-- ---------------j --------------------------------------. -- -- p -------- - THE WEST VAN NEWS Ĵ uly 10.1031. ifM FOR Q m U T Y SAWMILLS LH i!ED 'FOR siiVICK , ' "«3*S4S«i For you r LunifMorr ShinglMy Saffai.ancl Door MM|| jiMdt M»mm'JK JUk̂MihiAuiMjR»€tii l̂lsJPEOfllEilSS , Call in and «ei; u« at 2 7 9 East Esplanade "Everything In wobaiojr t|ie home"* NOilTH 110 or Phom* Seymour 2406 AMATOOR FHOTOCRAPHEBS and rteutral in color, presenting«uu *!*'«___ . .. fOTnora GARDENS and GARDENING By MINA G. HUTT, Landscapa ArchUect <»* Kaf CrsiiuaU Im Landtcapiiiff U. »t C„ Ain*rlc«tt Sclutol, of l.*ndtc*p# ArehlUdlur# And ' ' Qai^mlnp. M«wk*r N*tliMaail *L«nd*t«pa* Sorvko. i, - : JL - . . . , V ->-j It him .been said that we can'< have. too much of even a jfood thiriK but one would hardly think that we could have too many flowerH. Such, h()\vev<*r, is a fact particularly when it comes to the* arranKertlent f>f cut flowers in vases,,etc. the : cason for many ■ of the faults and failm'es to pror*̂ duce an arrauKemeni of cut_ flowers pleaslnif to the eye lies in the fact that too Kreat a quan-t« iity of indiscriminate kinds and colors of flowers have been crowderl into the container. Flowers are individualistic andi exhibit much the same charac teristics as people. Some are stately and, (liKnified, s o m e graceful and charminp:, some are gay, some shy, some bold, some (juafnt- and some,- such- a s-th e-- pansy, are really humorous to look at. . ■ With actei. peoted discriminatclyand not have them clash. The Japanese when arranginii? flowers (fuite - fre- (fueiitly only piiVtwo flcnvera and a-single leaf in, a vase, anti thqse of our readers who have had the pleasure of attending any of the Japanese, flower umihgdmcnt classes will agree withjis,when we .say that the Japanese women are, masters in the art of flower arrangement, - While perhaps we c a n n o t bring onrselyeB to exercise the same rcstr^iint ns they, we can at least he rpoderate in their use, so thaf'the individual blooms rnav'he seen and using a few of tin-' llowers- own leaves...-Nature ha.-̂ an apt w a /o f providing each vai-iety of flowers with the'foli age best suited to it. If in doubt as to the most suitable arrange- hien't ' for a particular flower, stnd.v the jilant from \yhich .the flower was cut if'possible.*AiTiris instance sends up several Marine phptpgra'phy is always intereatlnEl"l)ut the summer is the only time shots on the 'tvat< r, unless one Is In Tovr-hoat or n sanuig yacht. The quick throbbing of " an engine or motor makes it im- possible to give a longer expos ure than a fiftieth of a second. Even a hundredth of a second is none too quick for marine work if we stand over the propeller, or if we try to mtch*a storm-' wave breaking again.st a cliff. The twenty-fifth of a second will always give a blurnsl picture on a motor-boat. If we shorten Hie time of ex posure,- Wc must either increase the light-grasping power of the camera lens or clioose practically sta'tionary subjects, 'The light- grasping power is increased, though at the,.eNi)en.se of sharp ness, by using ia large stof). The stop E16 is the smalle.st which can be u.'jed ŷith an ord inary film .for e.KiiosurcH of .a 'fiftieth-of-a second on,a clear ~ summer day when taking sea-s pictures between 10 a. m. and 2 ,p.m. If there is any smoke-haze, the light must lx- increased by using the'stbpT. 11, e during the brighter hours. The largest stop of the'ordinary box camera is.F.lC; a,iid its shutter i.s sup-for instance sends up -- slalks of varying lengths spread* posed to work at the twerlty-fifth sliglitly apart in the midst^of. a 'o f ̂ second. It is easy to see that such a camera vvill never serve for snap-shot work, on a motor-driven boat. But there are' many interestirig! and pictur- esque subjects which are quite fact, thTiVTitef's most realistic stormy skies have been unin- tended freak effects got through mistakes of . over-exposure, The coast scenery from Caul? « fdld, round to. Horseshoe Bay P- wiiits'the hand of some young,4 . ' and active enthusiast. years the hanging woods which ieml so much of charm to the cliffs will have disappeared. I sinc erely hope that the .present ■ " opport uni ty " w 111 ~*n ot-"bc- alio wed,**-. to Tiass uiiused, A glace at some of the Caulfeild pictures w'hich figure in our publicity literature will show the Value ot the com bination of crag, forest, and sea. Landscape photography is .. one of the fields in which iiitelli- gence and perseverancci#- will ' earr.y the amateur beyond the (Ordinary linos, of .attainment, Professional photographers have hot time for more than occasion al ventures into this field; .and' the training which is received in the appreciation of landscape by , 'Xhĉ amatcuf while watching and"rr waiting will greatly increase his enjoyment of beauties wmich are always with us in Vancouver. To those about.to take a snap shot freim one of the ferries, I would give the advice'not to try, it except on the No. 6 . The others will blur the picture in ev,en4Jie humlredth of a second. BURRARD camera I n Fer WI10 Are Agent for SWAN BROS., THIRD 8T. Mud ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North IplOl - "'.'■F.Rivers Phone West 410L FURNACE and SHEET-METAL REPAIRS ' ' A m b l ^ l d i e - . SheetJM etal W o rk s LAURjE SPECK, Proprietor - 1456 -Marinê Drive-- ' Fhone West 437L2 cluster of sword-like leaves. Why ' n<>t arrange your iri.s in thi.s manlier?" ' ' ■ ..... Nature'.y(kaj.i8i:p,.thpJengtli of slems required by the. various FUNERAL OF GORDON S. BARR flowers is really worth"8tudying. within range of a box camera, ■ m m » • » i ̂ ' HI . I V . ' 1 * 1 those "with long stems should be in tall, reasonably wide topped ones so that they will have some support but not be cramped. (Uoptinued next week.^ NOTE-- Th« writer will eonelder It a plcaeuro ■ ta a^wer qweetlone. concernlnff the Mardcn in tliia column.Th®- quastibna sjiould b®. Rcloressea to the writer ':. care of Editor. Theanewer will appear In an early l•»uefOr Jf a peraonal reply I* deelred a etamppa, aelf»a|ldreeeed envelope ehould be encloicd. THE ART OP BAKING CUCUMBERS BABY BORN IN --------------- FLYING BOAT For an appetizing vegetable to * Flight-Lieutenant A. L._Mor- serve with the meat course split fee , comman(ling-.,officer of the good size-cucumbers longthwisoL-Zll^TC.AJF, at Cormorant .Lake, leaving the'skins on. Then scoop Man., arrived at Jericho last out the middle pqlp, add beaten ' Saturday afternoon, in charge of egrgsJTonc egg is enough for six the Vickers _Vancouver flying cucumbers--a cupful of bread boat, which is to be used for cr-upibs and seasoning to taste, training purposes at the air sta- . ohininPri -Fill the sheila, rounding the fill- tion here. He c a m e \ b y - w a y - o f -- in r o in in im »p7-nTravb«krirf'a-- laaaer-tster^^^ and A.. W* w V*V** > v * » w • P... V - s'hips tracing their'-smoke-pat-' terns in the air can be, photo graphed' successfully with the smallest stop and the ordinary spring shutter. Mr. H. IT. Harp- 7cr-"got-"^ome-very "nice pictures-- of this'kind , during t^e smoky days of--last- summer by photo graphing against the western sky towards sunset. He did riot use a box camera'; but it would have been quite possible to do so by resting the camera on something solid. It takes, so much skill and intelligence, how ever, to use a box camera,' that most ainateur.s soon, change it fora folding camera, so. as to get results without undue trouble.- Cloud photograpihy is a fasciril ating pursuit. The highest' re- suh.s call for refinements like panchromatic films and ray filt ers. But sumset cloud effects of - "FQiiera] '̂ ■gefyiceŝ S. Barr, 54, of Horseshoe Bay,' who died T'uesday.at North Van couver General Hospital were held yesterday at 2 p.m. -at Bur- .rard F'uiieral,chapel. East Third, street, North Vancouver, by Dr. E. A. Henry, interment was made in Capilano .View Ceme tery. Mr. JBarr .was born in On- -terio-arid-Tiad resided here-ten-- years; He is survived by his wife and four children. Sannie Transportation Co., • K.W.Saviiy |1443 Marine Drive ;__-Ambleside" , Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 ResI Estate Finance and Insurance PASSENGER SCHEDULE 1931 Bowen Isiaiid-Hor^shoe Bay • FERRY - " Effective' July 1st to Septi 7th, - Fares 25 Cents ---------- moderate, oven for throe-quar: ters