■ J > 'J THg'WBSTTAN NEWS P i i^ l i i i i l 'orless s D iin , 'l ^ p 8 p , ' . ";cioiASE. l3Mai>dj.iinJ.;Py«wtd4L|ftO. L o c a l an d P e r s o n a l O ur W in d ow Pressed 50c ;<nits and Overcoats made to order Our ^Own Make 1568«M arine Drive™-- May 25th ~ Children's Day. A. Bossenberry, who has been to*ohe"hf - " k b e h d tb f lh W h f e r i i^ l i^ ^ ^ prize com ittltt^ or West Van is back agraln a t the JUoat station■ .. - ■■• .......... ............ ... . _ . -- ̂ ....... . ».iews* a t 17th and W aterfront. ' t « n Canadian Legion, lE^ii^ Em pire Service League, North Vancouver Branch 118 a m a t e u r a t h l e t ic e x h ib it io n f BOXING " W RESTLING STKAIT-JACKET KING, P . HOLMAN„ JAPANESE PENCING PRILL HALL (Noi^h Vancouver) W E APRIL 29 . ' ■ 8 .p .m . ' ■ J- Admission: Gents, 35c; Ladies Free" Boys 16c ;■ '•'rs-'**' WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOLS BAND and A ssisting A rtists are giving A In INGLEWOOD SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, MAY 1st .m'., . a t 8 p .m . Tickets, 50c. Admission, ' Children 25 cents. Williamson, deckhand on R. C. Procter is ill and a pati- the ferries, was crushed between ent in a Vancouver hospibal. the dock , dolphin 4ind N o .'6, as ' * ♦ * the la tte r wag'comink into Am- Mrs,4and Miss Riley of Van- bleside dock a t 6t50 Mosdayr-epnver, a w guests a t the Por- evening. Apithe time of the ae- tune Cup Inn*. ' cident he-was standing on the * * ♦ /p o r t kuard. He Was removed to' Mrsl V. Herriartdez, 16th and the North Vaheouver hospital, Palmerston, has been confined where examination showed his to her home through sickness, pelvis had been fractured .. It is. ♦ * ♦* expected that-he will be a pati- - ' Mr. and- Mrs.™ T. * Sorensen, ent i n , the hospital for, some' Shaughnessy Heights, and Miss months. Jean Watson are on their way * ♦ * back from a visit to Californiar*^ Mrs, Alex, Riddell of Saanich- ~ -..................* * * .̂............ --ton,' V.I., is-visiting her parents M agistrate Gordon Robson is ■ Mr. and Mrs. S tuart Cameron, having a new home built a t 29th a t their Caulfeild home. Marine Drive. This week shows a line of HOUSEHOLD DRUGS packed in Vancouver, such us Balls, Boracic, Sulphur, Alum, Flaxseed, etc. * Your support of these lines helps yourself. SEE THEM WEST VAN PHARNACY ThV4}tortt'of Service). 1402 Marine Drive ..... Wcat 37 Eincrgi>ncy Phone -Went 321 (After-0-p.m .)---------- The. boys' baseball team of Mrs. Ford Breckenridge, Rad- Hollyburn School, -playing "oh " cliff Avenue, is.giving a tea this th e i r , own grounds, defeated afternoon in honor of Mrs. In- Grade 9 o t the West Vancouver nes-Noad, who is leaving shortly High- School' on the ,16th in s t, for Australia; - -- - - by a score of 13 to 8. ' * WEST TAN and D YER S The only brycleaning and Dyeing P lant owned and operated-in. ......... W est Vancouver . . V aleteria l^ respag; 50c.'" TiUlTS " JDRESSES;-'.- ; . COATS / an d S c ^ in g .$ 1 .0 0 Ladjes Felt H ats and Gloves D q ^ ^ a n e d 25c. MODERN EQUIPMENT ONE DAY SERVICE, - ' ' > Goods called for and delivered between^Capilano and Whytecliff 1540 Marine Drive " " Phone W est l61 - t ,.V- ♦. David Dewar and two sons, . 2243 Bellevue Ave., left "on: ; Thursday morning, 16th instant, for th e Peace River district, go ing b y . motor. T hey ' were ac-' /com panied-by. .Lome Colpitts? ^ h o expects to go with them as fa r as Edmonton,-whence.he will proceed to Vermillion, Alta. Norman Patterson, 27th and Marine Drive, suffered'a broken arm ion Tuesday evening When - the bicycle he -was riding down 27th Street ran away with him,, resulting in his being,thrown off a t the corner of Bellevue. --- ^ ----- BREAD CAKES -PASTRIES MEAT PIES -- ALMOND TART'S -- BISCUIT'S ^ ■ MacaiWn Varieties i^hristehirig, Birthday and .Wedding Cakes All made at ' ; >... 1468 Marine Drive' Stratton's Bakery Phone West 27 - 1 -- _ _ -- / ■ 7Mrsr™E7^7-McFe6le3r~of~Vie= ̂ Miss Philpott of Gaulfeild, is' leaving this week for a visit to England. ♦ ♦ ♦ West Vaff^Tandi Canadian Legion Can supply men fo r the following: ' * PAINTING ' ' - " ELECTRICAL WORK GARPENTERING- (^ARDENERS PLUMBING -And. handy men for all kinds of work Phone West 7 1 Y toria, is the guest of Mrs. S tuart Cameron of Caulfeild. - " The Great West Coal Co. of N orth Vancouver .has been taken over by Evaiis, Coleman: and E vans.; W. - D. Colvin, 2039 ; Es^ quimalt Ave.-; is in charge. ' ■ John, .'Teare, -! 3th and Ingle- Wood, while working in the bush Mrs. L. Sellers of W est Bay,- widow of the. late Louis Sellers, who was so prom inent in. the B.P.O.E., is m oving.to.V ancou ver. ' 1 The Diocesan Board Of *the W. A. is meeting "next Tuesday -Week, 5th May, in St. "Sitephen's Church, - I t is expected th a t from 150 to 250 representatives GORDON ROBSON Barrister'& Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office-Norl447-Marine'Driver - Phone'West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St.,W Phone Seymour 4199i - wilhbe present, thf^ week, chopped his hand so; . ' ♦ badly_that one of his fingers had ^ Mrs. E. W. Weeden, Radcliffe to*-be-amputated-at~the--Northr--A-v«r,-^gav^-a'hift-hday™"pal^tyTlast-' HOLLYBURN Barber Shop __ 16th-& . Marine_______ E X P E R T S E R V I C E E. MARSH, Proprietor Vancouver Hospital. WEST VAN TRANSFER COAli and BUILbERS SUPPLIES "■" r We have a car of JULAMEEN NUT COAL direct? -from th e m in e a t f 8 . 5 0 p e r to n Phone ED. BLACK W est 6 8 or your own' dealer' Saturday aften?5oif-in honor of * * '* " her daughter Patty , who was. the -A... Harvey Smith, proprietor recipient of many pre tty gifts. ■ of the Red- aiid WTiite Stores Barbara Sparrow and "Ernestine here, is having a--new house -Weeden assisted in .serving, and erected at l'5th S treet behind his the children thoroughly enjoyed jAmbleside store.__ _ ; _____ ' themselves. The guests' w ere:/. : -Me ♦ * P atty Weeden, Dorothy Chap- T. H. Foster, has moved into pell, Brenda 'Wicking, Margaret one of the Burley'houses a t 28th - McMillan,'Cbnstance Davidsqh/r,. and W aterfront/. ^ ' ^ ^May ^Ray, " M argaret White^^ -Shefiar-Hd wArd s j--Dale--Eriekson BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE,'Mgr. Distinctive Funeral-Service Lady Assistant -- : 320--rSrd St. E. Phone'North 626 * Frank Draper, 24th and Mar- gelen 'Wrisberg, Doreen Addy,. -ine Drive,-who is a p a tien t in "' W m a Cuth^^ W. J: HILTONIRECEIVES ' BRONZE MEDAL Shaughnessy Hospital, is mak ing progress/although. ê till seri- . ously illl. . ' ' S)s ♦ Mr. and Mrs., Watson^ who have been spending the winter in the south, have returned to their^liome at 25th antLKipgs. - + ♦ ♦ Howard Lloyd, grandson of Mrs'. Howard Lloyd of the For- ' tune Cup fnn, fell off the east side of- Dundarave p ier on Sat- di^tance of -on, Muriel Sbellard, Jtran Shar- man, -Lucinda Cherry, Barbara Sparrowe, Anne Sparrowe, Ern- -estine Weeden.- " Mrs. A. Hampson, Mrs: J. H, Smith, Mrs. L. Burley and Mrs. E. A. Ford were in South NeW W estm inster on Wednesday, where they paid a visit to Rev. J. P„ and Mrsj Dingle on the occasion , of St. Helen's Easter bazaar. ■ . FU R N A C E and S H EET M ET A L - ^ l E P A I R S i ^ b l e s i d e S h eetM c^ i W orks LAURIE SPEck, Proprietor 1456 Marine HVive Phone West 437L2 8 h 'h "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT"^ urday' morning a , , ___ --J------------- ' -- ^.weniy feet"on"to"th e rocks .and The brorize me'dal o f the R^yal picked up unconscious. ̂ Hexxie u yj , was taken to the N orth Vancou- Humane Society was presented jjQgpjtal,-but fortunately he a t the Vancouver City Hall Sat- no bones'broken. ■ ; Be patient.- I f your wife throws a flat-iron. at" you7 maybe she is'only trying to take the wrinkles out ofV yyur face, . " ? Mr. and "'jMrs. J. Dodd' Allah and daughter; Josephine,-- Rad- urday morning by Mayor Louis - D. Taylor to W. "J. Hilton, 1331 . Clyde, assistant chief - clerk a t -^ORTH VANCOUVER .^ELECTORAL. DISTRICT > th e w harf freight office,^ Canadi- - ■ __n f. rirtnsf-: MUSICAL PROGRAM hereby given that I "S S hour of 1 0 o'clock ̂ an- near/P ier-D r- ' AvenL V ^ 0 . - 2 8 Lonsdale i;- .^orth Vancouver. hoW s an JPacific Railway's B. C. Coast W est Vancouver Schools^Ban^in Service, for~ his-^reroic rescue Inglewood School A uditorium ^ January 14-of a drowning worn- ~ Frid^y^ May 1st, a t 8 p.-nr.' - - Vancouver, hold a sit- . ' The citation read by the March, "Chevalier." . Overture, "Pantheon." '̂®" .̂̂ ô "K®vision-forithe --mayor described how Mr. Hilton -■y^tz^^^^sniine-'* S T - A B urrard In let a n d - »f K the said-eiecToyilirtri^^^ in d T f March, "fhe . Buccaneer." ̂^ f e t k -- '̂ ®*^®™mg'any'and^'air Waltz, S ilv e r C a s c a ^ e / 'f - ■ PIANO R E C IT A L MISS HILDA WILSON, Pianiste, Assisted by' , ' - • / MISS IRIS LOCKWOOD; Soprano^ , 111 the ORANGE HALL, MONDAY,"APRr£r27th a t 8;3D~p/h^* pre^sely Tickets. 50c. i - ' retention ,of 7any cue the struggling woman, aided g^j-gj^^de, "Ferns and Flowers."? \ "a ^ 1 1 / " fronf the w harf by f e l l " r k - the ^Provincial Among those who witnessed .M ^ h , '"Royal Dragoons." ^tons.Act;--- - - _ ^ th a p re sL ta tio n w e re -G e W e .^ :./- propam w ill- 'b e 'a u g -- thi^ieth'? Vancouver, B. C., Bafllie, assistan t-to the'geiieral m p te d with songs by Sam and 16th daŷ pf -Apfii, 1̂ 31 . M. Innes. T om Turner,.. piano. ^co rd ian E .N . COPPING, ' / a g e h t I n s p e ^ f ' , Registear-^nf-Voters---koTPoHc^ts#IcGowan, and othdir ̂ - NoKryaneouvar H ectoJ ■ lother musical nu«a,ers._ ; W est V ail R io ters . V 1451" Marine. ' West 268, See BILL- GROUT for any of the SHIeLL PRODUCTS -Hv "/'d ----fSf* 1 : h>u P - ̂ , J p May-25th --rJChildren's Day. Send your 'donations to one prize committee or West Van News. . ' ■ ' ■ • X: "4 V>V ̂ diffc Ave., spent the week end. .. on Vanco'dver Idand. • Work gu4ranteed'"on any make of-43ar. Valve Grinding, Brake Lining, Motor Re-Boring a .specialty. JEs'timateh free.- No-job too small-tuyvarrant the utmost care--'-.