West Van. News (West Vancouver), 25 Oct 1934, p. 2

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a * ! » fit ̂ I I 44: -ITT ,, irfi".! I - '■/ n!».s. (,;»'• %V I TBS 1 ^ S R i t f i i i r ttmm If title Wel*1**'■|tiHtiU*̂ "'. JK#t# .111111#. W.|pypMf j|Ki#lMSMr<' li lts MJm*t f tlS jMi. Sund»r Seliool «»di Btbl* CIimni SIrailfwj'a it Vliitwrt Wî tatm*. HOUYlOm i t t l l • jy * latJbi jittiJQNiiiiaiiijrr- " #n W TOjPP"V'f̂WB!PP>̂ifflF 4 ruiPAY. <KX 2i« U fiM flluitrmt«dt Ltatatti jSnrviM lor Yoon# P«oplo, i*db^w-.#r " - K0«'akrr: Be Prepared for HALLOWE^EN BtttMken MIL JOttBf WilBOM HVSDAY, OCrOBBU ZBtk JO:fJO *.m., Sunilay School and Vounif ., Sunday St kcn'» Bihio Ota#. FESTIVITIES with a Modern Halo" One <̂ the LATEST CREATIONS from Ftfth Avenue Gvffendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1S49* M«Hi|f Drive For appointmente PilO N D WEST 117 L iq u id P E T R O L A T U M A 16 oz. ItotUa for 49 cento Heavy ituaafan Oil Wo carry alao -- AGAHOL -- Three oiaea 75c, $L00 Ik tl.39 PimtOLAGAIt with and Without Phcnolphthalein. AMBLESIDE PHARMACY L. KER, Prop 1401 Marina Driva Phonp Wm A 82S FREE DELIVERY PhilipCrChapman General Insurance Agent PJra, Automobile^ Burglary* . Accident and Sicltneaa, ate* E0S7 King*a Ava. Phone W. 4iY a O R , G , D . H . S E A L E D.D.8.* L.D.8. Hay Block, 14th and Marino Dr., OOica Houra 9 to 6 p. ih. Eveninga by appointment, Phone Wait 72 E. GALLANT CHIROPRAGnm 2I44A' Marino Drive -Eveninga by uppointi^m t.. Phono Soy. 8790 or Soy /S 800L ■ City Otiico: 712 Robaon St. C. J. Overington P IO N E E R B A R B E R Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 Eetabllahcd on North Shore 20 Yeare. (Lady Assistant) H A R R O N B R O S . & W IL L IA M S O N funeral lirectara North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue E ast Phone Fair. 134 TH E West Van News Pttbllahed Bvery Thursday Puldiaher F. P. LOVEGROVE Phone W^FS63 Buaincaa and Rditarlal OlHca: l7Ui and Marina Drira (Next to Hollyboim P, O.) Phone West 363 Mali Addresa: P. O. Box 61, Holtybum, B.C. - North Vancouver Office: 123 Xionsdale Ave. $1.60 a yea« b^ooxiart, $3.00 a year Evangelist EUiott MeAlllctar will conduct Special Services, commencing Hunday Evening at 7::i0 and continuing Tuesday, Wctlncsday and Thursday aven- iiiK)' at 8:00 o'clock. All heartily wcifome. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hillis Wright ^Minister; . Next Sabbath the Minister will occupy the pulpit a t both morning and evening services. He vvill have as his subject in the rnoniing "Witnessing and Wii.'it It implies." In the even­ ing i>e wiir speak to the question of "Huilding the New State." Mr. Harrison will Icad thecon. COWER Scieace Satiety 'BHIi iMl' Eimdiialt. Hally^Bfa fhla a Braneh The l M * r a u rc h , ̂ m ^ g i ^ ^ c h of Christ, in Boston, Mknuli ̂'Baridbis ll;80 axu. Sunday, Octobt*r 28, 1934 Subjoet: "PROBATION AFTER DEATH" Sunday jEkhool at 10:00 a.m, Taatimony Matting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m< '■The public Is cordially in- , vitad to attend our services and ' niaatings. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH . 28rd & Inglewood Ave. P riest in Charge,, Rev. W. J. Millay, fregation in a Song Service from Residence: 2823 Inglewood Ave. :15 " " .to 7 :30 p.m., when the reg- Residence Phone West 240R. Ubir .Horvice will begin. ■ -- _ Sunday School and Bible Class ' Sunday Services will meet a t 10 a.m. Lq^ Mass -- 3:45 a.m. J'rayer service and Bible study High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 on Wednesday night a t 8 o'clock. Catechism and Bible Class--3:00 'Die Thanksgiving Supper ar- 'Vespers and Benediction--7 :80 ranged by the Women's Associ- ' 4 Week-day Services atioii was greatly enjoyed by'the Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. many members and friends of Fridays: the congregation who attended. Following the supper, Rev." A. D. Archibald of Richmond, gave an interesting address and musical numbers were rendered by Mrs. W. Howard Leggatt, and a male quartette comprising Messrs. J. G. Kiddes, J. Holt, A. J. Addy, and R. W. Froud. The president, Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell, convened the supper, ably assisted by Mrs. W. Blair, Mrs. G". Baldwin, Mrs. J. A. Davis, Mrs. E. C. Denton, Mrs. D. Dewar, Mrs. G. D. Elgar, Mrs. Au--Garthorne, Mrs. R. Ho\<deson, - Mcsh D. McMillan. rM i^R 7M ^eW ,^M B 7W T ParW ridge, Mrs. E. B. S titt, Mrs. J. T. Watt, Mrs. P. Wait and Mi-s. Hillis Wright. The next meeting of the W. A. will .be held on November 6th, when final arrangements will be Benediction*, Rosary, Confes­ s io n s-- 7:80. b Ai!Ti s t c h u r c h Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday* October 28th 10;00 a.m.--iSunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Anthem. 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. Song seivice at com-4' mencement. A cordial invitation to all. -Mqnday*-3-:0(>:_p.m.--B.Y.P.U___ Advance Notice--The Fall Rally of the Greater Vancouver Young People^s Societies will be held in Grandview Baptist Church ,on Monday, November 6th, a t 8 p.m., Guest Speaker , - ,. - , , , Rev. Mark Talnikoff. made for the annual bazaar on Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. -- Child- December 4th. ^ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector:,, Rev, F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. October 28th -- St. Simon & St. Jude. ------ 8:00 a.m,--^Holy Communion. 10 & 11:15 a.m.--̂ unday Schools 11:35 a.m.--Matins and Sermon ren's Hour. 8:00 p.m»--Prayer and Praise - Meeting. Thursday, 8:00 p.m. ^ Ghoi r̂ Fi-iday, 7:00 p .m ,-- C.G.I.T, "" O. E. S. _________ ____ Following the regular meeting 7 :16 p.m,--Evensong and Ser- *®st Tuesday evening* the Naomti mon. Preacher, Rev. R. Chapter, O.E.S., ^ te r ta in ed at* , Harrison, who is return- Military Whist. Prizes were won . - ing to Akita* Japan. Mrs. Feather, Mrs. J. Dun- Thursday, 7:30 p.m.--Interces-^ can, Mrs. J. McGowan and Mr. sion Service. H. L. Thompson; Omsolation Auxiliary School; H th & Ingle- Duncan Mc- Avood, 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. St.'fVanci$-in-the-Woods; Caulfeild 9:45 a.ni,--Holy CJommunson. On Tuesday, November 6th, there ivlll be a tea a t the Rec­ tory. The price of admittance will be a donation towards forthcoming bazaar. Millan,. Mrs. McMillan,^ Mrs. J r W„ Neill and Afrs. W alter Gray. The sewing circle of the Chap-, ter met a t the home of Mrs. j!