«■ £ ,t! f's. ̂ 'vs*' i* -"SiH'J"i<<n-t'j"i / -■i(Hj-M*"'4" o , »fV"'!i" M .1 :« ' î.v ■ ,'4 ?-*4V' i'̂ .1: .•;i>itrv;-■!|,K,., t-i i til- 't i : * i ■r>?ir;.'.t 9 m '■'-Mm9' ■m̂i: E t ■ » w ' ' wII •"-':'/-X"i£"' i vj:-- :;jvpIT . * i w i » ipl JMAKK YOUIt T m i& g 'Mwrie By hnvifldf a few more ^ r l i «t the perllnif, by the ears or on the netk line. You tan make your {HTmancnt like new, with* out harminif the bairl ,CjiII aM M«k Mii*« (Hay about thia new way of touf hinic ui» your 'o ld in'mtnnrrit at the ' *'"N ■ ' i---*'-- > , . K j r w e n d o / y n B e f u t y S h o p p e If»40 Marine llrive, ' Weat l l 7 ; ^itui;gsiri U n i t e d a n r c h M iw iw T lO K i Sunday, November 15th, 10 a.rn.--Sunday Sehool. J1.I5 a.m. and 7:15 p.m.-- Putdlc worship. H«*v. Dr. JtiH. S. Hendemon of Vancouver wilPpreach a t lioth. Hervk'vn, . 7'he 'IVail Hunffera will meet uHual on Tuesday a t 7 p.m, Mr. (iilllcH would be glad to wel- crnrii* a)] boy« over 12 years of age. Vole for the bylaw and proii-- The Wednesday devotional perlty. * * hour in being used for the study H andy A nn Shoppe Oundaratf Weat 39 Stutionery - Cards Wool, Etc. of gnjat rsalms. For next Wed- iieMflay we will have Psalm Num ber 5. *> .. ' , i # i i r i i i i i i , 5ci€tt€t Society m m m B oim ts , ^liltll.JMMl JKi^iiM dt.-HidlyM ^ Thin .SodeCy b a Branch t>f The Mother Church • The FIrnt Church of Christ; Sclentint. in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday^ServIcea ll:.30 a.m. and' 7iS0 p.m. Sunday, November 16th, Subject: ' >*MORTAI.H AND ■ Sunday School ut 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday St 8tl6 p.m. E E lllS II fffPAig. CANADIAN LBGION M BM O RlAt HALL NBiCT SUNDAY-- 10 s. m.--Scheol for Children. S p. m.--Speahcr; MR. PERCY KING S u b je c t: "THE JUDGMENT OF THE NATION." Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday at 9:30 p.m . 7 '■ . D S ' N T I S T Hours: » a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays: 10 a,m. to l p.a,.' Evenings and Saturday After*, noons by appointment only. Roysl Bank Building Phone West 446 Residence Phone . West 893. S t . S t e p h e n 's C h u r c h Rector: Rev. P. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. / ) /? . G. D, H, SEALE DENTIST Hay Block, ^4th and Marine Dr. , Omce Hours 9 to 6 p.m Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 'I'hi* r .G .l.T . moot every Fri* day vvening at 7 p.m. under the KilixTvj.sion o f M i'hh Jean Mc Laren. S t . A n t h o n y 's C h u r c h Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2558 Marine Dr. REMEMHRANCE DAY ilANQUET 'Hie Itemumbyance Day ban- v "" 'V" Jnterary (juet,,given by the ladles of the which has been, kind Legion W.A. tie the members of I'liange th'bir date-toit . Vi .. . , .... .. -- ■ .mil On I . 'I'lie Men's f'lub are having tl'.eir November meeting next 'rufsday evening. It will be a union meeting with the Literary - ■'-'O.