bso bh t su its to ORUEB UOATB iuic ̂ llll̂ êr r»d» our own «|»k« ■ALTiEATIONS -- ■ kad . .<L ^ itBtiw amkWiik.WE CALL AND DEIilVBR Phone West 20 1668 Marine Drive --f. Res;Phdiie West 286L i^EM «9*S GROJClEir ^ 2490 Marine Drive Phone West 162 Groceries and Fresh Fruits Confectionery, Tobaccos and Cigarettes Ice Cream and Soft D rinks.. WE deliver Mrs, A, BiddeU of Victoria has been visiting her parents, Mr. C d u l& . '̂ *0 # 4> Mr. a n d Mrs. ' Mackenzie Mathespn, ; S-h a u g h n e s s y Heights, have t4 ken up msidence ' 'at their Summer home in Caul- feild. Herbert Wood and family of Shaughnessy Heights * have moved to their home in Caulfeild for the summer. ̂ i< ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Woods, 13th and • Marine Drive, who are pn a visit . to the Old Country, are now staylng-anBrightoh, England. ..... * ♦ ♦ ' . Mr;.. And Mrs* have recently taken oyer the store and property; at Sandy Cove. * ' -u,r ' ;' Hr ' o m f.. ,«..T W«t, 'wr Mrs. Williarn Blair and faipily, 15th and Gordon, are spending this month at Half Moon Bay. ♦ *'*.„4 . ' • Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Steves of . Vancouver.,bayjB̂ talcen̂ .the Car̂ ^̂ MISS HELEN RITCHIE land house at 24th and Bellevue for the month of August. ' iinJconipreted arrangements for ■ Mrs. E. W. Weeden, Radcliffe* -̂ ̂ * ♦ ♦ \UT0 CENSUS a r r a n g e d -- SH O W I^^Q R «,Mrs. G. E. Bayfield and fam ily, 20th and Gordon, left here on Saturday for Craig Lodge, B ri« • >*-v«' 1 ' .* * 1̂ " jfcf - A- '** SS ™ ( i i ' « Miss Elsie Harrison of the B.. C. Telephone staff here, is on her annual vacation. . Principal and Mrs. Fr-J. Pat terson and family, 1483 Gordon, are summering at Half Moou ** .♦ Jiu. jBut cool off with our ice Cream Sandwiches made with Christie's Biscuits 6c.1. S3 fifUfs WEST VAN PHARNACY The Store of Service. 1402 M arino Drive Went 37 Kmergeiic^ ̂ Phone We«t ,321 (After 0 p. m.) The Public Works Department -C.- E. -Thomas-^of-^Vancouver has nioved into the Sylly,house at Ciiulfeild.,, . ihP annual census.iaking of ^a|-^,..J^;,:„eMertd^^^ Thursdayj M .5 K ? tt ainj t o f con P r o v in c ia l highways. Dur- 2nd instant, at a delightful cup Vancouver - are staying at the inir die first seven days of July and saucer i a i-ecord will be kept of all ve- Mina TTpIaVi hides passing certain points be- ..........„ 2nd instant, _ ̂ . the first seven days of July and saucer shower in honor of Clachan Hotel, ' u'iil he kept of all ve- Miss Helen Ritchie. The table ♦ .* was very pretty "in blue and Mrs. George Good and two Sveen 'the hours of 7 a.m. and orange colors 5^nd -was,'draped sons of Burnaby are guests at ' llpni. It will afford a good idea with bridal veil, the gifts being the Fortune Cup Inn. of the number ,cf automobiles brought in a tea y^agori beauti- , ' 4< * usiiigthehighways, both on D6. fully decorated in .white and .Mjgg petty Humphreys of minion Day __PfiJCtlâ nd was the auest,..over the July, Records will ^t .thê same tea, and little Patty Weeden and week end of Mr. mid Mrs. A. A. time be kept m detail of cars Joan Sparrow gave piano solos, j , Ridley, Caulfeild. ^ pas&ing-over the New Westmin-. which were much e n j .o y e d . ■ v ♦ ♦ ster bridgb, and the "more impor- Among those present were: M iss- . p r £ automobile ferries will also Helen Ritehie, Mrs. H. P. David- van ei^ er^ are ^ ta v in r a t the te chected ui>.:^t the SpuzzUin--lofi,Ta?s; A rH rO 'Donnen-Mrs:.-!^^^^ toll gate on th% Cariboo road D. C.'Ritchie, Mrs. ̂ George Brea- .