West Van. News (West Vancouver), 30 Dec 1931, p. 2

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■ , j! 'Srf Ir.iii, 1 1 / . M w ; T,, 'i J. u I. / ̂ '"If k/ .:ll'4i Iff »!. r$T .Rh. li ' 11 ' i II III' f? ■ .̂ r:; IC lfft I 1 .̂-I f "43' si S S?» l-'Jn?Bp;'|§;i'. r i l l l i '||4Slfe- lug- i » iW 11 I fm- i:m"■■■.. i t i r | « ' >' A ■ \ 4% Gfi SW- mi-'l ,_,̂ p̂.'. \ 1HE WEST V^N HEWS...........................--J........ ...... . ' 'P._.,, '„.~l,,_ * ......... ■■ ■ ■-■■ -....... I---- \.,.'.L. mm&m JissB oM m Y e a r ' May all the l^auty of f • ' ' » the i«aiwm be y«N|jiî Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe . 1540 Marine Drive i'horiV- W. il7 for Now Year'a filjpoiotiricnth w«> will Ih* o|>vn (ill !) |». rti. iifid t'iuHod .Siiturday, United Cinirdb D eoem ber 80, 1931, Su/uiay, January 8̂ 1032 ,10.00a.m.--Sunday School. 11 i 15 a.m. and 7*16 p.m.**** UjoOlic Wornhip. AI the morning servlet* the Sa< rarm*nt of the J/)rd'» Supper will hi* dispensed. Jo*. Henry wdll preath in the evening. T o p 1 c. "Prevailing Voice.H," I a.Ht Sunday wan an impres- «j\e ( loKing one" for the year, Wfin large emiKregation.s nu>rni/]g and (fveningr both $ or Holiyburfl Rhythm Bov ' A" Gold .Seal ,(luurnnU*t* la your parly or dance. H<*«idi*ric« Phont'H: * - WcHt .'IHlL, . N .Sewoil WcHt 21KY - T. Dtdalro It. J. VKKNB ON SKI COMMllTEE riirintniaH m u k i c featured both service.*}, 'J'he evening program waa uplifting. The "Jlallelujah (yhoruH" wan ren- /•dend with a power that would be h/inl to Hurpass. It was a nttijig cIo.se to an inspiring day. Tho.4e who think of the chuivli's mi.sKion needs will re* jn'/ e lliat our church has niore til.' n gone over the top in nieet- ,. ing il.s .allrjcjitioM, . im r YANcouvM Society CHUKCB EUlPICB -TipJA,8 Mkt}r.i* a firaach fil .^<1 Th« Mother Church The Flret Church of Christ, 3d«ntiet, in ttoetoD, Massacliusette Sunday Serv^en 11:30 a.m. and *7:30 p.m. Sunday, January 3rd ~ Subject; ".(iOI)'̂ . Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. ToBtimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. WEST VANCOUVER Kl-KS* CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Wi' The Htrongest .band of skiers that has <fver come, out of the West will represent Western Canada at the Canadian Olympic ,ski trials at- Lucerne-in-Quebcc ;on January 15 and IG, it was, •stated Sunday, after a meeting of the Olympic ski committee. 'f'he , Sumlay .School enjoyed it.s , annual e n te r ta in m e n t on .......vv a'. cw MuiiUay evening.. Various little Year hymns. 3'he reception of playlets were put on by groups. Baptist Church Pastor Rev. H. P, Humphreys Phone W. 252R. Res. 1343, Haywood Ave. Sunday, January 3rd--New Year's Sunday 10 a.m.--Sunday school and adult class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. The pastor wjll preach on the Motto for 193^ Special New eg., y. V. S., C. G. I. T., and -some of ..Uie individual classes. MiifoCal .solos were given by members of the school and tht new members and the ordinance of'the Lord's Supper will be ob- Anonvmous" 5̂0 -- i r s t S n a B T o n r T B B i n r ^ the following, who so kindly helped with their donations, we would especially thank the staif of the municipal ferries, who so fnateriaily helped in raising the lota] amount of the .sum col­ lected ; ■ V. V. Vinson ........... ■ .$ 5̂ 00 Gordon Robson ................ 5*00 Gwen Clay ........................ 5.00 S t.. Stephen's Girls' Ŵ A. 5.00 ' 7^5 Reev'e J. B. Leyland.!...... 5.00 Munit'ipality of West Van­ couver ........................... 25.00 A. Harvey Smith (Smith's , Groceries) .... T.. 5.00 Owners of Messinger Blk. 5.00 A. H. Albin ...................... 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. A. Dickinson 5.00 A. Searle (Vernon' Feed Store) ................. 