* " ' ' ' •• m, sssOivasaa/i^a O the ('anadian Ixfglon, West .Van couver, and their wives-was a most successful affair, between one liundred and ilfty aruj. two luimlred sitting dowtr to TnioHl: of good things, provided by "the' ladies. Toasts were in the hands of I'residcnt Stevens, Vice-J'resi- denl Atwood, II, MacNieoI, pro vincial secretary of the Legion, Rev. F. A, liamsey, Mrs. Hatche- lor,. president Legion W.A., Mrs. Sharnian, vice-president Legion ^V^A.; Mrs, Harnard*, provincial president I.egion W.A.; Reeve J. Hi; Leylaml, Major IL H, Har rison and Dr. Hayfield. The ladies of the VV.Au.rait*e4.p ..be congratulated upon tHe'lbeiiu makeJiiijgi, united gathering pos- sibfe.t • • • - 'I'he programme will Ikj a lan tern (talk by Mr. Wm. Herrin on _iU.,oM(jon". Having been there last year it should be a very'in teresting talk from late exper ience. The fact that Mr. J. Por ter fs in charge of the lantern am! has made the slides i.s a suf ficient guarantee of the illustra- tums. Tliere is no charge of any kind and men and women fare cordially invited to Share in^ho educational stimulus of the eve ning: Sunday--8:45 a.m., Holy Maas. 1 :H0 p.m., Sunday School. -- 2:80 p,m„ Ro.sary, benediction Week. Days--7 :'{0 , a.m.. Holy M âss Friday-i--7:30 p.m., Special De votions. Saturda^y -- 7::{0'p.m. Confes- November 15th. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion.. . 10. and 11:15 a:m,--Sunday' School., , " , 11:16--Matins and sermon. - 7 :15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon- The 8 aim. service is the cor porate coirfmunion for the W.A. <£P NPltSlNG HOME (Mrs.-M. E. LaChance, R.N.). 264 - 24th Street East " North Vancouver Realdence Phone: North 1356U Baptist Church Pastor Rev. H, P. Humphreys Phone W. 252R. Res. 14148' Haywood Ave. Friday next from 3 to 6 p.m. i.s the annual Fall Sale of Work' under the auspices of. the W.A. uh £he "Pari.sH HajI." Tt is Kdpedf there will be a large response: from all our friends. C. J . O vering ton PIONEER BARBER . 14 th a n d M arin e ' Expert Work P h o n e W e s t 135 10 a.nL-T--Sunday School and adult class. . .... * 11 a.rh.--Moiming worship, 7 :30 Evening worship. Morning topic,- "Thejoy of the Lord." ^Evening topic, "Ah Apostle's Biography." , P re sb y te r ia n C hurchb,. cou»,-«lulale<l upo.i tHe-bSlS'-tiful table decorations, and aI80̂ î ̂ q • - ^ ■ upon the decorations of tho address the , Services in the Orange Hall. . i t Z l - ^ ^-i^S- on "Thei^lace-and valutT-JVHm.ste-r-TdR^^Wv-i^dclefordT A e e r t i f ™ - o f acent.f.c ^ g . » Phone North I I 97. .ship was-given to Major Karri- The members-of the A.Y.P.A. 2:00 p.m .^A ll departments An "Anglican Centre" to care for the "left overs" from Pro vincial and municipal relief has been established corner Georgia and Princess Streets in Vancou ver. This is a diocesan under taking and contributions are asked for from - each Parish. Contributions will be welcome, and any money received in ex cess of the-quota this ParisH'ls asked to give will be spent on Parish relief. - . > ELKS' XMAS CHEER DANCK Caulfield---Service a t 3 p.m. on Sunday. ST. STEPHEN'S W.A. BAZAAR „ Arrangements are being made for the B.P.O. Elks' Annual Am as.Cheer and, R ^ief Dan.cc, . to be held a t the Inglewood Aud itorium, December 4th. Held on ;the first Friday in'^December of each year for the last ten years, this dahee has been one of the rnost outstanding events of the year. Everyone is invited and assured a 'good time. All pro- Lceeds go to the Xmas Cheer and Relief fundr ~ - - Good music, good, eats, and --sociability. Come'!