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'a < ,-4 ,M 5 i V S V ; „ ' i % > i t » ' . , * . u ' . , A 1 - ' f > » - I ' ' ' I tnft MlM* îH'*l 1b A A m |*!*'» i i i l *,', . - 5"»' I,.-,-' •■■• -», -... .I ...̂ , . .. 5 " • • , , , ; ' il'.' ■ ""/f u* - ; < , '.M * I ' , '4 L ' ^ i f T i T m • 4 * > ' ,j , 4 >4 1 44,' IL I' f* y.' ■ «-t ?»-t ,-.....4 4. 1* . - , 4 . f , „ ' ' I - ' >• . . V ,*^l J | ,, '■ I f9*-' J Circuldting iH the District of West Vancouver-^Ambjeside, Hoilybursty Weston, Dundarave $1.00 per year. ;, C y p r e s t T a r k , C e m lf e i ld , W h y te c l i f f , EtCm „ . Newsstands 6c per Copy.!. A» Vol. V " ^ I ) A Y CELEBRA-nON SIX PAGES - - HOLLy-BURN P.O.. w E S T VANCOUVER. B.C, iFRIDAY. APRIL 24th. 1931 No. 48 'Ij. ■ i ■'̂'£̂41 I. C D Gratificalion a t the progress . made by the various sub-corn- .......................................... ........ ■ mittees was- the - key noto:P^ tho ^ Hayes, W est Bay,' on Monday, * i<..„ ,.(• iliva M nv n a v r/Om- io a i. au... . The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter was held a t the home of ,Mrs. meeting of the May Day Com- Apj.|j 13th, ^^ith the 'Regent, m i t t e e this week. 0n^ey®5^ Mrs. Hayes, in the chair. A fter the opening ceremony the busi- H6ii^ f* :th ^ i?h a ^ e d . r - '■: ;"-■•'-■':■ '4:-4;: V.4.;v < U|)on m̂ ̂ aiwaidTpB'pi'itd^'tH^ same as last year it becomes evident th a t the citi-. zens of West V ^couver- have-- been looking forward to ju s t such'an aTTiraal .celebration a s ' sponsored this year. ̂ . • A splendid program of events has been arranged by the sports to the public school pupil gain- committee,^-features th a t ^will ,iyjg the highest number of tefst the athletic (jualities'0 ^ 1 1 m arks and $30 to the student ^fom under'5 to over-40. T ^ ranking f irs f at'the'^High School, last event of the day'^is'a n 'egg - Fonowihg"a discUssiori'on' ^ and ;spoon .race,, for the la tte r May Day celebration for W e s t. class. , , . . , , .Vancouver oh'M ay '25th , it was. An important „ decision was arranged th a t the chapter ta k e » come to when it was decided, charge of th e . May . Queen and that, the open events should be jjgj. attendan ts and everything for-West Vancouver residents. relating to sam e'and a commit Day r Prize Committee COUNCIL NOTES ' iTho bonding inspector was present a t the council meeting to report on the garages ami 'fe:: A May Day prize committee \v~̂ rp has been appointed composed of Rudolph. He was in-, the following; G. E. Brealey. P«»:f>es chairman; J. R. Mitchell, secre- ff-'I ; * i t hml been brought to tary.i.K. A. Ray, treasurer ; A. H J / j ; } t h e council that Davison, Mrs. J. R. Patterson, } do iiot conform to Mrs., H. Gleed and Mrs. W. G. f applications a n d , Barker. Donations or prizes may building'pei mil for they will be acknowledged also th a t a permit through our columns. In addi- tion we have been asked and ' Jiavfi agreed to receive ..donations: would ,, . which we will turn_oYer-to the J" '^.9" prize committee, acknowledging Pective lots* receipt, of them also in'.o'Ur co l-. I t K .MISS HILDA WILSON umns. , . Prizes" arid donations received so 'far are as follows : West Vancouver Council $25.00Already requests fo r e n t ^ tee was selected for tbis-purpose.