West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Dec 1931, p. 4

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i l l 331S December 80,1981. D raW O T C W D T X IM T N e Satunlay by A. a BOB (W»ll Known Vancouver Artbt) , Kor partieulafs call <>r phono Man. A, HAMPSON ... ... ..... u;.Mjcnco phone W e.t 3«4L K. 8. PKAKCK -- ar« i Uoaidence phone West 267L p m m iy w T E r - w o r v o te T h e ' Independent L a b o r ON POUCE SYSTEM l-T '.' ■ ' ^ y -■■■--e i ^ - t - " ' ■ ip i-- I i w y y - H r * J H W "W ^ W ' I P ' W " ' " M M <i M . "P ■■ the Blki' Xmaa cheer fund, held In the Omnge Hall December 22nd, waa a 'decided success, both aocially and financially. Vancouver District Police Com­ mission that a plebiscite be sub- thus enabling to turn over <juite a nice a tfm to the Xmas mitted to ratepayers at the ab« ml elc cheer fund. After playing twenty hands at whist, refreshments were GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HtlTT, Landscape Architect C,««lual« iM U..«l,c»i>inc U. «l C.. ,AM«rka» ScIxh.I of UnStcap, Arcbltactura m UI Gardaninf. Mambar Nalfonal l.and,ca|M Sarvica. served, following which dancing ' was enjoyed to the music of Stanley Grant's five-piece., or* chestra. A lot of fun was got^ out of the drawing for the mys-„ tfiry boxes and also a nice sum was made from them. V i At this Heason of the year amm* way, so for this week and who wants to read about digging nexl we'n* just going to wish and planting-and spraying and you all, the merriest and hap* all the other things which'have plcsi New Year- possible and to do with gardening? VVe know may we all soon find the corner we don't, and believe that the uromid which we are told pros- readers of. the News feel the perity is hiding. Following^ are the prizo^ \vin- i; m ( THii HIJIINING HUSH Hy Subudur HI '•"'i ft . i* It , At this dying time' of the y(!ar--nd'erring, -of~~eourse, to the year and nt>t to us humans- Will lx* repudiated--eve?yone of ̂thorn, and probably before 1932 is out. HallyhoO,, with nations . as ill the ease ofyinciividuals, al­ ways returns in the> shape of a boomerang. ' it is nice toj-eilect that a book has been published entitled "The ners for the whist drive: Ladies' first, Mrs. Le Shores ladies' second, Miss Lennox; ladies' sealed.No., Mrs. P. A. Andrews. Gentlemen's first, Tom Cauld- well; gentleman's second, L. Smith; gentlemen's sealed No., V. Morford. The draw prize'i)f- half a ton of coal was'won by. D. Dewar, .Through the kindness of the following merchant.s,-the I. L. P., West Vancouver Hranc,h, j^ere enabled tO make /i great' success of their whist drive in aid of the Elks' Xmas nual municipal elections to a«- certain^views regarding provin­ cial police taking over policing of the municipality was not adopted by the District Council Wednesday night. Members of the council ex- plainctd that the Police Board's recommendation was received too late to permit the measure passing through the necessary council stages. It was further stated that,-in the district, the police and fire services are one department. Thus, to substitute provincial police would be a different mat­ ter than in a municipality where police and fire units are separate entities. ' ; JlkJft jRSfiilwii ...Jm.: JKRp -JEi ' ' ? i M t Friday and Saturday i*"Maybe It̂ s Levê ' JOAN BENNETT and JOE E, BROWN Matinee New Year's Day ' . a t 2 p. m. T he BURRARD LAUNDl Liuiited'.' 111 ,frr . ' ' ' F 1̂ 1 - . , r'-'i! „ :i 'I ' ̂ ~ j'j-' f;#- -II Art, of Dying.'L- It is well done --the book, not death--in holly leaves and berries, aiid is a col­ lection of the dying word.s of famous folk, many of whom had the courage to joke as they pas.sed on. For instance; Told of a proposed visit from Queen Victoria, the dying Disraeli murmured: "Why should I see her? She will only want to-give a message to Albert." A little of the courage as regards death HO common among our ancestors. wouhLhelp considerably in these" times.of depression, fora person who can joke when dyiiig could „ ... cheer fund: Mr. , New Year's Day wilL^oon be Meglaughlin, of l l C. Electric; here, the one day in the year (Chapman's Pool Room; Amble- , The Better Way Father (to son):. "I've been thinking of retiring next year, and I propose to leave my busi­ ness to youTo carry on." • Son: "There's no hurry, is there, father? You go ahead and work a few more years, and then w;e can both^retire together." For l4bjple W Are Particular THIlUl ST. and S'l'. DAVIDS North Vancouver " Pho*ne North 1810. ~ * • * ^ 4/ • • • ■ V a a V * W k a . » • • • • • m m A . i A V v . " 1 1 J . | | A A . A A 1 1 when I don't make any resolu- side Meat Market; Mrs. Grigor; tfoiis. Darr Leno, a celebrated comedian of his time', .in one of his chaimcterizat'ions as an egg {(ealer, .s*aid he once went to bed re.s()lved 'to tell no more lies. His . first customer next morning ^ 'uiited new laid,eggs, and,after Mr. McCartney of the Safeway Store; Seed's Grocery; Green­ wood's Grocery; Brook's Dry Goods; J.'M . Stratton Bakery; P. Blower; J. Normand's Gro­ cery;, M(est Van Motors; J. Parker; Bobby Seeds, Union C. J. Overington PIO NEER BARBER West Van. RepresentaHve ■""""̂ '̂ '̂ •"'"F . 'R iV E R S Phone West 410L 14th. and .Marine Expert Work Phone West 135 ne Wa.s through'with him f)an*«^^otor Service;*' IloHyburn'^Gar- said hedidn't care'what he said, age; J.- Paterson of the West My personal experience with New Year's resolutions is the same with one exception, which I .have kept religiously ever since that New Year's Eve a Van Electric; Mason's Transfer; Ed. Minions; Mr.s. T. J, Irwin's Grocery; Owl Service; Red and White Stores; W." Sagar; West Van Cleaners; M. William's Tailor Shop ; West Van. Pro- i i l l " * «iiv/ jwn,u >viiuii uyiiiK coulu loiig time ago. Oh that. rvost van. i-ro- laugh at th'e smaller evils ,of <>ccJisiqn I spent the evening in duce; J. Tite Shoe Store; Rob- hard limes. ' London with a Scotch-chum-df--ert's Meat Market; Piggly Wig- . - - ------ ' mine--any chap not a Scot who gly Store; King Studios: West „':sl }i l' ^ Sim -'1, •tm Etlitorial comment in' some quarters seems lately do be .in­ clined to blame..the high tariff policy of the United. States for the depression in that country. Possibly it maydepresent the last kick of the free trader faced with the prosj)ect of a high tariff round the Empire, and, as wil­ fully perverse as even refusing to acknowledge the proven fact that the Americans owe their" 'mercantile greatness to that same high tariff policy.. On the other hand, a high tariff is one, thing, btit an embargo is .an­ other, and' the latter is what the United States put on when after the war they made war on friend and foe alike by sotting up. prohibitive foreign exchange- rates, and .so wrecked their trade externally and internally. Lately their reply to the abolition of. the gold standard in fiffoim spends Now Year's Eve with Van. Gift Shop; Mr. Ogden, any of that race is asking for ti'oiible, of course, but T was very young then--and from what six ,policemen told of my activities - in the police 'court next morning a pleasant time wa.s had by all. Personally my recollections of the evenihg were ot the haziest, but the condition o.Lmy top...hat, .pro.duced:_ii&.evi- dence, spoke volumes; in fact, the .six constables all spoke ex- -tremely feelingly of the excel­ lent show I hud put up. It,cost me aJBlO tine, and since then, while .I havc-an -unbounded ad-- miration for the Scottish race, I have always stuck to my resolu- t ion to keep away from them at New Year's. countries was again to raise their e.xchange rate.s. Their action ivS only comparable to , - that of a mei'chant who . in- -croased-the"prico-'of-his~apples because his cu.stomers refused -to-buy apples at a ll -Obviousljv lie should - have reduced ids : Crabbed "Rut Gladys tells me Hector calls her his peach, the apple of -his oye.