I -w w n rf AW 0wiT«pcaww:B JUv. HIMi* WHfbt, Mliiltttr StttiAcr B*rHem '■ '-m i6 «.«;, P.*»- " Suiuiay School *nd BibU Claw 10 m.m. Str»nir«irt A Vliitora W*leoini. For Gorgeous Hair . IImv*' II iivw Ti' (Vol IVrr»Bm*nt Wiivf. Tv ( '<>} IH V*̂**̂**̂**2f»'< l.'llni Violntum; rocoti* ilitio;iifiJf liHir wbili* you «r«' huvMiK your rcniiunoni. J),y, hriulc luilr turiiH to HOft ItJHlroUK WHVCK with 'iV* C ol, Gvoefido/yn's. Beauty Shoppe _ CreMtorM Of KxcIuhIvc reriniinentH, ,J546 Morinc Urivo • .. VVrMt 117 -- -r--- -- RAPT18T CHUItCU Miniater "Rev. W. L M«K»y, B.A., B.D. 8«nd»y Bervlce* luioo cludmic Adult Cla»* > n #.m. & 7i30 p.m.--Pr«»chlruf Service*. A hearty welcome to ail WEST VANCOUVER C h r i s t i a n S c ie n c e ................. S o c ie ty ■........ - - CUURCU KDIFU K 20th and Kaqoiiualt. UoUyburu ~ Thl* Society i« » Dranob oi ' Thi Mother t'huKn The First Church of ChriitL . Sciential, in ^Sunday Service: lldiO a.m. Sunday, April 1th. H O L L Y B P R P I HALL nth ami Duche.s« Sl'NDAV, APRIL Ith Subject: ' yuriiluy .School nm! llible C.Ihhh at JO u.fi. ... "UNRI'IAI.ITV" Sunday .Service ut 7:.'JU p.ni. Spe-rial .Sjjeakfi': Ml{, .JACK ANDERSON (Thrniurh eo-oi*<'i*̂ Dciii of the ........ ....... Younj: Men) ' ■'Sunday School at lOiOO • Testimony Meeting Weiinesday , at 8:16 p.«. The public is cordm ly In vited to attend our «ervite3 ami , mcetingfi.*»f Special Singing. ■¥ ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH IJKKI JUST ARRIVED 'rv. ii nul iiifcfe Imported Materials..........$25.00,.aml up r n i n '- V . OATS.......$14.75 «nd up .:; V a u ..: i .» S« in™ $ m r i m ; - « d - $ i u » - " jjYi.s for every occasion. ,,L01;.SKS ?1.95, $2.95, and $3.96 I nt of NKW DRESSES just in from the East. . ,rp',r1r-Vw"i' $i."0 1"' >" GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOPPE n:jO Miiriiu* Drive West 662 - I»iN(J l*0N(J Te/trn.s ■ Bcavors DR. a: l). / / . SEALE D.D.8., L.D.8. d e n t ist lUyJlIook, Mill and Marino Dr. ...... . ()n'i(7o uVurMTtiro'prmT ... :. EVorjlniiCH by. appp.intni®/'̂ *. Phono .West 72 21sl & EHquimalt 'Avc. Rev. IiniiH W riK ht, M in ister Sunday Services: I l : l6 a-î * and 7 :15 p.ni. ' . „.„Suj,iday„ (̂;ji<.y>Lat .10. ___ KKpInrei-s will .meet on Mop- ■.d.uy:,:-ai:l.J>-Di rhone West 540 , , SCOUT NOTES .;.. '•'■On' .Monday:::i:m'ening .jiext," AprirSth; at' 8 p.m., the Ganadi.. . an ̂Pacific"" 'Kailway,Cktoipaiiy"'?^ have very kihdly: o6nsented to show several of their travel films to the Soouts ■ apd Cubs, of the 1st West Vancouver (St. Steph en's) Troop a t the Parish Hall; _______ Ap„ jnvitatiori has been „ex- ' ^ .-- 7 ~ tT ,.i Mndi tended to theT2nd Troop and ,Mr. and Mrs.MJodges ol Medi . parents and ciiu' Hat, have arrived at l^her- of Scouters to attend man to spand the summer with very interesting feature. It . ^brother. hVed- is hoped th a t there-will be a ]. w: L T Pts () () 0 0 18iseavoiw . . NO w. V, ,.SizzlcT.s I " i« J « 1 \V. \'. O r ® 'O' i'® / ■. Sunday Ma.sses How Mass -- 8:15 a.jn. . , . . High Mass and-Sermon--10.Ju " ' " "' ' "' ■■ ■" ' ' ' ,'̂ f Rosary and Benediction ,77- ^ p.m thf.). Holmes a tier's , large attendance. 1 Xu. '~Ei»l«lill»ht<l«ii":Northr8hore--- , " .' I ' 25 VearH'": \;' (t-udy-AHHiatunt?) ■ , . HAKUON IJUOS.