^ ito a n Motel, ̂ ̂ , tlailv records are already kept, ley, Mrs. George Sparrow, Mrs. « _ ■ 4? r. u x. from November, and if A. Houghton, Mrs. R7"Vass, Mrs, . the increase on that road is a R." A. Ogilvie, Ernestine and Pat- nioved into Mrs. Bulkk fair indication of the " general ty Weeden and. Corinie^DavidsoP. at 2bth. and Mellevue Ave. -irowth"of traffic, the figures for. ■ ' increasing use o f the'maim high- ̂ _ v Dr. and, Mrs. A. C. Nash, 22nd increasin guse of the main high- .hopor of Miss Morna Hoop- ^^d Marine, are spending a holi- Mrs. Prbut and family of Van couver'have Take n" a house at" 2331 • Bellevue Ave. for two months, and have moved in. Captain"' Clampitt and Miss Lena Clampitt of Vancouver are guests at the Clachan Hotel. H> Id 41 Ql ways. In .honor of Miss Morna Hoop- , er, whosb^marriage to Mr. David __3ay at Salt Spring Island. Trving^takes^laee^n-Jwy^-lmen PROMISES TO. AID ~ DEVELOPMENT shower was held recently at the home of. Mrs. 'Edward Sewell, 16th,and Gordon. Later in the evening recitations were given- y j I 2 • ■ ■ • ■ c V V./X1 A JLX^ •• X w './A v^Vi/AA « ,,7 f T X./*. V / . . . ^ When attention is being p v p w j^gg jggn Hooper and vocal to.puWic works projects to be jjjgj uuf,y Buntain. Others present included Mrs. A* J. Hooper, Mrs. J. Irving, Mrs, L. Hooper, Mrs. W. E. Sewell, Mrs^W*^ Clark; Mish M; Wright; M i^^ Miss GoMc^ister^ Miss H undertaken in connection with unemployment . relief, Mayor' Louis D. Taylor of Vancouver will do what he can to-see that all possible consideration is given to'Second Narrows canal and- foreshore development, His Wor- -ship stated in a letter to -th e =|!orth--V=anouver- City- - -Cpuncn- llonday night. Mrs. Morgan, 11th, a n d Duchess, who has been- confined, to her home through sickness, has now recovered, ~ ♦ 4< 4« Miss Marjorie Barnott, who has been on her annual vacation, has returned to her duties at the B. C. Telephone Co. here. , * * 4e Mr. and Mrs. Collins of North Captain and Mrs. S. Snoddy oC West Bay have as their guests Miss Clark and Mr. Cohen of Seattle. *■ , 41., 4« , 4i John Reddin, Pen, Jack and Bob Taylor, arid Jack Matthews" have returned to their homes in Cauifeild for the summer hbli- |lays .from Shawnigan School, Vancouver Island.-J 41 v, * 4« . ■ ■ ■■ .... The Vancouver. Local Coun cil of the"'A.Y.P.A. gave a din ner party at the, Clachan Hotel last Monday evening, when cov- ers"Were^laid for fifty. Thê Ti'ê S tra tto n 's BAKERY BREAD -- CAKES Assorted Prisbdkcs -- Alumnd VuHetics Buns - Rolls Sconejl Short .Bread - - ^ ut Bread Christening, Birthday, Wedding ̂Cukes - made at' ̂ 116. URINE DuivE Phone West 27 ell. Miss J, Irving, Mis J. Hooper,' ^Vancouver are occupying a house Miss L. Hooper, Miss.D. Barge at 24th and .Bellevue for the ̂ 'ahd?Mfss"R."Buritairi7- month ofTJuly.-4e 4e mairider of the evening w^s given up to music and dancing. ^ - Mrs. F. R. Adams; last week entertained at a luncheon and bridge at her summer ihome in Caulfeild. . 'V ' Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Davidson of Shaughnessy "H e is t s h a v e t^ e n up their residence for the summer at their home in Caul- _feild, _ . _____ H O L L Y B U IIN Barber Shop 15th & Marine - E X P E R T S E R V I C E ■ "" ErMARSH, Proprietor BURRAUD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service ./ Lady Assistant .320--3rd SC E. Phone North 626 Semi:Monthly Meeting _ LEGION HALL Friday, July 17th, at 8 p.m. Members and Prospective members are asked to at tend.' HOLLYBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY Mr. and Mrs, Blair of Burn aby are guesta at the Clachan Hotel. Dr. and Mrs. William "U're of Point Grey are staying with Dr. Ure's pardhts, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. Ure, 24th and King's Ave. " 4t ♦ 4< W e st Van Produce Co. Fresh Vegetables-^d FruiC Phone West 18G or 109 - - Prompt Delivery _ The. following booEs"are mi?s- Magistrate Emily Murphy ■ of .. V \ ^ r^'j.2. 