West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Apr 1937, p. 1

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ft♦ • *4 r w-̂ ̂̂ PROVirJClAL S«̂ir M4(»M>̂ •<'-M/)irfvil't~ ----------- , . . -- L.» L W e e k l y --N e w s p a p © Circuiatins in the District o f West Vancouver-Ambtesiie, Hollyburn, Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. CypreSS Park, Caulfeild,Whytecliff, RtC. «c per copy «t newsatanda. Vol. XI HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL lit, 1937 ' . . . . 1 • - . •■• . ■ ■>- .i, ■ '■ ■. ■■!• -..l.. ,, ,, , ............................................................................. ...................... . . . . . . . -- ̂ ',r 1 ■ . . . . . . . . No. 52 THE FIRST NARROWS BRIDGE BUS TICKETS The announcement th a t work had been started on the road llirough Stanley Park was of peculiar interest to all those interested in seeing the F irst .Narrows bridged, since tha t road must first, be built in order tha t the heavy materials necessary l\9i' the actual bridge construction can be taken to Prospect' I'oint. ' " ' . According to press reports the long delay has been caused by the numb6r of legal technicalities which have , had to be overcome. This brings to one's attention the 'd rift of Canadian •law in this' direction over the. last twenty or th irty years. A.s wo see it-, and we say it with all respect, th is drift is not it) the country's good, nor is"it. to our benefit as Canadians to have ten legislative bodies, all efigaged in making laws and .Capt. Vince, manager of Muni­ cipal Transportation, advises tha t instructions hhve been given to withdraw the sale of bus tickets, at 17 for 50 cents. The strip tickets at 8 for 25 cents which have become so popular will remain. WEST VANCOUVER, BUSINESS MEN'S ASS'N COMING EVENTS The next meeting of the West Vancouver Business Men's As­ sociation will bo held a t 8:80 p.m. next Wednesday, April 7th, in t,he P.D.Q. Cafe, 1512 Marine Drive. • Friday, April ICth -- Annual Dance of B.C. Telephone Com­ pany's stafi' in Holly barn. Pav­ ilion. Friday, Anril IGth - - St. Sieph- <Mi's 24th Anniversary Sale in the'Parish Hall. ' each'with separate rights which have, to be satisfied. ' Gaifada . is .still largely in the pioneer .stage, inore especially in this, . j TT . • T I The committees appointed to Q investigatethequestion.s o fgar- Summer Schedule wdl be-^n op̂ ^̂ bage and fire protection, will re- ation on the 16th April, time jg ]̂g(J intended to dia- which will be published. i>hss the m atter of police protec- The construction of the new tion in the municipality. .JOINT CHORAL SOCIETY'S PRACTICE province. ' We need the common law capably and honestly administered,' as it certainly is . and always, has been, but we could "do very well' without a great nurpber of statutes which ' have^been and' r̂<5 being superimposed t|hereto, th a t is,- if^the (levelopment of this country is, to proceed w ith reasonable rapidity. ^ . ......... ^ There are many jn.„Vancouver still unalterably opposed to the bridge. In the past they told those ol: us who lived on. this -N orth Shore- th a t ..permission . fo r- its ,-.building..„„yvould.̂ : never-- be granted. .'Now th a t everything, is settled, their'cry is that the bridge will neyer be finished. This, of course, is the worst kind of flapdoodle, as none know better than they. The cause, of their hostility is a most sinoere'and un-,̂ ^̂ reasoning fear of th^ possible development of the North Shore. , It is true we have the edge on the c ity . in 'th e , m atters of climate and scenery, both of them very great advantages, but the whole of-Vancouver,.;s not going to move oyer holus" bolus to Wes t̂ a'pd North Vancouver-the'rnoment the bridge-is- completed.- ' 'v ----- -------- ----- *;...... .... .................. - There will be, of cou r^ , considerable migration from now on, more particularly on the part of the well off, the newly married, and those- coming to Vancouver from outside points. This still leaves" the .great m ajority of the home owners resi- . (lent on the south side of the, Inlet, rriost o f whom will have to stay where they are until they can '̂ 11 their present hold- ̂ intrs. And th a t will be no easy matte'r,- even, supposing, all of ^ bus as underway and Diesel engine Has been shipped, from the Old Count/y. NEW LOCAL AGENCY The West* Vancouver Clipral Society are putting oil their It is requested that all mem- regular practice next jVIonday bers make a point of being pres- night owing to the West Vali­ ent, and a hearty invitation is ebuver Orche.stral Society's con- extended to all local' business cert that evening, and will in- who are ilpt members, to stead.hold a joint practice with ....: * HUDbON-CAKb attend' and joliT the"asi^oclatioir'™"thb" KeVrf.4dale' Choral «" R. J. Seeds; proprietor of Motor Service Station, 1490 Mar- ihb Drive, has taken over-the ---West -Vancouver- ageneyffor the- ; , well known Hudson Terfaplane cars. These cars are equipped CANADIAN LEGION W.A. The usual monthly meeting,pf the;W7A7f6';the"Canadian"tcgidn' was very' well attended. Much Society next day . (Tuesday)', at . 8:10 p.m. at the Western Music Company, 570 Seymour Street. , business was discussed. "Mrs. M. with tw o braking sy stems, radial Fartington was elected as the safety steering control, time de- delegate from, the local branch veloped, steel bodies, front seat TO CELEBRATE CORONATION HERE them wished, to do so.'. .. Meanwhile w eJn . W est yancouyer,.inay..Iopk-forward-w confidence to' a period' of great" activity in the immediate :future;--whiohwv'ill-be cpnsiderablyjenhancjdljLS^ iTdn of "the . Citizens' Committees are being , ,r. - . ■ . Ibrmed for full 55-inches air wheel tires to Victoria for an-import- ing the necessary arrangementsiUii oo incncb,. dir wneei tires, ant executive meeting. Mrs. T.- to hold coronation celebrationsairplane type . shock absorbers, Tiirner and Mr« M A Parfimy- nom ooioimuon ccicwiauuns and are priced from $ l . p d6- ton were a t p o i n t ™ ' a t ( K u ^ d a y ! " Ma; 9th, it if)' power weig]^^ ra t'o and^^^vwn Tn? ' hoped to have a general outdoor . S i r s I f c to n o m y S S i s t o as I"- SchoolT̂\yrv. __ 4-1.,, I-,,- urospy as a npw memDer. grounds, to which church congre- ^A tea wfll be held at the home gations, the general public and -of )Mrs. S h ^ ^ 967^^^ihe sclfbol ohildrbn w ilfbe^ 20th S tre e ra l 2:30 p.m. on"F n - • ed̂ to" a ^ day, April 2nd. \ be given .by some proWinent ^ W N S W O M E N 'S GIJILD :~' "?mlMoiKiay oyThhaday H Is expeefed th^atirhoischool children." Mr. Seeds recently ,sold one of them • to the local police departr menf- ------ TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD r ' ̂ DANCJE J the auspices o f the Scho^ Board ;£^pheei=t-=^with^ tax our resources, both municipal and otherwise, to the limit. ̂ AtHrho~^mo~finio-our-4riohdff4Hr^4ie-eif-y^need-rnot^feel-afKsdd7- for Vancouver-is now too big for our gam to be the ir loss to that point wherg"tt -wili hurt, as niany of them seem to fear. ^ * We have, suffered very much and have waited many years fxii^-j.ii.Rtu,^-nhasohabl^-transpQrtatlon It is not a great deal to ask, as tl^ey m ust-^m if." , In te n ';^ears. there vdll not be one man in* Vancouver who will not be a bo6ster for the F irs t Narrows Bridge.. He-will take strangers to 'it.'as the o u f s t^ in g viewpoint of the city. W ith a Scottishi.queen on the th r 6 n ^ r 'a h d " 'th e 'Y ? c ^ b S h ^ a t' home and abroad the - 'ir ' i addresses by;-several speakers.Dotn a t nome ana aoroaa^ tne jyfrg. e . Bailey-Price will ad- The Department of Education is Town îwomATi ̂ rniM dr'ess^the jn e^ tiiT i^ ^ supplying ah iHusirated'pCirona- .