^ IaTI). JfkUiieral firrcctacfi pNortH Vanebuvee Parlors - 122 West Sixth Street Phone ,N orth ; 1 7 777; V ancouver P a rlo rs 55 Tejith Avenue East Phone Fair. 1 1 8 4 c 'frail Kaligers will meet 1 ue.s- Qatechism and Bible iimtory day at 7 p.m. - - - overy Saturday--9 :30 a.ni. --j.«. j j . j i 1 i_nidot-Wed nes.day„.----- u.-- .Week-day. S.ervices______ at 7 p.ili. - . Mass, daily^7«:15 a.rn. ' (■umniimioii of thol.oi;<l'a Sup- Fridays - Rosary, lieneditlion, tw>ŷ •■NLciri be ■ (>l)serve(l in West . 3:0Qp.m.' ■ . e ■ Vancouver' United , Church hc.xt 'Satur.dayB "". f -- AFTERNOON. T E A . & - ir„,i,/.au,siriros^)f'st. StepheuVs V Inglewood . , ......... /?>': in..Inglewood .Sunday School, W e d n e s d a y .-APRIL 7th, 1937, a t 2 :30 p .m . -A7®,To™ To,rZ6r'------- ,l(om a.C ookinB .._„-..i,:.P!a^ ..... Sabbath at th e m o rn in g serv ice Hece])tion of hew mernbors, will take place at this service. All members of the congregation art ̂ re<iu('st,e(l td.be.ipiesent.^ 'fhore .will be a meeting of the Hyard of Stewards next-Tue.sday evening at half pa,«t .seven o'clock ---- VERNON FEED STORE "A^.'^5tRltK-~^"honc^, W -4ilertilkcrfl^f,.j|Jl.Kjnda^, Wood, Cb^, . Builders* Supplies 'I'lnswOrbe fdl()we(Tby a meet ing of, the Quarterly ..Board On. tli(' same evening at 8 ofclpck. ■-Plre-'ltuilding Committee ap^' ^ 7:80 p.m. to 8:80 p.m. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH .Rey,'F. A. Ramsey"-- ---- ■ . Sunday, *April .1th ■ ' 8:00 a.m.--Holy Ccmnnunion. 14:15 a-ni-W- Holy Commumbn , . . ahUTermon. . 7 :15 p.m. -- Evpnsong.a.nd .bcr_ ■mon. . West Vancouver Orchestral Society ' ---- ■ n . ... I ' V ' fli' Monday,"April 5th, 1937Orange Hall' 8.15,p.m.... ^ ADMISSION: 3 5 C . hoiiLYBu r n h a l l --•mrn'trh*d--iit^UKt-W-nnual--Meeting--7 Smidtvy-Schodl-̂ t-HdM-Hbl e - C l a s s ^ ^ ^ ----■"TTf'ifl"" of - t he congregation consisting held as usual .a't lO.a.m. ; X J IJ-X A ttJL , JL /< l l4-xA vl A ..... .. Sunday'the'special speaker •TorAhe neci's.sary money to erect be Jack Anderson,-this haying "r-'̂ ~"itew~dt{ttt--ftfHl---Sunday--'-School--.-•b-eeny-aî t̂ h-gt̂ d-rM-lirQ.ug.h--the--cih FOR -nFmENDA-RLE . JE R y iC E DAVE ANDERSON;' West' V ancouv^~ R e^sin fafiW 7 Phones--- West'691tL -or North 1310' t'. '4 ED. BLACK WEST .6 8 COAL - - WOO© ©UMI>W 0 a K . SLABS $4.00 cord : 2 cords $7.50 room. Mem hers and friends of , 'operation o f the „ yi>ung, - mem .the congrogiition will subscribe. There will also be special smg- gche'rously towaixLs-this project. . ing. - ' Tue.sdav. 2 :15 n'.m. -- Regular -7 •' ----------- ̂ ~T7Lrr,rrt W., A, Meeting in-the Church CHURCHES OF CHRIST, Hall. Hostesses : Mrs. -lUinkin,^ SCIENTIST , ^ . -Mrs. Ross ancr Mrs. Stitt. ' "F T h F ^em o r YcYung People's hold it.s._regii,Ia£jnoet- subject .of 'Ing..- heiict^Monclay evening, in all Churches of Christ, Scieh- •-Borden Cameron,'Social Service--tist,-Oil-Sunday. -- CiicftteiWancQu--- The'XToldeir'Pext is: "Sure.ly ' U'KIvE Ai^lTW '"^vii 1 "be--the- CONCRETE CONTRACTORS . E.xcavation Work----- ̂ Land Clearing.. . First 'G'rdwth~Fir- Stove -Wood -̂---------------- .• Dry Maple and Alder Fireplace Wood ' - Coat Briquettes TEAROE-& SON, . • 1427 .MARINE DRIVE . .PHONE W E S T .*84 Disabled Veterans' ASSN.