m il ■■■■ V i ^ a ^ b e r B 0 f4 8 8 lj rmwmtVAn hewŝ • . . . . . . . . . I I , I I I 1- _ i i i i i. i im ., ĵ i I y i .H '■,i-,>ti' ,i.. .; j i --^ .■ -.--»--y--»-i .i..M ..,i.,.)^i.B »y»'iM jM ,vTff|ii»-. 111 nil m n p ^ m w w w w i p i w >6(lorie85 ury and Dyeing CO ATS Phone West 20 : . 9 2 4 .Q 0 Hllfber grade fiaits^ur own make t3$.00 and up ALTERATtOyS and REPAIRS WE CALL AND DELIVER 1568 l^arinc Drive Mr. nnd Mrs. l \ Sales, who George E. Winiamson, 28^1 have been residing at 22nd and and King's Ave„ is a patient in Marine Drive* have moved to the Shaughnessy Military Hos- "̂ Framar Montessori School For Young Children Rhythm and Folk Dancing Included Term starts MONDAY, JAN. 4TH Spec ial Dancing Classes for Older Pupils, i p.mr Fridays For particulars phone Mrs. W. D. Fraser 1785 Esquimau Ternis Reasonable FRAMAR MONTESSORI SCHOOL HOLDS PARTIES 10th and^Marine Drive. ♦ ' i# * Colonel'^K. W, Savory, * who has been confined to his home through sickness for several weeks, is progressing favorably towards recovery.1v. . 4. . . , pital ♦ « Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Gibfifon. 590 17th Street, spent the Christmas holidays at Cumbor- land, Vancouver Island. Tlie fire brigade turned out on the afternoon of Christmas Day for a chimney f i r e at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss Jessie Sweezy of Van- - The annual Christmas party couver is the Mr. and of the Framar Montessori School Cooper of the Dundarave took place during Christmas week, that for the kindergarten being held on the afternoon of Monday, while" "the -dancing- classes had their party on Tues* daA afternoon. On both* cjccu: Shaughnessv Hosnital for a Marine ynvesioiis the pupils were de ighted '̂ ""UfemiLhsy nuspuai toi a Ave and the by ^v isit from Santa Claua and ? . C u p T S UIvoL a V. Cash Grocery, 25th and. Belle- Ilivers, 28th and Marine Drive, vuo Ave. ̂ ̂ ^ No damage was done. l._teQ.eiLliaUi JJ-DL.and^Marino i „ + V»r j* ̂ * t Drive, has returned to his home .. Wednesday evening, as after having been a patient in wind,, acu :___i..._____ 1 « free ffdr iiem.HH Miirnie Itrivr* h , * Rowntree's Dig Bars Usually 25c N O W . WESr VAN PHARMACY .The 8tor« of Sprvico. 1402 '̂ Marino Drlvw Weal 87 Kintirni'Mcy Phoitd WiMtt 821 (After. P p. m.) A. II. ROE TO TEACH ^»^oilmving the program sat down ^ to a gaily decorated table loaded with good things to eat. The kindergarten pupils en tertained ' the guests with a playlet and folk dancing, also with nursery rhymes. On .the following afternoon the dancing classes, both boys James Mason, IBth and Pul- '■" 'liiK "loiiK the Drive sud- ton Ave., is back from the North "1""'®?. "P "" "® ®?" ® VH®" Vancouver Genenil Hospital, where he underwent an opera* tion for appendicitis. H e , is making good progress towards recovery. DRAWING AND PAINTING and girls, [gave a very interest ' ' ' ' - ing ^display of danciiig, a i r ' of A. H. Roe? a well known Van couver artist, is coming over here every Wednesday and Saturday, when he will take either private or class pupils in drawing and painting. Any in-: terested are asked to phone or call at Mrs. A. Hampson's, 20th ; and Fulton, or E. S. Pearce, 1896 ...Marine Drive.. ............... .......... them being in costume. On both Monday and Tuesday after noons tea was served, to,' the many guests. William (lunn, Sf.,-is*.spend ing the holidays with his wife and family in Victoria, - Salmon Puffs 1 can salmon. 