•Mil r m h jew s ' n m a a r r m w P M m A H U m WAVE ̂ LAST TWICE A S C O M th« pttrttnjr* by ih« ««rt or on th* ,.nw.'k linr. You con tnnitf y«<4̂ ,4»*'»'»n*n«nt like new, with* out nirminir the hiiir.o (folf and mikMlm Cloy oboul ̂ thia««M>w>' way of toucbiiijf uji your old IMnimncrit at the G w e n d o l y n B e a u t y S h o p p e JfitO Marine lirive. Weat 117 14 United Chttfdf-- HIP Minister, £. A. Heiitr* B«0. .Sunday, Novemhtr 8tJi Anniversary and Kemem* brance Day Jjjlfj tt.m. --* Hemembmnce Day address by Dr. Henry. 7:J5 p.m.--Anniveraary Top ic; "Facing our Opportunity/' by Hr. Henry. We have returned to the bid time of service; 11:15 insieud of 11 a.m. 7:15 instead of 7:80 p.m. Sunday i.s the anniversary of tin* starling of ■ Union work many years ago. ,LE dlO S NOTES ̂ An enjoyable time was apent by (hose who attended the Kent- ish Fair given by the local branch oj the Ivoglon In the I^gldn On Thursday evening of this week an anniversary supper was held, followed by music furn ished by the choir and its mem bers, and reminiMcences by such n m T V M c o w m R J O a u S a a L - S e k u a t Society CHUttCa KPJFJCE 20Oi jj^ulinoit, llolJyharm This Society Js » Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Bunday Services 11 ;30 a.m. and _ 7:80 p.m. Sunday, November 8th "ADAM AM) FALLEN MAN" Sunday School «t 10:00 a.m. Testimony MeeUiitg Wecbiesday ai' BilC p.ra. ■ bey 6, im \ EMnnSH'ISRASIi MEMORIAL HALL NEXTStmOAY-- 10 a. m.--'School for ('hildren 3 p. n .--Speaker; . MR. PERCr KING Subject: "THE 144-000" Mr. King broadcasts over CKWX every Wednesday at 9:30 p. m. Jii. ^ M c C u b b in Hours: 9 «; w* to 6 p.m. Saturdays: 10 a.m. to 1 pinj, Eveningt and Saturday After. - noons by. appointment only, / Royal B^k'Building Phone West 416 Residence Phone Weat 893. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.T.S. D R , G. D . H , S E A L l^ DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Oifice Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone West 72 Memorial JlalhittHt Friday and hf«'....................... ............... ....... oveningK,' The hall ft- old m Jas. Duncan* John Hclf wa» Ijned- on both'^sidcH and Law.son, Geo. Hay Ojul otherH. at each end with Htalln, a t which St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Carey Res. 2658 Marine Dr. ' i r' ' * games of chance of various kinds were the order of the evening. I here was also a bouHie-housie game in the club rooms down- HtaJrs, where light refreshments were served. Tom Turner with entrance ticket No. 6990 won the drawing for the turkey.' On Sunday, we combine the two ilioughts of anniversary and remembrance of (he Veterans and their work and stvTifice.s, The morning will 'centre on the latter and the evening on the former.. , ' : ..vt 'Hii; anniversary was ob.served Sunday--8:46 a.m., iioly Mu.ss. 1:30 p.m., Sunday School. - 2 :30 p.m., Rosary, benediction Sunday, November Sth 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. ' 10-and 11:15--Sunday Schj^ph - 11:16--Matlins Service. 7:15-*-Evensong and sermon. The membe'rs of the Canadian Legion will parade to SI. Sle- ■ • ..« • • • * • • NURSING HOME . (Mrs. M. E. LaChance, R.N.) 264 - 24th Street East North Vancouver Residence; Phone: North l.3r>6U , , ......i t A I,. . I m; ujiiji vt;i n<u .V wii.-s ' t,, oT* , A, Ramsey, rector of ■ last Thursday evening with a suppe.r and congregational rally, of Qf-* aled ,*nto membership in the followed with a musical pro- gratul 4 • I "u Hass, -Friday-~.7;80 p.m., Special De- ff")..-..votions....... *-- 7:30 p.m. Confes- sionsi'^* ' ■ The Sunday School' teachers I u t .....with u musical pro-hnuich last Monday evening. irinm fii»*ni«he/i hv /.n,.!,. f*f.