/4- w m PboBe Wfst 161 I jplii l■||IBIIM'l'l̂ ll"l||l1li ||'iliil|iiHiil| . T "I Tfee only DrydeAnlngr and "West Vancouver ' llE liSE S ' 'COATS D iy Oeahin;g $1.00^ l a d ie s: f e l t h a t s AINID U OVES dry cl«™ d 2 5 cr MODERN EQUIPMENT ONk-DAY SERVICE CfOOM ANQ D E U V E R E D il640 Marine lirive -Ssr- W m^VAS€Oi:VBH Society CBORCfi HWriCB 20Ui and JBiquIii'a**' /jo!i_,bun» Thio Sociotv>i" " k ' l ' O' •*'" " r ' b * , Cfeu*"':" ■. Scjoallot, I-. T'f 'fi ' ■ ' Miligari(u:'nt'.' Suodoy S«rvitseft*ii/<*i <'«<i 7J60 j'«ii. Subject, . i i !^' lu **APAy\ \!W> ' FALLEN .MAN" TAG DAY ■ Tbe Cttiiiuiiun Ked Cro«» So- ddly, North Vancouver Branch, WiiH Kranted permission by the council to tuK. jn West Vancou ver but nojL bn Uie ferries on Saturday, Kith May. United Churcli ...Mriibaer, k. A. Henry, D.D.- Sunday School jtt iÔ OO a. bi. Teotlmony MetHinî Wednunduy •t. 8.16. p. xri. ......... .. .■ .......<«i BRITISH ISRAEIit MBMOllIAt HALL NEXT SUNDAY- 10 a. m,--School for Childrott. 5 p. in.--Spcahci*., M R . PER C Y K IN G fSllfĉ jCNCla * ' "THE ITHST FJU'ij' AND THE WHOLE ( ' Mr... 'Kin̂ r bro{ulc!i."ts over (;K\VX.,evory'Wt<lm..'̂ L|!iy 0:80 p. in. •' ' " St.Aathonys Churcfi ; - i f ^ ; ( 4 0 i ' 4 0ucJZ " " M fc'CHAFMAN ' ' o f B in g h a m Pa.stor: Kev. Falher Carey JU'iiidence: *2558 Marine • Drive. w e d i^e s d a y ^ : 8 p.m.*-^Prayer and Bible Study, rr% Bright Dags Show -up vvory defect in your fiielnl nmko'Up. A«k Ml«rt Cluy, (lute at •Om* Voifuo &, Uorcan HairdreKtilfif !̂ porlorHl-for advicu and aarnpleH, fn*o of L*har*fe a t tho -■ . G w e n d o l y n ^ Beauty Shoppe ^ 15-10 Mnrino'Driveti*?:...'For. Appointment Phone W. ,117 .Sunday;, May H)ih, 193L Siiiid/ty School "Departments ruhlic Worship at ,11 a. m. aiidr7,:.'I|)rp. in. ' . ■ ■ , L;;. Jli-ury will 'preach at both Hcrv'icc.H. . ' ' ■ . 1- . MiirijinK topic: The closjng • -- ■ . ........>■• ™^ . 4» ' ■ * ; -■ S t . S t e p h e i f s ' C h u r c h ■ Ki-i<l(>.v-r7:.'i0 p, m.,-.Spocial De-' , Rector:. , * Saturday--7:80 p, iii., Confes- Rev. A. HardiiiK Priest, ii.A. .sioiis. * N------ Siuiday--8:d5 a. ni., Holy Mass, . Rogation Sunday. ('May'10th). ■ Sermon. ' ,k! Ud\ 8 a. m.--Hoi V Coiimiunion.! * *(. I ' t * 10 a. m.--r^u,n tiay School and . in rinlippians, "All y o u r , -'Bible Class. NY',1, P h t l r l , 10-27, ̂ ' l l : 1 5 . a . m.-r-.M oniing prayur. J'.vejjiiig H)pic: Senes on Great ..on »' ioifs, "How long halt ye"be- "< ommuiiicaiUs tu f c n two fipinioh.s?" i ^ • ' ii, 7 :15 p .m '.-- Lveii.song.' ,• I. ' ' * 2 p. in., Sunday School.y » 8 p. in.' Uo.sary, Hem diclion. Week Days--7dTrr a. ,111., Holy,' Mass.., , .̂:. Wodnesday and'Fricjay--7:30 p. V m., May Devoti/)iis. Dr.jMteJory McCubbin -- '- -- d e n t i s t -',' '■ Hours: *9 ai m." to G p. m. 'Saturdays; 16 a.i^, to 1 p. .