^®'Wnswomens Guild IS sp^ Pan-Pacific Conference of- "tion bobklorto^everv child in-the-ing a special,evening Saturday,' -- uon duukil-l lucvuiy ©miu m.tne April 10th,>jh tbe Orange .Hall. _̂ A larjge number of Vanco u v e r ^ _________ - S c o tti^ .wdl Group wifl" meet at the cFachan join, with West Vancouver- in a Friday a t 2 -o'clock, jolly evening Women." Miss Marjorie Murray ,wiir be the guest violinist., JIbe_Scof.ti.shGojjntry_JQanc,in^ province. ~ On Tuesday ni^ht a civicdance ' will" be-held in aid-of the Cancer' Fund. - . And he 'will reailize-thenj as he cannot now, th a t its building -mrkod-t-he-greatest-miie,stqjaeTtxrdate^rrrtrhe,progress7o f " y ^ Withdrue'Scottish'dospitalityT"':^FW^POST^OF-FTCE"GT'ENED^^^^^^^'̂ T^^y^^™^^"̂ -^^'^~^^. a program has been draw n up to enjoy tho more" modern" dances ^nd ^Ay prpfusion of -spri-ngdblos^ ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT The, West Va'ncouver Orchestral, Soci^y under the-direc- tion of J. Haydn "Voung will be heard in a very fine program at 8:15 p.m. next, Monday • a t" the Orange Hall. The guest soloist will'be Miss Louis Stirk, &oprano.__^ ^ The program is as follows: . * - ' . * -^-Marc-h-of-the-Peers/-'~from.-Io'lantbe.. ------- . _.Sulhvan; "Evening"Prayer""-from Hansel & Gretal........ :....Humperdinck Hungarian Dances (1 and 4 ) '......... ............- .................... Brahnis Soloist--Lpuis Stirk......................................... .......To be selected -^^^■mte-^Seenes~ld tro resdn e .:^ .- .-- ." .y ^ .......... -...-.-.-.rrdM^sejie^__ ̂ (a)-M arch" - ' d " ̂ . (b) Angeliis - j ̂- (c )' A ir de Ballet. , ^ , 3---- Adagio Pathetique ............... .................. -............................Godarcl -- Soloist-^Louis S tirk .. ........... :.......... ........-,.......^^-dTo be selected "Unfinished: SympJh6hyTL2- „ . . l --^ .......Sohubert - ' I; Waltz--̂"Eiigeiie ^neguihe" from Tschaikowskyls Opera.- T. MOBRAA TEN COMBINED ~ FRATERNITY DANCE ------- d T Y SKI CHAMPION , ■ : ̂ . i ' . , The Rho Delta.Rho Fraternity The Combined City , Ski cham- . are giying. a dance in the Orange _ pronship was won b y , Tom Mo, .Jjja i] q,;, Friday week, April 9>h,: Diaaten when he captured b e tn , , danrine- will take place the cross-country-.and jum ping ^ wq» events Good F nday -on -Holly- .from 9 to 1 a.m. Mane-Abrams • W n Ridge. - ̂ " popuW; orchestra has been -oJ5istimein4he-first-event'-^^ for the tT^asion, and Wiil„ be' novelties, favors |& r a n T & refreshments. - Admission, hird. The going was heavy and - cents. . ,i * weather very thick -! ' ■ .jumping, . . , A man from Ne-w.York was gazing 7 In the class and *̂C" and *he depths of the Grand Canyon̂ junior comp^ttions the results * --VRo"yo« know;" said^the giydd; "it" turned in wdre odd under the took millions of years' foFThis great '^v^ather cond^tiols obtSnin^^^^^f cannon to be'earved out ?" - • ' ' "-'-T̂ ie man was tremendously im- /trs . Jack Bowden; '2^5th 'and Ipr' ŝsed. "Yoii don't tell'me," he com-, j^ye^nue, ,-has' returne.(L._3niated._JimyJ^ -- -®-a-t-Hp to Seattle; ... , a_government.job." _ - -- ......... ; -a lso ^ap p ea i^ o tt-^ h e^ ro g ram T - Tj fhs g,Qĵ g with,silhouettes of demure HoIIybu rn -EostaLstaff^ok_ppjLi--ladies--and--debonair.._geptleroeji_ 1 n w ilLbe--th^ 4ecoration4MA.sed--forr-ir^ne ,lVth Street, openi-The Guild-yhas-extehded ran^in-̂ ̂ ___ _____ _ ___ ___ vitation to all \^e^t Vancouver April 1st, which is the beginning ____ ih their new iocatidnH;heZfdllowih^^^^ residents to join in an evening of fun and jollity. Mrs. A. C. Bagley is the general convener. On the reception committee will be Mrs. Cromar .Bruce, Mrs. RobeHa-Vass,..Mrs.