nil, yii ̂ *> ih^ - -vw -»»■ «■ ' ssn'î flSWsp/*-> Itcx ■* ■w'*ifSi.A.(-*'t-3rrS>̂ V " * "̂ 'J? •"t- ■ i. T <n 9 >.i-< *»« is* wyniVkw nfHiy'TB'SVil i . t A p r i l s ̂ A m »n 't i F> <i'A Sf f S V- jJ \\^ j-' » JR C TSiW ^X ^V A M NBWS r'̂ -.>,Ti"-K^*4r' fT" " v U i' 9., K i»itf ■•! S , 'W ' ' l 6ed iea iil* C iiiid i n M \ * APRIL 9th, 10th anflrW th I i A >*i». ■' t ' ri4R -> Household Drugs and Medicines, Rubber Goods,-^ToiletArticles, Candy, Stationery " and sundry Itisms com prising a t least ̂ , 200 Articles in all at the price of , 2 for 1 plus 1 cent. ■ •* ' ' ■ ■ ', '■,]-• ' ' -.0 ■ - " ' ' . Same articles and same, prices as. at Rexall's Ic sales in Vancouver' LESAan D R tiG STORE C. ]̂ 5 REID, M anager . . Geo Hi>y Building,' C orner'H lltaH d'M arine"" . ■ .'̂ ■■■ JR,, ■ ■■ ■ !!!!!!̂ ^ y\ f Editor, Dear Sit':--For the first time since its inception some years CLASSIFIED A D S , w w ̂ V4We<nil.WW||ii»i. s i» f .■: v r ^ e w ^ - ■ ww... Oeda nr# ptyahl# ntfktly ta adriwct. ' RfinettlitiCta^flwIli te tilt Wmi Vntt Ntw# get imnifdilit# r##ulti. Ill- ago,,^ I have-4iad th e peculiar l ^ ^ a n S u V e r ̂ * tion, six gowi tires, iS75 'cn»lu Aj>- l l n ^ o n c e r t o f th e 1980.3 «ea! , ̂vV Box S, W ^ t Van . if ir tC S S r^ R O J l SALE^oIOZS l>odg«. good «<Midl- . Foil SALB-HnlishliMt BggiL Fur# brod Khode' Inland Rods, $1.00 per son. . . . . A fter singing in the tonbr sec- aii„« nun«ann'7«n iith tion since we starteti on a cold efAr^* ^ Sunday nfternooh in Mr. Me ^ WANTKD~.-Work by gardener. Lotn donred.' Any kind vf wbrk dorto. Crawford. "Fhone WeiSTt. OlilL. ■"j'i:#: M o w an 'B te a ro o m s , ten y e a rs n b w g a r d e n s c o n s t r u c t e d - ag o , i t w a s v e ry line to be one of an appreciative auilieiicei-- -° •' "."■"j A™*" '-, fe)* FOR UENT--Furnlnhed c&ttage, $15 a month. Phone West 5111, t, I'kHi'.l f tr-iij Under the auspices of S t. Anthorty's A ltar Society TEA and~SALE of WORK in aid of ST. ANTHONY^S CHURCH in th f 'S to re in th e Y a te s B lock , 1 4 th a n d MArine^ D r iv e , ' ' ̂ fo rm e r ly occup ied b y 'E .-G : C a n h a m . ' Oh SATURDAY, APRIL 11th ■ -starting a t 2 p. m. _ Ail articles at popular prices.i . . . . ' A ttend^C e pVize - A i l . u ' * I t \yas .a wo^.erfully good concert. I am sure th a t the majority of those who wont, with a spiHt of receptivity of tonal beauty . left the auditorium Nfishing the program coulfl Tiave been leng- theried. , .. Though the tenoi^s were, few ~ih number "they >yerd manly in - Efforts to balance the bass who did not qu item ake the best of all their opportunities, still the ensemble, especially, in "Swift, as a Bird" and "Pilgrim's Chor us" \ was particularly 'good. ' • In Miss M cIntyre's composi tions the ladies touched the High ppaks and plumbed the depths' in a. beautifu l,cascade of. harnic oiiies. I'am sorry th a t the old favor ite the "Challenge of Thor" was not in the program. , - În regard to the solos an abler pen than mine may do justice to them ; -as. far as I could hear the _pure bright Gardeim-und'Pools, Lundscuipe Oar- ... donlng, ail "'branchos. . Moderate LOST--Ulnck and White Cat from U71 Gordon. Phono Wosl 54L. t. prices.. R, J . Kyte, residence phono \Vt ..../cst 59L8. FRBE'--Caiiudlan Geographical Soci ety's Journal to those joinlnig iho I society. Pholto \Vest 467118. CLOSING p s i N E S S -- Chokers, Foxis, Coats, ole., at snoriJlco Phono West 31ML. 4 V i ' V"« vy 'l !!;- ■ Foil SALE".:rprvc Room House In West Vancouver. Large sleeping porch and verandah. Fireplace, ALL THE BEST Brands of Cigars, Cigarettes ami Tobaccos.