:̂iiflM|!»[aijaB̂aiîiB̂̂ -̂'t»f̂ iwfr«' w«<«v̂ '» *'***---'̂ .̂̂ "■C'̂ ' THBTWBST VAN NEWS fiiiii i&,aMiir,r,.aMW.rti 1'̂ ' 'C ent i ̂ f f-i I t ^ J -s ̂ ̂ ̂ 4 f ^ t ̂tt y 1. t w 1 NEW .LINiSi- I m d . NE'W""i^IGNS"'i .. „'; ^ pt pfflcticflMy lE S A G E D R U G S T O R E 1403 Marine Drive Pl^one .West 323 Dispensing Our Specialty • ^ ;, We Deliver THE BtlRNING BUSH'iyiw||ijiea||ttiijj|it̂nSfy^StWBm]pB£tr~ Muiflolin! ordered the*Mafta washed oht In ^ cily , and it has i.h€tenMdope»»"a1fc«̂ cmst >jLt'>"ia-°' totĵ ê-"™- ■ hoped 80, for the court ladled out 1200 years* imprisonment among 109 prisoners, not to mention life sentences to IG other disrepu tables* all members of the sot ciety. ^̂ Ndvir, i f »that doesn't do the trick, what have you ? Per sonally, I have a mOBtrprofound admiration for Mussolini and his methods, particularly his en- .̂tirelv 'original use of castor oil, B ut'-l don'r'believe we have heard the last of the Mafia yet. m rit* lor O aia lA ti"^ I cento per weed, tnialiiittm taa»»iiitor-stoepM » '̂<ii>i eaaa.af.ilS(Mw..liay|ttit^ea*iliyfe».ae<ftitotoi» a ll^ ^ piyiiMe* ijtrMly * ™ 'lavtoiei. Remeinber a a se U ltm in Uto W ett Vnii N«wt get Intmedleto i-enilto. Aide ere |Ayi MpS nUNOAtOW -- Pour RsKWne, modern, near ferry, sell or exchange amniier . honseu.r.Apply Box ft, Weet Van. ' News, ■ . . ' FOlt 8ALB--Raapherrles, Weat 39. L O S T -- Pa ir Black Rimmed O laiee i between 29th and 30th. Phono W est 53R3. - ______ KOU S A L R -P u rn ltu re L ift Van. 14 ft Ctn. X 10 ft. 6 in. x 10 f t 0 ifl^ .ln good condition, weatherproof, solid. , Make fine i^ack. Phone W est 13$X. ;v.i* h n w iik el b is c u it s SCHOOL BOARD NOTES 2 Clips mixed flour, ' 2 tablespoon sugar, ' 4 teaspoons baking powder, ■ 1-2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons fat, , 2-3 cup milk, ^ 1.3 cup stoned raismsj'finely' :«choppcdi\ • . . ' 2 tablespoons citron, finely chopped, ' ' -- Mî arbaking-powder-biscuits. . mixture. Kell to 1/4 - nch thick ness; brush with melted butter substitute and sprinkle "jjfh fruit, sugar and cinnamon.'. Roll 'like' jelly frdll;' cur'offTpiefees^ -'tj-iiich thick.. Place pieces on a greased tin and bake in a hot oven about 15 minutes. MEAT ROLL Flank steak, or 1 pound of thinly cut round steak, ... 2 or-3-small .pieces .of. suet,.,__ 2 onions, 1 cup carrot, cUbed, 2 cuprstock or water, Bread stuffinj?. . . - Beef, mutton"or veal may be Jused. Wipe .meat̂ t trim edges, pound on both sides, spread with stuffing, roll and tie. Sprinkle "the .roll with -salt' airid- pepper, ' dredge .with flour, and brown, on nil sides in hot dripping and lay it on the onion and carrot in a pan yath the suet bn top. Pour ("the water or stock into the'pan. Cover tightly and cook slowly in " A* letter was read from the West Vancouver^ Amateur Swim ming Cliib--expressing their thanks for the use^of classrooms provided for life-saving classes. Dr. Vance, the Club's instructor, attended the meeting and out lined the'Work that was being •carried on by the club in con nection particularly with train- »Jng_of., young., people JiL.Jifersay-.. ing work. ' A' letter was - read from the Municipal Gofuncil acknowledging receipt of resolution in regard to " u h e i n p l d y m e n l i : - - A letter was read from A. H. Albih asking that he be allowed ' to take his holidays during the ; last, two weeks in August. It w as. resolved that this request be granted. . Report was. read from Dr. Mc- Cubbin, for the month of May. -The - Secretary-...was.