^tBlated'on the gieat success 7'he new club rooms, \ have now been completed, n,„j,Hivu uy .suen om- very comfortable and will bo a. timers as ,ias. l)uiflmn, the^pre.s- great rallying point tor the mem- ,(*nt "(diairman of the Board of c«mn.,ic c. E. sha™ «„ • haa vvaa earlv jiiui nfh«i*u : j • Week Days-- 7:30 a.m., Holy phen's for their annual .service or, Sunday morning. A cordial invitation is. given to .all Young People to attend the evening service at „ 7:15 when the- rector will preach to them on an inter^aSting topic. 8ratulated'on the great sucee.ss 'I'ho Church Committee will' ». which a ; ; ;m h e r H ,% n r b r ^ i^ :" H '! K i v c ! : \ r t h V \ "" r o ' " c \ i K ■ wni'b ^ a . f . r , ' 4 " important meeting of the C, JL4)xcdiigton PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine , Expert . Work... Phone West 135 I I I • #» 1 ■ • * ••M*'* V*iin liv>HI f VJlUU* JTcIVi OJl charge of the early reeves and others, rooms. ' . . ... . .. V..W parish.-. 7'he youngsters ^ nMjMJiianL im;t*Liiig ei uie dtelare there wa.s'Hiot even one >V.A. will be held on 7'uesday at dull moment in a long and pleas* 2:30 in the Parish Hall. Details in ebnnjsetion with* the annual '.sale on November 20th, and also LIGHTS ON BICYCLES Court of ReviHioii t ' ■ 'V3 The council appointed Coun cillors Gnrthorne and Dickinson wî tb the reeve to constitute the Court of Revision of the .Voters' List, which wdll be held at the Municipal Hall on 10th December -H)BlT-tit 10 aTiii. . ------------- -- ' W -W ̂ ̂ mm .m m rjr - ^ 111 spite of the pressure of the.se days, the financial state ment for both revenues and mis sionary purposes was encourag ing.: / refreshments were served, to erowi] an evening of joy and laughter, an evening to be long remembered. nomination of officers for 1932 will be the chief items of busi ness.' , 'rhe regular meetipgs for the tveek. are as usual : Monday at 8 p.m. the Y.P.S' Miss Mollie Kinlocirwill present Baptist Church. Pa.stoi:..Rev. H. P. Humphreys Phpne W. 252R. Res. 1343 Haywood "Aye. CAULFEILD -- There ^yjll .be Holy Communion in.,St. F ran cis Church a t 10'a.m. on Sun-' day morning. A dangerous habit has devel oped among local bicyclists of not having lights or reflectors on the rear of their machines. As a lesult of this neg'lect, several serious accidents have recentlv only just been avoided; We have been asked to draw particular attention to this mat ter and to state that the police have sitfict instructions to pro.se ■ Tile 2nd chapter in the text book t .">?* ;44-f •ef<: a r 'rhe Greater Vancouver Col lege of Swimming wrote the council re roduTedTransportatidiT I tor students, 'rhe,v were inform ed that the council could not con- .sider this request a t the present juncture. on Korea. Tuesday at 7 the lYail Rang ers, \ , __ ' -- Wediicsiiay aP8 p.m. Dr. Hen ry will di.scu.ss the 4th» Psalms in the >study which we "are carry ing on at our prayer meeting. Friday a t 7 p.m. the C.GJ.T. "m ' i Handy Ann Shoppe Dundarave Weat 39 WOOLS - RIBBONS D,M:C. Pull Skeins. .Etc. "ir Jtfember^ of--the Bowling and Sunday, November 8th, 10 a.m,~--Sunday School and adult class. 11 A.m,--M'orning worship. Pa.stor will .preach a t both services, topic, "Why Do Souls Go Away from Jesus?" ̂ Brief address to children. 7:30 p.m.-r--Evening wonship. Topic, "The Passing of Religi-' __pu_̂ Ojippilun i ty/_' all iiiterested are asked to attend ' Good* gospersinginff I.OWU Mail.._______ ^̂ ,h,ch have Ireen held all thi.s week. The general theme of The-^Christian C am p.Serviee-w hich haa been "The Que'^t'fo; AssTCiation of B.C. are asking Soiil.s." F#\%« aWw. 1 f -a /• : t ' ■ Batabliahed on North Shore 20 Yearn. (I>«dy AnaUUnt) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON unetal iirretars North Vaacouver Parjors 122 West Sixth Street - Phone North-134 VahcouverParlors-- 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fau* ̂ 134 for first or second hand maga- -icine -books, or. other literature for - use in the work, camps. Send them to the Y.M.C.A. Van couver. We extend a cordial invitation to all. Monday, 7:3(Lp.m.-:,=BrY,.P.U. . P««Pl« over 16 heartilyinvited. Wednesday, 8 p .m .P r a y e r p a r e n t -t e a c h e r \ ■ ASSOCIATION P.