W. I -Ip111 ^ S »■{ M f If "tfI \l f a "I"i '■ Sf • . I 4 f t . 'f u I m% f ■«'u*v,yrf>r̂̂* ̂■■ iMff? 'Wk : : | i'!'§'■•' -j' IV, ■ '!"/ /:|SS- if ■-M: i®.;i' i mM tk» rnmimimm m i N o v e m b e r 13. 1931 GARDENS and GARDENING e r i m r o r i B r i r o T r r w«SKigef8« H O L L Y B U R N SC H O O L CLASS EM B E R S RANKING AT DUNDUHAVE , I ^ i l t e l ^ A r ch H fc t Divinion l.«--1, Ruth Williamaj Jackie Leyland. to yiMl*f«|itot tlar •! Cat iilWMi»i#iMi «f i«Ml*««jM Afciiltoctiir* immI ^r<l««tof• - ttmlm, ,l$mihmi~U»d*emiiM ghfirlm , , Kiowm rtyfr ai ar^u* laf., ..I < 1 rcrennialH ahouM la* {planted in flic honltTM Ko that the tall^ pbiiita will 1)0 at |[he ind tluf low Krowinj? ones front. i n chooHini^ tlx* planta for the honiern coiiHhionUion ahould be jfivon to the width and lenf^th o f the apace tjf bti'planted, Ordip- a n i'y the plantH dioaon for the back part nliould be IhoHo which will'll full Krowrjj art? only hh high aa half tlu? wnlili of the border. Tliia Ih particularly true whe,n tjie bonier in a narrow'ohe cIoho ' to a walk. • , -- While no Hpaco Ih too amall tor UMt? the bcHt roHultB may be obtained If the border Ih at leaHt five feet wide, A Hpaco up to twenty feet in width can be ' utilizi'd, ItegardloHH of the.H.ize liaVt from the appearance of TiTi the borderK after ^the plant#^ 010 Jonnaon. 2t Anne Clegg; .% All>ert Mac Leod* , Division 2. -- 7a -- 1i Agnes ......................Sr.Harii. have become partly grown. The foliagi* will hide the paths. ■ in planning a ,shrubbery bor der, p(K*kets or Indentations Hho.uld be left Ho t,hat they may b«' filb'il in with suitable peren nials to provide colour in -1116 shrubbery border a t times when tliere would otherwise be no colour. In filling in such pock- Dlvision 2 -- 7b -- Elaine Kissick; 2, Alan FraKcr; 3, Freda Rush. . Division 3. -- Oa -- 1, James I-#ove; 2, Audrey Richardson; 3, Harry Chapman, Division 3 .-- 0I> -- L Bevan McNeil; 2, Murid McCulloch; 3, April Fraser. „ Division 4.--^a--!, Susan Mc- 4b--i8t, Jack Glashan and Olive Robbins. 8a-- 1st, Alma Skerton; 2nd, Gordon Cunnihgham. ' 3b--1st, Derek Scrivener; 2nd John Coney. ^ , 2a--1st, Teddy Climie; 2nd, Bert Jordan. . ' . 2b--1st, Ruth Franklin; 2nd, Joyce' Coney. la--1st, Marion Dundas; 2nd, Gloria Allen. '* lb --1st, Teddy Cole; 2nd, Donald Robertson. H f d S j r l l l i n i m i f ! , JKe JR31 j FRIDAY and "SATURDAY ̂ November 13th and 14th. lU e IfPil Mail A Story of the. Prise Riait. TUESDAY -- November mh. T h e C o h en s & K elley 's in A fric a ' W ith GEOIIGB SYDNEY and fllA K L IB MURRAY cb'̂ , tile plants should be planted Lintock; 2, Donaltl iiowieson; 3, in - cIunip.H, the taller growing , . Billy pickinson. OUCH at the back, rfowever, in 51>--1, Alice Nelson; 2, Helena dM)o.Hing the j)erenniulH for fill. Clegg; 3. KathJeen Davies. Division 5,-^5l>-- (Second sec- W E S T V A N C O U V E R Y iiig Ml coiisideratioM should be, given to the height of the shrub-*' bery. Don't (Iwarf the shrub-, la-rv with tall growing peren- Miuls. ■■ 'I'iie kind of perennials that tion)^a-C Lois Waterman; Betty Blair; 3, Arthur Chapman. 4a-- 1, Ruth MacLeod; 2, Michael Parson: 3,-Mildred Bo.s- (juet. ' , Division 6.--lb--1, Dorothy f 4/̂ ,"4 ,Ji : 1 ? ; - - E'" thrive best in the shrubbery __ o f jh e space available, the chooH- bor(U;fs lire those which natur- M es.singer; i! ff iie r B a T ik s 3, iiig o f the proper plants and al./,e'easily. I he shrubbery bor- ' D ouglas McCartney .Wlietlier or not the p lanting (h-r usually does not require, '3.1__j George W illoughby ■ 2 «houl(l Ih! fprmiil (>;• iiiform ul, ii. illicr (I(wh it Kc't the sam u.in - J>atrick ' Jefferie.x; !!, Jeun Me- , should be con.sidered. For the l'*nse 'cultivation that a flow er " t real--riarroyv border, the form al lioriier rcsiuires, hence the tie-reat--narrow border, the formal Ooriler rcsjuires, nence me tie- Division 7 'di -- 1 Nnrmn plantli,sr l«_ p e rh ap s th e - b e 8 t r - sirabillt,t^ ..of ca.sil.v n a tu ra liz ed -"M in io n s ; 2, Phvilia N c y rS ; H i? - Where j)Ienty of space is aviuj- perenilial.s. Consideration should riott Magouh. ' , the iriformal planting will give the v^est able w e' believe e. suits A border fiv<? feet wide can b(? worked from the-d'ront but wider Ones slioidd liave narrow paths running through them so that it will be possible to-work among the plants without dam aging them. If the work paths are kept narrow, tliey won't de- al.'̂ o b(?* given to the amount of shade wliieh will be provided by the 'Shrubbery and the peren nial plpnls chosen with this in. mind. Division ,7.--2a -- 1, Takashi Katooka; 2, Cstlierine Lowden; The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver.Y , was held a t Ihe home of Mrs.-W. M. Thompson on Tuesday, Novem ber 3rd. It was decided that in the eaVfy part of the coming year several of the young ladies of the Y will put on a contest to be held in West-Vancouver, and to the winner will'be given a silver medal. . A very interesting report was read by Mrs. Brown, of the re cent convention of the W.C.T.U. held in New Westminster........ Miss Maude Smith read a paper depicting the life of our New Canadians. This' was a V o te fo r th e b y la w an d pros p e r ity . NOTE--Tii« wrIUfr will coniil«l«r it m pUature to anawer queallonit concarning tho garden in lliia column. The queitlona abould ba addreaacd to the writer in care"of - the Editor. The anawer will appear in an early iaaue or il a peraonal reply la dealred-a atamped,, »eir*addraaaed envelope abould be eneloaed. true story of a Russian immi- o,-Mary Wilson. „ grant coming to Toronto and Division 8.-~2brfr-l, Dorothy making her home there, and 3lson : 2. Loinsc Mo.sHini/Rr 3. - dealt with the struggles of these foreign people in making their The BURRARD LAUNDRY Lltnltidd; F o r P e o p le W h o A re P a r t ic u la r TBIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS N ortth V a n c o u v e r P h o n e N o r th 131 0 , W e st V a n . R e p r e se n ta tiv e F . R IV E R S P h o n e W e s t 4 1 0 L P A H E N T -'l'E A n iE R "A SSO C IA T IO N Vote for ,thc iiylaw and pros perity. ' ' Nelson; 2, Loui.su M es.singer3, Evelyn Cook. ' , la-j-1. Ruby Bourgeois; 2, jfourie NaLi[>shirtKi;,3, Margaret Payne. Division 9.--Li--Jr. Group-- 1, Peter Crawford 2, Lloyd Breeden; 3, Jacqueline Vance. lb --1, David Magoon; 2, Rob ert Harper; 3, Eula Pkterson. The November meeting of the P.*'r, A. was heid on 'iSiesday ev(*nlng at 8 p.m. in Pauline "Johnson School. After the read-' H IG H SC H O O L N O T E S ing'o'f the minutes and the treas- urcf'.s report-, the president call ed the attention of the meeting to the two magnificent cup.s wiiich had been won in the re cent .swimming contests at tiie Cry.stal Pool by pupils of Pauline Johnson School, -- It was proposed and carried that a letter be sent to. Miss Davidge, containing a Christinas message, and an expre.ssion of a])precintion of her valuable , work both in the P.-T, A and in the West. VamfouveF High and In.spector A. Sullivan of Vic- toria paid the West Vancouver High School an official visit oh P A U L IN E JO H N S O N SC H O O L October Grading Examina- tions a t Pauline Johnson School: Wedno.sday and'Thur.sday of la s t . plticed Tirst in their respective terms .and half-terms: livelihood in a new country and learning a new language. On Wednesday evening, No vember 18th at 8 o'clockj the members of the Y and their friends will again meet at the home of Mrs. Thompson when their efforts will be directed/to- wards, sewing for the needy. " At' th'e close-of a very inter-:, esting meeting dainty refresh- ments were serve.d by the h o st-" ess. week. ' "The High School boys are this year playing Rugby, and have, a team in the' Intermediate divi sion of the Inter-High League. Games are played every Satur day morning at Douglas Park. While finding it difficult to rnakc a winning score, the boyXs arc Division 3. Division 1.-- j ̂ Grade 8-- 1, Jack McLeod; 2, Betty Moulton ; 3, Douglas Shel-^ lard. Division 2.-- Grade 87- I , Oliver Burbridge; 2, Pat MacKenzie; 3, Pat Bibbs. JSC - W. Gray, M.A., principal of North Vancouver High School, gave jin interesting and compre hensive address on the Four- year High Course, as laid down liy the Department of Education at " Victoria, illustrating the working put of the system in hi.s own school. 'A fte r tin? address an animatetl ' discussion took- plaee. Several jiarents expressed their opinion that to cram J he X*}AP'!y.ê LV ef>livse_int(rlin̂ ^̂ ^̂ ^ Its West not sat is fact dry. holding their own against larger schools. Under the guidance of Mr. .Sinclair they are-learning th e game, and each week sees an "improvementin the stylo of play. l,ast week's team included: Girr- ,rip, Emery, G. Masterman, Mur ray, Lightly. Dickinson, Gibson, Vaughan; forwards, Caddy, half back: Mason, Hamilton,' Nash, Ghappel'l. Farmer, W. Irish, three-quarters Division 5 J. W att, full back: The annual school party was successfully staged Friday even ing la s t Q. In the Inter-School . Aquatic Sports last, Saturday, West Van CSrade Ta-r^rl, S tanley"Patter son 2, Ian Richards; 3, Thom as Robsonr......................... ........... Grad^ 7b--1, Kathleen Jag- ger; 2, Verschoyle M artin; 3, Kenneth Davison. Divisibn 4.-- Grade 6a--1, Brenda Wicking, 2. Pegg.y Anderson; 3, Dorothv FURNACE an d "" SHEET METAL REPAIRS Am M eside Sheet M etalW orl»^ LAURIE SPECK, ,Proj)rietor 1446 Marine Drive P h o n e W e st 78 K . W . S a v o r y t" ! ' 1 4 4 3 M a rin b B n v e" Ambleside P h o n e W e s t 3 4 0 E v en in g s* W e s t 143 R e a l E s t a t e F i n a n c e a n d I n s u r a n c e Vote for the bylaw and pros perity. Grade 6b--1, PauPJagger; 2, Elsie Partridge; 3, Doris Bern ard. ' Grade' 5a-- Lorraine Hold en; 2' Dale Eriksoii; 3, Llovd Wallace. ' ' M O D E R N y .m c u v .r 1 . LIGHT! N G Grade hi of amusing encore, 3'he meeting al.'so greatly enjoyed amUippre- ciated tho two song.s which Mrs. T E. .Russolj^sang. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to both performers and to Mrs. Gee Perry who wins at tho piano. Tile president, Mrs. H. G. Sel- ^wood, was presented by J, Con don, with a gavel which had been made bv his pupik in fh»> ice Anderson first, Maurice also took second place in the bovs under 16 years, 50 yard swim. While Wylma Donaldson. Jean Currie, Joyce ' Dickinson and ICdith White took third place in the High School girls' relay. ' Congratulations to Pauline Grade'4a--1, Marion MacNiel, w, Lillian Ridnell; 3, Margaret to ___, Johnson School upon niagnifLcent work which won for them first tbV . the c e m p ^ 3 b _ j, Audrey C ave-2 ^ Currie. Grade 4b~*B Jim Anderson; Jack MacDonald; 3, Charlie r orster. ^ Division 8.-- „ 3a--i, Joan Luke; 2, Pauline Greer; 3. Maureen Mai ls R jr t O F M o d e r n D e c o ra t io n . -in f THY have beautiful furniture, pictures,rugs, vY and then hide them in dark corners and deep shadows ? ^ . nmmmi training school. schools of the tow'cr Mainland" Ma"r^ret" w:i' ' 1 ,. A inoi'e than usually enjov- ___ :_________ . jia ig a ic t liiJborne; 3, Donald able half hour was spent in_the___ .V ote for the b.vJaw a id pros--^nhd«f;„-Q___________ ■ ' ------------ ^ . _;_G.radi^2a~L-Isobel-EdwaTds-;- There is neither beauty nor restfulness in gloom. Insufficient light,which prevents fuU'̂ enjoymenc of the attractive forms and colors of your° fur- nishings and decorations, also brings wrinkles and"eyesnmn7whtclrimpiFy6u& ^ d sooner or later is deddedJy detrimental to' - CANADIAN LEGION, W est Yaucouver Branch . THURSDAY, November 19lh, at 8 p.m. Legion Memorial Hall » ' Musical Program JAuractivc Prizes . . Refircshmehis Admission 35c. Leod̂ *̂ ^̂ 3, Mary Mc^ he^th itself! d^sreforeT sound~investmentr7 -Good hght-do,esn't-mean bright,'glaring light 2b--1, Patricia Hodg- Thompson, ;" 3,Alan Ritz ------ ^------------^ light It means si^aent light that is properly shaded and evenly disttibuted "It is easilv nossible ---------- - - easily possible for you t̂o s e a ^ fighting fixtures and lamps that Xou-the light you need,-but make- Division 10,-- ; • . - 9 Gloria Holden; John Hailstone; 3, P at Fry. Ĝ T̂ de lb--1, Lois Minkley; ;2, Annie Grieve; 3, Lyman raeif own important &ntribution to the beauty and decoration of your home. Jones. ̂ C3 ̂at your nearest B.C. Electric appliance store •^d;Choose saendfic^y designed modern light ing fixtur^ that wiU enhance the beauty of your topms and pr^erve precious eye sight. . E lectric ity . Is Cheap . . . Use I t Freely Vote for the bylaw and prosperity. F «? - '1>41 BRITISH COLUM BIA ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO.