West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Apr 1931, p. 4

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M. JERSEY SWIMMING CU.'B B. EI.ECTIIIC SHOI'S TtWNCaTTMBKTINO " " p f h i g h e s t Q u a l i t y f o r W e s t V a n c o u v e r T' . T ■■ ■ . ' ■ . ■- _hrough- Spencer Dairies, West Vancouver has a supply of good wholesome JERSEY " M a quality as any community in Canada. , Matching theLquality of this - mini is efficient delivery-diircf " to your door through Spence's own delivery system. A te le p h o n e c a ll b r in g s a S peitccr d r iv e r th e fo llo w in g d a y . WEST 114 or H IG H LAND 156 ̂ ' ■** i ' c S P E N C E R D A IR IE S " L o o k fo r S p e n c e r 's J e rs e y M ilk D eliv ery '! TheW estV am -jiivi'rAmaU'ur .. ,lays o f Swimming Club In. W t lii-ir amm- priMluctifin of automobilea, 2' "'".""JS'JJ' "" ""r; ■::! f t hL sinke sU-Uoss aUmuU In , • gavfe,.!A«'report of the. winter swimming mentioning Mi ̂ .Mol- lie Edwards, .Wiss Manramt, Currie, Miss Gw*-n ('lay, YMdie Hornsby, Gerald Miuoin, Andy Flockhart as those \s'h'o rej»n'* sented West Vaneo'iivil'r hgain.-l the larger clubs ol the city. common iar more or lo.ss with tlu- differ- {■nt oijeration.rperfornietl by an .. automobile ineehaii'ic, hid it is safe to say that jKopIc do not realize the size and industry Of a street car .liupdr-sen'ice, s ta ­ tion. j * ' Work is oh h big au(I broad' * scale at the Kilsilaiiaj shops « i i t-% r.M* j . . t . . . . .Reev;Leyland.gaveanV..ceb the lent address, praising thi* club ' 'h u e Uic Liti iit ' is scientiiically' and 'cleverly tioiie. The red glai'e of t Heblacfe uiiding of ....... ible'r o f ' for its good work, iii the muni- . cipality in feachihg swimming, diving, and life-saying amongst -done. 1 he reel glare of the younger generation. -Tliis lorge. , is the most imporlant work the ̂ narmners, l]ie i* I club does and anvone wisliing to ' learn these things can'do so by "̂ indter.of the welding,tore! I becoming a member, NTember-■ '^ese combine to give ship cards can be (.blaineiUrnm-^^^'d^a very imposing look i /-'The Silent MONDAY and TUESDAY • The B ig Trail urn the fierce , torch-- the y arid the visitor feels that her^Js a '.1 visi.................. : ' ' " ■ \ ery temple ,of industry. The magnitude of the work GARDENS-ahd-GATOENING ship cards can be obtained.from Miss Gwen Clay, 1510 Marine Drive, or any meinb^T of the ^.executive., . . .... ............. - ------ ;/• .The results of the eketion of . • officers for the ensuing year are ns follows: * " , Hon... Presidojit--keevp- ,1. B. Leyland. . ' Hon, Vice Presidents--,T. T. Watt, V, J. Dunn.' y President--L. C. 1h'id. -- * Vice-Presideiit--Dr. C. Vaiice.' Secretary--Miss (Jwen Clav. . Treasurer--Mrs. G. Vance. „"*^Difi-ana six ot inese need a Boys' Gaptaiji- Kd. ITornsbV. "bnijilete job. .AVjfh -iiiterLirban Girls' Captain --Mis.s Wilma cost gocSk ifp one-third ^ohaldson. . . ....... aJJ along .the line." " ■ Handicapper--Laurii* Speck. , one of the service" men TIP » , . -... shops is on his toes. I t urnp to the^e B. C. ^ jiJoyees to See that>-eyery chr ■ apparenUwli<?n. the cost of ser­ vicing a street .car is taken into consiiieration. A cit.v: car finish- ed with general, overhaul and painting job costs' upwards of $800. If the car is ,not . painted .'then about $60O will cover an overhaul. ̂ Eight city .cars are brought into the shops .everj^' month- and six of these need a TherBURRARD L, tJmited. For People Who Are Particular Agent for SWAN^ BROS ' d r y CLEANERS THIRD ST; «hd 8T: DAVIDS North Vancouver ' , Phone North 1310... ■ .. f.' u ., ' West Van. Representative Pi RIVERS Phone West 410L By MIN A G. H UTT, Landscape Architect . - C«idu„- In L.„.Uc.pIn, U. 6t C. Anuric.n S.hod J, L^nd.c.po ArchI.ec.ur* .nd G»i'd»ninf, M«mb«r NmIIoiibI Und^cape"Service. ' -- --i- './ ■ :■ I time is (juite suiL .chemicals most needed bv nlants ' dahlias,, and are chiefly composed of nit- pi ovided care is to.