2 eggs. 3 tablespoons melted butter. 2 tablespoons t lemon juice. ' 1 cup bread crumbs. ', Salt and pepper to taste; French Cream Pie ,, 1 cup currants. % cup granulated sugar.' 1 cup sour cream. 2, eggs' (keep whites, for frosting).-- teaspoon cinnamon. Pinch of salt. . * Baking soda (added last). . Bake a good rich pie shell and cook the filling on top of stoves- Reserve the whites of eggs to be beaten light" and spread on top of pie and slightly brown. ' Walter Gourlay, 23rd and Bellevue, who has been ill at his home for some time, is now- able to-be out and around again. the obstruction. Jack Harrison, who was following in another car, bumped into him. For- timalely, the laitOr was , going slowly and no damufec was done to either car. , • *■ Mr. Cornish itj here from Winni peg to spend th'e Christmas holi days' with his wife and family at their home at 17th and Gor don Ave. *- S tratton's BAKERY Nnu IfTar'ii 05DoiiB NEW YEAR'S CAKES, •I'lAJM PUDDINCJS, Real Scotch Short Bread Scotch Bun, Mince Pics, . ALL-SPECIAL oilDER NOW Made at 1468 Murine Drive ♦ ♦ Mr; and Mrs. J. On Ghristma.s night Miss 'Adele Herrmatin entertained at Mitchell- of dinner at the residence of her Long Bay, Gambier Island, parents, Mr, and Mrs. George spent the Christmas holidays Heirman, "Spiiraway," Capi- Ti/r«„ -- n/r« lano. The rooms Were Charm ingly decorated in keeping with the Christmas spirit, and "after -with.-Mrs. Mitchell's father, Mr. Davie, 15th and Fulton Ave. GORDON ROBS01>f HarriHtvr A BuikUor !,':.ST VANrOUVICU- Ol'fice No. 1-M7 Muritm Drivw., ■ IMiont* 408. VANCOUV15K OFKICK-- iSuit.(* HIH; 510 HuHtings St. W I*i>one Soymour 411)0 Mrs. ..Paul JE ̂ Sykes and chil dren, who have resided in West Vancouver f^r--a. number of years, left by "C. P. R."on Thurs day, December 17th, to make their hbnie in England, where -Mr-i--Sykes^as-accepted-a--posi dinner the evening was spent in dancing.' .,4< ; Birthday Party " A delightful party was given :* on Wednesday_e_v.ening, thofi] 6th Stir ail together and put -in. mould. Steam one hour. Sauce 1 tablespoon flour- . 2 tablespoons butter. ■ 1 cup milk. Salt and pepper. Cook and pour over when ready to serve. Mock Grab Sandwiches A4 cup grated;" cheese. A4 teaspoon each salt, pap̂ - rika and mustard. 1 teaspoon anchovy paste. 1 tablespoon chopped olives. '1 teaspoon lemon juice. 2 "tablespoons creamed but- . ter. . . " tion as- secretary of a boys^. by Mrs. Robert Bell,° at school. Mr. Sykes left here the .Waterfront, beginning of November "and as birthday of her Mrs. Svkf̂ H .«!ailR from St: John daughter I hyllis. A very en- S W . L. OGDEN CO. westT46 ^ MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY MEN'S SILK & W OOL SOOKS - - - Mrs, Sykes sails from St. John . , , December 23rd, on the Mont- JPy^plc time vv̂ as spent by those claire, she hopes to be in Eng* -^^csent m music and games, land'in time for a family reunion ^tter which, dainty refreshments at New Year's. ^♦ ♦ ♦ : ^ Mi:.Aand Mrs. Robert Froud*"Mr, There wiU be an hourly ferry Mrs. R. ^11 Junior, Mr. and service from Ambleside on New tt̂ ®' Year's Day from 6 a. m. to mid- . Ahwork, Mrs. McKenzie night, and from the Vancouver Grieves,_ Miss ^Elsie _Ĥ . dock from 6:30 a. m. to 12:30 a.m. (midnight). On New Year's -Eve-two-extra_£ei!ries_w:iILb_e._p_ut__Bel],Jind.,_ on, one leaving Ambleside at Mr, and Mrs.Tlobert Bell Senior, FEED STORE A. C Searle, Phone West '9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies BORRAKD ) FUNERAL CHAPEL li. D. WHITE, Mifr. • Diwl inctive Funcrul Service Ludy AfiHlfltant _ ;{20^;ird SI. E. Phone^North 626 JlAMES^jFDR SATURDA Y 9pl|« S i The King Studio Wishes" One and All A fiery llappg an& Prosperous 5Jem pear V. V. VINSONi , Proprietor. 