West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Nov 1931, p. 1

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I ' ««# A i SiKSiSSwfel*!-t̂#ŵl■pspf!̂ « 3̂1. i. ̂ . y„4 r/ fft. W-i « W- Y»5\> ivi/̂ ^̂iHv u '•»n-*.-') 4'-Ja*̂<«>SJŴ'̂V .rPVje$«- • ̂ f V*. r * *-"• ' f * ' 'IM,̂ •»* -« 1 * »• , '-l ,»'>ji'>f4?', * ^ i«A( f«liif#«»#8**j» ««wrt» lm(Kmmmi»t i*mi0mnmmtf*mmsim̂ »«(»»W»«I ' < » ', , .. » . ■ . . ',"1 Circulating in the District o f West Vancouver-AmbUside, ' Hol/yburn, Weston, Dundarave . J 1 .M p e r y e « . " QypreSS Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. N o w e e t a n d . & p e r C o p y ,-oI, yi SIX PAGES , HOLLYBURN_P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. i « l No. 25 V O T E F O R T H E B Y - L A W A N D P R O S P E R I T Y THE BY-LAW ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY Very considerable sui*prise if not disgust has been gener- , ally felt at the totally unexpected opposition'to the Hollyburn bands bylaw. It is not the fact of the opposition being strong but of their being any opposition a t all which has caused the astonishment. There are signs of almost organized effort ^ among some objectors, while a few--wrongly as a -m atter of fact--seem to' imagine their own personal interests will be ad- . verset-affected.by the sale of. the property. There is no resi- * den't anywhere in the municipality who does not stand to bene­ fit by it.' -..., ; ' , • ' • •■■, ̂ . We are faced-by unemployment this winter and probably longer than that.- The company agrees to spignd one million dollars by January 1st,';T937, most of which from the nature of the work to be done such as clearing, roadmaking, etc, will go put in wages. Could any worker in his senses .tuf*n down an opportunity of steady employment for.five years in these hard times? We think not. The, contention tha t the proposed sale wijf raise taxes is ' utterly absurd. .The council'have now in their hands a cheque from the purchasers of $15,000, which they will keep if the bylaw passes. By 31st December, 1932, they will have re- ■ . ceived a further $29,700,' which is sufficient to enable them to reduce taxes by approximately 10 mills. This $29,700 is made up as follows: A fu rther payment of $20,000 of the pur­ chase price, taxes a t 61 mills on the fixed assessment of $100,- OOO-amounting to $6,100, and $3,600 for interest a t 6 per cent" on the sum owing on the purchase price. ' ■•„ Some objectqrs demand the names of the principals in the British Pacific Properties Limited. In the first place they are all Old Countrymen, and -not Canadians, as a few have as­ sumed. The council have very thoroughly inquired and satis­ fied themselves _as to ' their financial responsibility :to fulfill ; the-obligat-ione-cbntained -in--the-agreement. One of - the-eoum CONCERT The West Vancouver Orches­ tral Society is giving a concert in the United Church oh Friday December ..4th, with Watkin ■ Mossman, bass, as assisting a r­ tist. Half of the proceeds will go to the United Church Wei-' ' fare Fund. Tickets, 35 cents, may be obtained from any mem­ ber of the orchestra. ' PAST REEVES ENDORSE PUOJECT We, the undersized ex-Reeves of the Municipality of West Vancouver, urge each and every elector to give whole-hear^d support-to and vote in favor of (he By-law next Wednesday, * 0<lVIAS CHEER FUND Through the co-operation of citizens of. W est VaiWuver the' B.P.O. Elks' Xmas Cheer and Relief Comrhittee' of West Van­ couver has been endeavoring to make this season of the year a bright spot in the lives of child­ ren and needy, families. Last y ea rth e appeal for Xmas Cheer and Relief .through the columns of the West Van News was very gratifying and a very substantial fund was subscribed for this worthy-cfiuse.- " As everyone knows this year a greater nurhber jyill require assistance, WilPyou help us a- |-- cil is a retired bank manager of many years' experience, and it is well known that ...bank managers require a good „ deal of satisfying--most of us think too much--in financial m atters. Further, every business man 'knows th a t the financial stand­ ing of others can only be obteined from a bank or Dunns or Bradstreets. Such information is only given in confidence. .Therefore our council could only obtain the information ne­ cessary on the distinct understanding that, it would,remain confidential. - No firm;=nbig~or'^STnail7̂ ould~do'^business'̂ itlT -gain-rthis yea r ?