------ A a e d te l will be^eiven-bv . . f t reported l y the Hos- H il^ W H ^ n . p i a S ? ' a f S V ......' loiSo 10.00 sideclffi'sanxious to pick up the . p ite l conevener th a t a visit was. Wilson, pianiste,, a t 8.30 silVGrwar̂ * ctinV, o-iranra do rn/ss. . i . - ■ .v .' n*.s.j' ■ mile ope schedule. arranged at present, ana, ,ii in e „ja„ and Mrs. Young left a t 6 :S0 . ^ave a s ' her accompanist E. Blow wrote* the council ad vising them j:hat ..the float a t West Bay had "broken away'and driven up on the beach. He re quested ■them~tb~haVe" i F p u t~ iri" T t i S t r s u c h p ita i conevener Lnat a visit was./ sharp .next Monday, 27th ..p o ' g ]g ^ '................... silverware in such events as tne .paid to Shaughnessy Militaryv a„„}| iri >he Orane-e Hall Mis^ at • 'i*..... xV ""oc' mile open and the sprints. A Hospital on Good Friday wiih ^ ? 5 ^ r i " Naor m Chapter,"No. 26, of 33 events ?hn u a vT Iris. Lockwood, soprano, will beschedule.or 66 events nas oeen 3Q0 hot.,cross buns, Mrs. Chap- fho--a«?sisHrig~artiste -and she arranged at present, and, if th e man and Mrs Youne-left a t 6*30 ■ -fi artiste, ana sne niono Af thp qnnrts VoTYimittee have as her accompanistplans of the sports c o m m itre e ^ r ^nd the patients were both Tj^mpo Todd Miss Hilda Wilson materialize, two of ̂ the*" b,ig . qum nsed and-nlpased to reopivp Jnuies Aoqa. Miss niiqa wiison CTents will'be the proposed -int- is well known as a pianiste here. O .E .S . Canadian Legion; . . -.S ilver Cup Orange Society, 5.00 position again,' when he ̂would do 'the necessary repairs, The jjtiuncil advised him they had no knowledge of any municipal float :in that area. 5.00 er-Sunday School relay races. 7 At the close of the day there * a Visit hour. a t «tifiiĵ unconventional it ii and music lovers who attend are assured .o f a very enjoyable 5.00 ■nu w A . K 4 q " essage from Dean R ^ jso n evening of the best in-Thusic. Will be a big dance to Joe opened was read extending an invitation TiVtAfQ p;n PPntQ h' the'May Queen a t the/lng le-.~̂ :to a tten d -n n -E n ap ire - Suriday • wood School au d ito riu fi., 'T he service a t 'C hrist Churchmen May Members of Council,■; ■■ ' ■ it €€ A L U le - c h ^ general com m tte§ru^e^.,m ip:^^ . ^ ^ , ; . ^ ^ , 4,.,:^a^^ ̂ "Btaff "of High School' take When they entrusted the tertd thi^m ornm g^ervice.' ̂ p^ize committee or W est - -Members of School Board __ Silver Cup TB'Irry^^Eiripldyeesrr^ 5.00 5.00 Fraser and Murphy wrote the counefl xegarding the opening of -a road,to give access to Lot 19- 1^771. " . The council' informed them that .the m atter was being taken up with^R;^Pr Clark :̂&-^Cdr^^it gram -<to 4̂ he West* Vancouver te r to purchase" and • present Swimmmg Cluh*.. J t. J i ^ i s e s to . W est Vancouver w ith ^ inhal- be'̂ ata~a1fairr^romr7~txr8T40 a to r th is year a n d T o f ^ e pur- prize committee "News. 5.00 Staff Of Pauline Johnson School . Silver Cup latter, were advised by the coun- sil'bf the a'bdtfe^^.qh-gst^ahd.were asked tO'inform" them .(the coun- eil) of what- steps they interi"d~-~ 5.00 to take. there will be an opportunity for the children* only jfco have the ' dancing-floorr--Roy" Barry-s or chestra will supply the music. The parade which opens the afternoon's festivities will be a S i ^ 0 ND"NA:RR6 WB'-BRIDGE--Staff-of-Hollybum-Sehool . BILL UP IN OTTAWA „ „ v '-*' . _____. Mr. K. A, Ray, Argyle St.pose of raising funds a bridgedrive will be held in the Hotel . --------- Vancouver on -Saturday, May ^X'he bill to validate-the Second 2nd, when members and their * Narrows bridge and pefipit -of 5.00 5.00:. --̂joIorf-uLspeetacler-PTizes-wilI--be-;--^bridgeTinder-ideai-conditionsT offered the childreiiswho appear A fter -the business was con- in costume. Decorated private eluded Mrs. Nightingale, Educa- ,cars, Bicycles, scooters, etc., will , tiorial Secretary fOr Miiflicipal i_jJso.share_inltKe-pidzeJist.,-4IA l-^gave-4̂zmosHnterest-mg-^nxi eri- ready three local organizations j o y a l ^ talk on th is branch of Hiaye Signified their intention of-- the ivb rlr"o f~ the I.'O.D.E.,^ ex- Mf. McGowan, Ambleside friends in-town wiB haye an op- th^e'replacement' of the damaged l^eJM c^aT portunity of an. afternoon- of span was introduced'in the fed- " * . ' spvpv Cup ^ 1 house Monday afternoon by V. V. Vinson,' t ' S ' f t? Reeve. 6 Photos, value ' 6.00N orth Shore riding.: Before ftiir- l. F. J. Patterson wrote the council regarding a culvert for SilTef Cup 5.00 ' pedestrians to Lot 11-2-N.E.i^ 1054. He, was informed- that'tne. ^council had no alternative^ but to decline his request, therb^ no funds available for th isT u r- pose. . .i; /, _5..0i). can, be., dealt with in the CJom- inqns; how-eyer,.-lt'-willT1iave to~ fie^c^sidered first in cominitteq- whicn will probably require a Mr! McEwan, Esquimalt, :Pfize-for-Daneirigr ent̂ ^̂ p laining-in detail the distribu- week or tWo._ Mayor E ., H: tee will consider the awarding tion of' bursaries^ and scholar- ' Bridgman and Aldernian v.Jack pt a very special prize, for the ships and many other interest- X bdtet, M.-L.A., are in Ottawa -winner-of-such-a-elass;-- -̂---r-|-- ing-factST-- 7 - -- ------ ----- --̂ W 'pfes^ fo i^ it^valida tio rir 'a^^ May-Pole dancing will be seen A fter passing a- hearty vo^t^ ŵ^̂ until th e m atter has wh^n. three'-grdupS will perform., of 'th an k s to Mrs. Nightingale, been settled one ,-way or. the under the direction of Miss "Wil- . tea was served by the hostesses other. . • - - son and Miss Ritchie. The "West and the meetiiig- adjourned with-- In support of the measure, the Vancouver Schools Band wil} the singing of the National An;:^_L-gQyernment will have placed be- provide the niusic for th e a f te r-- them.- The next meeting will be forg it the petition asking for an Mr. ' Murch, Hollyburn -Mea t Store,- F icriie-Hnm^ - Jack_ Wardlaw, Tourist Infor- jpiationjJSlublicity--Bureau^-wrqte- the council asking for a grant fonpublicity tourdodnclude^Can-^i. Mr.„, Duncan McMillan, 20th. St., Box of Gr anges or Apples. _ -Mr.- Moore,--22nd--Streetr- ada, the-UvST, and th e British noon and a note of congratula-? held a t the home.jof MrS. Jack- act of Parliam eht to validate the Box of Chocolates, Mr. Moore, 22nd Street, 6 Community Spoons. - Mr. Patterson, . H i g h 7 School Principal,-prize MrrGemmill, Drug Store Box of Chocolates.- Isles. He was informed that, as the -council have made no-pi'o-*" _jdSon„fGr^pjLiblicity_4n-tlTe .1931- 6stimate.s', they were uriabje to do anything in the m atte r." The ^ G E. a'dvised the coun- m att tion should be sounded when the local musicians have made sucli progress- that" they can provide the music, for the dancers. The selection o f . the M ay Queen, which has been, le ft w ith 'th e son, 22nd M ay 11th. LEGION NOTES Street. *on Monday, i " by oyer 25, Ofl'O. persons arid , ex ecutive heads of over,1200^ e r - caritile concerns .on both sides of the inlet. I t wae also signed ^ ____ ___ ̂ The last, dance of the se a ^ n * by representatives of various ImperialvOrder'Daughters of the to be p u t 'o n b y jh e Canadian local a n ^ Vancouver organiza- ;Empire and fIie Public School " L egion ,. W^st Vancouver l>raric;ht "tiofis representing memberships ..Principals, will be arranged cm will take44ilace next Thursday