i Lrnmhsri, -TOg'-W aSf^^Alt^HEW S' (C d H flh u ^ rr^ m P aS eS -fu u'i*»t Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1076 *. NOBIS of DISTRICT LOT 1076 .. m p m & m rust Quarter oI lu fo ............................ ..... 240.00,soo.oa ^^tcTttfrT*LOT 1076, Platt No, 8986: 4 parw .P l fv I t fO ^ r U r of DISTRICT LOT 1077 parcels each 180.00, total 120.00 860.00 orth Vancouver, G LA SaU lE D ADS in reifard to trans^ortition of students attending* the Senior tflKTH r"^""'.................. " ""•Iculation Class. Mr. Gam The ra ta .fo r C laliillfd Adfarttaatofttls Is-i centa per word, talnlauim 25 ceiitm B i ^ p l l i i t l i i AaniNil UiiPA h a rin g /r tf ular. aecoiuiliu all « f w « fledf are payable a t r l ^ / la aovwMO. Rem tiaotr ChipiaiaM la tl|f#«W ^ Van Newt get ImniiNllatai teaiilliL-' ' .̂4.11 Quarter oI;JJiD»«*viJi uu j.'uuov f................................. fi indoaive of the aubdlvislott of the North Raat Quarter ^^^Vm «Tian*aI^T 1081, Plan No.. 4577: 6 parcels each |42.00, : .............. ................................................;............. 252.00 f^u \vpst Quarter of,»iDlSTRlCT. LOT 1081 ........ ...................... i 6 indusive of4he suDdivision of the North*East Q uarter ^^VniSTlUCT LOT 1082, Plan No. 3902: 6 iJarcels each 182.00, age reported th a t the. Ferry De partm ent ivould nut on a bus to carry thdse children into North 420,00 Vancouver, as fa r as the street car line for $1.00 per day, It was I . ED̂ ; RlsACIM«UL»>.«^liaat Mm. total1 ..DTH'WfBt Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1082 ................................ h S S Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1088 tone-quarter reser ̂ vation to Crown on aabdivision) ......... L icr S of the North EasrQuai*^ter of DISTRICT LOT 1087 ....... 1 i and 5 of the subdivision of the North E ast Quarter of .] ^^in«TRI('T LOT 1089, Plan No. 420B, 4 parcels each $30.00 total f* ,nT 10 of Hlock 12, LOTS 10 and ,11 of Block 18, LOTS 10 and 11 192.00 420.00 resolved tha t this amingement be tried out for a period of .One FOR SALE - - Open-faced Flrebriclc- lined heater., Large ft re pot, Ebtetl- lent condition, $12.50, Phone^West 442L. ' L* J. AhUiiUER<«wPto|N»î ̂hwnght ■ and sold at ail points. 791 Dunsmuir St'ymour 5054i West 226. F< month. 420.00 200.00 FOR SALE--Marconi 1980 model, $90 Cash. Phone West Van. Electric West 108. • IHl RENT--Comfortable and attrac. five little housei nuHiern, furnished ur pMrtly furnished. Phono West (1201.. 120.00 1/)T 10/ ui.wk 14 and LOT 10 of Block 15, of the subdivision of the i , X \ { o{ DISTRICT LOT 788, Pian No. 2020j. 6 parcels^ ..'A. 120.00East half of I I ni'tf 7̂ R̂ and̂ U. of the subdivision of the. West half, of DISTRICT \ IQT 7B3 Plan No. 1599, 3 Parcels each $180.00, total ....... . 640.00 ,rtVc<jrnd"iof the North 7 acres of Block 4, (Reference Plan No. ^4565) of the subdivision of the E ast 50 acres of DISTRICT LOT Hifi Plan j'Jo. 2031, (one-quarter reservation to the Crown on A letter read from the/Teach ers' Badminton Club in . regard to fee for {he use of auditorium was taken up. It was resolved that the Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Manage ment Committee discuss this m atter with representatives of" the Teachers' Club. ANYBODV WANT A PUPPY? West 404L. RESPECTABLE ELDERLY M wants rount and board in return for light services bf any description. References. Phono West 381L, LOST--lllark leather-bound plan book ILnvard, Photie Astbury Lumber <'..;Ltd. North 2 8 r w a n t e d TO REN'r--Modern type- writer. Phone West 25H3. \.H15 Plan J'Jo. 2031, (one-qui subdivision)' 2 Parcels each $80.00, to^al ...... ............................... I0T3 lyii'b' North of ParceljW " a 8_8|mwn on_Reference T lan No. ll'OR SALE--'Modern Five Roomed -- House. ..Two, large cleared lots, Paved road, $2,200.00. Very'.easy terms. Troughton, West 83; F()|{ SAL'K-i -̂Cottl Heater, McClury Fairy Queen No. 17. Mica covered front, First class condition. Phone West 79L2. .