' - P \ ' . ' - \ ' ^ x ' *«. ■ ^^S-.SCV'^V* ^v-J*' i- '•̂ i " p-^*^' ' - ' ' * ' iiiii>i*iiWiilii!i i ^ ^ .... j I ., . n , . . .., ..... ......... . i*-!, ,.... t .... .1 ....o-.fl ,ji> 1 .. in,...,#. ...a..,..(»* .fJht fU.^^ fi.-lif.Ss t«, .t4W» tUtL kA , i . . .. . ..... . ............ ... . . . i s . .. W... \a.i . - ..•a ......>i . ri«, .>. i*. .......), r. Ur. ■ * ♦ , , 'i. ' V. 5 (S M ^ M ̂ Vf \ -r Iff *■ - '» ( , p f 'W ' V <̂- V- " >■ 4| >iV ̂ ( <f i .r fc ̂ 1 " J f ^ ̂ ^ ^ ' ■■■.,■••" /\'^■ :V'■.;■■:'• ; , ' . ' r ^ - ' . - ■■' 'V ' ' ' \v^ ;| '; ' ;;3?: ' *^i- iS r ̂ fi > ' S : ......i... 1 ■ * ■ ■ " ̂ 25Ui -- Childrett*s Day, yiitir amtiona to one of* ^ii J . " f; •• I e - > Tomorrow wiU be our nrst REG ULAR DELIVERY for this season. We have a n ie d liEe IM oxs for rale a t .'" '.I' ' . . ' . $ 2 . 5 0 , E a c h ' . If you need a b o x th is ;season b etter n o t leave-it to o late. T h e s e b o x es are a bargain and w ill b e sn a p p ed ujp e a r ly , .'.' '■ ■ ' f o r SAjPtAH WRIGHT ' "" ' ■ ' PASSES 4fejf ff«* (i(W'».«-t «n **«i6* wi**wî . r - ., ft - ' , V n r* .r' 7 ' r , ,, -A 'C S'C i'f l ? ¥ l ? F l WrW* -• Tilt rate 1m §Mrn^l^:Amiimmm^ to I «tiili i« r war4 minliiittiti ' is btrln^ fladi ara payabla atrieUr .<A altaiiet. . ltamamlMW.aitoili*#tli.lH^W Nawa'gal immadtola raaulto. ^ mtmf- M m Sam h a Wright, 1298 Gordon Avenue, passed away last Tuesday evening a t * the North Vancouver Generi^l Hos- p ita U n her 48th year. A native o f England, the deceased had HOW BOATS--Well made. ¥ % ra ir a i l« M ii i i l '•l.ak«it«teiukra 'iikHMtwSRttikJIraaa^'alaikiia>Jk<iiiM y S ^ u . . . __________ i j.'< _ ^ 4 .. .!«. T i *Original deatgna In ipardan decora tioas, taWHS, Paths, Artiatto Rocku u n s , M i w u s , . x ^a iiia , lA jn iasiG . sio ck Gardens and Pdols, Landscape Gar. ' * " ' * Modaratodening, all branches. ________ prices. R. J . Kyte, residence phone West 69L8. ' ideal for camp or general use. Suit.* ab e for outboard motor. A. Oliver, 15th and Waterfront. ■"t. ALL T l!» BEST Brands of Clgara. t igurettes'ami Tobaccos, Also Ex- clmnge Pokor Hands and Consol • rartls Iroo. Ambloalde Toa Hoon% , \ 1 H » i INiliNlM,' KQU THE BEBP SLABS and Inside l ir phono West* 230.y ^ r s . ' S h e is survived hv iiur «. l - LiiaLnn#! W W j " v RENT OR SALE -- Partly tu rn - . .------------------ r ................... ............... .. ■ n u s b a p a , H._ W . W ilght^ ishod house on W aterfront. Apply fltKASUUB VllOVE--Linens hand Leyland, West «8Rl. ...ifi-.i -. - . - 1,1 Sfc or Ice Piiane W ^ t 4 5 6 daughter,' Mrs. Thomas Con stable, who also resides here.. The funeral s e r v i^ will be held in St. Stephen's Chyrch a t 2 p. m. -tomorrow, llev. A. Hard*, ing P riest ? officiating, and in- ie.rm ent will be made in Capilaho ,View cemetery. Harron Bros, apd W|illiam's6n have charge ,ot' the fuileral-arrangements. PAINTING, DECORATING. Rrejich Pollahlng., Residence phono West -., 7 i y . _ , . _ , : , ........... initialed of monogrnined from 25c to $2.00. ..Phone West 457113. FOR RENT-- T̂Kree roomed house, furnished, $15:00. Good view. Phono West 