w- l;5lit55S®fc*®:sss iSliiiiilStt^^ MlMi f#I« iwi ■ v S s r a S ^ |f«p<w«(»««« N O T I G E ! fc # According to newspaper dea- patchea, the reported declara tion of war on Japan by General Mah-Chan-Shan does not com- m lt the Nanking Government, ■ G t; :A S S fF I B D ~ A -D tS The r«t« for a it iif lo ^ A d fo r^ W fiiti it t eonta p tr wor4, minimum 25 eotila. %s«oal In llio himo of tlW ii htvinf rtfu ln r •rcountit," nil c liiiil* Van N tw t get Immediiitt roaulta. although as a supporter of that RD UbA€K-~COAL. W ott 68 Will be held in thei Hollyburn Theatre on MONDAY, a t 8 p.m. at which the members o f the Council will .exp la in .the B y-L av^on which the Electors will vote o n . W ednesday , the 18th day o f^N o v -. ember. COUNCIL N O T E S The engineer reported to the I coundl oh:' ........... 1. W. Partridge's application rt maple tree on the north boule vard, Bellevue and 22nd Street. ■That to remove the south side stems of the tree would cost ap proximately $8.00. An expenditure of $8.00 was approved. ' 2. Right-of-way,' 16th and Kulton (Ingall's property). Re ferred back to engineer to fu rn ish an estimate of the jproposed 6. Complaint of J. A. Cotton, 23rd and BelleVue, Re ditch and trees. No action., .... 6. R. Wilson, P. G. E;. Rly. Crossing renewals. Received and filed. 7. Comptroller of W ater Rights, Victoria, re conditional license 3236 Hodder (Hadden) Creek. Laid over for the next meeting. 8. Comptroller, W ater Rights, 1634,.([Cypress Creek,' Victoria, re W ater license No. ' Referred' tp engineer with power to act. government it is stated they would be responsible for his acts. I am puzsled to know just how the Nanking authorities can be responsible in one case and not in the other, unless it is cus tomary. in China to follow up a deelaralion of war l>y each side setting up the drinks for the other. A scrap among the Chin ese, however, certxiinly has t>»lv one termination, and .that is a .m ost thorough lopping off of heads.. The losers literally "get it in the neck" every time; and in th a t game there is no respect of persons. There, is another interesting news item out of Clhina. League officials indirectly suggested the , fernote/- possibility that the Leagu,e"Council would vote on expulsion of Japan as a violator of the covenant. My friend, the .editor, is fearfully bucked at this choice of words, lie .says they should .be committed to memory , by every budding bank manager who could thus address the ap plicant for a loan: "I indirect-, ly suggest the remote possibil ity of head office granting you this money."* ■ FOR ^ l E S T ^ n w m td Unfam lslidl house, range, good location. |1 0 Jo r winter. Trout^ton, W«at 88. PAINTING, KALSOMINING AND PAPKUING ~~ Take «dvanUgo of ohoaper winter prices. Phone West:miK. ; WANTED--Capable Girl for gwieral■ .... , .... .. .housework. Phone West 677J FOR SALK--M caary Wpod and Coal ange. G( ê'st -103L. Range. Good Condition. Phone Wes FOR HAIiE--Simmunda Single lied complete, also child's cot complete. Gray Wicker perambulator and Kngllfih'cbllupslble go-cart. Phone West ;m y . SEWING MACHINES--Cleaned and Repaired, $1.50 up. Phono yif'eat 3H4R. FOU RENT--Nicely furnishi<d cottage Fully modern. Phono West 150R2. LOST--Key with ring. Iwtwecn 24th and 27th, on Marine Drive. Phone West 74X1. I'()H R ENT--'Comfortable^ and.att rue- live little house, modern, furtHsired" ' or partly furnished; $15. Phone West 020L. • IIKAUTIFUL NEW MODERN HOME on Upper* Level bus lino, $4,000. Phone West 894 R. ('. J. ARCHER--Properties boiiglil ami sold at all points. \7U1 Dunsmuir .Seymour 5054, West ^25. l o s t --Siring of Gold Heads recently Much prized. Reward. Phone West 058L. ' ^ i:i) SLACK--COAL. West «8 ENGLISH LADY, practical nurse , I'lumo West 1041il. E. l^ALMER, Chimney-Sweep, Phono North 811R2. ( APAHLE WOMAN would like work F(At' RENT--Furnished house, ' full 'plumbing, reasonable.* 2003 Esqui- malt. l),v th ed a y , oi* by the hour, 25c, Hox' Van News. CAULEY Buys and Sells Furniture-- Repairing and polishing, Paints, oils, stains, glass, Phono West 71Y. VKIty COMFORTABLE Four-R(M)m house, fully furnished', on Water- front, beautiful) jocallon, $20., Ap ply John Lawson, West 55. FUR WORK OP ALL KINDS--West Vancouver Furriers, West 304L, MARCELI.K SHOP -- Morcell^ 50 ccMits; reset, 35c; linger wave, 75c. Phono Mrs. King, West 304. 3* Hernandez and Harrington, application, 15th Street,. Ottawa to Queen's'.. ■Work approved a t a cost not tocceed $50, the same to be ,car- ried out at such time as 'the 'The rnunicipal solicitor advis ed the council th a t the m atter of lights _.on __bicycles--was - covered by Section 36 of the Highway Act. .. .. works program will permit.. 4. Drainage a t 16th and Gpi^ ,dbn,"Mr. Sewell's * application, Tree on Marine Drive boulevard, ilr. Fortune's af>plication That these matters had been attended to. Received and filed. The cl«erk was directed to for- Sofifie lively .evidence has been coming out in Toronto a t the trial of certain Communist lead- ■'ers. One of them denied the righ t of the police to interfere w ith their, demonstrations. ' I entirely agree with him, but J t being a poor rule tHat doesn't work both, ways---naturally w ith the ryder th a t the protection of the police be also withdPawn.^ There might be one demonstra- tion„ il: the above riile was fol- WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. FOR PAINTING. KALSOMINING-- .Apply C. L. Konings, Rosidenco phono West 3D4R. ALL THE BEST Brands of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos, Also Ex change Poker Hands and Consol cards Free. Ambleside Tea Rooms. AUTO TOPS and CURTAINS, Up- * holstcM'ing, slip covers,. N. R. Kllis, 1427 Marine. West 184Rj FOR CHIMNEY SWEEPING and Roof Repairing, Phone North 771. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res idence Phone West 241R. FOR SALIi:--6 Room House, 2 ycMirs old, fully modern. Large lot. Good view: $3,8O0.' Apply John Lawson, West 55. ■' ' " Rude People A fussy wdman got in a bus and noticed a man smoking, so ROOM FOR KENT (with or williout board). Good location on 17th St. __Ex cd 1 en t__ view. Moderate__te r_m s,. Phone West 55 ovseo John Law.son, 17th and Marine.. -W'̂ ard-a.-copy % the chief of police and al^o draw; it to .the. attention of the press. . Vote for the bylaw and^pros- perity. lowed,, but certainly not more than one, - particularly -if -any Irishmen were' in the vicinity. I t is a wonderful privilege to be able to lay out a man amid the applause of the police. Their in-* terference always spoils a man's best efforts. --- ---------- -- ----- f she ;said: "Do you know th a t WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH. Xmas Tree and Annuarl Bazaar FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, PARISH HALL ^v e lt^ s . Fancy Work~and Home Cpoking, ^ Dolls and Handkerchiefs Afternoon Tea i tp 6 p.m. Come and see Santa Claus. Y m C a n i S a v e O n e i i you pay your telephone bill bjr the 18th of the month I think that the following-re^' m ark mad,e recently, by a little • _'9.-year-old :girl on seeing for the firs t time following a-cataxact ~ ■'.operation on her eyes, is the ipost pathetic I have, read : "Fm ' so funny looking, and mama looks different from w hat I thought she would -- I didn't know - th a f eyes Were different ■ colours arid everything so bright and different." Poor little soul! Everything so bright a f te r hav ing known only darkness. ,Let us hope the rest of her. life m ay . _ be full of light and laiightex. smoking inside..the._carjs._not al-„ lowed ?" "'T m not smoking," was the reply. - - "But you have your pipe in your mouth," said the woman. 'Tve got my boots on my feet, but I'm not walking, madam," answered the man. "Conductor, do*you allow rude- people in your c;$r?" she asked, annoyed. * Conductor: ^4f-^you sit down they won't see you." C. J. BRODERICK,, Photo FiniHher, 1522 Marino Drive, l^ilms^^prints, enlargements. See bur special snap shot greeting cards. ,. BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 15lh , and Bellevue, near ferry. Rates a t tractive, Phone West 458L. Hard as Stbite------ "My poor husband was. a wonderful artist," sighed the landlady, as she hacked at the pie crust- "He always said he found inspiration in my cook ing." "A sculptor, I presume," said the gloomy boarder,-surveying his bent fork. WEST VANCOUVER "Y" The regular monthly m eeting of the WestIVaa(ioaver-i."Y-" was.. Vote for the bylaw and pros perity. -- G e o . H a y NOTARY PUBLIC Plstublishcd' 1912 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE--, Choice Acreage and Homesites a t Attractive Prices MONEY TO LOAN ' ON MORTGAGES' ^ 140.'> Marine Drive ' Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Evenings West 204 X .held a t 'th e home .of Mrs. W. M. Thompson on Tuesday, Novem ber 3rd- r ° It was decided th a t in the early part of the coming year .several of the young ladies of (he "Y" will put-on a-contest to be he,ld<iff'We^Vancouver, and to the winner will be given a silver medal. Vote for the bylaw and pros perity. ------ ' P-C. t e l e p h o n e COMPANY ito U er S k a tin g You'll enjoy i t ^ t the HOLLYBURN ROLLER RINK Wednesday, Friday and Satur% day Nights, 7:30 to 11 p.m. WEDNESDAY -- Guest Night. Everybody welcome- (prizes). ,^_AT¥RDAy. MATINEE--Conx- mencing 2 p.m. Price 10c. Send your children Here with confidence (Lady chaperon). r o l l e r HOCKEY (_ Starting Monday Nigkty'16th. F irst Home Game, followed by League Teams from Vancouver City,. Every Monday Night, starting 8:30 p.m. . - ' * Admission.. 15c. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER V O T E R S * L I S T . 1 9 3 2 -Voters' List now in course of preparation. See tha t your- name is included if entitled to vote, ^ SPECIAL ATTENTION -- None but reg'isiered •deed holders and registered agreem ent for sale hold ers are placed on list. Where agreiement is registered deed holder cannot* vote on same property. Agree ments or deeds must be registered a t the Land Reg- _is.tryJ_OjffiLce,^JYan.couv.er, _B. C., before-the--end.~oL 1 1 ■ imiP3a® m November, 1931. The List is closed a t the end of Noiv'emher A. Corporation the name of .which is" oh th ey o te rs' list shall vote only by i t s . duly authorized agent, whose authorit3r^shail be filed w itl^ the Clerk of the municipality before the end of November, and who shall be a resident of th^_Province and a*British sub jec t of the full age of twenty-one y ea rs ; and such agent shall be entitled to vote for the corporation from year to year until .his appointment as agent is* cancelled and the Clerk has notice of the cancellation. 1 Hollyburn, B. C.j 9*11-1931.-- WM. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. ■ I J ' . '• iim