of thousands.. -The whole history, e v en in g ,-30th April, .in the Legi- of th e , bridge and what i t ' has on Memorial-Hall. There will be accomplished in accommodating d W in g froiri 9 to l ^ m . , and traffic between the north and the 'music will be supplied by south shores since opening in L e n "Chamberlain's popular or- November 1925, has been placed chestraT'which is well known in -before the government in detail: bridge.' This" petition was signed " 'Brooks Dry^ Goods Store - ^ . . -6 .ft . >, Prize for briy and girl. : Mr.sJ4?Th()riisbri; Express: 2 Mr. Froud ...................... 2.00 ; M;^ Greenwood ......... -1.00 'Cash Promises ....^.4:-;..... S.Od; cil the f r i t te r of stagnant w ater oil their right-of-way between 2 ls t and 24th Streets was being taken up by their maintenance ..of way engineer. ' - B.C. Electric To Move Office Friday, May, 1. People_.need* have no worry about refresh- aments at the grounds on May 25th.- The High School* Students Association is taking charge of the catering and already 20 grls and 15'boys have, offered their services in selling 'Uiot They will act under fips._ Batchelor ^of -the- Women's XONGERTj b y ^ - 4 SCHOOITBANDS West Vancouver. Admission 75 ceni^, including • refreshments. NElV FERRY T lck sT S Auxiliary of the Canadian Legi- on. A whist drive .and dance will be held in the Legion M emorial H alf tomorrow (Saturday) a t 8:16 p .in . In v i ta t io n s -^ being sent to'" the members o f, the Legion and their -wives, the .I':. Complete lists for sport events and-parade -sections will 1̂ of fered in our next-issue.TL i the - -- ..., > . j meantime set the day aside for- . Legion*W.A. and also,friends. -the'.West Vancouver M a y - D a y " -̂------ 7:7;-- , Celebration bn Monday, May 25. . M ay 25th -- Children's >Day. bend along your donations to the S en d . your donations to one of committee or the W est 'Van prize -committee--or--West Van News--: - - / - N ew s.--------■ - - - - "The"i;oirricH on Monday night- ordered the. issiie of â new 10- ride ferry ticket, price $1.D0, good fo r 3 0 - days w ith two punches for any one trip . A concert will-be given by the West Vancouver Sckx>ls Band and^ assisting artists next F ri day; -1st, May; a t 8 p. ip. in the Inglewood .School auditorium. Tickets, 50 cents, ban be^obtain-. ed . from any member of the band. A dm i^ion, children 25 cents. The B.S C.^Electric Railway Co. is moving ffs office and ,store_ here from its present Ibcatiori to ,1588 M arine,Drive; one of the * s to r e s i r i ' the~ Hbl lyl^u rri~BIbckT It is hoped th a t , everything will be ready for them Jio iriake the move tomorrow (Saturday).' PERRIES SHOW OPERATING-SURPLUS i ' ' rfeplii . e a i M A ^ord ing to a report of the„ ...... ..... r t c chairman of tra n sp o r ta ti^ to. The couricir ordered-that No. ________ „ . 3 bus be painted a t a cost not to the council bn Monday evening^ School ferry tickets,' iD-for'5D""".exceed $195.00. .The. question- of the ferries showed .an operating cents, are also to-be issued-for/ painting th e ferry .J^uildings w a s '; surplus of $382.57 for the three the use of local school children. laid oyer. The re p a ir^ Jo the months ending 31st March,. 1931. on production of certificate that_ 14th Stri^set w harf .wSrealsp laid - Last year there* was an Jiperat- they are attending W est Van- . over*»ffbr fu rther figures : l o ' b e ' ing deficir-of $4,582.60 for t h e ' couvgr'schools." . . o b ta i i^ - in r e g a r ^ o cost. - 7 ja m e period; " , " ■ ' MM