_ ^ w d o n , 1506 Esquimalt, on Wednesday afternoon in prepar­ ation for the coming sale of work. the Ml', and M rs.. Ifor - Morgan, who have been visiting the for­ mer s parents, Mr. and Mrs, , Mrs. A, H. McNair, 2308_Mar:.. JJa riiM o rS ^ ^ ^ ^ Drive, h88 returned to her the ^ S t h 5 " * home trip to Scotland. here: a fte r an e x te n d i S ^ tu rttv W home in Cuba. return to their s Motor Transport Co. C D A i . S P E C I A L F o r a l im i te d t i m e o n ly P®****®® »® supply the Famous Lethbridge Imperial StoveCoalat $ 1 1 a ton »8 for prices on all other coals msM (Government Licensed iX 5 4 A t e o c a n i l e r ^ 429 19 th & MaidM Dr.West 8S ■•W I** l~Bf6i'e NdrSir^MK" ' ' ~ «WCes'*'EfTECDVE FRIDAY COFFEE -- Max-l-Mum ......H*. COCOA -- Fry's, V: lb. tin ................. ----------------18c bxO CUBES -- 4 x ...... 8e SOUF -- Aylmer Tomato ....--mm.-- for 18c . Aylmer, Sieve 5, Now 2 t i n . . . . . . . . . * . % . J $ foe 26c tuna -- Friar Flaked, No. ......- ......................--^̂nscli UJe POKK & BEANS -- Aylmer, No, 2 souat............... ..........1 for ISc ORANGE MARMALADE -- Aylioer* $2 ox., Jar.-----......voxeli 20c STRAWBERRY JAM -- Aylmer (pectin), 4 lb. ttn...:....-..cttch 87c PUMPKIN -- Quaker, No. 2 tq, tin. J for 17c PINEAPPLE -- Birks Sliced, No. JYi tin............ .............2 for 25c FLOUR -- Five Roses, 7 lb. paper sack ii«3i 25c' SOAP ^ Palmolive ......... ............................... .............. 8 for 14c SOAP -- Jumbo Carbolic, bar ............. ................r......:;:r;.;.«»ch Sc TRIMETTES FOR CAKES .................................. -- -- pk»: 10c W* r«4«rv« tlic rlfkt to limit quaatltiof. ; ̂JAJniWAYAVVUlBS EJlIfTEO ~l "... D I S T R I B U T I O N f e ; S i W I T H O U T WASTE SUNDAY BAND CONCERT VANCOUVER C. C. F. BAND (Conductor: Colin J. NicolI* A.N.C.M.* L.R*AJM(.) Assisted by the following A rtis ts : ' Miss Mona Elder (Radio & Concert Soprano) Mr. A. Donald (Trumpet Solojst) Mr. W. R. Stoba (Violinist) C. C. F. Instrumental Quartette. Prograiip , ' • March--"The Winner" ....... .'.......................................... :.Bertram CHAIRMAN'S REMARKS Overture--"Lustspifel"......................... I.................:....Keler - Bela Vocal Solo--Selected .....................Miss 'Mona Elder Trumpet Solo--Selected ...............................:..Mr* A. Donald Descriptive- Piece--"Indian Trail" ...... .............. ........... ......Band Violin Solo--Selected ....... :.......:..........t...;., IVfr. W. R. Stoba Selection--"Echoes from the Opera'/ ...... ..... ................... Band Vocal Solo--Selected ...................................... '..Miss Mona Elder INSTRUMENTAL QUARTETTE (Messrs, A. Donald, R. Nicholls, F. Duck, and J. Parker) Violin Solo--Selected ...................................... .Mr. W. R. Stoba jOverturefc="Nugget_Nell"^_.*^______________ !.____SouthwelL March--"Down Main Street" ......... !!.........'..........................Weidt . ' ■ - ~r - DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER I.O.D.E A N N U A L HALLOWE'EN DANCE " a r ' Friday, Ocf. 26A 'S f Paramount Orchestra Admission 50c Refreshments H nE U I FREE S E R V H E TO P R O T IE T VDUR E V E i l O H T A much light do your eyes need, for comfortable*, easy seeing.? Surveys have revealed Aat not one home in ten is well-lighted according to modern scientific knowledge. The Sight Meter, shown above, is a clever new instrument that measures lightsmd tells you how much you need for any tuk. With^the arrival of this new devids tite B. C. Electric' offers a new f m ser- ' rice. Phone S^m bur 5151 and our lig l^ng expert will come out and measure your lights with the new Sight Meter. The complete surver^ i$ absolutely free. ̂ . B ^ E R light ♦ BETTER SIGHT C R A /'k ' T? "id ̂ ̂^ ■ "I ...