West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 May 1931, p. 3

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" f f t n r a ^ n D H B s s E s r w w n B ® WB CALt AND DELtVBR Suils;-'ana J v l i i a & ' ' ' ' i f l 4 a f : • '"'r- Res. Phone , , Vent 286i;: ^ Mbtoin and MrB.F. Kettle of CauUMId, Mrs. Palmer has m dV^ in to T L r r * : ^ T i r r ^ house at 28r^ and Bellevue oui.o -- -------------- - .nea*..Bai Mf. uttd Mfs. Ffank J. Dsvld of • • • Our D ^vM /w ho"'.; -=*Mbr"Gait/*la«W «h.*"B^^^J»hontv |Mf. Wnjf̂ f AMS I? cliflfe Ave., left this week for a West 20 ^ i-EBI'KCTIONS.......... J..... i....„-..................... ?8-00 per Thousand * O CA « <1 5X. ; i<'...................... ?•■ ■/•".............. ............. ...u3X ; HlghesrQuallty Shtogrloa-- ' prosperity shingle Co., Ltd, 301) Esplanade W est . ,̂ ' P hone: N orth '^ 7 " N orth Vancouver . ' Is the parliamentary Conserve- trip to VictoHa. tive'agent for Rhondda West. • • * * • * Mrs. Clara \f ilso n and Miss Miss" ]\fargaret McIntyre, 20th Hilda Wilson are giving a pupirs and Gordon, is ih Victoria at- recital on June 6th in the Orange tending the Musical Festival in Hall. * * . * at c ty. ^ ^ ' j . D. Baker, deputy' minister Mrs. Bernice Robson and fam- ily o f Vancouver, moved today ■ ^ into one of the*suites at the For- Edmonton, has b ^ n visiting his tune Cup Inn, which they will G; Baker, 22nd and 4i. ' ifc ' ' ' The We have used this slogan for 10 years ami "^e mean it now as we did. then* C alllup and let us help Vdu With any problem you titlave. WEST VAN fBARNACY Th® Stor® ®ir 8«rvice. *' 1402 Marin® Driv®. Weat 87 Bmergency Phon® W«®t 821 (After 0 p. m.) "t i. Ifni'S' - ' "l# ■j ■* f Vf> 1 ̂ " . . * ̂ » >1 ' V* . • h V % 1 ■*»« .. ^ ' - ," '̂ U. « 4 L711fM1 (H occupy for the season. West Van Branch Canadian Legion Can: supply m en for the following PA W IN G - CARPENTERING pl u m b in g ' . . ELECTRICAL WORK ' • GARDENERS And handy men for all kinds o f work Phone West 71Y ■ F. N. Traill, 25th and Belle- vue, who has been ill for the past month, has recovered and is able to resume his business duties in the city. ■ ■' ..■' ♦ * ' " ' Mr. Myers and party of Van­ couver, have moved into the Ire­ land cottage at W est Bay. ♦ ♦ * The Vancouver Ski Club" is giving a club" dkhce next Friday evening in the-A lm a Academy, Vancouver. Several reels of nio- tiori pictures showing recent ski­ ing activities of the club^wil.t^, also be shown. Mrs. Holden, who recently ar- Or The RIDGE SUPER SERVICE STATION General Repairs, Brakes, Greasing, B attery Charging^ Tires General Overhauling. - " , ^ Jack Banks '& Lance Garthoriic 2203 Marine' Drive PHONES: W est 613-0. (Day or N igh t) Repair Shop: W est 91 rived fr^m the (Jnent, has niov- ,ed itito one of the. Black Cat Miss Dorothy Shaw and party Suites at W est Bay. V have taken the 0 Grady cottage - ..... ♦ ♦ a t , 1895 Bellevue. Mrs. George Southwell, 2868 ' T ̂ . * - '*' ' * -Haywood, entertaihed at bridge Mr. Griffiths is having the ex- on Wednesday .afternoon, terior of the-Fortune Cup Inn ,♦ ♦ ♦ repainted. The interior has al- Mrs. William W atson, 14th' ready be redecorated through- arid Gordon, gave a luncheon on out. Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Woods * . * * who is leaving'for England next ■ M iss. Beatrice Hodgson, 24th week. . and Marine Drive, with her ♦ ♦ ® mother and Miss M. Jack, left The many friends of,Mr. and . on Wednesday for Victoria, M rs., James Jefferies and their where shlT will take.Jigrt in, the children were glad to welcome Musical Festival. Miss Hodgson them, back here after their long la^t year won the silver medal v isit in England. Mr, Jefferies for violin a t Victoria; is'w ell and strong again and" all • . h a v e , benefited in health from C. W allace has returned to his their trip. ------ -̂---------------- ^ -*4- CAKES -- l>ASTRIES MEAT 1»1ES -7- ALMOND TARTS -- BISCUITS Macaroon Varieties Christenin'g, Birthday and Wedding Cakes All made at 1468 Marine Drive Stratton's Bakery Rhone West ^7 GORDON ROBSON , Barriater & Solicitor -. WEST VANCOUVER-- . ' Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phono West 408. ' VANCOUVER O F F IC E -^ .......... Suite 818; 610 HastingBijv'St.'W Phone Seymour 4199. .1̂ ' summer home at Cypress Park; W.A. TO NORTH VANCOUVER h o s p i t a l RECITAL BY MIgS MCINTYRE'S PUPILS The regular monthly business A recital by the-.pupils of Miss Constable and 'M rs. A. . W. TCruger have moved to Horse­ shoe Bay for the summerT St. Stephen's Church has pur- _ . ♦ -ft* Mrs. Bennett -of--Vancouver. who has a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn, entertained' at a large bridge and dance iri the Inn-tea rooms last Friday evening.'