12:30 a.m., and the other leav ing the city dock at 1 a. m. Buses meet all boats. Hi * Ilf One. of the largest affairs at tended by .the younger set this i=!pnsnn was a formal dance given illippiSiii The .West "Van United Foot ball drawing was, held at the Ambleside Tea Rooms, Decern-, her 23rd, the following being the winners: . ' by the joint hostesses, Misses turkey. First4-L--Dcw r̂-aud-TIvJMbor-e^ ■ January 2nd, 1932 Division. I. . Mainland Cup, I^irst Round. N. S. P, Canuck.s vs. A. V. N. Bluebirds, Boulevard Park, 2:30 "p. m .; referee:, Mr. Botham. llffcteltifi Msml je iSfillia June Matheason and Wenon_ah Young, in the Legion Hall on Christmas Eve. . The- hall was beautifully decorated in keeping' with the-iestive'season. Among the guests invited were: Mrs. -Verna--PearsonT-the-Misses-Sue- -Second: Mr. Powell, half ton New Years H ay HQURLY SERVICE:--- From West Vancouver, 6 a. m. to MidnighL, FrQnLCity,,6:30 a. m. to 12:30 a- m. fMidhight)? New^ Extra Roat from .W«st Vanwuver; 12:30 a. m. Extra Boat from City 1:00 a. m. Buses meet all Boats Proctor, Irene Gracey, Snooks Sanderson, G la d y s Wrigley, Hilda Montague Marsden, Betty Burkes, Joan Dorchester, Mar- gare^Murphy, I^ y Kelly, Jean Todhuntef, D o n n a McGaviri,' Margaret Binns, Jean Campbell, Betty* Burke, Audrey Lester, BettyJBannister, W inifr^ New- combe, Peggy McPherson, Mar garet Kinnamont, Marjorie Mur ray, Mary McCrindle; Messrs. Dick^Ra^shieight--Stewart-Brec- of coal. , ' Kiwariis Bluebirds ^s. Beavers, Third: A. C. Strong, Vancou- High School (West), 2:30 ver, box of chocolates," ------- p.m."; referee; Mr; Hilder,------ Fourth: James Vincent, box Toe. H. vs. Young Buffs, Mahon of apples. ' Park, 11 a-m.; referee: Mr. Fifth-""Kex-AIcLean7":sack of ̂ Moon. potatoes Sixth: H. P. Trolland, box of cigars., ° Lynn Valle-y. vs; West Van,^Lynn Valley Park, 11 a.m.; referee: Mr. Bryan. Imms kenridge, Jos. Underhill, Frank Dorchester, Douglas Johnston, Murray Watson, Joe Kelly, Dough Read,' Fred Shepperd, Les Pope, George Johnston, Art Wooten,' Bruce Irwin, Jack Arder, Britton .Varcoe, Boris Kovikoff, Frank Smith, Stewart mith, Ivan Truesdale, Bill Davis, Art Mulhaullifi", Ezzy Gladwin ^ B ill-- ^Darling,-Alec JISIjI -,1 l i r io 20% 'off regular prices for one week only, commencing Satur day, See windows. - i'-- Brooks' Dry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and marine Drive. Phone West 144 -Excl usi ve--Agen ts--Gorticel J i--&' i k--Hosc--and--Uni verBal--Ŝ vvea tcrir""ffl so" , Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching tJM jlead, Karl Stahl, Bud New- combe, Bill Fowler, Bee Lock- heart, Mr. and Mrs. Brand Young, and many others. BLAIR'S WOOD AND COAL We SPECIALIZE in genuine TULAMBEN COAL, ROSEDEER DRUMHELLER and CANMORE BRIQUE'I^ES with FOOTHILL and BLUE FLAME Always on Hand. WEST 298 1464 Maidne NORTH 248 A.