̂......-- ......................... El) iHI.ACK^COAL. West 68 100.00 ■705, of ilbck "A" of DISTRICT LOT 815, Plan No. 2022, (one- ' minrter reservation to the, Crown on,subdivision)' .................... PAHrEL "IJ" (Reference Plan No. 08) of Lot 7 of Block "A" of pjSTiUCiT LOT 815, Plan .No., 2022,.»(one-quarter reservation to the Crown on subdivision) ...........................................;................, VORTH West. Quarter of-DISTRICT LOT-1106'.............................. . - DiSTKIGiLl-'C'I' 1107 (except the South West Quarter thereof) ̂ (one-^iirter reservation to the CrqWn on subdivision),...... ......... district LOT 1108: (one-quarterfreservation to the Crown on , subdivision) ......................................................................:........... N'ORTII, East (Quarter and South half of DISTRICT LOT 1109 (one- . ' (luaiter reservation to the" Crown on subdivision) district LOT 1110: (one-quarter reservation to the Crown ori"' subdivlision) district lot n i l : ' (one-quarter res'ervation to the Crown on . subdivision) ............................ .............................................................. district lo t 1112: (one-quarter reservation-to the Crown on. subdivision) ...............................................'...-............................i............ I SOUTH West Quarter of DISTRICT LOT 1113 ...:..... .......................... SOUTH East Quarter and North half of DISTRICT LOT 1113: • (one-quarter reservation to the Crown on fsijibdiviaiQn) ...'.......... DISTRICT LOT 1122 (one-quarter, re^servation to' the Cfowri on- ' subdivision) ............................. . ..............i..... ...................... .............. LOTS 1, 2, 4, 0, 10, l l j 12 and 18 and the North half of Lot' 14, of ' . Blbck "A", LOTS 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 18, of- Block "B" LOTS 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15 and 16-of Block,"CV, L 0T Sl,4 ,6 ;7 ,8 ,13andl8 /ofB lock^'D'??- of'the subdivision of DISTRICT LOT 1123, Mapr No. -2486, $10.00 each lot.except North half of Ldt '14'$5 .... ALL the right title and interest of the Corporation in and to the northeast quarter and also the southerly portion of DISTRICT LOT 1106 (it being understood and agreed tha t notwithstand ing anything contained in the agreement respecting titles the Corporation gives no covenant fo r'title to "these parcels), north- ^_east_quarterassessed--at--$150700f-southerlyt-portion^ assessed*--~ at $250.00 ................. ........................................................................... 800.00 240.00 80.00 360.00 ' A letter was road' from Miss ..D. McIntyre, asking for the use of the High School lunch room on Thursday afternoon' from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. for We.st Van couver,Brownie Pack. .It was re solved th a t permission be grant ed.' ' ■■ , ■ ■ ■ '• , FOR UENT--S Roomed Unfurnished house, range, good location. $10 for winter* Troughton, West 83. ENtrLISIi LAIIY, prnlctlcnl nurse Plume Weal 104L1. E. PALM Ell, Chimney Sweep, Phono North 811R2. f o r CIIIMNEY "s w e e p in g uiid Roof Reimiring, Phono North 771. FOR RENT--3 Room House, newly deeorated, comfortable. Rcnsondbic. Phone West 6111." FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS idoncu Phono West 241R. Rea* 480.00 A letter was read from Mis.s 360.00̂ M.*M: Wilson asking for the u8e • of - the- Auditorium for pupils taking part in School concert on the afternoon arid evening of Wednesday, December 16th. It was resolved that permission be granted. ' ^ FOR RENT-~Furniahed house, full plumbing, reasonable. 2003. Esqui- «mu,lt. , " MAKCELLE SHOP -- Mnrcclle, 50 eenta; rosfit, 35c: finger wave, 75c. Phone Mrs, King, West 304. 