̂ Evenings ând Saturday After- ' noons, by apĵ ointmerit only. Royal Bank Building Phone West 446 Residence Phone West 393. ............... 1.10 p .m .-- i:,v»'ii.soMK.; ,• n t i c t 11 r r * h ()n .Miinihiy (A îining the Young A '*5^0 si on Day ,fM ̂ p rr p , t r u i'<"0 |;le',s, A.s,social ion will have 10.30 a . , m. - i Inly (.niumunion I a.stor, Kev. Jf, I , Humphreys, rnial iiysitlu nieeting for the sea- 4 ,p.m .-- Chi]dreH'.s Service.™ Residence, 1348 Haywood.. ; Him at (he I'esidence'of Mrs. O '-' «« .."T ' Phone West 252ll ■. ' .1 NURSING HOME ,(aDs. M yR Laciiance, K.N.) 264 - 24th Street Eaif North Vancouver * ' Residence Phone: North 1356R B o n e D ry - . ' F I R i "tr? EuU Load $5 : C O A L . ■' b u i l d i n g S U P K L IE S 4 Phone. W est 4.8 DOC COOKE___ JPETEji NEAL - r C. J. Ovcringtoii r iO N E E R -B A R B E R I'ith .and Murine Expert Work Phono West 13,5~ .1011 i-ouncii 01 15: U. - ; uiticcjs , uiy laun. .-...ivirs. Jbasnorook will' A story "The Cap'that Mother P*'J?ent and the noon-ho'ur. de- sing. . " " 7 . dade" will .be told by Miss Jean' votional service; was held in the Old time familiar hymns that food, and a short address given Members ot ,the local ..mothers used Losing, m-a i()t3ic suitable to the presitlenC A cordial invitation to alL - " T he ONE and ONLY oii-;« lopic suitable to the sub- - "'ijh prcsitle.nt, jeyt by Mr.s. Holt-Murison E--J• acted as host-. ■=-=1̂ esses and a-special ferry.-anxlT-.„ , - r*"' - There will be no week evening aiie_-_usual-prayer:-hour- on" the meetirigs~nexH"'= ^ as bunding Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock ̂ municipaiitx. ' is being cleaned. KatabliRhod on 'N orth Shore' 20 Veam. (Lady AKalatant) HARRpN BROS,. & -W ttLIAMSeN' j f u i t e r a l - B i r e c t i r s North Vancouver Parlori 122. W est S ix th S t r e e t P h o n e N orth , 184 Vancouver Parlora l-S fiJT e n th -A v e n u e E as t - ■ P h o n p ^ F a ir . 184 The "Save 'the Children /At'Tuesday's meeiing of the A nlpp«onf \ / Fund" is being taken up a'gain ' church committee the rector an-„ the honlp nf M>* ^ by the Sunday SchooLschoJays. ' no»need the g if tp f a bell.for the 'Yatê ĉ i^th The M d en Foot -Rule, will be s ^^^refi. .iNhixt, Tuesday, May" w hL a U,sedvlA foot of 10-cent pieces of.=the belfry fund' ^ J ^ their friends, foods a child for 2 weeks.'^'This Jhe. Girls' Auxiliary w i l l ' r J S ' c" to T a y i w . •moyemenl is an international three-act-comedy. "Making occasion bSng thp^hiVTS*' one. " • " Daddy behave," in the P arish . ■ ______ .H a lli'S o 'd o ck . The , -'H preonferenc^^tfettftV cm . ' J ------- tulips and at .each com er a silver' te a ^ ^ i7 p m « ft i^ " s o n 'w it t"! ! - ' E ; b'^n motoriAg m u ^ d X T s- T im es * • ■ ■ THUR.T Evenings 7 ani 9 FRI. ) Matinees 3:45 SAT. Continuous SHtwing _■ 2̂ 30 tp_ 11 p.m. ~ Matinee tickets will be sold _ Jintil' 4:30 p.m. Saturday USpAL PRICES C,L.HlL9pRN