61U. • . F0U.PA1NTIN(L KALSOMININC-- „9' Itoninga, lloaidonco - phono AVest 304R. LEGION W. A . , ROpK AND ALPINE PLANTS for sale from large collection. ' C. G. Barrow, Corner ,24fh a:nd Nelson. Phono West 08L2. .. " LOST--Buttnlion ImdKO brooch, ^old j,antl onamol, between 20th and 12th on Haywood,: inth Street, or Mar- ino J)rive. Valued us keepsake. , iMnder please pliono West (U)GU2: WEBB'S .SHOE REPAIRS WEAK BEST--Dundarave. Military Will - jj^g wife'^haye been omitted for "111 the event, o f m y d e a th o b v io u s re a s o n s . T h e la d s o f t h e --------- j t. - i ' : or-Dj.--uunaaravo. (cheers) I devis6 and bequeath Somme and the Salient were in- ^^^Bard, President ------------------------ ^ (Wd cheers) all my personal deed hard-boiled.' They had to of the Provincial Command, will, f o u n d a t io n c e m e n t WO and real etfects and estate to my Ko ̂ . TWT?rU+ro. give an address on th e aims and. Landscaping and Lawns laid, ^ffe .(loud and prolonged . ; oi ĵects o f the Bri^ . rr------ r -- ' .. .... Service League," The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion will be held in the Legion Memorial Hall on .Monday, April 27th, .at:7 :45 in. the evening, in stead .-of Tin the afternoon as usual. Mrs. Barnard, President FpR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Ron- Mdonco Phone West 241R. FERTILIZERS Bone Meal, Fish Meal, Standard Triangle B., etc. • Vernon Feed^Store,~.Weat 0,- "> FOR RENT (SirSALPi-Attm ctlvV. . dolighlfully situiUcHl, fully modchu bungalow. Close to beach. Also fu rn itu ro for sulo including West- ' inghouHc. electric range; all in A1 • condition. Phono W est' (jI)X3/ FOR SALE--1029 Ford Couch,-Curp>.. , / enter's'tools, Simon's bed and Mat- trb.ss almost new and other furni ture. Cheap for cash. 2354 Lawson Avenue.' f cheers):' ̂ . "Signature------------ Usher (to cold, dignified la d y ): The abovie is an exact copy "A re,, you a " friend of the* made by us of a military will ex- groom ?" ' * Two men can admire the same ______ ____________„ _ - sh ir t and be friends; but 'tis ecuted by a Canadian soldien ^ L a d y : ."No, indeed! I 'm The different when they admire the The name of the soldier and of * bride^s m other." same skirt. . „ Rock walls, drains, septic tanks, fencing and land clearing, chimneys and furnaces cleaned and . repaired;' Phone T. Barnoft, residence phono West 290R. FOR SALK--Ladics* C.C.M. bicycle,, -fin.OO. In good' condition. 1803 Clyde. Phone West 28«R.. V BIG SNAP TO CLOSE-ESTATE MAUCELLE SHOP -- Marcelle, 50 cents; reset, S5c; finger wave, 76c. • Phone Mrs. King, West 304. Two-50 f(M>t lots north-east corner 23rd and Jefferson, $460.00'for the two. . . * , -FUI -̂D.-=.A--Bunch'~of~K-ey^on*-Rafi-- cliffe Avenue. Phope West 8.74. A- , " To introduce ' J.W . K elly M ana^€ F r ^ D einonstra tio ii . , \ ........... ........ . . ..........-.. We haye arranged for a showier of Prize Coupons J^ b g . s c a tte r^ .from .an A eroplane_J^hic^-_wilI^^ over North and West Vancouver. I •1 2 :3 0 to 1 :3 0 p; BUSINESS GIRL WANTS ROOM and Board, near ferry. Apply Box 5 West Van News. ROCKERY AND ALPINE PLANTS for sale from large collection. 0 ,-6 - Barrow, Corner ' 24th" and Nelson. Phone West 98L2. " Sole Agents . PHOENIX INVESTMENTS LTD. No. 2 - 425 Hpwo St. Phone Scy. 4055 - West 225 C. J." ARCIIER, Disti Representative : I*- G E O . H A Y YOUTH WANTS WORK oî Odd Jobs Phone" West 39. ' - f o r 'SALEL^Four 'Room Bung/aJov." ,' with bath, ' large living room, 14'-x -_--24! .̂iulL-pJumbing,-newly-'decorat'ed,- $1,800: $300 ca^h and $20 a-month, . including interest. Phone West 292Y.:,.d' ■ ' ■ .Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance ■ Notary Public -- - Fir e iNsuRANCEr^ _FOR RENT--Furnished and Unfurn*- T f ished Houses.*: 1 TO RENT--On Waterfront, one room -- and two beds on verandah. Cqm- -X f̂®ri:able home for geritleman. Phone __ -WesiL^GLl. ■___________ , 1 Money Available for Mortgagjcs 'on. ̂ Drive Office Phone W^^t 21-- S(^r i260 ~7 ■ I ? ^ l > ' O A T TO ■ ----- ■■•--■-a. ' •.. . v / X X l . C c * l l ^ U l i t S .. V V C O V ... A i L U F o c y . * i ^ U w - Re< îdence Phonq W. 32R or W. 204X first classr condition, $15.00, Phone . ® West 288R. " * J* .Ir a te . Gue.st:'-'"A re y o u ~ th e -_F.OR_SALE^Singcr-Sewing-Machiiie-^-^------ ^ j Gopd' condition, reasonable price. m_anager of thls,.h.otell_.^. .. --------------- ^^=^^4Iefel-MAuager y • V -Phone-W^st-660Lr .Ira te ' Guest : "I ha^ May 25th -- Children's Day,serious^com plairii.-^- Send your donations, to one of .Hot êl Manager .-Heavensy sirr ■ • ............. ...... ........... .... j 1 ■■ i . v v*«â a*v*aca.vav*ao. I/Vf VlIC Vi. iXAlAtCl XTXCAAlCAfe Vi • j prize commitfee or West _ Van don't come neaji_me, it might --^cw s.------------ ^ ^ ---------------------belcatching-I- Valuable'prizes._will be presented fo holders of lucky numbers--prizes th a t will delight every ducky winner. All prize winning numbers have already been dfUWn and are in a sealed envelope-in the. possession of Ex^Mayor G.' H. Mqrden. - . ' These lucky -numbers will be announced in next Frida.v's ^issuejof th is paper. ^ . ' Be certain to retain your-CmiponsjuntiLthenr-^ ^ ; .{-̂ CHILDREN--I t is possible to - w in an immediate prize.' If yoU 'are-fortunate enough to pick b u tb f the sTcy one o f the SPECIALLY .MARKED Coupons we will present-you-w itha-real^gift~ im m ediately"upon]^Tesentationof-the Coupon-atour-Store. "THE CANADIAN LEGIQNrWEST VANCOUVER BRANCH-, (Tbe final of the season) - "y in thf^ LEGION HALL, THURSDAY, APRIL JiOth, Len Chamberlaih*s Orchestra. ̂| .Dancing 9 to 1.' . Admission, 75c (including refreshm ents) ■ Kit'.: SERVICE Al SMILE AT Brooks' Dry Goods and Men's Wear Idth-amHM arine Drive. phone W est 144 " ^ Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and Ui/iversal Sweaters also'Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. . GOvy Ltd . Ih& RIDGE SUPER SERVICE STATIGN General Repairs, Brakes, Greasing^ BatterV X harging, Tires Genera! O verh^Iing . / , North 473 North Shore Branch -105 E a st F ir s t S tr e e t (Bank of-C om m erce B ldg .) Jack Banks .& Lapee Garthorne. . 2203 MarinerDrive . ' . PHONES: W est^ l3 -0 (D ayor N ight) .Repair Shop: West 91' ;ll?i