-T. A. will be hVid in pLliiJe | . Johnson School a t 8 p.m on Tues- day, November 10. The speaker nvill be Mr.,W. Gray, M.A., Prin cipal of North Vancouver High School, on "The New Four High School Course." As many pax'ents .not quite clear as to what -the-.Four Year High School* Course-reafly--iB7T:Ms T^li""ex- ceJlent opportunity--to--obtain complete .information on a sub ject which so greatly concerns all. present and prospective par ents of the High School.- There ^U.ll.al&Qjbe-a discussion from the Question Box-on the new system of accrediting High School sub- jets.- . -C.G.LT. A very large company, includ- , iiig; some new members, attend- and praise ed the monthly meeting of the Friday, 7 p m W.A. on Tuesday, when plans __ were co m p l^d for the anhual P % c e r - o i i - - ^ J « s b ) r t e r i a n - - Q Riesqiayj Dec, ,1. In charge of the stalls will be: Fancv" work Hall. f e s G. W im a m s o n ." V r'k - - Patterson and Mrs. William none Aorth 1107. Mrs. T. Barnard, president of the Pros?inciaI Command of the Woman's Auxiliary to The Can- ^adian Legion, will be the distin guished guest a t the 2nd Annual banquet to be held in the Legion Hall -on -November-1-1 th r"' Mrs: -Barnard will be one of the prin cipal speakers also Mr, McNichol secretary to the Provincial Comr'l mand. There will bq a delightfulmIIomrti 1.1 ' : _̂ i .• # 1 • NQW PLAYING Ohl Boyr! W hat a Show - For Everybody "V .t.r ' ■■SfSSl? THE West Van News Fubliahod Every Friday '(f.*Gn?Hrornef*h^o f * . * ' "' .1! ' ^ * ' ' ' . H'b Or.mg. Hnll the Srli'^a be. h i . t t n , 2.30 £ s u - ». c.«?a .ffihS- ̂ Ti.fb.S"*Si„£T candy,*Mrs. 2:00r-AlI departments of the Clarke, Mr. Ted Sew- Itivcniags '7 and "9 p.m. i l i Publisher F. h\ LOVEGROVE Ph(me_ West^36S Bualnww aiid Bditorial Office; '17th and Moxiiio .Drive ..(Next, to ,Hollyburh-P, O.) Phone West 363 Sa"b b ; 'S r " 'S ; 7 '"'l L "' - ' t e V T t M^intrreT^ ThSmosoii^ " S ' ^ companist. Following the music. I S '^nov4 lties" K • f o '̂ =15--Armbstice Dav Service H the evening will con- k S i e f r - W r f 'a n Subject: Afraid of L fe ' ' "t* Y" " wi t h a localKLicmets, Airs, A , D. Chisholm, Thought for the xveek m t,. *̂ " 1̂ is one who knows all to^Alb '! Mrs, J, W att and Mrs. R. Howie- son; afternoon (qa,-Mrs. G* Bald win; music, Miss Fran|;e; amuse- monts and games, Mrss R. Allen and Mr, Croniar Bruce.' Articles for the stalls will be very grate fully received; Among other business. it was decided to set sside the last Tuesday in each l e g io n w . a : orchestra in attendance,. Tlie committee under the convenef- ship of Mrs. W. Green, is work- nig. hard to make the event a most enjoyable one for the com rades and guests.! Bird Tickets 6 :30 to . 7 p.m. Night Kxcei)ting Sty. & Holidays Children lOc -- Students 15c Adults 25c --Come Early and S ave^ Mail Addreaa: F. 0. Box 6L .HoUybttrn, E.C. Mrs. T. Barnard "will "be"the" guest :of Dr. and, Mrs.-^Rayfl'eld during her stay in West Vancou ver. , \ ni«tebers of the W: A." are month as .sewing, day' to 'a s sb t the Welfare Committee. Much Chmvh^nn Stephen's regret was expressed a t the ab- meet rpi ~ sencO; of- the president, Mrs. to ̂ also . The counciljw^te the Duncan Rushi through indisposition, tA»nfl tb f effort to at- ^ w so n Chapter, LO.D.E., thank- i i 00 a voar bv cA rrior-an Mrs. Baldwin, the vice-president held ®.®̂ vice to he that organization and ex-11.00 a year by earner, 6..00 a year Wedn^Lm-^ f P a s s i n g thejij aijpiieciation of . hostesses for the afternoon w^'e 10-45 toT^ommf plate pre- Mi^V Elgan^and Miss McBain: ' r 1 . connect i on with the . S^pt of the mhaiator. Next Week MON. - TUES. - WED. - ^ F o r u a d e n A d v e n ta r e A Riotous Goine^ NOTE SPECIAL MATINEE Wg n .IAnnfaOce P»x) £ :30 P-Hl. by aiaU. Newsateiula 6c, pcr~copy. THUR. - FRr.'-SAT. NOiflMA SHEARER IN "Strangers May Kiss.n f -V ni] thi _of by of rej acc .of syi the ah M\ trie f aU ed wh( this ['•issi] tha ed i for. "W wor ized ers Red tun that ■g00( are C F