5.00 Friend Bill ...... l.QO St. Anthony's Sub. Div. , Catholic Women's Lea- 1 gue ....:............................ o.OO Local Bridge Club........... 3.50 A. E. B.............................. 2.00 W. ,1. Turnbull............ ..... 5.00 Mrs. M. Astley.................... 5.00 W.C.T.U., West Vancouver 5.00 M. Morris .... .̂.................. Mrs. Brea ley ......... .... ...... Pau line J oh n son School.... 39; A. A. A.................................. 5.00 Dr. Marjory McGubbin [ Houri: 8 «. m. to 6 p. M. Saturdays: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. EveningB ,and Saturday After* noons by appblntment only. t. Royal Bank Building Phono Watt 446 Residence Phone West, 383. D R . G. D. H. S E A L E . ■ v m ta ts ; Hay Block, 14th and Mat îne Dr. 0/Tlce Hours 8 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. * Phone West 72 NURSING HOME (Mrs. M, E. LaChanee, R.N.) 264 - 24th Street East North Vancouver Residence Phone: North 1356R By cheque to V.V. Vinson, chairman'West Vancou­ ver Elks' Xmas Cheer Fund ......... ......... .... p40.27 R. J. Verne of Vancouver, Ht/iff sent each one borne with a. jire.sident of the Wcjstern Cana- remembrance package. (lian Amateur Ski Associatiqn, * _____ has consented to act on the com­ mittee with C. Allan Snowden of 3'oronto and Sigurd Locke- berg of Ottawirhas promised to HGiui the best t)f the, wtistern ski artists. Un Tuesday afternocin the an­ nual gathering of Mrs. Ben-* rHdt'.s department (beginners anif, primary) gave joy to the little folk. Games, program, ,a well apread table and a parting John Nordmoe and Y. Gotuas, gilt made a happy afternoon. Camrose, Alta., skiers, arp'ex- served. ^T-SO-^Evening wor.ship. Ras­ ter will commence a series of sermons on the Revelation of Jesus Christ, A cordial invita­ tion is extended to all. .Monday, 7:30 p.m.--B.Y.RU. Young people over 16 heartily Mrs. Romans .................. 6.00 T. G. P...... ...... .......... :..... 2.00-- Bowman's Apron Shop..... 5.00 Beatrice Hodg.son ........... 1.00 Unknown__ j............ ....... 1.00 Muriel & Babs ...... 2.00 Hollyburn School .... "22.35 Pat, Mavis & Pam ........... 1.02 Naomi Chapter, O.E.S.,-. 5.00 pected to be on the team with Bob Lymbourne, Revelstoke; *'Nip" Stone, Vancouver; Ivor Kmidaen--a.nd__Axel_S , Princeton, and Carl Engstudt of Winnipeg. /rho team will not be picked entirely on the re.sults of the trials, last season's tournaments also being taken into considera­ tion, Wednesday afternoon the in­ teresting, sight of the babies of the (..'radle Roll w ith ' their TJlrliTn's'tbok its place amo"ng" th.e many Xmas parties of the .'"'ea.son, ' Kindergarten games, mus c, light refreshments and an addre.ss by Mrs. J. Reid to (he molhersLcombined to make a very delighlfiil afternoon. ̂- • wx:.o "S,** ^ Baptist Church;.'with the study ol the Epistle„td Duncan Dawson Chapter the Romans. -------- Friday-^C. G. I. T. 'Teen-age girls welcome. '■'■y ■ Rubbish! Lawyer; ""Can you, tell me,it Q defendant was expensively garbed?" " Negro Witness: " 'Deed she was, sah. Ah knows expensive garbage when, Ah sees i t " 'The Same Mr. Mayem* (with his lawyer's bill in hand): "Sir, this charge is ..outrageous!" . ■ His Lawyer (blandly): "But so' was .the charge against which ' I defended you."«, St Anthony's Church ? a s to r4 4 le v ^ -E a th W -G a F e it^ Res. 2563 Marine Dr. I.O.D.E........................... 5.00 Miss L. Law-S-on. t-_--_ _2._00 Mrs. T. Dick ............ 2.00 Mrs. Haroldi Brown........... 5.00 A. M. W. :............ ......... . 