-------- -̂-------- r r worship. sermon subjoct: "Afraid of Man's (Ji,. tVnn"~ Nation-s" to Prayer Meeting every Tues- iiu.\ie, Airs. J. h. Durbin. Mrs. ^ ___l i____ , .... . .s. .. . . _ . ^ --===_._-_vv.<̂ ,nGp6-"tio announce choir bu ir*for'lhe*coin ta The a,ji^al. bazaar which is to practice nextweek! .w. BiiiK* ut iiGio on ...luesday, Dec 1 is -- ____________ -- , £ - = £ « = " S S s s S w s i f f i s Vote for the bylaw' and pros- perily, ^ Eatablifihod on North»8horc 20 Ycnra. (Lndy Asaiatant) liARKON BROS. & WILLIAMSON ffu iiR ia l i f r e c t o r s N o r th V a n c o u v e r " P a r lo rs 122"WeW'Sixth " ■ Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth -Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 the Utilization S 'l^ e 'C o r n s ' ARCH tor competitions, tests, of sk ill-- A record number of residents Anoth- attended the annual Remem- "'j * Tree brance Day ^service held bv^he _and Fish I ond for the children. Duncan Lawson Chapter I.0 .d !e atv the MenioriaK Arch last Wed- u l n i f well for nesd^VatiO^^^ the \ \ w i r e Fund® tT h T ln ^ te - be,^®"o f '" ho wood Auditorium on Dec. l | . bnmeh'^^f'the Money given by a few unable to who marched the s!fvic^ T* 1̂? t'ok- headed by the West Vancouver ' ® _________ , W.A. and a number of other or- ganizations .were pre.sent. The Women's Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Churchj W est Vancou ver, will hold their Xmas Bazaar and Annual Sale of Work in -the - Parish Hall, bn Friday next, November 20th, to be open-_ eel at 3':30 p.m. by Mrs. F. A. Ramsey. . The following members will be in charge of the. tables: Towels and Pillow Cases, Mrs. Douglas -Graham, and Mrs. T. K. Burrard; Aprons, Mrs. E. Jupp and Mrs. L. J. W risberg; Novel- , ties, Mrs. E. _J. Pearce and Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie; Handkerchiefs and Doilies, M rs.: E. Bolin and Mrs. McTurk;- Home Cooking, Mrs. F. J. Lettner and Mrs. S; B. Bracewell; Miscellaneous, Mrk T. Forsyth and.Mrs. W. E. Dav ies. Afternoon Tea 3 to 6 p,fh.,' ' Mrs. F. Eatock, Mrs. W: D. Col vin, Mrs. Hamilton Smith and 'Mrs. N. McLeod. Church Calen- dai=Sr^Mrs=V\fc^iIlard? BLAIR'S WOOD & COAL - " OPEN OFFICE Blair's . Wood and Coal of North Vancouver have opened an„_office.^t--1464-Marine-Drive in the store formerly occupied by Mrs. Vass. They deal inncoal, wood, and all'kinds of fuel, also builders' supplies. They are also the North Shbre agents for Gan- more briquettes. N O W PLAYING N O R M ii S H E A R E R in "S trangers M a y Kiss" 7'his Is an Adult Picture ANGLICAN'CHOIR FF<5TIy?a i were present.-iin ,i.n .A JN CMOIH FESTIV AL 'Hie .service, w h ic h was con- A.S previousl.v an"nounce(i, this .s v'en- tap?4ssfve^on?