas ... Rev.. VVilt'rid L. McKay- 1545 Du ch ess'A ve. The regular m oidlilyrm eeting -r I -■of-'-H3e'^ u nea'H-"l".a (̂->rr kind of f.. W:i- mo.t lh( fThe--pa'stcn'-YVHl-^peak--in--th'C-- gate.s" were'aqipoi idriiing .on the sub.ject "% eing sent the chapter e B e s t ." A story to 'lhe children 'Council of Wo'me; .« » • I ■' ■ .. ■•■■■'*■■■ ̂ ^ ^ :... .... "1 " I.O.D.E^, Was held at the iiorne | of ~Mrs.:v\J) .̂-E... Parmim. Dele- d-Tpoinfed tb'Tepfe^~"| ' J |u ild in g on- the Lopal | omen of the North TRUCIC^LINE . t V- v.*.» u ? 4 .,% k 1 V ' * j V V# V » * ,%a ». » - • V * \ . / L t f \ J X b l i v : X l V l C i i U i •will aks.o'bp a feal-i'ire of the S h ore;'-th ese defegates being | morning service. The 4>vening Mrs. Small, M'rs. Eatook, Mrs.- I..... ..V ... r 1 I.......... . iV. . 4 l« .1' ...TTin... ....... .TkV.:..... •. 1 •„ .............. • 1 HT.. . . ?1 at ASTBURY LUMBER CO, LIMITED 16th and Marine Drive (Opposite the B.C. Electric)- Call Phone. West 199 Estimated' Given Free. Complete Service. : ■ « ' ■» a l.v. West \"an. p.iii. I.v, *\'Hiicouvcr II u.in. A i).iii. . i 11 vf A ».A4̂ , *jv. I f : .* **v- vvv***'*«> iTxx o. kjjjuiii, iTii o; A.iia Lwv./n.j ifXio; - ~^tUAig^'^^'iii~^430ti-^\\4t-h-i-he-lKsua4---~H-.ilburn_7:^l-rsT-(dou-rlay-and:jMi:g7rri __ '___ ,:-Y~aLIR~~OWN JP W N ~~L :'U M B E R ~~Y A B P _ bright Pftgram, .tw o delegates \vere iTf5?itHir:vai!j?rai)?«W5̂̂ ^̂̂ du iilders will be the sub.iac4-<-H a1r.r>̂ 3amiLu-io/|-in *̂ 'oinioction-Avii,h . ' .. j- ' WcnI H.5 Dotiif. -129 iaiBSS! the ' nies.sage. i^Vlex. Kollo -wi 11 the C^ommunit.v Hall. A charm­ sing a ~solo. and the e h o ir 'w in ~ ing-pietni'e--'i'vr Id-iriepR.s Eb'y.nhpf.K -wmdoiMm-iU4t.-lwinn ' ' i-. 1......... .... • i.. ^ 1. .uj.̂ |̂ijA-LULc:.̂ ! rt I 1 i.xj.ucjao~JJjiX£<ciut̂ ̂ -- _ is--t-o-be-h-u-ng- hi--tFe-Uhapt-ei*4H^ M n lli/h iirfi n im c c in o L D rc------- ̂Ii-(y_chiuieh_AScli6 ol(^villijxietit -- --w a i-d- i ii--th eH r̂ci ven tor inn 1. l lU l iy u u i l l i/lC a M llu llc ld ;,t 10 o'clock. New scholars and Mrs: \V. H.-Small and'Mrs 1890 Marine Dilvc ■ , PhQNE W€ST 583 W IISS-D.-H^HORIE Disabled Veterans' ASSN, (192IT ISU-'lit t'acli momh IN IHE FERRY. BUILDING All E\-Scrvico men eligible, oitluM: full or ns.socinto. The Vomig. J^eople'.s Society ' beingAhe representatives in coii- will m eet on M onday.• 8 o'clock, -noctioii w-Uh civic arrahgements' ■ and-the' Prayer M eeting oifWed^ lisbgardinjr. the (^oroinitioh fesfiv-" iiesday at 8 o 'clock. • itios.. I IV 'A < V IA A J . . a * V;,.w . w . v / . v . r v ^ * v . ■ ... .. 1 Qn-AVed(iesda.y,-^April.-j21fht,--a----- The Chaptcr'is'presenting"'th"e ^Hfir="hi4d^i^=tf)c--\V44.h-A-tfrfoewA;Ĥ r- \viUi~fhe J Kaptist Church at 8 o'clock under At "Ihe close of Vhe m eeting the auspices of (he M ission s ix W est Vancouver Girl Guides '■■■ '.S ■■ • .... ' II1 ■ . II ii_.i , ,|„|| II ., ,r 1 ■-- 1̂ .. CEDAR SHAKES of all, kinds waiite.d. .Ag-ji!iU for Kobort .McNair y._ i-- -- V .-u-: ; -- WI hhlAM St >N'̂ S-SI1 A K I-L.Ml Llr 120 l*>phinade ' i t . .... ■ - North Vmu'oiiver ■ Evenings. .W'e.st -nS-R, THE W est Van News. PubU.'<he<i Kvorv rhor.sdnv I'ublishor l \ F. LOVKGROVE *hWitrVS'esr3t)T"̂ 11 uuqv ..Hit t luilit 11 ue.s ci)i ineci eu with tjH' Jackson A venue Mis- , Tea was served'and the meet:: .'̂ lon. A cordial invitation is ex- -in g adjourned with the singing tended to all tn en d s in terested . ' o f the National Anthem . ---------------------------^ -- -------------------------- ----------- W est yahco iiver tA iited G hum h are your This Chundi proposoa to erect a- GYMNASIUM and Class' Eoomo at a cost of approximately $10,000. Kooms ChuiX'hes would bo open to all. organizations from other . *> .^^.omndtleAas been appointed to organize a drive forthe purnos aL™w'4. pose - SubscriptioiLs'can b'e*" foiWrdod to-any'"member of the following' RS*Treas7mm-:^ *Rov" .1 ^R!mT'\vV̂ ̂ " -Busitioss and_ Ediloriul OjTii'O.: 1 ; rTOS^Muriiie' Dnvo-4 --------(-N ex t--t o-Hoi 1 ybimi--IVOr)-- - Phono AVest 3G3 - i S E R V I C E S . > --- NoTLh-Vancouver O ffice: ------ 123 Lonsdale •jt've, -- ' ' ' ' - a year by^rpieTi_.,$2.00 a year' - , . byYuail ' JB tM L O F S T ..F R A N C IS CHURCH-GUIbD :T E ; 'A - •xf WednNdayF-AprU-ZrlRv: a* 3.30-p.m. at the home of Captain and Mrs. Kettle Table of Novelties. -7 Admission, including tea, 26c GW 5-36