- directed-to .. write to the Department of Edu cation asking in view of the re cent establishment of the Clinic and"the largfe number of school children who had been examined, and whose names were on the . waiting list, if it would not be possible.to make the-gi;ant for the month of July. It was solved that it be left to. the A whole lot of us have just ha4 a narrow escape, in that it was proposed to make the issu ance of a N.S.F, cheque a crim inal offence. Luckily, the bill WAS dropped.. Now, it's quite bad enough to have to take one's life M 'A N T E D -- Girl for Hou»ework. Plain cooking for fam ily of two and w - casional, .earo of baby. L ive ,ln. \Vago8 $1B to start, Phona W est 387K1. ' , lilG H S C H O O L G IR L Wattto ^ o r k during holidays. Phono W ost 040R. FO R P L U M li lN G . R E P A IR S idcnco Phono W ost 241R. Ron* H O U S E -- Waterfront, fireplace, full plumbing, range. $25 a month by the year. $30 for six months or C A N A D IA N L E G IO N Employment ""Dopurtment. Hapdy men for all work. Phone 71Y. ' under year. Apply P. J, Troughton, W est 83, or D., Morgan, "■W est 4. M A U C E L L E S H O P -- . Marcello, 50 ('cnts; react, 3Bc; linger wave, 75c. Phono Mra. King, W est 304. WEBB'S -------------------- _ B E S T - in one's hands every time one'^^^ SHOE' REPAIRS „ .WBAU •Dundarave, FO R P A IN T IN G , K A L S O M lN lN G -- . A]»ply, C . . L. Honings, . Residence lihono Wost 39-lH. 11 crosses a road, but to have to take one's liberty in one's hand ' whenever the old bank iiccoiEft isnit standing the strain as v as imagined is going a bitjthic Naturally,; however, when a -'gentleman's Hmagination leads him to play a paper chase "around a town with N.S.F. cheques, the matter has become one of calcu lation,_afliL the enraged multi- ' tilde should.be permitted to'wo ' their will on his shrinking- caiv ■■cass."' • N E W G A R D E N S C O N S T R U C T E D -- O riginal designs In gardbn docorn- tions. Lawns, Paths, A rtistic Rock Gardens and Pools, Landscape fcQar-. doning, all branches. Moderate prices. R, J. Kyto, residence phone W est 59L3. SmaEWESSESS msm. •£vr' ^ F O U N D A T IO N C E M E N T W O R K -- Landscaping and Law ns laid. Rock walls, drains, septic tanks; fencing and land clearing, chimneys and fUr^HCcs cleaned anti repaired* Ph .1 T. Barnett, restdonco phono „ W l ... 290R, : GEO. HAY Established .1912. .. Real Estate and Insui'aiice Notary Public • ' . F IR E IN S U R A N C E FO It R E N T -- Furnished and U.nfurn- ished llouBCH. .Money Avuilnblo' fur. M ortgages on "Modern nomes*' " ^ 1405 Murine Drive For-the first time in history the First National Bank has failed to protect the trusting de positor For„a man was recently held up in Vancouver, and thf .a l l t h e B E S T Brands of C igars, *' V Cigarettes and Tobaccos. A lso E x change ■ Poker Hands and Consol cards 'Free. Amblesldo Tea Room s.' Office Phone W est 2 l or Sey, 1200 Residence Phone W. 82U or W. 204X ■ thugsr af ter a vain search 'of^his '■ d oWpockets, turned Kim upside doi and investigated" hi ̂ so ic k s , where they discovered the illu sive dollar. Now; that's what I call tough luck, because a per-, son is puzzled to think where to 'Safely