2.00 T. McCulloch ................7:.: 2.00 -- -- ^00- DRY FIR ^Full Load $5.00 Get our prices on Green .Alder, Cord VVbod Plione West 4 8 COOKE & LeNEAL U'odneaday evening" the An- mial Junior Choir Concert, con­ ducted by Mrs. Cplin Mcl..ean and Mr.s. Shetridd, will bring to a close the year's activities. Those who remember the fine etfort of last year will not fail - to attend this one, which will be ^up-to-st^am tarclT" A ~ l)T a T e "a rth r" door will receive anv voluntary offering, which wilfbe devoted to reliol. It is not an admission fee. "Everybody come and en­ courage the juiors. Sunday; :8;45 a.m.--Holy Mass; Ser­ mon; Benediction. «, Week Days; 8;00 a.m.--Holy'Mass. New Year's D ay-Feast of the Circumcision: (Holyday of Obligation) 8:45 a.m.--High Mass; Ser­ mon; Benediction. Sunday: 8:45 a.m.. Holy Mass. 1:30 p.m.---Sunday School. 2:30 p.m.--Rosary, Benedic­ tion. Maple Leaf Club (Chil­ dren) ......................... .50 Frank and Bet................ . Staff Municipal Ferries....! 16.45 $340.27 Handy Ann Shoppe Dundarave, Phone West .39 L,;.-... ...... WISHES ALL - . . The Compliments-OEThe_ Seasons, 10 -p e rte n rS A :tE ~ S ta r t in g J a n u a ry 1st. WINNIEXIGHTNER m Gold Dust Gertie " ne!w s , CARTOON ^MMiJjie_e^2.-3.0.-J^ida^and-^Saturdap- COMEDY Katahliahcd on North -Shore. _ -------- 20 Years,------ ------ (Lady Assistant) HAKRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON IFuntral :gtTcTtW8- North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors- 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Do not torget ' the union Watch Night servfce in the United Church at 11:15 p.m. on 1'hursday. Dr.Uenry will coii- (iuct and lead in the prayers, Rev. Mr, Humphreys will read the Scriptures and Rm7--Mrr"Ramsay, rector of St. Stephor's, will give a short address.' The Sixth Annuar Rally of the Sunday Schools of Greater Van- TUK West- Vq^n N ew s Publianed Every Friday _ to occa- -*-ahl4«her- Our. Y, P; S. are meeting for a social evening on Saturday, at 8 p.m., at the residence of Mrs R. P. Allan, 3092 Marine Ave. Fi-^R -L O V E G R O V E » Phone West 363 Iitt8in<m« and Editorial Offic«: 17th and Marine Drive The King David Lodge, A. F, tfe A. M., and other Masonic brethren will be our guests at the SundayTevemng service. St. Stephen's Church '■ 'Rector- Rev. F, A. Ramsey, L.S.T. January 3rd, 1932 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion. 10:00 and H :!5 a.ni., Sunday School. l\:15a.m., Holy Communion ' and Sermon. ' * 7:T5 pmiTTEveiTsoh^a1id~Se mon. -■ Wedncsda>| January 6, Feast Ui the Epiphany. Holy Com- niunion at 8 a.m. I t is the day.; of Hie Consecration of Dean Rcnison and Canon Sovereign to ............. in Christ Church mcouver, at 10:30" a.m. ihe congregation are asked to remember these two priests in their prayers, both before their Consecration and on that day, (Jn New -Year's Day there will J^oly Communion at !0 a.m. Caulfield; Service at 3 p.m., J>_n.Sunday,:.:___ :____ ? ------ --- ■ ■ - , ■ - • k. ■ ■ ■ . ■ ̂ ■ $ 2 5 .0 0 Early Bird Given Away * Tickets NOT SOLD FRIDAY 9p .m . Sat.' or Holidays COMING Non. Tues. Wed. Next Week M arillyn M iller m EXTRA ATTRACTION T he New Burrard Jnlet Fire Boat IN ACTION Mon, - Tues. Wed. Next Joan: late?" Jim : Catastrophe 'What's made you so j | - i (Next to Hollyburn P. 0.) Phone West 363 Mail Addreasi i . ■■ > - f t ; - . . . . .. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and .̂̂ rs. L. M. CIcmeiSF-< and Mra, XkLlf.. Clement wish to / • uie way. some repairs, ..th e n ? ' N \ "No,j'Out the gkrag^. will," I w B i l \ P. 0. Box 61, HoUvburn, B. C. $1.00 a year by carrier; $2.00 a year~ by mail. express their dee»|> of the floraTofferinim and emhe . sympathy expressed to them in their recent bereavement. 2309 19th Avenue. She: " AmT the first girl you . ever kissed ?" He: "OfTJourseyou are! Why IS it that you girls all ask the same oue.stirtn?" ®rcrtingB The_M anageraniS taff of the L-onsdale Theatre W ish^u^m any Patrons in West VaneeavefW ^ District, . . A Prosperous Ncin Jear