West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Apr 1937, p. 3

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Eirerythiiig tor ' ̂ * : ^ y ■"' ... . -™~,„-- B iiild in smm< mm -■ .mi w ARCTIC ICE CREAM 'sŜwsw'irt Ii at ASTBURY LUMBER CO, LIMITED 16th and Marine Drive (OppoBite the B.C. Electric) Cttll Phone Weat 199, ' Estimates Given Free. Complete Service. Y O M « O W N T Q yV N LUlW BER Y A R D Brown and Munton have Mr. and Mrs. James Eckman doubled the space in their store and f a m s p e n t ' the^^^Easter' 1542 Marine Drivp ip take week-end at their summer homeat care of their growinjt business. They are now carrying a com­ plete line of radios, refrigerat­ ors, and washing machines. Jack s Sale C ontinues1516 Marine Drive.. w u jjk wm 0^ ja n |y v £ ii | JUPjTaLMimMiji Phone West 710 ('hesterfield Suites from $45; Odd Chesterfields from $29 Easy Ghairs, small, from $6.50; large-from $9.50., WINDOW SHADES -- CURTAIN IlODS l'\irniture Repaired and Re-Covered; Baby Cars Renovated. irt^-Caulfeild.:- Mrs. Mary Ann McCreery, mother of Mrs, William Mc­ Cartney of 2893 Marine Drive, John Lawson's real estate and passed away last Friday in Van- insurance office is being con- couver in her seventy-eighth tinued a t the old Iwation at 17th Year. Funeral services were hold and Marine Drive, where will a t 3 p.m. on Tuesday in thb city, also be found, as formerly, the, -kj^terment being made in Ocean West Vancouver office of this View Burial Park. ill Uutk or Ilrickit Vanilla, Strawberry or Neapolitan DfUvmHl to your order Amblesiile fharmacy W. L. KEH, Prop. 1401 Alarine Drive Phone: West m FREE DELIVERY , k H O p E L JA RHO FRATERNITY D A N C iE -- ®**diday, A pril 9 th In the OttANGE HALL . " pandnifOiot. . .. Marie Abrams'Orchestra.' 1 " Favors - Refreshments newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. Grist and family, .21st and.Argyle Avenue, moved today to the'city! . MI&s Whitton and M iss'H ar­ per, both of' Vancouver, have moved into a house a t Gordon and Marine Drive for the sum­ mer months..... j ■ • ■ ♦ « Miss Elsie Mackay of For Langley, is spending the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs.'J. M. Stratton, 1468 Marino Drive. ' * .« * Mr. and Mrs. A. B. .Stevenson have moved fron? 25th and Belle­ vue Avenue, into their house.in North Vancouver. ". I ♦ ■ ♦ ■ ♦ ■ land c lea r in g EXCAVATING, -BLASTINg,.„ ' :■ eteV'- ,. ' ' ■■ ' J. SUMMERFIELD - 21235' Mathers Ave. BUILDING PERMITS ESTABLISH ALL-TIME ^ ' RECORD Mrs.T. Hastings and daughtc^iv _Miss Betty Savory, of.Duncan,. * of Vancouver, have moved into- Vanebuver Island,, is'̂ 'spending a house a t 2557 Bellevue Ave- the E as te r ' holidays with her nue for the summer, parents. Colonel and Mrs. K. W. ♦ ♦ * Savory, 27th and Ottawa Ave-„. West Vancouver W ater Board nue. • recently purchaised from MqMil- ....... . * ' *............ ....... ■" lan M otors Ltlh^of N orth : Van-^ Mr. and Mrs. .E. Partridge of- couver, a new Chevrolet*pick-up Sherman, * have just ' returned- delivery truck, 1937 model. Stratton's BAKERY Fruit uml Meat Pies, ' All kinds of Cooklc|( • « Apple 'rurnovern DouRlmutH Eccica CakcM WeddiuR CnkcH n Specialty Wo make ovorythinR right'on Iho piomiHos, Fresh Daily, from drat class iuRroclionts, Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, . r* Phone West 27 from England where they have been'visiting relatives. On their way back from Halifax they visited'the old home of Mr, Part- 4< ,>)< >l< DiV Er Therrien, 1644 Marine Drive, left Tuesday night for Seattle bo attend the convention of the American College of Sur­ geons. He will return, on,Friday. K.W. 1443 Marine Drive•t. - Ainhleside Phone West 34|® EVehings/ West, 143 tistingslfanted: «(• Shower ; Last month established an all time record in building perm its,' ridge at Charlottetown, P.E.I.; the municipal hall having