pouch his money. The so lution would appear to be a ̂ good subject for a prize competition. chairman to" arrange with Dr. McCubbin, should the grant nbt beiforthcoming, to finish up any the oven or̂ on top of the stove. For round steak; cook slowly, covered for Y2 hour or more in a.ms^dmtT^ven, then uncover and cook for an ■ additional )/2 houi\ For flank steak, cook'slow- Jl -Covered, or 3̂ bours^or more in Imoderate oven, theii tmeover last % -.hour. Serve- with-brown- .gravy made by thickening-the - hquid in the pan. necessary work for which ap pointments had been made. A°̂ letter was read from pr. H. E. Young giving particulars as to cost of operation of. the ̂ Health Unit established at SaaiT-' '"ich and particulars as to source and duration of grants for this service^ also letter from Teach- ........ Association endorsing' thisers HoUylmni th ea tre Thursdaĵ -Friday-and"Saturday Up the River A Very Good Comedy S a t ir e of Prison L ife - Monday,j'uGsday_̂ Wednesday OTES SKINNER -- in f i arrangement. Ht was' decided to "ask the Council "to"hold a joint j" meeting with the Board "to dis cuss this matter further at the "John, if Mr.' Smith comes into the office tell him that I'm ' out.' "Yes, sir." . "And, John, don't be working when he comes in or he won't be lieve you." . - The Ruling Passion , - Slightly Delirious.Financier-- "Nurse, what did you say my temperature was ?" "Nurse--"One- hundred and three, sir."__ _ _ • Financier-- "Right; when it gets to lOSYz sell." I V A N C O U V E R G R E O S O T I N G C O ., L T D . NORTH-V^NGOUVEIL I I. I "Mary, has the chemist sent that sleeping draught yet ?" ,.. "No, ma'am.." ____ __________ "Then ring him up and ask "Good gpcious , dear," said the husband after supifer,_^ "v;here did all these books on They're' 1 him if he expects me- to keep awake'all night waiting for it." earliest, opportunity. . The.^-rounds Committee re- ported' t b a t ^ e y approved "the blue, print prepared by Mr. Kor- ner covering layout of the T"grounds of Inglewood Sehool and . now wished to submit it to the TpwnJ'lanningjCommission t e " : apj^dval. - A young buffalo bull from Victoria is being shipped to the Peace Riyer. astronomy ; c ome "from mdCburs.":, ; y.'f '■"'"V - "Oh, that's aJitiJe-surprise for _______________ you; darling. This morning you __ J m • r . . said we ought to study astron- Modern Toxicology omy, so l went and bought-aJo-t Professor:-'W hat is the most of books'bn it." . . potent poison" . After a long moment he said, Student: "An aeroplane; Tone ' p a t i e n t l y "My dea I didn't drop and'you're dead.!" say astronomy> I said economy ." -Report was niade by the Build ing Committee on painting, kal- sominihg and other repair work required in school buildings. It was ffesolved that Trustee, Mr. Russell and the Secretary pre pare specifications and obtain * tinders oiTthis^ork to be taken upLat the meeting to be held on " ■July 9 th. __Dear-Editor--What_-sh.Ojuld I take when I am run down--Anx ious. Dear Anxious-^Take the li-.̂ cense number.--Oregon Motor- is t .' Hot Weather GO TO Boating, Ptshing, Diving, Picnic GroGrounds, 2 'Sandy Beaches, • Good Parking Space, Teas, Refreshments. Standard Olympic Diving Boards; 1, 3, 5,. and 10 metres. C. F. SMITH, Proprietor. ' m 'ttfi m V 1 :U ■ 1 .-•I 1 Some W est Vancouver Homes S I S .1, I -- . ; ■'%