BUILDING CONTRCTOR - (Set my estimate for your -hiulflingyT^Prices modernt ('; Residence Phone West 6851. - 2327^cilevue„A veniie 1.0 .D.E, BRIDGE , . VERY s u c c e s s f u l ' burn SohooT W e X ^ v e v S ' t S '" o T h i m h -W bridKe wab-- tbe.score being 14-T .The ganfe .and the hostess^e?Jed t S " afte" held iiv the Hotel Vancouver niarkcd by vGrv trond fî ir? whirb Kvir̂ rrA . Saturday.afternoon, by the Dun ■'■'f by St. ■ S t ip S s * 'g M /t^ - o v e n L wb?„ T f ^ can -Utvson:; GhaptBrll.O.DrE;,- ?l"<ting a triple p ll^ b y M i% r^ a fS r L v ln l m orfer to raise-funds-for the,.: (jcttner- aiid Phyllis-M riOTn " iiay' ^ ® ̂ deliD-htf,.! piu^chasing . o f _ an -in'halator The battery was Muriet Daw to. be presenledltd-ihfrr- son, AVvlma - - West Vancou^^eiv Municipality. Florence Gracey. ̂ V T The^near-drow at ^ i^A rt ; --NEXT W ^kK -- "Lottery Bride S9 and "Africa Speaks ■I-Idp • i" CauiiGild Saturday is-an-added--^^%^^^@hf the annual GammAf pt^of of the necessity for an service and • THE " "\*»«Jator near at hand, and the H i C h ^ ^ L " Chapter expects the, hearty sup- 7:30 p. m. - ' f port of every member of the ^ r V J ^ o J r | l l | i y B W S municipality iii-theif very m f Publish^ Every Friday Business and RdltorlSI Office; J,7 Ih -A nd^a ri ne-Br i ye thy effort................ ............ ' . T * B.r 'e . T t O t ^ ' S ^ 'Z . / ' ^ a waa. poured'at the Sat- Children's Work D l ^ y " / linked tea table, by Mrs. A: E, aK v evening. / / Munn, Mrs. J. C. Irons and Mrs. j=eF=THANKS } f dies'. Altar Society'of who f others donations T succesr ,Wprk . Y M /m u LCAHY, "Secretary, i i 4Ncxt to-.HoUyburn P. 0.:)__ Phone West 363 afternoons or evenings T AT'« f I \ ana airs. --- :-- -.JT-:\Vr-WelsVwhiIe^a delightful A.V.P.a . are holdimr . musical program Ava.Y_given bv ' J^ach bonfire at West B iv tf^vf ^2^***^'1-eggatt and Miss ^oi^day nigh/ ' * Hilda Wilson.-I illt|il-Addr4«s: P. O. HoHyburn.-BrC,-̂ " Publinlier F . F* LOVEGROVE PhoneAVest 368 The prices Were drawn for • 'To- Mrs. Alex, 'Smith winning th '̂ ' School ;Sunday of Vancouver, won the raffle, ' - ---------.-n on e-w esi-30s--- -- ChUdrcii's ' m y r ' t h ^ e r r S f ^ y a t 11.00 « .year by carriw"; | 2.00 a year ^ donations'lo one of cil with tn ̂ couiff ̂ by mail.-; : ' -.l^mUtiee or Ŵ est- ^n'rfVf; ^News8tonda6c..percop/ - \ r 5S^_^ion and t^^ -w lth p o w erto ^ t- May 25th -- Children's Day. Send your donations^ to one of prize com m ittee or West Van | News."' ----- ----------- ' c t o i s t i a n s c ie n c e s o c ie t y . - WE^T VANCOUVER, Br<^-- a n n o u n c e s -A * F R E j; L E C T U R E ' a : JOHN M. t u t t , c : s . r Member of p 7 ^ .? ^ Missouri, ̂ . . ■, Tb̂ first C h aX 6f d.rSt'" S - f °burcb. - ' - ----- scientist, in, Boston,. Mass, b Cv . in the ~ HoUybum Theatre ty •" ™ ™ S D W J S . :r¥̂ : r invited to, attend.