-(1921) MooIh on 2nd ami -tth Tuosday.s ouch.' montli l., in . M r.'lilower'a oiVico . -t AH" Ex-Sorvice*".mon 'oligibUb ,cither full or jr.sHocintc, . vov Young' PoopIe's^hm TCwill CToh'wllI-iiot-lTearrvramty-,-neither . be the guest, speaker/; AH' young will, the. Almighty regard" it." people are cordially invited. It (Job 35: 13). , " is the intention of the--Union to • Among tlie citations which re-organixe the Sundmy School comprise ,the. Lesson - Sermon is library and the members solicit the following from the Bible; the assistance of the members 'IRest iir=the. .Lprd, and. wait _ o f , th< .̂ ^congregation in this ef-'. patiently for Him: fret not ,thy- fort. Furtlier information will__self b̂ecause of -him, wjho pros- 1 . . • . ' 1 ..W ' . u . ? _ '1 - . 1 .. • > J . 1.^ _ a t-T '* ) ...1 i . . ^ * \ 4 ' W ' . U I .V • « • * <.x V V L k .... ---lTLs'urc--r ir.-r.̂ r/=/:'/;?h.r>i) "piM* writ î lab.H with Ih»rk' $4,00'.jicr i<fn'd Slnb.s .Eiiging.s $3,76-per oord- , SAWDUST 4 V PIllTAM'S FUEI. • . ^ ̂ Rhone North 620 A. V / 1 V * • • , v a *• a» a « w a . * i * * n.# * « * « « « > v . - r »■ « ■ ■ ___ ̂ ^ ^ , v . "- ^ be gl¥dly^Tveh by theHh'esident per'etH in liis way, because of the . and Secretary. Members, re- nVan who bringath -wicked de member ter- bring- your .books vices to pass." (Psalms 37 : 7) . - -- - .BAPTIST CHURCH' • - Trom. the- Christian Sciemce textl-y^F -jviijiistqr-/_____ - -bo.dk.:.C'Sccnoei_and~HeMth--\y-th-l./_/ Rev. Wilfrid L. McKay ' ̂ Scriptures" by Mary» ; ' 1545 Duchess Avd. » Baker Eddy: "Human hate has ' no legitimate piandate. and no • Killed '̂'/ WEST VAN ; Sheet Metal Woilu Phone Went 39 Furnace and RalTKe Repairs, Ŝ wduirt Rurne^^^, . ----■--------- "----- ----------------- Miss Mary Epp; a missionary w ho-has just Returned, after .serving her„ second term in. the Ganadian'EaptisC field-of Bolivia, I. 6. p.^E. The. regular--meeting of the -jzrrrr"* t h e ;. V/<ll4i4V* A»Vl I 'X.1C11,/ViO V • 11 Vr iV*- V/l, 4 '-t» '•»'**■* *--i Vl\/V L A *1 ̂ ' UlTti - V-. win speak Sunday morning/ The Hmicti^ haw^ffr^tfhapter, l.O.I). : M Lord's Supper .Nvill be.-obser\^---E.-,----will be held/on 'Alonday, », a t the close. of the servicoT" The "April 5th', at the hpm"e" of :Mrk"' - - -pastor, will speak in the evening W., E.. Parnum, 1768 Inglewood'^y "T"" on th e subject, "The Burning Avenue, at 1:45. »» _______ COMVEMiENCEl are your l E A ^ E X P E N S E ® . t W ^ t Van N ew s............. . ..... Puhtishcil Evorv--Thiirsdiiy --- i.- ■■ •' ■. ..... PubUshor-.. F. F, LOWEGROVE --^ ^Phoir^Vesi 363"̂ "'̂ " Heart. , _ The Church School cont;imies" to graw steadily. It meets each Sunday morning at- 10-o'clock. - A feature d r "tKe7school is the . aduIt-Bible Class for men and women.' You ai*e cordially invit- ed. - IRisIncjss-aiul-Kditorinl .OlTiccT 170vS Marino Drive -- '(Next to IloUyburn P..O.) • Phone West 363 J North Vancouver Office; 12.7 I.onsdaU\_A ve^ ___ The^J^oimg Pec®le^ Society wilLmeet on Monday St 8 o'clock.; - J.-C . Brealey will give an ad.- dress on "Pauline Johnson," the ; Indian pwtess. . . ^ .--MThe-prayer-meeting is held 'each Wednesday-at 8 o'clock./ MARINA CAFE & ----BAKELRHOP ttlpp-, Gateway) Pull Course Meals-12 ~2- Only 35c. ' ^ ' Our Crenm and Lemon Pies are _ ; "dehcious-ancLsll-cMicga on the premises b,\-̂ tb[e proprietors. Teresa & Iona Kerrison S E R V I C E S a Tittle^bluing added to the. Hollyburn Dressmakers 4.,; 1890 Marine Drive * : __ Ph.0NE_WEST_583 - ___- '■ : : ■' i ' 'V: $1.00 a y^ar by c.<irrior; $2.00 a year 'Vatei* when scrubbing "floors will _________ 4>y mail ~ ~ make ̂ the' floors much whiter. MTS3 p; H. ttORJE 5-36 /X :■