of an hour, • ' . -^To make seal loped cucumbersi peel and 8lice"6 cucumburs. Then arrange them in a buttered bak- fng dish as if scallbping any Other ,vegetn.ble, first a layer of bread crumbs amttheii a layer of cucumbers, and so on till the dish is filled.,Between the lay ers flavor with grated onion ami : lemon, n Ut'lle butter, paprika,- thence to Vancouver via Cook ing Lake, Jasper and Salmon Arm. -- -̂-------------- y . On the. \vay _he .picked up an Indian woman in response to urgent calls from Mile 214̂ Hud son Bay Railway, and, whfle speeding vyith her to the hospital at Le Pas, her baby was born in thinflying boa t̂ Both mother and child survivd the ordeal, and the possessors of box cameras \yho carried them during-evening -.ramble.s,-Somewhere- about-two- seconds of exposurerwilLbe nec-. essafy when using the "sntallesr" box camera stop with the sun_ close to setting and behind a cloud. What is wanted for this.. ■ "class p f sub.i'octs is not so much a high-grade camera , (though a camera simplifies othings .now the proud father has named gi eatly) , .as systematic.vvorking, celery salt, salt and pepper,'Bake" the child Lindberg Wright Cook ^T . an hour. in honor-ot^the manner of- his- birth... . Flight Lieutenant Morfee, who cords, of correct,exposures,, so as to" profit in-the greatest possible degree by every trial. Sooner or'T hear that wlien Jones was . rugm x-<icut«iitwit mw* icu, *. , .v: " , j ------ " , 'in th^ hospital he. had to have w'as formerly at the Jericho Air later the'intelligent-and persev- fu»/\ mii'iaAa om/I niorm " i Stiitioii, speiit thc" wcek end at amateiii ^will obtain some- n .r i jursesjdaj' and night es, luiT\,vifo"wduUhf t"trust hijn alone with just one." the TiOTne" 6f his" sister-in-law, .Mrs. A7 G. Eastman of West Bay. Under Htp auspices of the Canadian Legion W, ill I P " on the grounds of MRS. G. HAMPSON; 20th and Pulton, THURSDAy. I6 th TOLY, Bridge and Tea, 50c. - - ̂ Concert 35c. Tea only, 25c; i . i Vancouver School Band Tn attendance in Afternoon -- ^Proceeds in aid of Ex.-Service W om b's Trust Fund, tWng_sQ._bea u tif uL and- so ~out- of the common that he ivill be re warded for all his efforts. There "is nothing more pleasing than a ..-happy grouping of sunset clouds , with an-clause of sea on wTiich ships are plying. DAILY Leaving BOWEN -ISLAND "ar2o~AT̂ M~ Leaving HORSESHOE ------BAY-- 12:20 3:20 " 6:20 8:30 P.M. "SUNDAYS Leaving" BOWEN ISLAND '9:30 A. 1̂ 1." 11:30 " 1:30 P.M. 2:30 , " 3:30 " 5 :0tf '" 6:15 " 8:15 " 9:20 " ----- ^ait0"ArM. - 12:45 P.M. '4:00 7:00 : ^ 9:40 : " and HOLIDAYS Leaving HORSESHOE BAY 10:00 12:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:30 7:45 , 8:45 A.M. Noon P.M. Special .Trips to- any part 'of Howe Sound by arrangement. PhbnirBowen Island; VERNON - FEED STORE A. C. Searle, Phone West 9 Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers and Building Supplies B O ^SESH pi BAY Pishing,-^Boating,_ - Lunches, Teas, Dinners, - Picnic Grounds Dancing.; ? ' (Saturday Evenings) HOWARD RODGERS (Slstablished: 1914) Phone Long Distance Whytecliff Stocks of dehydrated apples in ' the* Okanagan are exhausted. ̂ V . . ' ^ : A few shipments of early beef -have been made "from Nicola. • rfk The east ami west ends qf the Gity Are the best stations from which to photograph the fog- banners that cling to the north ern, "-mountain-tops when - the weather is clearing up afterrairi. If caught at,the right moment, very striking results can be ob- tafn^, even on winter after- noonsi though they will call for time-exposures of from 2 to 20 seconds,.-thcLcamera being-placed ̂ on a solid support. This is an interesting field of work,, ' Storm-clouds here are usualb'̂ disappointing. They are essenti- GAS, OIL, UNION PRODUCTS ACCESSORIES WASHING ■ POLISHING SIMONIZING ... . . - 'A NEW LINE Besides providing a service that is kt all tim es'cheerful, complete and spotlessly clean; We are now offering our patrons a complete ,pepair service on Motor, Bodies and Running Gear; with, a ll work guaranteed^ ■ ' " UNION OIL . 15th and Marine" Drive. M.. !■ High . P r^ u re Greasing ' Tire Repairs m o m W EST 6 1 4 ^ 0 '"Repairs of .air" 'BJiids ■ a