-cover rogoig^potash and nlmunVmrin i,f a Qold--night~neid wi'th'scveral other .ingredi- ' i r thii-...tulR'rs out - ents in sngfdler iiuantilies -Fer- tilizers consisting of chemical , them in in some corner >oL4he ingredients mi\(*vi atui t. It 18 (imte no.ssih r»' fHhi " lUn.v .......... Girls' Captain Donaldson. . Handicapper--Laurie Speck. Life-saving Instructoi' -- .̂Milss A. Lester. . 'Executive--Charlie (diapman, ,-P, B^_ontg.onier-y,_Bub-SnijtlVA. P. Curley. SCO'TTISH SOCIETV Th;e annual meeting of the- West Van.couyei' Scottish Soci- tain.j the-company's reputation •lor the ^est-possible'service to the public. - . , • The^ cars come into the shop lor general ■ overhauling after running from 60;000 to 100,000 n .w 'L lt.® J® judging' the away in a warm snot. TIidki. ̂ r. „ ' ety was held on Friday, the 17th- m nrhi.w h i t Judging'the instant, a t the Clachan, bring- • t™ * frame and ,ing to a'-close,a most successful general. ' bend your donations to one o f ■ y ^ e s t Van year. The following-' ulficers were elected for-the coming year: Hon. President, JohiVHaii. . Pres., J. McEwan, 1_ i Vice Pres:: D.-MeDonahl fill in and_Jill6wcd to ramaili ' s ' ® I ' Mrs. Geift-' that the-: NoTE-n....... w,„ , , , - y - --"So he'is teaching Vera h i s : s h i ^ m ; ' • That he- is twentv-siy not engaged, - works in a bank 1443 Marine Drive ' ' Ambleside Phone West 340 EveningSftW^est 143 Real Estate Finance and̂ sprouljfTvtIl appear and then the m ps-m ay be broken up. ~A . -. -r r..,, .V- TV •••vtiaiMvi - ii-fl' ]jira turo ' In concerning the g.rdrn ' l i t t l e ' , o i n - - after the hole is dug ami before «n «n c«riy u,u« or ^ -the tubeiHs pliinted wilj pi-ovi.l..- - :«r.op-. will ±^BStay.ilh,hettei'=bloonis^I)ahli«.-: ------------------------------ J t - he CJachan on- Sen- May 2 5 ( K C h i l d r e n ' ^ D ay . ' ' ' ' ^ -Tim^soclety- ex tends a warm I \ n f n f i r i B V 4- pe O . _ i i • foP':Si:' '® I '.Quality Limited 1 ^ 1 For S el^ ite respoiubwomleiTullv toiuuunplo Dayr: i^upply of it. Many peoille don't >**"*'- to Pne of . CANOEISTS NARROWLY bother inserting Ihe stakes m . committee or W^st V^m^- ESCAPE DEATH INNiiws/bother inserting the. stake^^ui ..the^rtime.of planting but,do it when the plant has growiLsuL is a mistake, as in many 'eases > ^ turn-out of both of ^hlncouyer iiarrm n! the tuber may be bailly damaLWl Tuesday'eveniiig caped deafh n^ the by .diTving i h e stake^ at th ^ meeting of the L-QL.;-We.st Vuikiou' L on them. By planting the stake at Grange degree was ^lorning, wheii their csn it 'F We Carry , the Largest Stjo£fc o f ,:ENGUSH BAY, a n ^ r c R Black, âsh and Doors ■ 'ON t h e NORTH^SHORi. Bv ' at the-next meeting. The Rovat atelv nhvvMA j t irnm efc . Firat.jwm- gni-4liner ivanis. in'. be conferred'oii : latte-pho.i«I VanL®^."',"f - 'T"® kliow \Vhether com m erciarfe^ 'j~"/~^^£^ s^con'd police boat and at fk isjoi-s are s a f ^ o usenWŵ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ meetif^r May. ______ n§AV land shoulkl beTCrtilixed ■' ' .'®**y ^Djoyable time wa.s Tiowes Dn.i ^^bsLables . .T h e , - a n s ^ is yes to both q u e s tio p ^ j-^ h im e m a L fert il'in- - -Cbrnbination -of-fhe uiidl^uTeTand fhe better service; .our qualify is' (ALL KINDS) O i^onic ________ . GhejiWngs Pe«,:ue L ^ Grass Seed ' 'J-^?'®f**>dSeeffi Potatoes A E R H D H -^ FE E D S T O ^ Waijtu™: Wert 9 i: 1 J 1 time"'was ^owes" and had by the many, who-attended structions \o f Tilt on by. the dodge , rescue (ho ^ ..I^tday evening, in- the Or! drifting out i a a g c p a ll. . ------- haiiginT. SuJLajlll' ------------------- r:- - - caaoo t I " ; overtS?l«i, -time.-- ed oppo,-fe ^ 'Vheh: rescuiS ^ - • '•ushed , ' S i S - "Vbei-r Mr- BiVn. ^s®c()uve.-, bospiial in *. iskau to tho - ^eing ablesto'walk iniance. to the ambu- - X 4 Common S4S good-grade Floorings; No }k i 4 c T e a r S P lo r /~ * ' '= ............... ■̂ '0-^lQ 4?t* ..........14.00 M ................ .......-........ -...... .90 each ■ -i' 2 25eaeh' - ' VA Shingles............... ........- ^ 5 0 - Colwials* ' *•.............. . 0*01?_____' 1 ................-..................., 2.25 Sqr.- 4 ■ ^ ™- f®-- Balding R e q u ir e m e n t F W r a -" ■ : V_X _______ l^plauiaile n o r th 110 ■ • Phone ' " Seymour 2406, 6.00 M. 7.00 M: