THE^irxNirwHnn A tin i l i r iv ik - AmKlii«filA ***yiiaumve jui, ^ mvimwntj^ H 'W m 4# Thaw Prices Uood Frld^i^ & Saturday. j « , . 15 & 16 im » f»LUM JAM rnmim -NibOfo,' wat'-iuZi »' '< ' i «■ '• f' flli r q h i - - ' [ JAJ l l l l * » r * ' >, *1 f i " • ' f irniT iT t~ I' I III J j i f f C i ' IWKD^ I)ATEg~.B«J4«»i>iiik*| . 3*Ib, pki. ....... COFFKK-Nabob *'«r ... ;...... .....................89« (̂ OUN HTAie(*ll~-<:an«d« Mb. puckH .... ....... »e IIONKV~~ltic*d<iri» Fur« Cbv«tr ,2»/Hb. tin .............S5c HYitUJ'--UniferH* Z'ib. tin ..........................., . |5c (UnCK OAT8-Qunk«-r (Quiek, <tM»klnic) tl lb. K ftc k ...... 27c CJilCKIiN JlAUMK~NiiM> . >'*»»• tin .... ....... ......... Tl'KAt'IlKS:--Columbia No. 2 tin (In h<*avy Hyrup)................. J6c SAI/r--Windsor Cooking *'l'/j*lb. biiR .................. HODAW--Orinpnd'N Family , fliy.e Fttckol .................. . 9c .18-c K**d & Whito ^ATSUF . • 12*0*. bolU# ...... (M ) FiSII--AcodU 2-lb. Imix .... ...........;............. 43c Ai'Kft OTH-CoIumbl« No. 2 till (packed in heavy ayrup)..fAc JKM.y' UOLCS^Keid Ikon. ................................. lil.riN G --ItkkllCa 2 pkta. ....■....... 0c" NAHOII T K A -Jb.......... ............. 35c i AN( V F IN KAFFLK^AuHtra- .iiiin Hiicod. No. 2 tin. u . 'J22c 39c i(pd~^t-Whitir"COFFKE^ ^ I'cf' i b v ' . " . ' . ' . 7,."z MACAKONI--KjC. or Long. Iti-o/. pkt, 2 for.... .............. 15c MADKIUA CAKI^--Held IJroH. '■ f<̂ r................ ...................... '..,25c HAI;'r--llcgal Shaker 2-lb. carton .... ..... ',.,..7?.'.... 9c (i UAi'K FK U rr--̂Kxceptiopnlly "•^Jiilcy, large size. >1 f«ir........... 23c As was a^ t«d in our last issue. Reeve te y k n d for the second -tiina running has been'accorded an acclamation. The fact Jthat he will be reeve again this year will be.a cause of genuine satis faction thrmighout W est Van couver, and .also in Vancouver, where It has been the subject of very favorabb* editorial com ment in .the daily press. There have been two changes since last week among other candi dates, and the electors tomorrow will be caileti upon to choose f r m among the following: Council (iwp vacancies) -- Councillor G. D. Ellgar, Coun cillor L. S. Garthorne, K. A. Ray, A. Harvey Smith. J, T. W att. School Board (three vacan- d e s )--Trustee K, S. Gamage, Trustee Mrs. M. V. Masterman, T. E. Batchelor. C.'T,'Kendrick," W. N. McDonald. Police Commissioh (one va cancy)--John Sinclair, E. W. Weeden. Government Inspected Only U M B . BEEF. PORK, VEAL, Etc. • ■ . . 'l. . ■ M .■ ■ ■ I ■ <•' ...; ' ■ '7 ' COOKED MEATS OK ALL KINDS, DELICATESSEN; HOLLYBURN, STORE West S •{ Two Stores for your S.'i-- a m b Le s i d e store West 303 A, Sin i m First Devil: "lia ha! Ho! ho." "Wliy the laugh?" , 'Viist Deviit "I ju st put a woman into a room with a thoiLsand hats and no mirror." New Hoarder: my last place wepl." Landlady: "I W on't, laiy in advance." "When. I left the landlady ■You'll "Why are you divorcing your husband?" ' "VVell, the other night he W'as reading the p.'i|)er and- I- slipped-- up and .kissed him on his bald spot--" "Yes?" ̂ . ̂, "And he - said, 'Quit