-.fir- * i .JUi'• 'm l a '•;•■':? r-f i|r S l |: ' : . i-j'l' ■ }= # l a f l ' It 8̂ f ■ ̂ kisii. THE RED AND WHITE STOR 0undinye I'rices from Tuesday, 22n<l to Thursday, 31st Dec. 24lli 't ill - l it r l i i AiUeindeIStA Midi UftriiM V lU n C K V K A H , Columblt No. 5 tin, 2 Unit....;i................... i. ]ft« U«I & WhlU» CHOICK TOMA* TOK8, Inrirt* tln«, 2 tint,,,.... ]0« K«d & WhU« IIAKING i*OW. if iS ttf ] t;in,. i ' l lH K H H , Hnrvuir; »/|lb. pkt,,... ONtiKIt Al,li, Kdlx, 2 boUten CHOICK FIUJIT8 (HtAl'K FKCIT, KM>di«M« Im- pfriul Valley, large aixe; ...... CK.MONH. HuiikiNt, vetry fu le y f doxOn •• , ;; , ................ OltANCKH, Hunkfat Juicy Nuvela, nunl., doren............. IHUo, large, dozen.................... Ited A White Tea, Hroken Orange IVkoe, per Ih,......... ClioiCK COItN, Faultlt^aa White, 2, tiiiM.,,,........... ........... , ifwi A, White HOIJI'H, all va- ) rlftit»w except Chicken, 2 tina 10c j 19e ! I9c * I9c " 19c 19c 33c 38c 39c 19c SHKKIJOKl) WHEAT 2 |»kta... 19c Ited A White JELLY I»OW- OKttH, jUl.JBtvera,. 4 pkta.... 19c Ued A White FKANUT BUT- TKIt, 13-oz. glaaa ................. 19c Ited A White COCOA, eaay U> prepare, Vilb. tin.... .............. 19c CAKKH, HKll) IIKOS. .SHOIITBHEAO, None Better. 25c <;KN0A c a k e , large Size..... 50c Ited A White TOILI5T UOLLS; - H high (lUttlity crepe paper, . 2 rolia' 19c ( ItKAM-^SOIM CUACKEIIS," > fanitfy aize packet............. 18c I'KAUL W H I T E NAI'JjTIJA " HOAIV u Naptha Soap.itnade, ill II. C., 6 bara.- .̂ T..',..,.;.)#-'r..; 19c . JC.VIBO CAIOKILIC SOAP, made io B. C„ 5 cakea........... 19c ItOYAI, CROWN WASHING POWOEIt (aave the coupona „ iOf UKefui gifta>, large pkt. 19c 28th instants with about a hun dred children present Musical program consisted of: Three folk dancing numbers by Topsy and Joan Sharman, Brenda Wicking, Edna Slater, Olive and >v Elsie. Robbins, Pa mela, Lillie and Cynthia Ilas- 1am. Piano solo--Brenda Wicking. Song by Billie Slater. Tap dancing -- Miss Irene Turner. ' Piano duet -- Misses Audrey i: and Doreen Totid. Piano duet--Misses Topsy and Joan Sharman. Following the program the children played games,, balloons, etc,, and had a fine time. At 4 :30 the grand march brought !I them to the dining-room, where the tables were filled with Xmas , g ^ i c s and efi'ectively decorated with , Xmas novelties. More games were played until 6:45, when the children left with a bag of candy ami fruit for the theatre, where they were enter tained until 9 o'clock. Jefferies Superior Meats ^vernm ent Inspected Only WISH ALL A.J>l\OSPeROUS NEW YEAR;4/ TURKCTS - GEESE - DUCKS - CHICKEN Positively no cold storage birds Your choice of 400 of the Choicest Birds* HAMS, half or whole, LAMP,' jBEEi^, PORIC, VEAL COOKED MEA'TS OF ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN ( Two Stores for your service) HOLLVBURN STORE AMBLESIDE STORE West , 3 West 303 Year to 11 Wishing all our customers and friends A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR W est VancouverJLumber Co. 15th and Marine W. J. Turnbull, Manager, LIMITED Phone West 115 (^Residence Phone: West 368L W e have a Fresh Supply of GEESE, TURKEY & CHICKEN for you r New Y ear's D inner FUNERAL. SERVICES. FOR JOHN HARTE A large and representative number of West Vancouver resi-. dents attended the funeral sery_-_ ices of the late John Harte, which were held last Thursday .afternoon, a t_2 o'clock, in--the. Also No. 1 STEER BEEF, PORK and LAMB All Government Inspected'»^No. 1 Grade Meat L For Cash or CO.D. Only No. 1 Steer Beef BOlI.lNCi BEEP III............................... STEWING BEEF - ................... 2 lbs. MINCE!) STEAK ....................... . 2 llw. POT ROAST lb....................... ........... 9c 25c 25c Pork LEGS (P'ores) ib ^ :: : .............. BLADE RIB ROAST 111.". . . . j L * lOc 12c BUTTS lb.................... FRESH HAM Ib..................... LOINS lb... 9% 12c 14c 14c S3S Local Roberts* D raw in g JiUMPROAST l l > , ......................... ........................ WING RIB lb............. .......... DEEP SIRLOIN llH T-BONE ROAST Ib. ................... SIRLOIN TIP Uk RIB STEAK 15c 17c 18c 17 & 20c 25 c 15e I Spring Lam b 15c =^25o 2 lbs. ROUND STEAK SHOULDER lb......i..,:.;..:. LOIN 1b ,..... First Prize MRS..J. CLEATHERO 210.3 Marine Drive One Turkey Second Prize ~MRS. J. TrWATT ~ One Goose Third Prize United ' Church. Dr. E. ■ A. Henry, who conducted the serv ice, with the assistance of Rev. H. P. Humphreys, made an elo- quent address, in .which' he re- Mnred to the many sterling qualities of J the, deceased. Mrs. Colin MacLean sang with great, feeling Mr. Harte's favourite hymn, 'There's a Land That Is Fairer Than Day," Mrs. J. E. Durbin being at the organ, and at the'conclusion of the service another of his favourite hymns, ' "Abide With Me,'̂ was sung by the congregation.. Interment was made in the " Capilano View cemetery, the pall bearers being John Lawson, George Hay, J. McEwan, J. T. Watt, W. C.- 'Thompson, and John Teare. ' - The Burrard Funeral Chapel had charge of the funeral ar- ^rangements.------------ r---- -------- Uncle Parker's Latest.. The other day a nephew of] - Uncle Parker's called to .take! „ him-and Aunt Parker for a motj of fun, in the course of which! ~ they~ealled"at .a wayside feffe"sh"-| mdnt place for tea, running tliej car on a piece of convenient] spare ground adjacent. On com-j ing out of the house Uncle Par*, ker found his nephew engaged] in some afgument-with a strang.l er°who had put in an appearance, j "He wants a shilling for parbj ing," explained the nephew.. "Then, let him want!".snort-, ed the dear, nld man, indignant- ! ly. "It's a most barefaced at-! tempt at sheer extortion I We're | paying for no. parking no pan-j cakes either! We've had noth ing but bread and butter, and 1 eggs and tea, and we've paid for j them! Parkin, indeed, and there i wasn't a crumb of ° it on the 1 table!'- ----- ------------ " is a j ' A Light Decision "That girl," said John, decided blonde." "Yes," said Alice, "I was with her when she decided." MRS. GORDON ROBSON Three Pounds Butter Counsel was examining'plaintiff in ____ breach of promise case and asked: SCOTTISH SOCIETY .TO - . "Was defendant's air - when ce GIVE DANCE, CONCERT; P^°b îsc*d to marry you perfectly seri- , - ons,"or one" of levity and jocularity?" CpmplainantTT^'If you please^^sir: it was all ruffled with him/runnin^r his hands through it." fv - Counsel: "You misunder^and my LEGS Ib* .. ... E g g s PULLET ( Extra) dozen 25c Eggs i i i i i lH f No. I ALBERTA CREAMERY BUTTER The West Vancouver Scottish S p c ie ty T s ^ v in g "a r d r a m ^ i ^ Tickets were drawn bv Cnrm»n f^t^inment, concert, ■ tea and . Johnstone, JOcqueline P a tte r s o n ^ P-m. on S^urday, meaning. Was the promise made i;: Mary Eddington Hotel. Proceed., in aid ' of "fF. -no! wa, „.adc fa the kit- chen," replied the plaintiff amid roar> oC laughter. A Special Sale of P o u ltry Hotel. Proceeds in aid "of " the -Scottish Benevolent S o c ie ty . Tickets, 35 cents. I at 4 o'clock on -Thuredayr December 31st, for spot cash.. No delivery or dressing All Poultry will be cleared re gardless of cost J M- I )!-a i! Phone West 199 Marine Drive at 16th Wishes all its Cuistomers and Friends ®l?c ffinmtiittttrnts 0 f tife-^raBon D. MORTOKy L oi^ MBnager i!. -it' a fi ■: it - "fr a a a