*" IlOLLYBURN B a rb e r Shop 16th & Marine : j X ] n n i Z C T BrR"v r c3B: , E. MARSH, Prbprietor meeting of the Women's A uxil- M argaret M clnt5n*e-; was New^Westmiii-r iiarv- tn -'N.nrth Vfln^»'onvpr riPTiP.r-; In c f S a fn r /ln v nftpr'nnmi n f h p r S tp r 0611, WnlCn_weigJiS'iiary to North Vancouver Gener- " last Saturday afternoon at her Priest to attend the Empire al hospital will take-p lace on residence on 20th Street. Hay service in St. Stephen's Tuesday next, M ay"12th, ^ 3 The program was m ade pp vibration wilKrend^^^^ C hurch..,' - p.m. in the Sewing Room. , chiefly o f pupils who have, been ® The cbunciL-replied thanking A full attendance of'm em bers preparing for, the" forthcoming the 3̂ e r for the invitation and 1r? oil 1 tif Avnofo/I in "̂ Tr/wlr l e •P/̂ »̂4•̂ TTol« Tron/»ri.lliy^Tr^ .UIlClcX SUQOQy . iS DO 0 6 S td'lTXGQ i*y% An invitatioh was received by the-council from Rey. A, Hard- ' BURRARD- ^ FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D;.WIIITE, Mgr. " - ' 'Distinctive Funeral Service . Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E./l*fionc North 626 and air interested in the work, is musical festivals, a t Vancouvef ' sta tin g they would endeavor to specially requested, as a nomin- and Victoria and the Royal Ac- p lr ^ D e ^ ^ ^ be pres.ent. -- ating-eommittee-wilkbe appoint--- ademy- .examinations^------------ -- -- ^ ed, preparatory to the auxili- Among those taking " p a r t j MAY DAY BABY CTJNIC Uta] " " ^ ~ Miles ,̂ Mrs. Kruger, MisS' Yate^ •' West-Vanpouverlnembers and . f ln m A llo w s , & S n e W eed: - J- - friends , are asked, to . make, a / e n ; . T e i "Sheffield, GeYaldine L _son and Mrs. Gleed. T^ - .special effort td be present. Johnson, Irene Gracey, Ruth spending a .m th a t his placer, m ittee.m eton.W ednesday after- ________ ^ ' Mflrinrfp Miirrav properties a t McGilliv- noon and it was .proposed that Thp iincf f • 4.1.■ • - w ? Bpa+nVo TTnd '̂ ray Creek. - s Miss Dayidge interview Dr. Mil- ® ' * - lar as to arrangements for the ̂ t nobody can repeat it. son. ... ^ Sunday Haby Clinic on May 23rd, - rmorning to Mr.̂ and ■Mi^iiiW; ('Shellard a | tj^ir4hbirieSatv^2^ . and Bellevue. ' \ ' 20th. Entry forms may be ob­ tained from arid re^ FURNACE and SHEET METAL =^RERA1RS ' .Ambleside Sfieet M etal W orks UURIE SPECK, Proprietor 1'456~ Marine Drive Phope,..W®si 437L2 DELIVERY BOYS' BICYCLE RACE Warm weather means Ice M your foods a r t p be, ̂ . kept in^^bodreondition The committee, in charge of the_May Day sports has'decided to have â delivery boys' bicycle Mrs. Adams o f Vancouver has W bsf Van,;Pharmacy;...or Lesage ̂ * race included ih the . program, rented the Beck cottage at West Drtr;^tinie^nr=any-mem' * " -Beachandhas-takeirpossesaionT-- the-Gdmmitteer^ -m ac-h ines-used-by--tb e m if o r de- ♦ » ® Further details w ill be given livery. Entrances, .Avhich must Lom e Colpilts, i s t h and Ful- . " ^de , by ton has arrived' a t Vermillion ' T ne^ay.-M ay 12th, and w ill' m ust be in the hands, of ^ r . A lte.r after a very pirasant trip ' "PPe?*- ™ tbedocal press, Lane oh or before 20th May >^through ^the mountains. He Phone W est 4 5 6 For Ice . and save ̂ waste. ■N 'm: Phone ;w ^ t 4 5 6 statesiihatlconditioris. are. good. "iiT that p a r r o r A I te li^ a n d the UNDER NEW M ANAGEM ENT / farmers are busy seeding. David 'Dewar and his tw o sons; 2243 . Bellevue, with whom' Mr. Col- pitts'.travelled, have gone- on to the Peace River countiy . ' ' . A course of lectures in Parent ; Education and Child Guidance is being held ^ the U .B .C. from Ambleside FISH AND CHIP Store ̂ .' • 1429 Marine Drive Only the FRESHEST FI^JI Used Fried in CRISCO. •Monday to Friday n ext vireek. S. B. RAYBOULD, Proprietor, asks for ai trial and guarantees ________U.1J_________ , satisfaction. • __________.. ♦ ♦ ♦ , Stuart Breckenridge, Rad- cliffe Ave., with .Mr. Masori; le ft tk is week for a v is it to Salt Springs Island. '• • ----- ■' '■ Tom Neal, son o f Mr.- and. -Jdrs.--Jack Neal, whp forpierly i i • i resid ^ ^ here, is Very^ seriously iU in the VancouverT^eneral Hospital. . ' ^ Suitable Gifta For Mothera' Day. 1 ■' ' Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk H ose and Universal-Sweaters, ' also.. Novelties, Toys, School Supplies, Hemstitching. ' '■ ' " I ' B rooks' D r^ o o d s ia n d M en'sW ear 1 \ 14tE-^nd Marine Drive. . Phone W est 144___... . . . . . ft _ * ■'.'b'v. r • - - Ir.