playing, honey, and get out those letters 'I dictated yesterday W est Vancouver Lum ber Co. . nnd,Marine .. . ... LIMITED............. j . Phone WestUls W. J. Turnbull, Manager, Residence Phone: West 3681 , -- S E R V I C E , •-- -- Everything for the Building. L U M B E R SASH------; DOORS--------^ROOFING-- -- BUIDDIKC-TATEIT Lamatco -- Gyproc^-- Plaster Board Beaver Board ~ Shingles f }f C -pi I ;■ hi ' ■■ i f;.'A J*/; ! )!' (i yV, n If ri'-:MA'§ Tvg TRIED To ^Rtrie A Poem about a xruicv s t e a k - andallyhat I CANTrtINKOp |S-> --T r y one fo Q00DNESS5A HOLLYBURN-PACIFIC SKIERS HOLD RACES; -----SEAT'rtE-TEATW'miVIEp-- COMMUNICATION INSURE SATISFACTION by Placing Your orders w ith The one wh.p only PURE POOD BUYS-. VCNoWS VtELL OUR LAMB WIlL Take The PRIZE L cOc 1t ■'Tx, ' '•M psA : -w Owing to unfavorable weather conditions, the jumping compe tition in ' the .Hollyburn-Pacific Ski Club's first tournament of the season on Sunday on Holly- burn Ridge was postponed and only the cross-country races were held., Henry Sotweht, Nordal Kal- hadl and ' Ralph Morri^ were" named to represent the club a t the Seattle tournament on Janu ary 17, competing in Class A. nVest Vancouver News." Dear Sir: ^ . Re Mr. Wm. Blair's' letter in your issue of January 8th, I most certainly endorse his re marks, feeling also that it is not time for a change. Remember the old saying, "Why disturb an engine whep it is function^ properly ?" This' applies to our present Reeve and Council. I would suggest ,that,_rather than to have- wasted money on ah election a t this time, the money William H anS ^nd :P erx :B :B u t-"' ®̂ .been given to the lanjrfere-chosen-fov-t-he-Giass-B-- 252 !̂.F .'F " idst. nd get first quality at special prices .^ I Government Inapected-^No. 1 Grade Meat events.' In yesterday's races Henry Sotweht won Class A honors, Williarn Hansen the Class B con- ̂ test, Bill Brown the novice event^7 and Daisy Bourdon the four-mile ° ladies' race. Detailed results " follow: ̂Ypur faithfully,- TAXPAYER., -Glass A (8 MrlesL Cocoanut Filling 1 egg. ^ 1/3 cup flour, cup sugar. 1 cup boiling milk. -l^Hx_egg,~flour--rS n d~s ugar--to Ego* %Ss Pullet Extras -- z doz 35c FOWL each , 750c Local Lantb BACK BACON in Yz lb. Pkg. . ' fegii :pi7̂ :-:7-:7;,; 7.'7' SIDE BACON ' in «/2 Ib. pkg.................. jOc 2 fo r 19c, ffl •> .774:'-,'7 '7.'7- . 7 - 7 7;v:,'::y;'7/■■ , .4 ■ *1 - No. 1 a l b e r t a CREAMERY BUTTER & i f/ -i ■ . 3lbs. 79c ^ BEEF D IP P IN G A r „ Jbs.................. .......... Z v C . ; f o r k SAUSAGES a a ft:! - - lb. ...............2 0 c 2 lbs- for 3 5 c SHOULDER lb ...... : .............. RIBS, Breast on..... Ib. .............. LOIN lb.........:................... LEGS ^ lb. ............... ......r..,. SHOULDER CHOP I b . ......................... iTRlBncHOF lb. ............... No. 1 Steer Beef 1- Henry Sotweht ........ 0:35:45 2. "Chuck" Lawritzep..„„0:37:04 3. Sigmund Fulsebakke 0:38:20 4. Nordal Kaldahl ....... 0:41:01 Ralph M orris............ 0:41:40 "Irish" Beaumont --. 