^W:.-H.,_Wood- (i'oek, Mrs. L; Rankine, Mrs. L.. Burley, Mrs. E. H'. Therrien, "Mrs. H asting^ Mrs.'^H. G .'Bar of the Dominion's fiscal year. The personnel of j the staff re-rs mains unchanged. . . v* LIBERAL WHIST & DANCE . : LARGELY ATTENDED The. West Vancouver Liberal sessz; the-setti ng- of - a -"Gay--Ninetyls- , Dance" to be held in the'Orange Hall on Friday-evening, April- . 2nd,"from'9 p'.,m. until one o'clock ' under the auspices of the Dun­ can Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E.- "Frank Bolney's Islanders," a fiVe-rpiece orchestra, will provide "the "in'usic; for. b^thnmbdern"'and old time d'ances and a profession-'^ al Master of Ceremonies will ̂ ■^ftll^^ll- fi gurf>-dahees~As old-^y T iu lu ^ a y . ftrt^°#Tfr^"T)rrvy^mt^ B ^ c^~Hast^fas^hione(j--costumes--wQ^ -of Cards will be under the charge Monday evening in the Orange much, to the merriment of-the M rs.-Robert Piddes and- a - JIall, there being-aiarge attend-i^;evenihg--the--member.s.^_oL_tM committee, and refres'hments ar- ance for the-cards and the danc- cb'nfmittee in charge most cordi- tanged by; A. E. Young ing which followed. The mu.sic ally ask anyone,having an old ---- Ti/r-._ A o f the Harmony Kings' Orches- fashioned costum e,to come at-and committee. Mrs. Alexander will arrange' the music and in charge- of-the- door--will. be__ Dr. W.JH. Yass, Major Eddleston, D. Rankine and Mrs. F! Harrop. '/ Decorations will be . in the hands of the Misses Nairne, Lawson and Hampsbn. . - SPRING TEA & SALE tra was very- popular witlT~the~ many dancers,, who 'throjiged "th^floqr" for every number. Re­ freshments were served during the evening. The. prize winners^ were as follows: whist -- ladies'" first, Mrs. S. O'Grady; gentle­ men's first,- Mrs. H. Fletcher; travelling- prize, Mrs. G. Childs; raffle prize, presented by Mrs. Turner of North Vancouver, George Quinan with ticket No. 381. ^ BRITISH - ISRAEL The spring tea and sale of home^cooking of the St. Steph­ en's - Inglewood W. A. will be. . held a t 2:30 p.m. on-Wednesday, April 7th. in .the Inglewood Sun­ day School,. .Afternoon tea will be served under th.e. convener- ship of Mrs. Newman, while Mrs. Batchelor and Mrs. -GeO;r^ackson will have charge of honie-cook-. ihg. A table of plants-will be in charge of jMis's Almas and t h e ' Junior W.A. under the leader­ ship of Miss Cross will look after the candy stall. Further.partid- , . .. .___ ^ ulars -app^r-HTr--advertlsement- Special invitation to all to at- elsewhere in this paper. • . . .^nd, __ _ _ t l r e d 'I r T a i r th e i r '^ f e n d O u r ^ request i_s__entirelyjoptional. "The Gay Ninety's" is the theme for the - dance with good music, favors, , novelties and refresh- - ments and a real" evening's, en­ joyment is anticipated. Invitations are available- by telephoning Mrs. I. Welld Craw­ ford, West 636-R, of Mrs. W. B. Small, West 638. The:admission. single 75c; couple $1.25, WEST VANCOUVER DICKENS BOOK CLUB :; ; '!]Phe Tegular weekly meeting of the Dundarave Branch of the B.-L Federation will be held as usual in the hall a t 25th and Don't fo rget the repeat per­ formance of six sketches from "Our Mutual Friend," which itf being given biy special request Marine on Monday," April 5; a t 8 p.m. tonighf^(Thursday) in speaker, Miss E. Harrop; sub- St. Stephen-sFarish;HalLby_.the ject; "Westminster Abbey, Past West Vancouver Dickens Book and P resent" ; musical numbers . Club, There will also beA niusi-.' by David Easton. Refreshments, cal program. AdmissionJA-Omita, "the proceeds going to a fund for fe-condi'tioning the piano. A 'I'l r 1' -hH.