- Also Ex- clmngo Polcor Hamis and -.CousOl cards Free. Ambloside Tea Rooms; fuynace, fru it trees, chicken houses, ubigunige. ...Ideal view of Gulf. Two blocks from bus. Exceptional buy. Phone SoyiMOMr 4091 or West 92118. FOR THE BEST SIjABS and inside , Fir phono West 280. FOR RENT -- Four room furnished bungalow\ Newly decorated. Mod ern, $25.00. Would consider lease.' . Phono Bay. 6890R. FOR PAINTING, KALSOMiNING-- Ajjply C. L. Konings, Residence phone West ,89411. ■ >•' FOR RENT OR SALE -- Partly furn- islu'd house on Waterfront. Apply .Loyland, West G3RI. ' ROCK AND ALPINE PLANTS for sale .from large collection. C. G. Bui^row, Conner ■'24th' and Nelson. Phone West 98L2. ........................... FOR CHIMNEY SWEEPING "AH brush wi3i'k, no mess. Phone North 811R2. ' FOR SALE AND. WANTED Homes, W aterfront, Acreage,, etc. INSURANCE ' Fire, Accident, Automobile,^Burglary, YOUTff WANTS W r K or Odd Jobs. Phone West 39. .- ---GLORIOUS GLBNEAGLES GOLF--Special rates for N,prth Shore . tim bre and fine flexibilityLof"the -soprano, and the lovely deep rich color in the contralto, with an• e i> i l *J i*' j t •' *1 ffi Foil PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Ren*: : Residents.' - idonce Phone West-241R. - RIDING--Well trained ponies. Good trails. . i f e r t il iz e r s -- Bone Meal,, Fish a,ieniM<^v „ „ , , u- ~ ,^Meal, Standard' Triangle b !, ̂ etc. 'H bH IN G -R ow bouts for hire. e x c e p tio n a l c la r i ty o f d ic tio n left;-"-" Vernon Feed Store, West 9. PHOENIX INVESTMEN'rS LTD Ghbr^^ webb-s - sho e r e pa ir s w5 ak N„. 2 . 125 Howo-st. Soc_ietyL_ia_.only hS^rd " twice *a year. -. Yours sincerely, - .. PURCELL HARDMAN. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Durid^rave. ' Phone Sey. 4055 ' West 225 FOUNDATION G.EMENT W O R K ---- b. J. ARCHER, Dist. Representative Landscaping ani^few ns.laid. Rock, walls, drains," peptic tanks,-fencing. and ■"THE VIKlisrG'V.AT ' V'. " v HOLLYBURN THEATRE - Commencing - - w ith E aster Monday this theatre'w ill h^e'open T on Mondays and Tuesdays as ivell as Fridays "knd Saturdays. The first show is an .' historical THE BURNING BUSiB B yS u b ad ar " and land clearing, i chimneys anc furnaces cleaned and repaired. Phone T. Barnott, residence phone West 290R-. .--rj. MAM An Am erican scientist accords glOn-y^i^wCS ; ing to a tJ.P. r eport has invented MARCELLE. SHOP Marcello, 50 cents; reset, 35c;"finger wave, 75c. Phone Mrs." King, West 8U4. g e o : HAY Established 1912 Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public =-- 7 ' - ~FIRE~ INSmCANCE---------- a chemical "'breath-srneller" which he claims wll- detect FOR RENT--Furnished and Uiifurn- . islied Houses.The arrival of triplets Id 'her any_a^i_is JWotto or mothor was toMro EtM,-the Wy.eAr 4--4.1-J The re g u l^ in o n th iy m eeting--undBr^the,weather. A large sale, old d ^ i ^ t e r . - . --'-'r--- adventure, all in'-color,^ entitled CadSomm Legion, W est is ̂ expected \am ong American "Oh, dear," signed the little- girl, on 'Modern' Homes?' "The Viking.'" No do^t.;^m ost ^Vancouver branchy w in-be held _ w ;^ s r^ h o ,,; before openi-ng-the --'"mamma has , been getting bargains ■people, i f not everybody, have n e x t Monday .evenmg /E a s te r ^dobr, will make th e ir husbands"" again,?i7x_ " , L read'of the hardy sea-rovers of MoiidayXjal-S-psm'... sharp. blow, like whales through the Northern Europe--'The Vikings. . The. branch can supply "men keyhole, catching the same in a - This fhrilUno- ndvpntnvA ron- for all kinds of work. F of par- test tube, with -which to detect .