1, Edmonton; and her: d^ :-Pplly o f Lady Gay-Cottage,-by EveTyrir were " Dominion" "Day Do\vd; Favorite Greek Myths, by guests of Miss. Margaret Bayne, Hyde; Mote^Hquse M yste^, by- 2866 Bellevue. ", ""Douise7"the-daughter-of-Mrsr^ ' C. C. Boldrick,'2567 Lawson, had the misfortune last week to fall and break Tier arm. - ̂ ^ , ♦ 4« » ^Marshall; Shakespeare Plays', Wild'West, , by Sinclair. Would anyone having any of these books return them as soon as possible. . The RIDGE SUPER SERVICE STA-nON General Repairs, Brakes, Greasing, Battery Charging, Tires General Overhauling;^ Jack Banks & Lance Cairthorne 2203 Marine Drive PHONES.: West 613-0 (Day or Night) Repair Shop: West 91 Speaking of the charm and beauty of Vancouver, Mrs. Mur phy remarked:. "Quoting from the Qulen of Sheba, the half has never been told." _ * * Mrs. Murphy has been a Police Magistrate iri Edmonton for fif teen years, but is more widely known -by -her pen-name - .of " Janey Canuck.' She was the most active of the five residents qf Alberta who vsron the appeal given by the Privy Council' that -.women, are "persons," and thereby eligible to become Senators. Mrs. B. M. Grady, of Beach House was on 4th July, hostess at a dance in honor of,-Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Walker and their sons Kenneth and Philip of Montreal, 4t ♦ 4< Captain and Mrs. Frank Spar row arid family of Vancouvex% who formerly resided here, have moved^into a h o u s e 2 3 r d and Bellevue. ' ' 4< 4< 4« H o lly b u rn G arage 1503 Marine DjMvc ' General Auto Repairs Specializing in-,- " Brake Lining and ' Battery Repairs. H .iD avi6on & Son • Phone West 100 ' ' 'i * ■"t- 1̂' M'- IS Vs-%) M. « k , ./f 'j; 'ls'V t:4l - n -U , i;;' GORDON. ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor - ' WEST VANCOUVER-- ..... m' . _ Office No...1447-Marine Drive. .. Phone West 403. *'■ '■ -■■■ ■ 1 . ' I VANCOUVER OFlj'ICE-- Suite 818; 510 HastiqgsiSt. W Phone Seymour 4199. ' '---- ;-- r -- .....'■ /I!' ' ' ' ' -- -'.A-full-growji .cow_. moose w m . washed up last week on the beach between 19th arid 20th Streets. The animal; which had, ■ 1 *!??*' 50% higher gradfi_thait-the minimum demand t Txrorf Government. Produced from GOVERNMENT i J^^CTED HERDS;^B0TTLED UNDER THE VERY BEST j , CONDITIpNS. This milk has >no superior, in all of Van- " I We know of no better value today than f y'l* Pure. Jersey Milk at Me. per-quart. PHONE RIDLEY, WEST 45« for ICE or MILK- There,is Horseshoe Wednesdays from 9 p.m. to 12 and also on Saturday even ings, A good orchestra from the., city is in attendance. ♦ * - - been dead for two,months, is thought to"'have, been carried down the Fraser River and into the-bay, whence the; tides bore- it" to the beach here. PHOTO Coloring, D eveloping, F in ish ing C. J, BRODERICK 1421 Marine Dr, . ; ■ i.'i '1 W. Davies, -13th and^.^:ultoii. is having a new house construct ed at 17th and Gordon Ave.• . ♦ * ♦ Mr. and Mrs. H. Dickson have motored down from Sirdar, B.C.,~ and are"staying with Mrs. Dick son's parents, Mr. and Mrk W.^ Herrin, 1387-Haywood Ave. Mr. Wyckoff of Vancouver is -having a new-house built at H th aiidJTJlyde Ave." HOLT-The Glass Nan 1470. Marine Drive Phone VVest 27 Broken Windows; Replaced -.i i£:\S ' ; Miss Helen Sewell, 15th and Haywoodf left, last Saturday for a three weeks' v a ca ^ n at Bell-_̂ . ingham- and-Ladnerl, ̂ 7, SPECIAL Ladies' one-pieceBEACH PyjA M i $1.75 B rpoks^ ry Goods and Men's Wear 14th and Marine Drive. Phone West 144 Exclusive Agents Corticelli Silk Hose and UJuiversal Sweaters ' ^Iso Novelties; Toys,-School Suppliies, Hemstitching. ' ' • f •'htH