° mid--â ll--sori^--of-pet- names. Why don't you call me pretty things. like that?" she pouted. "How can I ?" he retorted libpelessly; "Hector's on the fruit market--Pm in fish." men's furnishings; V e r n o n Feed; FuHager's Dairy; Jefferies^ Meat Market; E. Pearce; Gran­ ger's Grocery; Ridley's Dairy; Wm. Carley's Paint Shop; Red-" new's Fruit Store; Ridge Service Station ; Mrs. Allison's GroceVy ; Handy Ann Shop; . Lettner's Meat Market; Mrs. Freeman's Grocery ; Findlayson's -D ru g Store; . Ed. Black, transfer;.^ Webb's Shoe Repair; Warner's Confectionery; , Marcel' Shop; Gwendolyn Beauty Parlor; Le- sage Drug Store; West Van. P h a r m a-c y7̂ : Ambleside ;Tea •Rooms; Mrs, Ross, Pantry Shop; ; Ambleside Imperial Service Sta­ tion ; Geotge Cufrie,' "Marine Transfer"; J. Thompson's Trans­ fer : ̂ Hollybnrn Theatre; - The L. ^0. L,; Mr. Colvin of Evans, Cbleman & Evans; Bob Black of ' the,Hobb Coal Co.; Blair's Wood r-Coal Co.- " Wishing our friends and patrons THE COMPU^^ENTS . OF THE SEASON Ambleside Sli^MegilWorks /- jAURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 W ishing yo.u a l l the Compliments o f the Season K.W. Savory A1 FUEL Co. 146 Lonsdale Av. Phone North 298 No extra charge for delivery. " 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 NORTH VANCOUVER ^ ____r e l ie f a g r e e m e n t prices iii order to entice them, into the market again, that being the only wti.v of avoiding a-to ta l loss. No doubt ■'the' American governmental and fin­ ancial authorities realize all this to the full, but dare not follow the sane policy,, because it yvould almost cause rovolutioii jimong their people, taught for genera-., •'tiohs that the United States "rim - cull any old tu.no and the rest, of the-A\'orld~wrl I r o b e ^ v - 'r h i s - i^ lu? The Summer Styles Mrs. Spender: "I wonder what will be the popular styles in hats this summer?" Her Husband: "My dear, women's hats wdll be divided into two styles this summer, as usual: the styles you don't like and the styles I cannot afford." North Vancouver City Coun- .:yJ.»_lLt_.a_rhiieting--Tuesdaŷ noon, the 23rd instant, author I V / l l - t O t # ¥ > V . I . . . r ; M SUA D EIlIlCU Ii A Big Worry Lady (at theatre, to man in seat behind): "I hope my hat is reason, too, why w ar debts have not and never wdll be cancelled by our. cousins. Instead,- thev ~np€ worrying v'ou?' ̂The'Man: "It is w^orrying me a lot--my wife wants one like it." agreement with, the Provincial Government wdiich provides, for unemploy- menl relief, expenditures there totalling $118,760. The city's original allocation w'as $125,000, but on account of curtailment of funds from Ottawa, the Provin- cial Government has deducted, o -< from original apprppria.tions ̂ of ,the prov- T h ^ g re e n ie n L -x v a s -T o r -^ w ard^ to Victoria: m a y b e h a rm fu l J S e a d i n g in bed is a dangerous pleasure if done with unshaded, glaring lights as shown above to the right. But you can indulge yourself in that pleasure without the slightest harm when you use a convenieht' overhead hunp, as shown in the top illustration.. Such lamps are not expensive. Ssii West Van Clothes Cleaners & Dyers ^ -- Pbdne W ^ r ro i = -̂VPected arrangements wtil be completed which will per­ mit of. the work being resumed during the coming week, Ap- proximately 480 men will be affected. :8[ New fixtures have been developed to"make the' most efficient and economical use o f these brilliant light sources. From such fixtures, including new type . table and floor lamps, your light wilLbe adequate, dieetfiil, restful and decoradve. Go(^ 8 Called for and Delivered. . t A, C. CCXDPER, Proprietor . Nyland -and his daugh- Margaret, 29th and Marine Drive, have returned from pending the holidays, in Vic- ^viand's mother was suddenly taken ill, but is now much improved. ^ Come m and inspect these new fixtures and lamps. Sw for yourself how they provide properly shaded -light-and-givebetter hgbt'distiribudbn^o calihgfand walls. Prepare to be surprised at their reasonable cost. Ekctridty is cheap , ̂ , use i t freely L< B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A E L E C T R I C R A I L W A Y C O . \ . th