^ any-eouneil', if it was known th a t their personal affairs were going to be broadcast throughout a municipality. A contract­ ing firm-does not attach a statem ent of its directors and af­ fairs to a tenderl I t encloses a marked cheque a n d , in th is ca.% the purchasers have pu t up a $15,000 cheque. To the objection tha t there should have been a fa ir wage clause in the agreement we WOuldjsay_ thM-tbe council have a letter jn which the interests of all labour employed on the job , are fully protected.. There will be lots of room for workers here when the bylaw For proof of this we'm ight say that Shaughfiessy' freights has many-workers living aH ts very doors, which some-- . objectors appear to have forgotten. . . ̂ ' • If any further endorsement of the bylaw'" is necessary, it IS .supplied by its endorsation by all the ex-reeves contained in this issue.. . i ' ~ It is generally conceded, and there is no doubt of it, th a t tne passing of the bylaw will mean a F irs t Narrows bridge in fbe immediate fu tu re .. -A vote for the bylaw is vote for the widge and vice versa. But we _ have positive __in_fofmation ^ a i r t^ T e will be n^ F irst Narrows bridge for a t least-f:en " Kars i^the bylaw'is defeated, and by th a t time there will be "#e ;^appreciate the fact ..that financial conditians^have render­ ed this difficult in many cases. But may we remind you th a t any contribution, however small, will help sbme-one in need. Send youf" contributions _t.o the W est Vah f News, Samewvill be acknowledg- ^ d - in this^column each week. The paaaing of this Bylaw will not only fulfill the ideal for which your public servants haveworked for m an y years but will undoubtedly tiring an era of pros­ perity to our Municipality, Under the By-law, the Upper Level Lands will be developed into one of the most beautiful residential areas^ The revenue that will be ob­ tained not only from the purchase price but also by the payment of arrears of taxes on lands subject to redemp­ tion will amount to thousands of dollars and wHI be very helpful to Municipal financing at"'u time when most of us have suffered from the temporary depression. There is lit|le question that much greater amounts th tu t^ osc te uevelspecified in the By-law will be expended on private uevel opment all of which-should help eonsiderablynn suiiplj^ Ing an outlet for local labor and increased opportunities , for those enz^^ed in general business of the Municipafity. These-lands have been deliberately withheld from Uhe ̂ market by us during our respective terms" of office, because we realized that they should I)c retained intact until such time as substantial interests were willing and able to make the veijy: large expenditures necessary to develop them in, a fitting manner. I , We believe that thisTime has arrived and that a very* advantageous agreement has been : made ' between the Municipality and such interests and again urge every persdn4^exerciseAheir franchise and-to-votch^in-favor-of- the By-law. ; JOHN l a w so n : ^ " ̂ GEO. HAY, V. V. VINSON, * DAVID MORGAN, ' R.C. PROCTER, SYDNEY GISBY; ' .r. \iV: • J' <■ >.i A\|ready'received: V. -"Vinson $5.00 CITIZENS ORGANIZE ' FOR BY-LAW PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS BY-LAW A . public meeting will he held in the Hollyburn Theatre next Monday, 16th instant, at 8 p.ih. At this meeting.the reeve and council will explain the Holly­ burn Lands By-law to be voted upon next Wednesday, WEST VANCOUVER MUSICIANS' CLUB nf the rejection of the bylaw and the-^hope (TAf gone, many will leave here, much property will vn ^ resultant increase in" taxes, and in a few J ais West Vancouver will be back where it was in 1921with COTsequent much reduced ferry service. a-strong"x>pposrtion7 b u f i t is sufficient to dq-" A large gathering of West . Vancouver music, lovers enjoyed Ane of the m o s t delightful of 7 musicaT." eve,niagS'^"last" Friday when Mr. Kiirth and his Madrig­ al singers from .town gave a, : m ost'enjoyable programme of... music of the olden days." di tne bylaw unless every property owner. in its favour kes a point of turning out and voting. The fate, of West ) ancouver will be in the G lances on the 18th instant. There-i I w rtm iic tiS UIl Lilt: x o L ii i i ia x a i iu . x i i c x c - . polling booth and make the day the begin- , firof c? prosperity for the municipality, and not the t step in our progress to the status of a village in the woods The singing was enhanced by. Mr. "K urth's--very- illuminating . description of each item. Mrs. Burton Kurth, who was in fine voice,- "gave a group of lutenist airs and finished w ith, a wonderful rendition of Hecu- ta 's Lament. • -v iM .E JA N G & ^-T O N lG H T !-~ fa irto" p r o T r d e - ^ ^ The dance arranged by the E w h lf I-O-D.' ' tlie place tonight-in' itorium .High-School Ana-' o S , to be one df ^tetantog- brilliance and a point .every stand- effort' ot her eoffitorTum will 7 ®̂ the I.O.D.E. i'€freR>iT̂ assured thing. A e eWe. anT"th T ^^'eet- ' "e ■ the Arcadians^^jiever music people love , to dance to. ,AI1 this will be the guests' to­ night and the I.O.D.E. promise that, when the e v ^ in g is^over, Z est's will wonder , wby they even dreamed tha't 'F riday -the 13th was unlucky.. For the convenience of those jiving a t a distance private, cars- will leave the Ferry W harf a t 9 o'clock*, and a Municipal bus will be a t the Hall a t the conclusion of fee dance -- 12:30 p.m.^^ Have yoti noticed tha t t h e . price of admission is reduced this year and that a ^-^.ton of -coal is '.be ing '^ven a s ian ent­ rance prize? The four hand piaiio number with quartette o f voices was sin unusual and very enjoyable one. The, soloists were Patricia Coltart Doughty, Mrs. Burton Kurth, Mr. jaert Till and Mr" - Frank-Hardwicke. West Vancouver owes A ' rep r^en tative meeting of West Vancouver business men and citizens met last night in the -Ambleside Tea-Rooms for the " purpose of .organizing to get out the vote in support of the by-law ' The "following officers were ap- pointed: General Chairman, Charles __Roberts; Secretary, Captain F. F. Lovegrove; Campaign Chair­ man, Percy M asterm an; Trans­ portation Chairman, H. G.. Bar­ ker, Workihg Committee: E ., W. Weeden, J. H ., P aterson ,, A. J, Ridley, W."L. Clegg, H. G. Bar­ ker, . W., Bla1r7"l77TrMeglaughTihy" G. Gemmill, W. T, Atwood, Ern­ est Pearce, Colonel K. W, Savory, ■V, F. Jobneox,'-W. Johncox7 B." W. Markham, J. Peck, Percy Masterman', Bert Tearoe. -- A ll-are giving their services voluntarily,' and Colonel Savory kindly donated his office for a committee room, where Mr. Mas­ terman will be on hand tomor­ row evening, and Monday and. Tuesday evenings. The campaign telephones are West 340 and 111. Reeve Leyland came down to L egion N otes ' A general meeting of the Canadian Legion, West Vancou­ ver branch, will take place next Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the U)- gion Memorial Hall. All mem­ bers are asked to make a note oT the datei •: • - ----- jt'-- sThe-jCanadian Legion, West Vancouver braiQh, is giving a whist drive next Thursday, 19th Novemb'er,>t 8 p.m.-in -the-Le- gion Memorial Hall. There will be attractive prizes and a music­ al programme, ajso refresh­ ments. Admission 35 cen ts.. f :■ WEST VANCOUVER ---------- -- s c o r n s H s o c ie t y J ' M 'fee .meeting and spoke briefly"' on the by-law. ■ The regular meeting of the society will be held in the Cla- chan on Friday, November 20th, a t 8 p.m. sharp. Immediately afte r the business session. Dr. ;; Ure of the University of B.C. will, give a lecture wife lantern • *v 1:^ VOTERS'_LISX. 19*12 slides on "cbemical research' work entitled, 'The Mystery" of Mat- ter." Dr. Urc, who has had part a hearty vote of thanks to these finished musicians for their very delightful evening of music.-. TO VOTERS A vote will be taken next Wed­ nesday, 18th instant, on the Hol­ lyburn Lands By-J^w. Polling will take place in th§i New Am- bleside ̂H^I, corneiCbf 14th St, and Marine Dr^ve, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., . The voters' list for fee year 1932 is now in course of pfepara-: tion. None but registered deed holders _and__registered 'agree­ ment for sale holders are placed on the' list. 'Those entitled to vote are requested to see th a f their names are included, as the list closes a t th e end of this month. An advertisement rela- tlv^ to this appears in th is~is~ sue. ■■ ■ . • ' \ - of his education in our munici- pality and. whose~parents reside here, may be depended upon to -give us a-very interiesting even­ ing, As this lecture will be of in terest to many students in our. midst> a- hearty- invitation^is-ex-- tended to all. *, Miss Ida Allen will give a reading bn the Scottish Memor- ial-and Mrs.. Howieson will con­ tribute to the musical part of/ the_program. 'h i V o te fo r f f i ^ y l a w a n d p r o s ­ p e r ity . 'd