480.0Q 480.00 CAltLEY Buys and Sella Furniture--- Repairing .and polishing. Paints,, oils, stains, glass. Phono West 71Y. FOR PAINTING, KALSOMINING-- Apjily C. ' L. Konings, Uosldonee I)hono West 394R. A'lJ'I'O 480.00 160.00 FUR WORK OF ALL KINDS--West Vancouver Furriers, West 39'IL. - POPS and-CUR'^rAlNS, Up*' holBtering, slip covers., N. R, Ellis, 1427 Marine. West 1K4R.- .32o:oo 500.00 355.00 A letter was read from Dr. E. A. Henry askingTor the use of the Auditorium on the evening of Monday, January 18th, for the purpose, of holding- a concert to be given by the Choral Society on behalf of; welfare and^rdlief. It was decided th a t this request" be granted. WEBB'S BEST- SHOE REPAIRS •Dundarave. WEAR ALL T H E J ^ S T Brands of Cigars, Cigarbttcs"^tldy^Tobacco8. Also Ex change P o k e r/^an d s and Consol cards Free, Ambjeside Tea Rooms. 'I'O KENT--4-Room house., on Marine Drive. Modern,. Gqad), range ami furnaeo.. Convenient locd'tibn, Ap ply .John'Ijawson, West 55. 'granted the Badminton Club on the same terms as last .winter. ^FOK SAIiE--6 Room .House, 2 yours 'old, fully modcM'n. Large lot. Good view. $3,800. Apply John Lawson, West 55,. . ' . ■ . . A circular was read from- the Departm ent: of'Education.in re- 400.00 / gardTto- "A ustralia WeblT' c6hi- I t . was .resolved th a t th e Grounds Committee,' together with Chairman of •_ Finance- Com -. mittee, Mr. Korner - 'arid the ROOM FOR RENT (with or (W i th o u t board),. Good locution on 17th St. Excellent view. Moderate terms, Phone West'55 or-seo John'Lawson, 17th and Marine. JOTAL.FIXED-ASSESSMENT' OF -ALL PARCELS- ; mencing-.; Monday, October 26tlL . .Murficipal Engineerr-- together $100/000.00 The Secretary was/directed to sehd/copies of this? circular to principals. . TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed By-Law upon wliich the vote of the Municipality will be taken a t the New Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street and Marine Drive, Ambleside, We$t Vancouver, B.G., on Wednesday, the 18th day of November, 1931, between the hours of ,8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ' - - ' * ; , (Signed) WM. H-ERRIN, Municipal Clerk. A letter was read from the West /Vancouver Choral Society asking for the use of the Audi torium on the evening of Mon- with either the Chairman Board of Works, or the Reeve, m eet to discuss and decide the question' of road allowance on the east side o f the Inglewood School^ grounds.- •^•L^JRODERICK" Photo " Finisherp 1522 Marine Drive. Films, prints, enlargements. See our sj)ecial snap shot greeting, cards* BOARD AND RESIDENCE -- 15th and .Bellevue, .near ferry. Rates, a t tractive. Phone West 458L, " NOTICE OF RESERVE NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN that CORPORATION. OF THE DISTRICT: OF WEST VANCOUVER -N otice-to-Electors- J '-XT i- ' Art J ----- ' Report was-submitted -by th e ' the reserve existing over the S.E.'A day, November 23 the pur- representative of the Board on 1"°̂ ^t07, N. E, '/i .Lot 1107, N. W. (4 pose of holding a , concert. I t ̂ ^jie Metropolitan Health Board, t̂* }f was resolved that permission be and the following resolution ivas- .̂ Rot iiio lV i i i k I'bt granted, on the same terms as j^^oved: ' Lot 1113, N E. vl L^t" 143^N 'w. -^ W H E R E A S th e suggested ' Lots li 14, 1115, ill6,: constitution- o f ' a TTrtol'f-li 'RrtQt'/'i" ̂.-y celled^ previously granted thisi_organ-, ization. A. letter was read from M f^ P\ C. Bruce, asking for the use of the Auditorium on the even-, PUBLIC «NOTICE is hereby given that the vote of the Electors qualify-property situate within the Municipality/ -will be taken at the New . . „ . , ........... Ambleside Hall, corner o fa4 th Street and Marine-Drive, West Vancouver, B.C,,.., ^mgvOf Saturday, December 12th, on \Vednesday, the 18th day of November, I 93I7 between the hours of 8 a.m.. for the purpose of holding a play 1̂ the . proceeds of which were to fu' ̂ Herrin has been appointed. Returning Officer to take j ^ rp lip f