0:42:05 elass^B------------ gether. Put, in the boiling milk , ^P^ ^ i l until it thickens, stir-1 ring^*^ 'the time. Use flav.oriDgJ to taste and 1 tablespoon of shredded cocoanut. • * * • *•( BOILING BEEF lb. ............. ................... STEWING BEEF ........................2 lbs. MINCED STEAK , ' ............ ' .......2 lbs. POT ROAST lb........................... b l a d e r ib ROAST Pork i f r CAMBRIDGE SAUSAGES 3 lbs, for New Zealaud B u tt^ 31lisfor 95c S\VBET MINCEMEAT Ib...... .................7 BUTTS Ib...:..„...... .................. . FRESH HAM Ib . ...................... 1 LOINS ~ Ib.......................... ......... Local Veal STEWING VEAL Ib. PRIME JWB 1. William Hansen 0:43:29 2. Duke K night............. 0:48:12 3. "Abie" Knight ..... .T 0:49:41 4. "Scotty" McRae :...... 0:51:12 5. "Mickey" P o g u e ...... 0:53:27 Novice 1. Bill B row n ................. 0:47*15 2. Bill Muir ................... 0:49:04 3. Percy Butler .7_____ 0:52:20 4. Bob Frezell ................ 1:07:21 Ladies (4 Miles) L-Daisy--Bourdon-^--- ( h 4lT49 - Cocoanut Pie __1_ ~2 eggs. 1 cup sugar. . cup water. Ii4 ' teaspoons baking powder. 1V2 cups of flour. Small lump of butter. Bake in two timS:-- - ' WING RIB Ib . ................... DEEP SIRLOIN lb. .............. SIRLOIN TIP lb........... RiB STEAK Ib. .................................. RIB CHOP _ Ib ,............................ ;....... OVEN ROAST |iy .v FOWL, Lar^e 15c 18 c 17 & 20c 25c..... 2 lbs. -ROUND STEAK lb.............::..... J ' -- SIRLOIN S'TEAK Ib.............. ............. T-BONE STEAK lb. xl7c 23c,2rc 25c 2. M argaret G ale.......... 0:46:04 3. Ruby Frost .............. 1:00:00 -4--Tess "Mnrbj'* 777:7........ 1T04Y0^ 5. Marg, N aughton ..... I:()4yl6 6. Olive Longmuir ...... 1:06:05 , Nut Brown Bread % cup graham flour '4 cup white flour. 1 teaspoon baking powder. . 72 cup brown sugar. /•> cup chopped walnuts. 1 cup sweet milk. -- Pinch of. salt. 1 all together and bakf> in OTlng powder can""4(Jifhintif€l ' in moderate oven. . Why Pay More? BUILD NOW -- WHEN PRICES ARE LOW-- Lumber for 12x-16 Garage including floor............. ^ 30.00 mm' r s i ; PHONE W est 1 9 0 1. C- ̂ * F . ' ' ^ > , Mocha C ^ e ' cup butter." 1 cup sugar. ^72 cups flour. Yolk of ,3 eggs. - 1 teaspoon baking powder Grated rin'2T of 1 lemon. 1 of lemon juice. 1 tablespoon warm water. _ ,, "̂ bites well beaten and Delivery to aU West .Vancouver f i , 50 Pt. Close Board Fence 5.00 Shiplap from ................... 9.00 2x4 Common, sized.......... 9.00 2 x 6 to 2 x12 common, sized ........... 10.00 1x2,-3 and 4 D. D. Fir; 7 per 100 lin. f t ............. ,507 Cedar Lattice, per 100 lin. feet .............A.........................25 4 in. Clear (Jutter, any- length, per lin. f t ...... .06 .No. 1 XXX Shingles..... .'. 2.25 Wall ̂ Sfaingles-^Perfectibn 6 in. _ clear* butts per M 1.40 ^ SPECIALS 24^4^27C ight Windows 2,.00 8x10--4 Light Sash ....... 1-00 ^ x l2 --4 Light Sash....... *1.15 Bx10--6 Light Sash ....... 1-25 10x12--6 Light Sash -..... ." 1-40 Uyproc Plaster Board, Building Paper, F ir Veneer 'and all - Building Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. fTDv . 16th and Marine DriVe ̂ Phone West 199. . After_5_p.m. ask for- GenyTOent . Phone West 241B-