issued after thirty-seven years' absence -tWehty-six totalling $104,285, . v " * * *• which- was a lm o st, double the , " Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jamieson amount of $54,670 for March,, and family have moved from 1936. Particulars ar^ as folllows 1 .1303 Clyde Avenue into a house 14 'dwellings $30,500; 4 garages, -^at 1347 Clyde Av^iue. . , $385; 2 additions,. $700; 4 alter- ations, $1,700; d -club house, ' G. W. Kissick,'who spent the ̂ the home of Mrs. J. A. McMillan, $70,000;:" ! " service station,, "Easter holidays a t^h is home, 15th and Inglewood/ Avenue. The local telephone girls ent­ ertained a t a_ shower giverr in honor of Miss Peggy Beavis at Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY uiul FRIDAY -umi - SATIJRD AY.:M ATINEE,.. April l8t, 2nd and 3rd ROSS ALEXANDER BEVERLY ROBERTS *HOT MONEY' .also "SPECIAL . INVESTIGATOR" (Onco only at 8:20) , SA'L EVENING and MONDAY* : . April 3rd inul btli $1,000. _ . 1326 .Hayjvood Avenue,y left on . The presents were presented W. C. T. U. Tuesday^o return -bo=HalLMoon^ -^in -a-basket gaily,. deo6rated_,in_ Bay. .. ' : the festive Easter colors, aiid,. , * * > * ' the evening, was spent in i play- Mrs. Kilby :Roris'0n and Miss ing bridge and monopoly, , theV ancouver W omen's ' ' .TpI - Florence Kilby of Cauifeild, had prizes going ' to M iss'. Bubbles gu est over th e "E a s te r '^ S m 1 tlr"!md'TMTS7-J--MT-Ge^ggi - -h p lid ay s ..M iss . Janet.,,a r.e ig . of Yeljow^ _and , violets'p.m 7at' the Baptist Church, cor-i nfir'of Duchess Avenue and°l5th Vancouver.; centred -the linen covered sup-. SlTHHtri\!rsr^TmTe^-'-G!3^yfTr^s^ -p~ei^tabJeJwhidiTglQwedjwijJi:y£^ ^ ̂ C. E. Burbridge of Uoluelet, low and purple tapers. •'Purple dent^ot the District w .u .i .u ., Vancouver Island,., is spending and yellow streamers from the _ be the guest the Easier holidays a t his home, ceiling were , fastened at. each ■""afternoon. A splendid--mû îcar! , . -2309 Marine DHveT'^^--------- -̂----- cbrner^of-the-table___ . -■ program , is being prepared and , . * * * . - Amone- fhosp nresenf were: refreshm en ts will be se rv ed ..; M agistrate^and. M rs. Macken- the-^M isses M ary cW michael, ladies are-bprdially invited. SOCCER . On Good Friday,.. _the__ locals continued their unbeaten record with a 2-.1 victory^ bver .the Send S eco n d place V ikihgl^ V ^ s t Van- ; - co u v e r, opened th e s p r in g w ith ijayiLeltt^eirdidvedbyi zie Mathesbn and' Miss . Jean NeHierSear-le, Barbara Allwork, Matheson-spent the week-end-at- _ Bubbles.^ Smith, Gwen--HPdge,- Caulfeild. Miss IMatheson Had Phyllis Neale, Irene McCrum, -Miss^Peggy-Thoma's-ol-Vanco.Uf^iMary and Jesse Eadiej_ Mrs. ver as her house guest. ' t ' Reynolds, Mrs. . 'Bartlett,^'Mrs. ' * * - "JSQddonT-:Mrs/JViimn,: .'Mrs. Bel 1, GRACE.MOORE FRANCllOT TONE " THE KING ^ S T E P S OUT"- • also "MOVIE MANIA" ̂ "DON'T LOOK DOWN" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY April Cth and 7th €̂TT2YR1tES^R UGGirKS- 'Wives Never Know' , (Once only at . 8':25) also "IT HAD TO HAPPEN" con^ , J>y ^Tong Distance IP nr When it's' time for celebration in the hon^of far-away f riends I3iipe£=y-auE=ryfl!iG.^^^ Soon after,the Vikings tied it up of Mrs. F. W. Smallwood and the oh a misunderstanding by the late. Major A. T.-Smallwood, to local defense, Roots nipping it to Mr. Brian Good, eldest son of take advantage of the lapse. ■ Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Good of 2081 AfteY several opportunities had East "27th Avenue, Vancouver, been missed Ray Burgess dashed The wedding will take place on in to spore the winning, goal late 24th* April in St. Francis-in-the- in .the, second half. . _ Woods Church, Qaulfeild., i 6h Saturday the boys meet ' ♦ ♦ ♦ Provincial Recreation at"Cambie A most enjoyable party was Sia-eet. Kick-off a t 4 p.m. given on Saturday evening by Mr. andd\lrs. A . CromaniBnicejaL Engagement ,'^vMrs. Gdggie, Mrs. Hoey, Mi*s. The engagement is announced Hughes, Mrs. Ellis,'Mrs. Starkv . . * r _ ŝ--C r e e l m a n T - ' - ^ - -- :--- LITERARY SOCIETY The next meeting will be held on th is / (Thursday) evening, in the lower hall of the United * Church .at-^8 o'clock, when Mrs. Selwo'Od wiil-presenf a st-udy^of-- Barrie's play, " The Admirable Crichton." All friends who are interested are welcome -.to be ©fe^l-at-iJ to the joys of the-occasion. Call them by long-distance telephone. A wedding in Nelson, a. birth in NanaihiO'. an anniversary in. Vietoria ;^F:j.eyents..suoh_a_s tbese call for congratulations by long­ distance telephone. .the.i-r!iQme,.-2l3(LArgyle Avenue, U E D i r m A K E e ^ to celebrate - the- . twenty-fifth FUEL SUPPL Tnside Mill Fir Bark on ........... .$5. Dry Bush Fir........:./.-$A,M-Cord Heater and ̂ ' Furna.ee B locks., .z:. ,$4,00 cord Fireplace Fir-^:........-,..jp4,00 cpr,d Slabs & Edgings...;..::..$3.75 cord Green ' Alder and Maple, - SAWDUST No. 1 F ir ^ w d u s t - . ' Bulk o r• Sacked OP unitL Manure - Topsoil - Rock - Sand Gravel - Dump Truck Work RLliS, TH0MI»SON . 'I * . of all kinds wanted.------ WILLIAMSON'S SHAk E MILL . 120 Esplanade _ * North Vancouver ~N^tbrl225~ -- Evenings, -West 418-R. anniversary of Mr. Bruce's-entry into the field of journalism. In­ cluded among the guests were a number ^of .members from the editorial-and ad-vertising--staffA. of the three Vancouver daily papers, and a very time CONSUMERS' l e a g u e : (West- Vancouver) Tlife regular business meeting of the above league will be held "honre"bf^TS7i37J57^tehe= _ON_ An y h a k e BROWN & MUNTON,' -. ,1542 MARINE _DJ?JVE WEST 3G6-- Mi*!n1)0rs--A.Il*T; of ;B.O. k C. T ELEP H O N E C O . / Highest quality home cooked .[i^fdod. We specialize in Chicken JPles - - j» . D . Q . C A F E *1512 Marine West 616 was spent, in games and danc­ ing, ■ dainty refreshm ents - being . served during_the evening. A- - mong those present W ere: Mr. and Mrs. J. , Noel Kelly, Mr.-arid"' Mrs, A. H.. Williamson, Mr. and- Mrs. EvJ&ritt Leslie, the Misses -- Doris - Milligan- Peggy -Higgs^: Graoe Goodall, Zoe .Zimmerman^ Gladys' Pearson ;„Me"ssrs" Jerry Wilmot,^ Hiemie IvbsheyoyrWm^^ Dunford, all of Vancouver; Reeve ' and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, .Mr, and "Mrs. Jbhri^Tr-Fux^Mr-.-and^Mrs. - Jas .B isse t, Miss Mae G arrett, ' Mr. Jack Scott, Captain and Mrs. _F. F. Lovegrove, Kenneth Bruce, • Mr. and Mrs. A. Cromar. Bruce.. iin, 2270 Haywood Avenue, at 8 -p;m,, Monday, April 5th 'There are/som u/im pprlant matte to be discussed and all members are urgently requested to attend. DELPHINIUM, PHLOX, TORCH LILY, VI'0LET:S. Etc. SPECIAL 25 Choice Rockery Plants All d ifferen t........... $3.00 RICHARDS'. .NURSE.RY___ ^ " 23rd & JefferHon Ave. DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I.O.D.E. GAY NINEYY'S d a n c e FRIDAY, .^2 iid --A P I^ in the ORANGE HALL Dancing--9 'to 1. * * Admission: 75c; Couple, $1.25„ Refreshments Nothintrido- Small-- We pay foY Empty-B€er Bottles Notbin{r too -- - Large^^ | 4 5 c F O F ^ f W b - D O Z E N We also bhy other kindi of Bottles, Rags, Sacks ' Metals, Fornriu^^^ ̂ - Stoves, Tools,-Etc.;/ ' ' Highest Prices Paid Tor Everything. C a U W e s t a i and we will call a t you r door Burrard Jniik Co. * ' . ' EXPERT ' ' - ' ^ ^ a tc h an d Clock r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON - - , (formerly w ith ' Birks- 'Ltd., ̂ Montreal): 1522 Marine Dirive ----------.. i'-: --- ^ ----------- :........■'■t--- .■. ....--------------- ------ The Country Dancing Group of the Townswomen's Guild {> - ~ - DANCING and CARDS - ^ -TH the ORANGE-HALL on S A T U K D A i:^ lP R JL :X 0 # -- ------ -- _ 0 -J Courjtry and Modern Daribes. " # 'r Admissiori:: C ^ u p l0 5 c .; ~ Single, 40c, m l i t :