nnrnnope Tf the votes of such electors; with the usual powers in that behalf. " ^ u sed to r re lie f p u rp o se s . I t ' (Signed) J. B. LEYLAND, . was resolved on motion that per- Reeve. mission be granted. . (Signed) WM. HERIJN,^ ̂ ----------- Cllerk. Asletter was reatl'f rom^Rrinci Health Board (a) Recommends the inclusion of West Vancouver in the North Shore Health Unit. ■ (b) Would not affect the con- sUtu'tion of the Unit (c) Would only increase the benefits to he derived- by West Vancouver from its participation in the North Shore Unit -and-^vhereaa-it-is-^proposed thaU H. CATHCART, Deputy Minister of Lunds. Lands Department, Victoria, B. C., V 80th September, 1931, IVEST VANCOUVER BOARD OE SCHOOL TRUSTEES Have* been opened at the h ig h SGH00L^__RAULINE JOHNSON AND HOLLYBURN SCHOOLS j SO U ^ COCOA,t SANDWICHES, MILK, CAKES; Tickets on application pal Mrr-Breaiey_regarding .condi-'. the Government grant of 50% to. tiori .of grourids"at Pauline Johri-~ the"Unit"shall b"e'c"ountehlJas"pai3/ BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 32Qt--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 son School. Left in the hands of ' o f . ouxjJQntriimtion to. the. pro- the Grounds Committee' to -in- -vestigate nieeting. ,and report to ' next Mr; Mitchell and Miss Millard waited on the Board and asked for ;the use of the Auditorium on a Wednesday during the month o f November for the pur- pose of entertaining teachers of the North Shore schools. I t was resolved tha t permission be granted* . - posed Board, thus saving the Municipality half" the cost of health service, which we shall lose if we do not join the Unit, The Board of 'School Trustees of'W est Vancouver confirm un animously their previous resolu tion in favor of joining-_ the North Shore Health Unit an.d respectfully urge the Council to reconsider their, decision ih this m atter. Carriedr*^-'- J: McC. Davidson \vrote the ■L WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY e s s i y e W h i s t D r i v e & D a n c e at. the CLACHAN HOTEl^ SATUPlDAYy N O V r ^ t li nzes . Refreshments Admission 35 CentR Dancing A letter was read from West iVancouver'^Ex-High School Stu dents' Association advising th a t the Association had disbanded and withdrawing itff application for" the use of the Auditcirhim. I t was -resolved th a t this letter council for access to residence. He was informed that the coun cil would arrange to instal a wat er connection to his property line. Geo. Hay NOTARY I>UBLIC Ealabliahcd J911i r e a l ESTATE AND INSURANCE Choice Acreuge and HoracaiLcH ̂ at Attractive Pricea MONEY TO LOAN - ^ N " MORTGA-GES" „ 1405- Marine Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260 Eveninga West 204X " I The council went on record as be-laid on the table, and th a t ^being. in agreement with the Banana Pie, Line a deep pie _tin w ith rich- *the" Basketball-Club be allowed Automobile Club of B.C. that the paste* Into thi<i 1 i n „ flirt ncrt fhp A nriilnniiim «« fi»virt Vioc* «rlirtn iha WiiCC i largeTJEnthe use of the Auditorium on time has now arrived when the Tuesday evenings for the time future road programs of British being pending formal application Columbia, its requirements ^nd being made, and some agreement developm ^t, should'be~vested^ as to supervision. ^ Provincial. Highway Comniis- T t was ̂ resplved.^on motion o f sion andi that- they, therefore. / Trustees Mr. Jackson and Mrs. heartily endorse the Club's reso- Masterma'n tha t use of the Audi- lution- asking tha t such a com- toriuni on Saturday evenings be mission be established. - ana, or two small * ones. Pour* oyer • i t a boiled*̂ custard made with 1 pint rich milk, 2 -b(gaten cfirgs (yoll^), 2 tablespoons sug^r .and'.a little salt. Bake slowly in a,-moderate oven and finish with a meringue - of whites of eggs, or. stiffly whipped cream. __ fJIm l i 1aj Iril lifispi / • # * i I w f t H i1s t ■■: m w i