®"Sv'^p Vr'iih-ih C h u rch -M u iir;'!!! " id " ' ----- -........... - '- ^hri-sT C h u rc h " -C a l^ d ;7 by -the ̂ Tim " '■'kind nermisRirm Af .si.' Vancou-THE W e s t V a n N e w s Pubiiahfd Every -Friday Dean, oiV ver Ch îi-ki sod^tv"™ !. -'S " Publitdier -IV4,V-tO¥JSGHOV& I t $ P h o n o W e st 363 Busineaa and Editorial Office r<: tt -- 'tilt 17th and Marine Drivef- wrV ^ (Next to Holiyburn P. 0.) > 'w.,-fe'f r S - ̂ /a'-®' , . . P h o n e W e st 363 Mall Addreas: ~ u'!Vb ^ *1 u' 8 ,|j.n4, acii, Hiiu ir ,\vith final rehearsal on Mbip . the hvmns day evening. 16th. , . . Wr^nfhei\..v i The principal anthem is "Thou arch bv f h V r ^ Pjaced on ■tho .0 God. A rt Praised in Sion." bv tfons. organiza- Samuel Wesley, in rather form- ber from privMe"fn.hWriifak"'" vno- effective for ^ , ^ • : ^ u n a m Lawson Chapter I;O.D. N O R T H S H O R E \ I o r T ® v " " "- S ? ™ '" ' Jt'D'D-'- Junior Auxiliary, Candy Stall Open Fire Place and Santa Claus . Mrs. B. Hayes and Mrs. R.' Blox- ham. Xmas Tree of Fancy Art- ^le^; General convener, Mrs. E. The- guests will be received and welcomed by the 'R ecto r's f'* A- Ramsey and the President, Mrs. E.-J. Pearce. A W A Y F R ID A Y N IG H T A T 9 -1 0 P .M . Come Early--Come EarJj JUVENILE FOOTBALL . Games for Saturday, Nov. 14. ' Division I. West--Van-vsr-A-r-&-i^--Bluer VITAL STATIQTIPQ--_ _ L A Ui>TICS West Vancouver Choral Sdciety' \-According to the report of the Societv ' w S f H o r t i c u l t u r a l registrar of vital statistics,.there -cians'^Glub ' were recorded in the three Nortfr Choir St ® Shore municipalities in the first School St ten^ months of > h il yea^ P a t i^ ^ c J o o L a n d -birds. Amblesidg Park, 2:30 Referee Mr. Mottershead Division IL P arents N O T | , ' ■ T h e P ic tu re , "S tran g e rs M ay K iss" WILL NOT BE SHOWN Rt the Matinee on Saturda.r. SPECIAL jind SUITABLE pictures will be shown to the CHILDREN-- „ „ NEWS, CARTOON, 003IBDY, «tc., et>c.̂ This applies to MATINEE'on -SATURDAY--O ^ Y ------- Kiwanis Bluebirds vs. Kings ley School, Boulevard Parjk, 2:00 Referee, Mr. Hilder. Q Lynn Valley High' School West, 2:30. Referee Mr. Bothami •--------- -- A T T E N D t^ R E S S E R W A R E -- N IG H T T U E S D A Y S - Every Ihdy receives- a piece of Dresserware W'ith regu lar priced tidoet. « ' P. 0 . Bo* .61, Holiyburnr B. C. -ix births; deaths and 55 mar* •• ' A memhpi* Af t-la ' ■c' • W ages co m p a red w ith 2 1 2 liera S b ir th s , 1 2 9 d S t h s an d 6 6 m a r a s b u g ler . -Bivision-nir w i i S i l ; > i l # K f „ \ V ^ the home o f Mrs.loa 01 last year. b . Grady, was en fete on Sat- ̂urdaj% November 7fh, when she Sl.OO a year by> Jrliir;.t8.00 a year N aw aluait'parcopy, -- , . f , : _ . _ _ ^ __________________________. f n e i id s a t a j o l l y d a n ce . ^ Young Buffs vs. Lynn Valley, RefereeM^.,McSween. i> Van. Mahon Park, 11:00. Referee Mr. Moon. Voje for the bylaw and pros- penty.______ _̂____ _ _ t Mon.*Taes.«Wed. Next "5 S T A R F IN A L " ̂ Thor.-Fri.-Sat.- Next^ W IL L R O G E R S y o u n g a s y o u f e e l n n n i SiSSsSfiH