^ceris--Leif the-Lucky,-"- the true r -f^culars see_adYeiiis4 m_^t in th e ir__condition...--fiThere .._he diseSvereFbf America* who land'd- th is issu^ - .spouts, a wife" will be heard to ed.on these shores' long before:, " ------:------_ observe, and, turning, will quits Jldiumbus' 'Bven- dreamed ' of Warn^ the chimney flue by likely see the carpet curl up and ' coming. It is an excellent pic- burning- a newspaper in Rs • dlC, if friend husband has been I * ]^re for both young and old. i th ro a t and the new fire will s ta r t imbibing some of th e stuii we 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1200 pisi'A1. Residence^Phbne W. 32R or W.: 204X -I fit For Q uality tIMITED A : iFor Service / l : Special Matinee E aster M on-. J mdfre readily. -' about „ . day.' Admission: children.10c - . -------- - -Personally, I am from Mis-. students 15c; adults :20c. ; \Vhen washing electric light souri, because- I once had a Our regular Monday and Tues- globes be sure to wet only thei_ friend who was drunk most o f , d_ay admission,-will be th 4 sa m e " g lass 'part, as any w ater left in the time, though X was ne_ver, as for Saturday, viz.: adults 25c, • the metal section"m ight cause a qu ite 'su re when he was drunk 7 students, 20c, children 15c. ' short circuit. ~ --.and when h ^ was-r sober. But . th a t is another story. A n d -I ", , have been ' accused of being ■» ^ole D istributors tor B.C. C halet B rand M . Under the auspices -of St. Stephen's W. A. Annual Easter Bazaar m in the P arish Hall WEDNESDAY, 8th APRIL v » , ' - f r om 2 :30 t o S p . m . - ~ Hofiie (Hooking -- .Plants. 'N o Y e l t i e s . . .C a n d l e s , A fternoon te a 25c. ̂ M u s ic / ' -- ' : A dm ission '- f re e -^ i - V ir drunk rnyself which is not .an other story, ,but an outrage. One' of- theA Iayo cliiiic stdff .h as-h it .vitaminsrin .j:he eye, by declaring th a t a lot of , the talk ' about them is tosh. Well, if a, vitam iq. isn't strong enough to *51 IS! stand punishment, wht) can? He | ' .. 'also gave-bran And sim ilar rab bit food a bad name, th a t is, so- fa r as humans were concerned.- An EXPQRT Shingle PRICE -m m fu rn aceJCOAL $7.50 TON Daily Freight Service to anH^frdni r " » • •' ■* 1 • ,, • -- V a n c o u v e r . rergpspn^s Motor Transfer M .-S 1p h o n e s - -DOU.GLAS 429 i ■ A little more. of ' th is from A he _ medi(|hls, and we shall be eating raw beef and nails and dyingv of a"plethora, a verj^ common_dis- ease in the old days, when men ' lived lustily and died-Suddeiil-y-«^ ~ ~iirtlTeir boots. - ̂>' - v A NORTH SHORE PRODUCT THAT ON QUALITY AND PRICE. DESERVES THiE SUPPORT ̂ OF NORTH SHORE-BUILDERS ft îr' Lemon Chfeese " lb. butter • -4-eggs_ (yolks Only).' . 6 oz. powdered s u g ^ __ f. ' 2 lemons'r ' " .Melt the butter, bu t d o -n o f -No. 1. XXX .... .......... -....................... ptn- :M. No. 2 XXX ..............-............. ................ - - \ No.. UXXXXX ..............................-V. 2.65 ' " No, 2 xxxxx ........ ,.. ..... -T:r.:.... 4.50 "-- Nb.T 2" Perfection 1.65 44" No. 2 Royal, 8" & Btr., Clear......................... 1.50 per square "Colonials,"'12" &.Btr.L,QIe,ar............. ........... 2.25 " ' -'DiL Poiir^over the .yolfcs of eggs well beaten.. Add sugar by de-/ grees, then the grated-rind ahd juice of lemons. Cook ijra^double: boiler until Jliick. For yQur Lumber, Lath* Shingles, Sash Poors :/?; requirements call and see us at ; " "279 East ^ p laoade phones: N orth 1 1 0 1 . Sey. ' S' ̂ . f ------' * X > 7m